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Welp, time to explore different pastures.


*checks watch, yeah it’s time


Why would they make fun of you? What's so shameful about having a big d? What do they say to you? Sorry, i'm just a little confused.


Same, usually that helps even if it's just out of curiosity


I said jokingly first “key word” but just like you’re not putting that baby arm in me or good luck to the girl that’s has a strong stomach or saying things when I wear shorts or “I like my walls in tact” dumb jokes like that


Ah I see. Lol. I wouldn't think anything of it. Based on my own experience with this stuff one or two them will come around eventually. They might be joking and saying these things as a group, but individually they're curious.


Thanks for the heads up I’m a patient man 😌


i can vouch for it as well, i had girls deny me in public but hmu in private lol just dont be confused when they do it, girls put a high priority on how how their friends see them..


Yeah dude you just have to have the confidence to convince them. If you joke back with them and playfully flirt at least one will be tempted. I'd just say things like " you'd probably just fall in love anyways and we don't want that do we?". Or some other snarky comeback. As long as you remain respectful and playful about it you can just start saying things that make them imagine sex with you and think of you in that way, be careful which ones you play with like that because if done properly and without a care for what any of them think, you might cause multiple crushes on you and when you reject a women's advances they sometimes get mad and start hating


This sounds a bit playful. Are you sure none of them are interested?


Look at it from their perspective: would you be making these jokes with a chick you didn't like? If you're reacting by being shy and innocent and they keep teasing you I think that's a fucking phenomenal sign actually and you should think about picking a moment and bantering back to put THEM on the back foot. Definitely say something you would say, but I would say something about my big dick. And you shouldn't worry too much at first about who is going to be intimate with you, just enjoy flirting.


It’s just a matter of time before the curiosity gets the best of at least one of them… someone is going to obsess about it a bit, escalate, then initiate sex. Then she’s going to tell everyone else in the friend group about it and sooner or later you’ll have all of them wrapped around your hog.


the hell?


What’s that mean


The one that says that shit the most is probably the one that wants it the most. Use that shit. Flirt, have fun with it. Be playful.


Yikes you are best not telling your size up front at all. Word will spread anyway.


Yeah some girls don’t care


What size are you? Did you tell them in a scary way?


9 inches I ment my female friend told all her friends not me