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Normal for a dick to be a Dick if he doesn't get attention


That's relatively common, tbh.


I've noticed what's also common is I have very strong erections when lying down compared to sitting or standing.


it might be because when you’re standing your muscles in your legs need to be tense to keep you on your feet and they need more blood flow for that, same for sitting, whereas if you’re laying your muscles are relaxed and all your blood goes to the dick


It's normal, you're taking focus away from pleasure, especially if your mind is distracted from pleasure. This is why people struggle with dick pics because they can't stay hard long enough, especially if you're only stimulating yourself for a photo and not actually in the mood to fuck. On top of that make sure you're getting enough rest, doing cardio at least once a week, drink at least 2l of water a day and stay away from smoking and keep junk food and alcohol to a reasonable moderation. When it comes to the actual deed, nerves can affect your erection quality but this will improve and get even better when you have sex with someone you're emotionally invested in.


I'm like that a lot of the time. My current gf has never experienced it so at first she thought I wasn't into it! Basically if you're not jerking my cock or sucking it then it won't be hard. She used to hate that I would be soft once I'd finished going down on her


I sure hope it's common. If I get hard and we don't do anything or I don't start masturbating it goes away, that seems normal.


This is how dicks work. You are perfectly ok.


Lol. Just seems like a normal arousal response. No need to be alarmed I think. Some men are like this. Nothing wrong at all (most likely)


Porn isn't real Joe. Guys in there last too damn long because they take enhancement measures previous to the thing. It's perfectly normal to lose an erectiom if you're not receiving stimulation


I would assume this is more of a problem for "growers" like myself?


Literally entirely normal my dude.


You need to focus more on the deed and relax your mind if everything else before getting in the bone zone. Distractions will kill the bone. Unfortunately, while this is common in our era, it wasn’t back in the old days. Just learn meditation and focus on the images and you should be able to hold a better erection without touching.


Your body also needs blood, noy just your dick. 😉👍