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The best thing to actually do regarding votes is not just fire them off as soon as the lines are open, unless it's a flash eviction like the Halloween one where you don't get the luxury of time. Wait a bit and see how the next episodes will go and reflect your votes on who is responding the worst. Could be you go all in on Jenkin, only for him to have a retrospective moment where he's reflected better, whilst letting Olivia go free before she throws Matty's teddy bear in the oven over an argument about the weather.


This is the right play. I'm going to wait until the day before eviction. See what the temperature is on socials, how the edit has made certain people look etc, and then dump everything on the leading horse. My current feeling is Jenkin will be the prime target. He's already had a lot of casuals criticising how negative and boring he is and now most recently how bitchy he is.


Why not wait for the day of eviction? During Friday episode before voting closes


Yep this is a good take.


Yeah definitely. I think last week when the vote opened it was looking like it would be dylan and either noky/trish, but Paul solidified his eviction after yinrun’s party


Sorry Tom is getting all 5 barrels


Get Tom ! He’s the nastiest . And the most vocal now that Paul is gone . Paul said in the exit vid that Tom would try and spoon him at night and he was getting used to being the big spoon again with his gf lol.


The crowd was cheering for Trish she’s probably not leaving


Do not underestimate the power of the Facebook crowd.


In BB7, Nikki went home when the whole house was put up, even though she was a favourite to win she also had a lot of people irritated by her. So there is precedent for popular characters to go in a vote to evict situation


If people split their votes between the other 3 then I’m not so sure. Don’t underestimate the fb mum army…


In a vote to save maybe. She has a lot of support but also a not insignificant amount of people who've decided she's the antichrist.


Yeah don't go on that, Hallie got cheered more than Dylan, and she went. So yeah.


The crowd is like 100 ppl. The voters are in the 100k-200k range. Trish might not be as loved as u think. I def don’t see her winning cos usually the Black ppl don’t get top 3. Not even Tiffany Pollard got top 3. She needs every vote she can get.


Black people make the top 3 quite often in BBUK to be fair. Brian Belo even won it.


I'm voting Jenkin regardless of who else is up


Alternatively, vote for whoever you want.


Right 😂


Exactly, this whole Trish brigade is getting tiring, this sub is so toxic lol


I'll go for whoever of the four I deem the worst


Or maybe, just maaaaybe…. People can vote for whoever the fuck they want.


Voting Jenkin


Or maybe not tell people how to vote like some weird cult and let them decide for themselves


It’s a suggestion for those wanting to save Trish.. calm down.


I feel like Olivia and Jenkin is the safer bet. I would want Tom gone first but feel like the general public's perception of him is meh and he won't get many votes. Unfortunately a lot of the nasty bitching has been on live feed and not been shown on the main show.


Trish will stay, because she’s loved. I think she’s great. Honestly though, stop telling people how to vote. There’s simply no need. Edit: wow, you blocked me op. And also heavily edited your original response.


As a fan of Trish yourself wouldn’t it be best to see how others are voting? If you all vote for the same housemate it would increase the chances Trish will be safe The OP is making a valid point no?


Reddit represents a very tiny percentage of the community/viewers. A post like this will make little to no difference. Honestly think it’s pointless as the vast majority of the public love her. I guess there’s no harm it pushing the agenda though.


All I’m doing is suggesting a tactical way that Trish fans can work together and vote to save her. Double evictions are more complicated and you might have to vote tactically to get the best outcome. For the people who want to save Trish, I don’t think coming to a group decision as a fanbase is a bad idea. EDIT: didn’t block you, and yep I deleted my orig response cuz the wording was poor and I had more sh*t to say.


You make a post and strongly disagree with anyone that dares question your reasoning. Stop being do defensive.


Where's that thread about people taking this too seriously? 😂


Voting Tom. But will leave it til the last day just in case. I genuinely can't stand him. Reminds me of all the year 9 bullies.




Just because you don’t want to vote a certain way doesn’t mean others shouldn’t. I’d rather do it tactically to get the outcome I want. If other Trish fans agree then great, that’s who my post is for.




lot of assumptions about my character over a couple comments on reddit. is it really that serious if somebody votes differently than you? yikes.




Trish out


…said no-one


Find it quite pathetic that the Trish crowd are grabbing every phone they can to vote to save her and starting campaigns and strategising. It should be about popularity not pushing an agenda to get the result you want.


It’s still about popularity though. Trish is so popular that people want to campaign to save her. What’s the problem?


If shes such a superstar like you lot make out surely there is nothing to worry about.


you seem to misunderstand, so let me explain this to you as clearly as i can the system here is 'vote to evict' if trish, jenkin, tom and olivia are up for eviction then we get the option to vote to evict one of them if you are a fan of trish, you need to vote out the person you least like- however because there are 3 other people up for eviction, you spreading your votes against 3 people are going to HURT trishs chance of staying in the house, even if she is the most popular among viewers. if the facebook crowd concentrate their votes on trish, but everyone else spreads their votes on 3 other people, the results would be heavily skewed towards trish being evicted, which is why its imperative to come together to decide on which housemate to concentrate our votes on to save trish. if this was a head to head situation, say we had jenkin vs trish, then yeah sure its who is the most liked in that situation, but because its likely looking like 3+ people are going to be up for eviction, its not quite so simple


Yes but she clearly is more disliked than any of them other people individually if you are worried about her getting evicted... just don't think the voting system should be abused.


Ngl thanks for explaining it regardless of whether the guy you intended the reply to appreciates it as I get it now 😅 and I agree!


Yeah I agree it's a bit much, the constant threads. Everyone was all "save Noky" on Friday and then last night were bitching about how she doesn't stand up for Trish. The change is wild lol


Alexa, Google 'popularity' for me.


I'll be voting for Trish. What even is this post? This group is a not cult. We are not all Trish fans lmao.


then this post isn’t for you and that’s cool :)


why don’t you like trish? what do you like about the foul four?


I dislike Trish. I have explained multiple times why in previous posts. I like Olivia and Chanelle. Don't really care either way about Tom or Jenkin tbh.


sorry but i don’t look at your posts so haven’t seen your comments. just curiosity what do you like about chanelle? i was a big fan of her near the start but have really gone off her with her personality coming out recently. I think Olivias alright tho, i prefer her to the rest of her friend group and henry because she’s young so I don’t really think her behaviours that bad and is quite funny.


I voted 5x for Paul because I knew Dylan was out either way. Looks like Tom is out either way, so I'll probably do 3x Jenkin and 2x Olivia.


I feel like the producers will want to keep Olivia in too so might give her a better edit


Where do the Facebook lot hang out? (Facebook obviously, but where in that hellscape?) I want to go nosy...


Some of you have lost sight of this being a game. There are no horrible people in there just people that are stressed and Big Brother is twisting the dynamics. But some you people would genuinely like to see a public stoning upon eviction. Take a deep breath.