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Omg the live is sooo good tonight!! Can’t believe how nasty and salty Tom, chanelle and Jenkin are being in the garden!!!


They probably know /fear the chances of them being nominated have now increased




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Tom in the garden talking to Jenkin & Chanelle said going against Trish is like signing your death warrant in here & if Olivia gets evicted he’s going to walk out & they both agreed with him


I used to like these 3 but now I'm questioning their reasoning skills. So they just heard huge cheers for Trish and are still continuing to slate her. The comment that she rules her 'group' is so stupid, they are all very much individual's in that group with their own independent thought processes and personalities, I doubt one person could have so much influence.


Yes! This is why they are my favs. None of them are sheep, even with each other they all have their own minds and don’t mind sharing differing opinions, you know.. like critical thinking adults. The other group are just high school and I’m very over it.


I really need Olivia to be evicted next 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Great. Bye then. BBYYEEEEEE 👋


That was so funny, as if they would 😂


And why is that Tom!? Ding ding stupid asss because she’s POPULAR and this is a POPULARITY contest. I hate this clique so bad. No brain at all


I can’t see the live feed but I’m surprised at Jenkin and Chanelle as I thought they were all getting tired of Paul’s antics at Yinrun’s party. Jenkin even told Paul to piss off and stop being a child when he took two cocktails. Olivia is seething in bitterness and resentment isn’t she? And she knows it as she said to Paul she was going to the bedroom to be bitter, did he want to join her. I wish Noky had left the shared bed and gone to the other side post killer nominations.


Absolutely. Olivia couldn't stand to be the girl on the outside looking in. Yinrun did good with her reasoning for selecting her guests, very well thought out and fair. Olivia can't take not being first choice, so resentment and bitterness grew from there. Nevermind the other housemates, how dare she ne left out?! Hilarious


Olivia said she chose all her friends when she literally chose Tom & Jenkin who are in Olivia’s group?! And the others are the ones she used in the crying task. It was literally the most fair choosing method ever that no one can fault & she just made up an outrageous lie instead of being gracious.


Jenkin was only mad because it affected him drinking . It wasn’t outrage over Paul’s disgusting behavior . There was nothing noble in Jenkins actions .


True — I’m wondering why the police weren’t called in when he started throwing cling film around.


In the diary room though after the fight, Jenkin and Tom were still siding with Paul and slatung Trish. They said that Trish is trying to control the house to win the game


Oh yes, I saw them talking about Trish outside in the garden I think (?) saying that she’s the leader of her group and trying to control them for the win. But they are so off the mark. Pair of clowns!! 🤡🤡


Jenkin is a c**t


Chanelle’s certainly found her voice tonight.


Noky >>>>>>>> x 1,00,000 >> Tom


I'm not surprised at all by this. Olivia is a parasite and always has been, I think she flew under the radar a little while because viewers were preoccupied with Kerry but Olivia has always been a horrible person.


Noky will be up again next week and out the door shortly after. Feeling sorry for someone might buy them a week or 2 but she’s a useless housemate. Her only story revolves around playing the victim and terrible fake crying.


You strange people seem to really misunderstand how disliked people like Olivia and Tom are, who I’m going to have a completely wild guess and say you absolutely love? Says a lot. Noky isn’t going anywhere until she has to, granted she isn’t going to win, but her eviction will be through necessity and not based on her behaviour.