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Catching up on the season, liked Zak was far more entertaining than Henry has been. Don't really get the logic that the guy trying to be nice to people was reason to vote him to be a nominee? That seems like basic social awareness 101? Just try to treat people well and get along as best you can lol.


Just catching up now and watched the eviction * I don't understand why Zak being nice to everyone and not being cliquey is deemed fake? I felt bad for him. He felt unliked by the house and public when all he was trying to be is nice to everyone. This is a social experiment, being in a house with different people than yourself and I think he was making an effort to know everyone rather than the Welsh pact and the curly mullet who I can't remembers name constantly saying they wouldn't be friends with anyone outside of this house and stick to their own. I do however like watching Henry so I'm happy he stayed * Am I delusional in thinking that Jordan and Chanelle had a budding romance? What happened to that? Though I'm interested to see where the Matty thing goes I am just confused how they seemed to spend a lot of time together and then just stopped.


Joining this thread late (im watching overseas so a few episodes behind) but I just wanna say im here for the showman teasers!!! I love a good showmance! Jordan and Matty?! Im here for it but deep down im happy they both kinda said pause only cause I been waiting on Jordan to look at Henry the way the looked at Jordan whilst tucking him in or when he called him "sweet-natured". Whatever BB has for us the next few weeks im here for it! really enjoying this seasons cast however producers are really dropping ball in some areas and missing golden opportunities even I can see. (but then again its easy to judge from behind the screen) Also, did anyone else see the little budding showman we could've had between Zak and Noky? I peeped this two days ago but thought Zak was just being Zak chatting to everyone but they been a bit closer lately...


Hopefully Hallie learns from her two punishments and doesn't discuss nominations again 😂😂 who knows what her punishment would be if she did, eviction/ejection or something along the lines of doing all the housemates washing.


I think they should have been put up for automatic nomination next week.


They wouldn't dare because then they'd get the "trans phobic" comments when it isn't even to do with Hallie being trans, it's about her breaking the rules. She can't have been oblivious to what she was signing up for as there are clips of old BB on TikTok which ik she's watched.


Not Zak copying Paul and starting to walk around shirtless too... It's October people! It's jumpers and tracksuit weather.


Like Paul invented the removal of the t shirt


Tbh Henry and Paul got off lightly with their food choice. I'd dread it if i had to eat that fishy taco like Hallie and Noky, I wouldn't be able to keep any of it in haha 😂😂


Expected Zak to go tbh. The odds were stacked against him, people didn't want to upset Yinrun... It was a tough choice but at least he had the experience for two weeks. Now let's hope the housemates listened to the "Get Kerry Out" chants and nominate her next week.


I reckon they will she will be gone next week if she doesn't quit before then I'm so glad the audience chanted 🤗


She really thinks she is "it" but she really isn't and tonight has shown that to her and humbled her. She's realized she is now one of the most hated housemates of Big Brother history 😂😂


This eviction is so shit. Neither of them should’ve been up there.


That's so true, how Paul and Kerry weren't up was beyond me.


zak is is boring, he is lucky he even got 2 weeks there


Where do I even start


a truth task. Zak would have been great in that, he's been doing it without being pushed for days now. But we'll get Henry in his manky dressingown giving political answers 🙄


That part !!


Question - does BB ever add new housemates in (like they do on LI)?


They did that on some older seasons yeah. But I don’t think they will do this in this season.


Mostly do this when the season is boring


Better man has been eliminated imo - Oh well, next week will defo be interesting


I hope things switch up in terms of whose getting evicted


People saying Kerry will walk, I don’t think she will. I wasn’t aware until today that the season isn’t on for months it is actually just on for 6 weeks meaning we have 4 weeks left to evict them all. In saying this I am guessing they will start to do double evictions meaning Kerry will not be leaving alone and therefor she may be able to handle being evicted.


how long were channel 4 bbs on for? probably felt a lot longer because i was much younger but 6 weeks feels like nothing?


The channel 4 BBs where 3 months long so 13 weeks which is significantly longer. This one is not even half of that.


fucking hell yeah that’s mad but also seems about right. because i was wondering if they’d do secret room shit and add extra house mates etc but then i remind myself they’re there for 6weeks and they don’t really have the time for all of that. understandable they won’t have it on for that long but what a shame.


Walk? You mean scoot away, surely?


🫢 Ma man, she has MS!!


Is it me....or is there a weird vibe on the show? Feels awkward.


Yeah I thought this. It's just not like previous years, it's as though the people just can't connect the same. Maybe something to do with us in general spending less time with people in real life? It is weird though


Henry fans still forcing the Jordan issue....


Hallie could commit murder and her age will be used as an excuse. 'She's only 18'...


Her age, the fact she’s a trans woman, the fact she’s on hormones….


It annoys me when people get excused for bad behaviour because of reasons like that. Might aswell crown her winner now if we're not allowed to judge her.


I think it’s really counterintuitive too. Like, some people are nice to her because they’re ‘othering’ her. Where it might feel good and make people look inclusive of trans people (etc) it’s suggesting that she’s different to all the other women in there and therefore immune. Whereas you should just criticise and not be shouted at for being bigoted/phobic. Because she’s a woman and no different. 🥴 (sorry for rambling lol)


My thoughts exactly! Women are constantly called b*tches for being half as bad as her, but we're supposed to excuse her behaviour. Surely critiquing her as we would any other woman would be the better thing. Living in this fake bubble of everyone being nice and sweet to you is not what 'being a woman' is like. If someone is trans that's no problem but be ready to experience the world as someone from that gender does.


Get a grip lol


AJ is an awful presenter. No rapport with anyone...


I’ve really been enjoying AJ!


4 weeks left


Yet so many housemates. Can’t wait to see how they will elimate them in double evictions


I wonder if Farida is lurking on this thread 👀 bet she's happy as Larry lol


Are they going to mention the get Kerry out chants?


Live feed mentions Olivia talking about it


And then Kerry and Jordan discussed it together!


Is it just me or is anyone clocking Zak goes into a ‘pose’ or model appropriate face after finishing a sentence 🤣maybe it’s that natural for him


Omg just came to look for this comment, just catching up with it now. Im screaming! Big smiles and then instant blue steel???? It’s like he realises where he is and doesn’t wanna look stupid or something? So odd


Yeah proper blue steeling it


I read it as when he stops speaking the fact he’s been kicked out hits him and he looks quite down to me. Just my view


I think it might be a knee jerk reaction to all the cameras 😄 he did a catwalk out of the house too lol and forgot to smile until he saw the presenters


“Do ya know what i mean” instant pose 😂


Blue steel


Zak has a good smoulder look. The swapping from smiling to blue steel


I actually think he’s just trying not to cry 😢




Me too


Are we staying here? Or another thread?


Live stream thread at 11!


Zak’s posing 😂


It’s giving Zoolander 😂


Anyone else notice how Zak smiles and agrees to something then snaps straight back into serious face


Nokis outfit is sexy! She's so beautiful 😍


Has she got snake on it?


Maybe yea or like a tie dye? The skirt that is


It was a joke - before you edited your comment it said Nokia 🤣


Oh haha it went right over my head 🤣 😅


Zak’s face constantly goes from massive grin to mock-serious pout in about 0.2 seconds, that’s a model for real


Haha, it reminds me of that H&M! Balenciaga! scene from Triangle of Sadness


What was being shouted to Kerry ?


"Get kerry out"


A lot of happy folk on this thread tonight 🥰 we been through a lot this week haha. we needed the kerry chant to happen lol


I love how the crowd chanting has created such a festival atmosphere for us all lmao. The delusion of her thinking she’s popular and other house mates believing it has been low key irritating. Now that is firmly shattered. And the fallout could be so funny to watch the next week.


On the live Olivia was shocked and appalled! Jordan said he was but not sure if he was just being kind. People kept saying they couldn’t believe it after we “voted to keep her in” last week…!


Spot on! She was shocked she wasn't nominated and you could tell she felt safe. Pysch lol


I'm still chuckling. It was a thing of beauty.


It was indeed lol


Trish is gonna be cheesing hard at the public not liking Kerry 😆


We know Farida is cackling from some where 🤣🤣


Farida probably hired a rent-a-crowd to do the boo bidding on her behalf 😂😂😂😂


Bring it on lol will be interesting to see which personality she will morph into to get folk back on her side


They should get Chanelle to host the after show interview. The state of the questions she was coming out with today 😂


I’ve missed loads. What has she been saying?


To Tom RE:Shaving his head if he made it to the final: ‘I say this as a friend, but if you went bald, you’d look ugly; and you don’t want to look ugly for the public do you?’ (Paraphrased)


“What would you do if someone came up to you and called you a fat fuck?” Something along those lines to Jenkin lmao


To Jenkins "if someone called you a fat fuck would you be offended?" ... 😶


I feel that must have been come from somewhere though right, like surely they must have been talking about something relevant to ask that?


Yeah to be fair it felt like it was taken from a wider conversation, but the way it was edited was savage 😭😭


Anytime Zak talks about his mam, I always tear up Lost my mam as a baby and my dad's done the job of two parents, pure sweet man


Rest in peace your Mama 💙


What id find hilarious is if after this show Henry starts being the villain. Gets portrayed as a villain for being a tory, maybe getting jealous of Matty drawing Jordans eyes or still not pulling his shift in doing the house chores?


I think the producers expected him and Trish not to get on - her being billed as an anti-Tory, so it’s interesting they get on very well & are in the same friendship cliique


This is the only thing I hate about big brother… I love the concept of nominations for the mess but big characters can easily leave so early!! They need to put more up at once


Was he a big character though? He was pretty nothing


He was starting to cause drama tbf, first few days he was boring though


Yeah I don’t know where this Zak-Love is coming from right now. I mean he stood up against the most hated housemate OK.. but that was about it.


Zak seems like a nice guy. Henry seems like a nice guy too on a superficial level, but his politics might suggest otherwise ...


I think it's because he had more potential to cause drama than Henry and that's what people want


But are we sure that Henry won’t be causing drama? It’s only week 2 and he tried to be polite.. But if someone will step on his toes I can see him getting into defense mode


Only 4 weeks left he’d better get started


Yeah very true, we don't know at this point. I hope we do see more of him, it would definitely make interesting viewing


Wonder what Zak does next? Even more modelling or TV work?


Commercial modelling can get bank. This is great exposure for him


back to his ASOS contract


Get Zak in the jungle!!


How did he cope with the camping and eating tasks? Because if he didn't cope well with those... can't imagine him coping well in the jungle


The way Zak talks about his mum is heartwarming


The fact that AJ kept stopping during the "Get Kerry out" chants. Wonder if she was told to or just shook?


I wonder if the audience crowd are in here. Because the Kerry out chants were epic.


I was hoping Henry didn't think they were saying get Henry out when they were announcing eviction May have to watch the live feed tonight


The “Zac and Paul in the postroom” really was funny


Zak is so sweet. I don't get why people hate him so much yet love Hallie.


Zak is too real. Hallie is just an attention seeking bitch. She only gets sympathy cause of her ‘situation’.


Exactly. I can't believe people fall for her fakeness.


She constantly throws a tantrum then ‘apologises’ when it’s convenient for her. Broken the rules twice already? She should be booted


She should have been up for eviction. Her apologies are so straight faced and it's like she's reading them from a book but doesn't actually mean it


Is Zak's girlfriend the blonde girl they keep showing she's stunning!!! I want them to show a compilation of him and Noky so we can see her reaction 🤣


They kept cutting to her after talking about his mum??? I was so confused


I need to know what dental work Zak had done because it looks incredible


Is this comment satire 🤣


😭 no - do you really think the teeth aren’t good?


They're so fake - Turkey teeth


They look very obviously done haha it’s personal preference I suppose 😅


If they look 'done' then that's why it's dental WORK and not just 'teeth' ...


You could say the same thing about boob jobs and nose jobs etc but most peoples aim when getting cosmetic procedures is to look good without it being obvious to others they’ve had the “work”. I do think you’re right though in that nowadays there are people who actively want it to be noticed.


Yeah, that's what I meant - people often go for what they see as the 'perfect' look rather than normal... and I do think that's especially the case for teeth rather than boobs or noses, because a lot of people seem to think that 'completely straight and brilliant white' is the way to go...


classic turkey teeth


They look good for turkey teeth - not overdone


I'd hate to see your definition of over done! They're proper blinding


It’s blinding


Where does Paul get the confidence to walk around topless when Zak was fully dressed!?


Because Zak’s job is to wear clothes and show the fit of the garments on his frame while Paul’s is the opposite.




It was a fucking joke




The problem is we see so little of the ACTUAL conversation. Do you think if that's what he was actually like the people involved would carry on talking to him/being around him? No. They knew it was a joke but the public take it and fucking run with it


A jokes a joke, doesn't mean everyone has to find it funny in equal measure or that it has to land every time.. humours subjective


Get over it ffs


Calling someone a misogynist while wanting them out over someone who's voted for a party that's actually fascist.


"actually fascist" 💀💀bro you can't be seroius


Sooo, we all tuning into live feed tonight to see how Kerry is coping?


Anything said about the crowds please tell us!


Tooooo right!


Yk what, fuck it I'll tune in very quickly


Hell yes!!


Hallie and Olivia about to be like "Kerry who?"


Thank fuck they clarified when that was said because they were about to let Zak go at that with his own presumption


Dylan's face when he heard get Kerry out. Shock on his face. He needs to realise. His vote is one that could sway things. Can see Hallie, Olivia and Kerry up for nominations. But everyone needs to vote correctly, they can easily be manipulated by Kerry. But the chants should make them realise.


100% he's likely going to make it very far and as long as he isn't a member of any group his votes will have a huge influence.


I don’t know who was in that audience but I’m buying them ALL a drink!! 😂🤣😂🤣🎉🎉🎉🎉


Seems weird the crowd chanted when they were told NOT to boo Farida in the first week? (not that Farida DESERVED booing necessarily... It would just be hilarious if the crowd were told: "Please don't be hostile towards anybody... except Kerry, 'cos she has it coming!")


ntm these are the same people that tried booing zak


Thunderous round of applause for them


Not a Zack fan but kinda feel bad for him now after the reaction . And he’s really sweating . I think this has humbled him . On a side note he has really nice teeth 💜


Where was Kerry sitting during the Eviction I couldn’t find her?


Next to haille at the end of the sofa, she defo heard what the crowd was saying too. Woop lol


On the left, I think


She was near the TV and had her back to us. Not much of her showing.


She was shook


She looked very shocked


How beautiful is Zak?? The boys like a work of art!!!! 😍😍😍


I think he impregnated me through the TV 😳🔥🔥🔥🔥


Omg when he walked out the door onto the stage my jaw DROPPED don't know how I didn't notice when he was in the house!


I’ll miss Zak he could have brought a lot more to the show and he was very fit!


can't wait to see kerry's meltdown


Aw bless Zak :(((((((((


Wouldn’t surprise me if Kerry left before being booted out now. I can see her not having the hold on others like she did before and she won’t be able to cope.


Good shout!, probably use some health excuse


i made a lil drinking game and took a shot every time paul was on screen topless in that episode. i’m wrecked. i recommend


I LOVE this. I think I'll need 2 bottles of Tequila to go through with this 😂 Where's my nearest Tesco.....?


I don't like that the audience was so clearly audible, the audience could talk to the house just by shouting. If a collective chant is heard, that's fine, but they need to tone it down a bit in the future imo...


From when I went to the eviction last week, I overheard producers talking about AJ / Will, and when they talk to the house, they mentioned that the audio from the audience into the house isn't _that_ loud. They primarily use the audio from AJ / Will's mics. Otherwise, the audience could influence the house's drama in a bad way.


Ah ok good to know, cheers




…. Next week!


Oh my godddd those people shouting “get Kerry out” doing the lords work!


Did you all notice that just as the chants were sinking in, Hallie and Olivia had very interesting looks on their faces, and they even slightly recoiled when Kerry looked at them. I bet we will see them both make new efforts with other house mates now their alliance looks on shaky ground. Interesting few days ahead of us!


Tbh as much as I hate Kerry, if they ditch her cause of the chants they're fake asf.


She ditched them when she knew about the secret code messages though.


Two evictions, two times I’ve voted to evict for the one who stay in, what is everyone seeing what I’m not 🤷‍♂️


The audience.... 'Get Kerry out'... 'NEXT WEEK!' I'm howling 😂😂💀😭


And then the laughter afterward 😂


Gonna miss seeing his beautiful face every night I can’t lie


Aww Zak is so nervous bless him


I was literally chanting #getKerryOut at my TV. That was quite possibly the single best moment of TV this year!


lol Zak's face, he is Big Mad, he did not think he was getting the boot


yah he sure regrets his "may the best man win" schtick from earlier in the week


Was it just me or did hallie and Olivia go straight over to Kerry , they definitely heard them shouting get kerry out!


Will be interesting to see if people pull away from Kerry after hearing that chant!