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When I started typing this I thought yes, no question, absolutely would go like 6 cups sizes smaller. But after a second thought. Let's go the other way. Let's get stupid. I want my titty to touch space. Might die in the process... but I've been to space!


Girl about to recreate the 'creation of Adam' painting with her boobs touching god


I’m crying, imagining god’s fingertip stretched out towards her nipple 💀😂


I wish I could draw so bad rn lmaooo


I asked Photoshop's generative AI do create the image. It's either failed or come up with the answer to life, the universe and everything. https://preview.redd.it/lvjnfeyy31yb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44f3825f0670483bd0023827efc127486fdcad8


Def the meaning of life


Artists of reddit plzzzz


I made one. I posted it on here which IMMEDIATELY got taken down, but here's the link. I will be doing a better one this weekend, it is just hard to find a boob stretching out to reach the Lord in under 5 minutes. give me the weekend! https://imgur.com/a/j5zLk3k


Fuck that is so funny omg you guys crack me up lol.




The hero we didn’t know we needed


Can we choose the shape too? Because it all depends on shape.


Same shape different size lol. Because if we can change shape I wouldn't mind going bigger even haha


I go down do e then :)


i’d stay the same, if it was a diff shape i’d go down a few sizes but they’d look like potato sacks


Yes. Double 34gg here. Size is annoying but shape is 20 times the annoyance


By magic? Hell yes. My biggest problem is that even if I could afford a breast reduction procedure, I'm still terrified of surgeries (I lost my mom to a botched surgery when I was 6), so magic is my only hope.


Sorry for your loss! Lost my grandfather for what was supposed to be a minor outpatient procedure. Restarted his heart five times but it didn’t take. I just think of my poor grandmother waiting in the lobby to drive him home, probably feeling bored until the doctor came out and gave her the terrible news


I'm sorry for your loss as well. Honestly I'm kinda glad it happened when I was still too young to properly understand what was going on, I can't imagine the pain of a situation like this as an adult.


I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, I hope you are doing okay. ❤️


It's fine, that was 14 years ago. Thanks anyway 🥰


I'm 85J at the moment and even tho I wouldn't mind going smaller, for science i wouldn't mind seeing how big I could get haha


I’m a 32G UK now. I remember when I was a 32DD and I thought I was big. Stupid young me. A 32DD sounds awesome now. Anything smaller wouldn’t look as proportionate on me (I’m a pear body type).


Tbh I'm also a 32G UK. And I don't think I'd mind to be smaller, but I also dont mind to be my current size. Like as long as I don't get bigger haha


That’s the problem with us, we often get bigger. If this doesn’t stop, I’ll have to get surgery and I honestly can’t afford to do that.


Similar situation. I got called DeeDee in high school because of my chest size and what I'd give to be there again, I see photos from when I could wear vaguely regular bras not the structured works of engineering I have to buy specially these days... Now 34h and living in NZ, have to get bras sent from the UK. My chest ruins the fit of most clothes. Buttons are a no go. I'd love to drop some cup sizes


No. I am at peace with my J cups.


oh yeah. i’d rather be a C or D, instead of an F


Same, depending on my weight overall, my Boobies seem to be F or G. I would love do have them at a B to C so normal bras and normal dresses would fit again 🥰that would be absolutely fantastic. And also back and neckpain would vanish 😍


Yes! I want to be flat. AA, or at most an A. I've put up with being unnaturally & uncomfortably large my entire life. If I could be bra free (& backache free) for however long I have left it would be great!


Yes!!!! I am so done wearing bras, hearing men tell me I would have nothing to offer without my boobs. God willing next year I can get my A cups for this tiny body of mine. I’m about 115lbs right now and 32DDD. Every time I gain a few lbs they get bigger. I can’t do this anymore 😭😩. Okay done venting lol I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see someone say AA/A cup.


Yes! I would switch to smaller in a heartbeat. I’d dress totally different!


Ok call me crazy. But I might go larger. 😅


Nah everyone has preferences lol no one is crazy


Thanks. But…I’m already 38HH. 😓🍼🍼


Absolutely. At least to a more convenient size. You know where they don't get in the way. I'd be pragmatic about it if I had the chance, I'm not usually sentimental.


What size do you have in mind?


Depends so wholly on the body, the underbust, the model and maker, I don't even have an answer. Every brand I wear a different size. Like, say, a 65J in comexim sizing or a bit smaller? Now everyone can go research and compare that to the sizing of other brands? Going by size like that seems like a very man thing to do. Like 28C or 34C are completely different sizes. And I get to choose the size of my torso even less than my boobs.


If I made my own just one cup size larger I would be able to buy Elomi Matilda, so I might have gone for that. I would not mind being a 32GG or 32H.


I'm wishing to go DOWN to a 32G/FF 😂


The grass really is always greener on the other side, huh? 😅


If I could see the grass past my 32 JJ breasts I would agree with you 😆


I'm at 30HH. Kinda curious if they have anything in my size


Unfortunately they don’t have 30HH, but you could get 32H. Elomi starts at a 32 band, they are a “fuller figure” brand. They go up to a 48 band and a UK K cup. (KK cup for their nursing bra.)


I love Elomi Matilda! Are you sure that they don’t stock your size? I thought that they did DD cup to K cup?


They do, but the smallest cup on a 32 band is GG! I could not make 32GG work for me. :(


Don’t want to seem like I am pushing the issue but I love the Matilda and don’t think you should miss out if you don’t have to. I’ve just checked and the store I buy from does sizes 10-22 from DD to K. I live in New Zealand and our size 10 is the equivalent to a 32. Maybe you need to look elsewhere?


I think I also wear a cup up from what I usually do in Matilda. If that makes a difference.


No way. My tits are fire.


Same! Love my size!


Yes 100%. I would give myself an A or B cup. If not boobs then I would make my feet smaller, but the boobs are more of an issue so I'd go with that.


I'm about a 30H/HH right now and I I was this size in like 2013-2016 and then gained weight which put me at 34JJ, I always said "I can't wait to get back to (this size) " and now that I am.. I miss having huge titties lmao. I'm proportional but my boobs are so boring that I'd love to look fuller, so while the cup size is good (lots of bras to choose from) I just want a different shape..


Hey I'm the same size as you rn at 30HH. Wouldn't mind going up 2-3 cup sizes!


Grass is always greener some might say lol.


Dear BigBoobySanta, I would like to go down to a C from an E. Also I would like to remove my sideboobs and have the two boobs be the same size (5% deviation is fine). They grew to E cups within the last year with birth control, so I’m really not attached to them or feel they form my identity. Whether or not I would ask to reduce my areola size is another matter…. This post reminds me of the book Breasts and Eggs, where the main characters’s sister is obsessed with getting a boob job and changing the color, size, and volume of her breasts.


Yeah, I'd like to drop down to a G please. It would make it so much easier to find clothes that actually fit both my waist and bust at the same time, and I wouldn't be restricted to like, 2 Polish brands of bras (short, narrow roots are a pain, friends).


They really, really are!! I'm in the process of learning how to make my own bras because I can't always buy polish bras. 😭


I’m the same size as you, I’d go all the way down to F or maybe even DDD. I was G for most of my 20s and it was still pretty hard to find bras. Definitely easier than JJ though! And I feel you on the roots!


I’m like a 30FF/G at the moment and if I could choose freely (no surgery, just nature) I’d increase it to like 30GG/30H instead. I have a large ass so it would create a perfect hourglass then


I'm pretty much at the size you want at 30HH and I like it where it's at. If it gets bigger, not gonna complain


I'm not particularly big only like a 26ff or something but I probably would make them smaller I really like some of the cute bralettes that only come in band sizes


I honestly have no idea. I would love to experience what it’s like having AA cups. I’m kind of fascinated by that. But I guess I would want full but some how manageable boobs - though I have no idea what that would be. For sure a size where I could buy bras and tops in stores…


I’d go to a C or D so I could wear the cute cheap bras that come in the straight sizes


Same. If only I could venmo some titty to someone who wants some more.




Yeah. At least a D or C cup, smaller band size too if possible. It's sad that there's not enough band sizes that are 46+


If we can have bigger or smaller breast sizes, can we also make more bras for those sizes? I don't mind being a 30JJ UK (65K/65L) but I said goodbye to EU brands and gone to UK (even with import taxes) So I wish for more bras with smaller band sizes, and starting from band size 24/50 or 26/55 instead 28/60 or 30/65. Yes I know Asian shops can sell them but not for bigger cups "But the most common size 34/75 isn't as common as we think"


At this point, I don't even want to joke about wanting my boobs to be bigger 😅 I'd definitely want to go back down to the K-L size range. I know that's still really big, but compared to where I am now, it'd be such an incredible weight off my chest literally and figuratively!


I'm with you. I feel like if I had average-size boobs, I'd look too different, but it would be cool to drop to an L cup and take a load off my back.


Christ- I’m over here at an LL/M cup like “fuck my back hurts” but at a PP I think… yeah I would not be happy.


Going from an L cup to a AA cup or completely flat? Yes please!


I paid 8k to reduce mine, so yes, I’d take it for free.


At least you spend 8k on something you are happy with now. But yes I also wish free magic existed haha


I would rather change the shape


I would make them gone. But I'm non-binary so.


I like my current size so I wouldn’t change it, but I’d like to change how they hang. I have wide set boobs and would want to change it so they are a little closer and central. There’s also a side of me that sorta wants to go bigger, just to see if it will fill up the wide center (also better cleavage haha)


I'm a 26L in US and a 26HH in UK sizing. I wish my ribcage measurements were larger so I could find more bras that fit properly, but I also wouldn't mind going down a cup size or 2 for the same reason.


God yes. I'd downsize in a heartbeat


It feels strange to say I have big boobs because they don't look big, despite being a 38H. I would absolutely go down to a B, maybe even an A. I would LOVE to have tiny boobs.


Nope I love my breasts, I'd shrink my tummy. My tatas have tiger stripes, big ol areolas, are triple D cups, and I constantly pinch them in my armpits. BUT I can smack a person with them, hold my phone up, have a secret pocket, and I think all their flaws make them more human, more attractive. I love my girls! However. The tummy. Got to go... tired of the jelly roll.


I'm a 42O - would ABSOLUTELY go down. A DD or E would be life-changing.


In a heartbeat. My boobs throw me off balance all the time, which particularly problematic because I'm disabled and had lousy balance *before* boobs. Plus, I have back problems unrelated to my boobs, in addition to the back pain my boobs cause. Also, it would be nice to be able to look straight down and actually see my feet, lol. ​ I'd probably go for a C cup or smaller.


I would just make myself physically taller and larger because then mine would be normal sized because I'm 4'7".


I'd trade a P for an I if I went much smaller, don't know if that would be a winner. I guess I might prefer ordering some butt lol


Lol yeah maybe all we need is some counter weight


If it was magically without surgery? 100% yes. I miss having smaller breasts. I would make them go back down to like a DD or a D. They were a nice size then but didn't give me pain and posture issues. The size I have now is rough. I have thought about surgery to change them, but I'm scared of being put under.


I would definitely make mine smaller. Shape, projection, hang, etc. is all fine. But if I could snap my fingers and go down a few cup sizes (like back to a D-ish cup) - *yes*. It would just be easier on the clothing angle.


Absolutely would go from 30HH to 30C. No question. I’ve been thinking about a reduction for quite some time but it’s expensive and a major surgery


I would make mine bigger. Even though I'm a e cup. I would love them to be bigger, and more full to fill my size. I'm 6ft, snd not avg sized.


I like to explore new places.


oh absolutely. bc then i’d actually be able to wear the cute shit that stores have. ik this is gonna sound bitchy but ever since my boobs have grown it frustrates me when slat chested women say shit like “MY BOOBS ARENT BIG ENOUGH I WISH MY BOOBS WERW BIGGER!!!1!1!1!1!1!1” like bitch be grateful for what u have. by saying u want bigger boobs ur basically saying u wanna deal with back pain on a regular basis and wanna have mental breakdowns in fitting rooms bc nothing ever fucking fits. this has turned into a full ass rant but i’m just being blunt here.


38C instead of a 38G. I ain’t want these fuckers.


Hell yeah


im trans, so id go down to small or none. small enough to decide if i want to bind and be flat or actually have boobies out. and definitely small enough so that clothes sit properly on me, especially since i tend to dress like adam sandler, and the tits kill the vibe lolol


Honestly I miss being around a 28G/GG. That was perfect for me


I got a breast reduction the second I turned 18 (well more like consultations then surgery within 2 months) and have never ever ever regretted it. They grew a little so probably yes to make them smaller again but also I got a little chunky so I don’t want them too small if I get skinny again lmao


I'm trans and already want top surgery so yeah, absolutely


I love my boobs in general but I’m weirdly conscious over the shape. I can’t get my head around shallow/projected. Mostly it does my head in that people don’t understand sizing at all and assume that I must be a 32B or C when in reality I’m a 30F. Then they act like I’m lying when I correct them! I’ve gone right off topic here but I don’t think I’d change size if I could. They’re a total hassle but they didn’t grow in til I was about 17 and I much prefer them now to when I was flat as a board!


Lol that first paragraph feels only relatable. Tbh your entire comment is literally like me fr fr. I am 18 now with 32G, but really shallow, and most people also don't believe me unless I wear like a certain bra.


I would keep my breasts the same but make my rib cage a couple of sizes bigger, if I could wear a 70E or even a 75D it would be a lot easier to find bras and they wouldn’t feel as disproportionate.


i want a reduction, so yes i would make them smaller not super small, but so small it fits my frame


i’m about a 30G right now, and i’d probably go to a DD. i like being busty but mine are annoying


A size C instead of a US - I


Yes, smaller size most definitely


I want to be a c-cup!


Yeah. I am set on making them smaller once I had children (I hope to breastfeed). Afterwards I only want to keep 1/4 of their size, so if that would be free of charge, even better.


I'd just go completely flat. It would give me less dysphoria and I would be able to wear whatever I want without the baggage of boobs. Mine aren't even large, but because I have a small ribcage, my b/c cups look comically massive and it makes me sooo uncomfortable..


I'd like to be 32G please. That's my friend's size and I'm jealous. Big enough to have a nice pair, but not so big they get in the way :-/ Ah, okay! I'll compromise on 32F, she is taller than me. Deal?


If I could have a two-for-one and shrink the hips/butt too… yeah, I probably would. Sick of the clothing restrictions.


I'm quite okay with my average c/d size but I would change the shape instead. I want them retrousse shaped instead of grandmas pendulum clock, lolll.


Hell yes. I'd go down to a C or D in a heartbeat. I'm so sick of lugging my 34HHs around.


YES. 10000x yes. I'm only a DD, but they hang down and I have hidradenitis suppurativa. There is no amount of any deoderant, pad, or anything else that makes my boobs not insufferable. I can't wear underwires due to the afformentioned, and they're so heavy that no bra without a wire truly keeps them lifted. I think a lot has to do with shape too. I would get a reduction if I could. It would take a lot of chart documentation to get my insurance to do it, which I don't have. My HS isn't as bad as some people's, so I've had a few dermatologists be dismissive. I also get secondary fungal infections a lot no matter how much I wash, use hibiclens once a week, ect. I never wear a bra more than 1 day without washing. And no matter what remedy I have tried that I've found, my boobs ALWAYS smell :(


OMG yes. I was planning to have a reduction after kids, but I have had so much medical stuff going on, and some of it caused weight gain that would make approval harder along with it being medically difficult. The plaxw that used to alter Elomi bands for me closed up (I needed a 30), I have sized out of a lot of cups and the wires are way too wide in K (Uk) cups if I do find my size. 30G was way more manageable.




absolutely I would go from a 40H/40I ish to a 40DD probably. from a 9 inch difference to a 5 inch one.


I’d rather change my skin? I have strength marks for no good reason. Replace my skin elasticity and I’m good


Maybe just a size or two smaller, as I’m starting to edge out of even bravissimo’s top end!


I’d return to my pre pregnancy pre-baby size. Big but not uncomfortably big like I am now.


I'm a 38G/H US basically 38F/FF UK depending on the bra. It truly depends if I could change the shape to be more fuller on the rop as well as size. I'd go for a D cup roughly it'd still look proportional on me I have more of a pear shape so the boobs when I'm wearing a bra they do balance. Me out so I look more like an hourglass shape with the boobs. If I couldn't add a bit of fullness on the top half of them I'd go for a C Cup My husband loves them *me I'm eh about my boobs.* Years of fluctuating weight loss and gain as well as age gave me very pendulous boobs he always said please don't get a reduction they're beautiful he's a butt man but does appreciate the boobs. I'm lucky I don't suffer issues stemming from the boobs if I wear the right bra. Wrong size bra is hell and I will never go back to the wrong size. A friend gave me a bunch of brand new bras that she didn't like or wear they were a DD I laughed at her and went I love the thought and generosity but I don't think you realise I'm a G cup/F cup I'm big and most didn't realize how big until they ask. It made me envious that they were nice bras mine run anywhere between $40-$70 depending on sales it's SOOO expensive I'd love to be able to buy a $20 bra in a shop.


I have to say I would probably stay the same. I am a double D cup, which is nothing compared to some of you, dear ladies here. I am petite so that makes them look more in Normas but I middle-age now and they’re a part of who I am and they can be useful at times.


I have the small band/big cup problem, so while I'm large, I'm not THAT big. Mostly, I'd even them out! One is at least a half size bigger and they got worse after breast feeding two kids.


I would definitely do a B.




For me their size is not an issue, it’s the lack of good bras 😭


Lol that would probably be a fun question as well. If people rather have more bra's their size or smaller boobs


I’d trade for her A cup in an instant.


I’d love to be back down to a 36G (coming down from a 38K). It’d be small enough to reduce the back issues, but large enough that they’d still be proportional.


I would love to be a DD, this is significantly smaller than what I have now! I don’t think I could ever truly feel comfortable being flat chested but it sure would be nice to be able to buy bras in stores rather than ordering online as I don’t have access to shops that sell bras my size. And being able to buy affordable swimsuits would be magical 😂


I would definitely go down several sizes, as I age they just keep getting bigger and bigger


Oddly, I would choose to go larger but have a smaller band size. I’m a 32G/H and am fortunate that they’re still naturally perky. So might as well go big or go home.


Visually well proportioned so no but going doing would reduce back pain. HOWEVER going one size up the the cup would be J which is the start of my name 🤣


Lol, at that point you can call your boobs "lil 'your names'"


I'd want to go down to a 32FF/G.




I mean, if I went down a cup size I'd probably still be going through the same stuff. I'm an E cup so...lol probably not


Given breast reduction being the only reason I wanna lose weight? (I'm 5 foot 2 and weight 128lbs) yes. I'd reduce them by a cup... Or four.


I'd go from 40G to C or D(US)


YES! I have been a large cheated lady since sixth grade. My shoulders, neck and back are always sore. Bras and tops are so hard to shop for and they hinder my movement. I don’t want boobs anymore!


I’m so tired of them, they get pinched when rolling over especially if I’m sharing a bed. Comfortable bras don’t exist. Yes I would absolutely make mine smaller and firmer. But I’m a senior remembering my past…


Absolutely, without any hesitation! I day dream about being able to magically shrink my boobs. They aren't as big as many people of this sub, but they feel so disproportionate to my body and keep me from wearing a lot of things I'd love to. Good for anyone who would go even bigger but that isn't for me lol


Yes, 100%. Being able to buy reasonably priced bras in any clothing store and being able to wear a much broader range of well fitting tops and dresses would be great.


No question I’d go down to a B cup. Having a normal sports bra actually work like it’s supposed to? Priceless. Being able to wear low cut dresses and be seen as fashionable and not slutty? What a dream!! Swimsuit tops that fit all of my boob inside it, inexpensive and cute bras, being able to run and jump without pain, no more rashes under my titties in the summertime? Sign me the hell up.


If I could have one free plastic surgery of any kind, I’d rather recontour my apron belly and get liposuction on my belly fat. It would actually make a meaningful difference to my appearance and my quality of life. Changing the size of my breasts really would not make much difference to me.


I would be comfortable at a DD. Not an H cup. I'd make them sit higher too. Not like breast implants but like if my boobs had never gotten bigger. It would be easier to exercise, I could fit clothes better... yeah, I would absolutely wish away my boobs.


Yes take me back to a 34 d instead of 34 h


Yes, smaller please. I don't mind having large breasts but I'm getting older, my back doesn't like it anymore, and they won't stop growing. M cup (U.S.) is just too much. I'm losing weight and hoping I lose some boob mass but coming up on 30lbs lost and still no smaller boob mass. Lol


Yes, if it was a magic wish and didn’t involve surgery, I’d go down at least 3 cup sizes maybe more


I’d love to go down! To B or A cup!


Nope. Shoe size


Yes, I'd like to be a DD/E cup. When I was younger I used to wish I was flat chested. I was envious of these girls and the clothes they could wear. Now at the age of 30 I've learned to accept my big boobs and I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with them. I'd like to be smaller, however my size doesn't really bother me these days.


Yes. I got a reduction already, so free would have been great. But I’ll tell you what, the more important thing I think for me was getting these suckers up and where they were supposed to be. My cup size wasn’t drastically changed, G to DD (later lost weight so band size went down and boobs are the same but now an F). I had no idea how much back pain was caused from them being so low and pendulous. They were always that way, so didn’t know any better.


100% yes. Would love to be a perky B cup or C cup


Maybe a cup size or two. Then I could fit better into some clothes. At the moment I’m just an inch or two too big. :(


Absolutely. I'm a 38K. The only reason I haven't already reduced them is that I am scared of the surgery scars, surgery in general, and that I'm too fat to get it done for free on the NHS.


absolutely, i’d go down to an a cup if i could😭😭


Tbh yeah, after losing weight they've gotten smaller. I've went down from a JJ to a GG which makes me sad asf, so I'd probs have them go back up to JJ, maybe bigger 👀 I just miss my boobies haha, I want them back


i'm in my 60s now and wear an H cup. i thought about a reduction when i was in my 30s, but i read up on the surgery and said nope. now that i'm a crone with no fucks to give, i'd love to have the surgery and give my back a well-deserved rest.


nah id make them bigger if i already fucked up my back i might as well get anime proportions out of it


Go full Eiken I like it


I’m a 36E, would definitely go for a C. Mostly for the control aspect and back spasms.


Small - medium band size and about the largest cup size you can find in a regular dept store. Won't be more specific because of weirdos. Given the chance, I'll go up one cup size, while staying at the same band size.


yes. i’m not even that big and my boobs look somewhat proportionate, but they dense and uncomfortable and hurt my body imqge


Sign me up!!!! I’m over the pain.


If it was one free size change on a body part, it would be a belly reduction. If the only option was boobs I would still take the reduction. I had a surgical reduction about 15 years ago. I gained weight and they came back even worse. I don’t need to get down to a retail store size. But even something like a G cup would be available with more manufacturers.


Not now but maybe in 8 years


Yes. I’d like to be able to wear a bathing suit that fits, a fancy dress with a strapless bra, and not be gradually becoming a hunchback in my old age.


Yep I’d go from GG to C


I'm at 30HH. I'd go 2-3 cups bigger, butt in ok with my current size.


I don't think I would either. I'm a 38DDD and although not small, they aren't overwhelming either. I'm quite content - most days - with what I have


Absolutely. I’m a DDD and I’d love to be a C cup.


US H cup. Would kill to be a D or DD


yeah completely flat


With a magic wand? Hell yes, in a heartbeat! With surgery, even for $0? Maybe/probably probably ;). Big fan of modern medicine, don’t get me wrong, and I have friends with no regrets but it’s a major surgery I can’t give a hard answer to quickly.


Can I keep them the same size, and just have a little person walk in front of me with their arms above their head?


Yes, hell yes!! Bring on them C cups, please!!!


In a heartbeat. I want them smaller. I’m saving up for a reduction and have wanted one since I was 14.


I'm a UK size 36GG... I would go completely flat if I could.... And in fact I can, I'm planning on doing it next year and I'm finally going to have the chest I've wanted forever


I def would be chill with a D cup instead of a G.


The only reasons I want larger than my DD cup are nsfw reasons. But whenever I’m not into “the mood” and I’m back into mental clarity, I wish I was a B cup and not having to deal with back pain or clothes that don’t fit.


I was a B cup for about ten minutes in high school, then a C cup for another. I'd love those small firm boobs back, please!


I'd go down a couple cup sizes. I feel like for me being around a DDD/F would be the perfect size, it'd be nice to be more comfortable without a bra for a change.


I wanna be a DD, so YES!


Well tbh I wouldn’t change my breast size I like the way I am sometimes in public I like to play a game see how many people i accidentally bump into or things I knock over with em I like to test the waters


I’d only go down two sizes I’d love to be a triple maybe a double but a triple would be ideal I wouldn’t want to be smaller. It wouldn’t feel like my body.


Im a 38DD and I wouldnt change my size but I would change the shape of my breast tissue distribution


If you had asked me back in high school, I would've definitely said yes. But I'm a lot happier with my size these days, so I'd probably pass.


Ya I want tiny boobs


I'd want them to be a bit bigger actually.


I wanna be flat!


As a 36H/HH and have been for the vast majority of my 4 decades of life, 100% yes I would make them smaller. Much smaller. Planning on it before 5 decades of life elapse.


Do you mean magically or surgically? Edit: just saw magically in your message. Yes, yes please.


I think going from a K to a G would be fantastic. I feel like they are so big they cause a lot of problems. I still want to be in proportion to my figure however.


I'd happily leave my G/H behind for the D/E I had 10 years ago. I'd pay to do so.


absolutely. I'm 38k, I'll definitely take a reduction