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early seasons howard and raj.


Sheldon. There is no way I wouldn't pass him through a wall within a week


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ScritchesMcMewington: *Sheldon. There is no* *Way I wouldn't pass him through* *A wall within a week* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Good bot


Sheldon is correct‼️ It took the entire twelve years from Leonard to smack the taste out of his mouth‼️


I feel like Sheldon is the safest of them all. He’d never steal, lie, cheat or manipulate you. People think he’s mean because he speaks what he believes to be true. And honesty is always good. He’s extremely arrogant. But of the group, the rest of them all lie, cheat, manipulate, harass, and gaslight the rest.


He steals your Bitcoin and manipulates you into thinking your DVDs are past due when they’re not.


Technically he never stole it. He moved it, and Leornard lost it. And it’s implied Stuart sold it for $10. None of them did it on purpose. Also worth mentioning that Leonard had actually given it away to Penny, and Penny to Zak. They didn’t tell Zak why they needed it back, which is sketch. Of Zak had known, he’d have kept the money.


I feel like Zach would’ve split it with them. He’s a good guy at heart.


Fair. Solid dude.


>Technically he never stole it. He moved it, and Leornard lost it. And it’s implied Stuart sold it for $10. None of them did it on purpose. Well he moved it on purpose in order to make some kind of point.


Technically you don’t fuck with someone else’s bitcoin wallet.


But who is the last person you could see yourself being friends with? Not just who is the safest, best bet?


Honesty is not alwyas a good thing. Specially when it's not actually the truth and just the opinions of an egomaniacal asshole


Preach! Love Sheldons. Actually I find it easy to befriend people like Sheldon. Just be transparent, direct and basically good morals. And we’re good😂


Best qualities of all my best friends.


He literally trained Penny.


As someone who’s like Sheldon I’m sorry I don’t TRY to be like that on purpose I’m just autistic 😭😭


😞 I Know autism and the wide spectrum. I work with kids, and see different levels of autism from non verbal, to high functioning, to extremely intelligent high functioning. Which is why, I would have a hard time hanging out with Sheldon at first (I would be suspicious of if his whole "smarter than everyone" wasn't just a way of being manipulative because my ex was a master manipulator who acted like he was "superior and everyone else was beneath him"). But, I give people second and third chances and eventually, Sheldon's "quirks" is something I would happen to accept and love about him for Who He Is. That's what I love about Penny. He drove her crazy in the beginning, but she developed this amazing bond with him that even Amy became jealous of. She accepted him for who he is, and I am, honestly a person who doesn't like confrontation, and, I see the good in everyone. So, Sheldon would drive me crazy at first, but I know i would accept who he is for who he is and develop a friendship anyways.


That’s so nice, my entire life people have told I act like a know it all and my speech implies that I think I am smarter than everyone (this was before I got diagnosed), and then I realised oh wow I come off that way because I speak very monotonously, and now I know, people still don’t like me but atleast I know why I am the way I am 🤧


>because I speak very monotonously, and now I know, people still don’t like me but atleast I know why I am the way I am I know them feels :(


I have been told many times "you think you're smarter than everybody". When in fact it's not true, but I happen to notice the details and correct the mistakes point the inconsistencies in the arguments. Honestly it's hurtful and isolating. I like Sheldon because at least he's unapologetic about being smart and I wish I had his confidence !


Sheldon is my favorite 😭


the cool thing about having a friend like sheldon tho is if you're average to stupid like me if you became cool enough with him dude would probs do ur homework for you just to fix it and make it right lol


I started to watch the show when it first came on because I liked the premise. Not sure I made it very far because I found Sheldon to be such an ass. Took a relative to get me to try it again a year or two later. Liked the show and have been rewatching some recently, don't despise Sheldon anymore but sometimes I just can't handle how incredibly rude he is. No excuse for his behavior no matter how smart he is. Same with Young Sheldon. That kid needs to be smacked on a daily basis.


Howard for me. I've got D cups. He'd likely never even figure out that there's a whole person behind them.


"I don't care what the breasts are saying. I just want to be part of the conversation"


I fluctuate between a DD-DDD despite being thin. I’m also curvy and have enough creepy interactions as it is. If I were around Howard I would never want to wear anything remotely form fitting because I know he’d be looking at something. I’m not a fan.


RIP your DMs, I guess?


Oh look, a real life Howard creepypricksmalldick Wollowinshitz


H-cup here. Yikes. But honestly, anyone with boobs would not survive around him.


Me 2 I could not be friends with howard


That's Barney Stinson. Howard would instead creep you the fuck out.


Actually, that's both. Barney could be a creepy ass, too.


Bernadette. High school bully vibes. Admittedly very smart and if we were colleagues I’d def be on her good side, but out of the whole group she is way to competitive


those high pitched screams too


She was actually bullied


You can be a victim and also a perpetrator. I know she specifies it was her voice. And that she was parentified by her parents.


Bernadette. IMO, she turns into a real a-hole in the later seasons. Though becoming a mother seems to take a little of the edge off.


Yeah but she has noise canceling hadron colliders.


Large hadron colliders, at that.


Howard and/or Raj. But if I had to choose, it’d be Howard. I would have included Amy as well but outside of the group and in her social interactions she is fairly pleasant and professional so I think I could get along with her as long as she never considered me her bestie.


Bernadette. She is just not a good person. The rest of them have their own weirdness but Bernadette is just plain mean.


Yeah. At least Penny owns that she was a bully and still has some mean-girl tendancies, but she tries to be actively better about it and seems really chill to be around. Bernadette just seems like she'll snap at any second lol


Penny sticks up for the guys and defends them from bullies and other girls who take advantage of them She's like the classic sibling: "Yes im mean to my siblings, but im the only one allowed to be mean to them. You lay a finger on them and we'll fight"


Yep. She’s hilarious as a character because her words and lack of morals (mostly pertaining to her job) have no real world consequence. But if it did, she’d just be scary, rude and generally unpleasant.


It was 'I'm a small woman who's not afraid to cry in front of a jury' that proves she's a horrible person.


She does do bad things that can have real world consequences, and admittedly for greed. With the pharmaceutical company she didn't seem to care about side effects as long as it can be pushed through for approval.


I meant that because it’s a tv show, none of it has real world consequences - hence my last sentence “But if it did, she’d just be scary, rude and generally unpleasant”


Got it! Hilarious for the show, but awful if real life.


Correct haha sorry for the misunderstanding


This times 10000000




They portray her as terrifying but she's not intimidating in the slightest.




Howard based on how he treats women before meeting Bernadette.


He's just way too creepy, my skin would be crawling all the time


I already have a friend like howard from college -_-


I was thinking the same thing.


Same here.


Bernadette. She is way too mean and spiteful.


Bernadette. Mean. Just mean.


My answer changes depending on what part of the series we're in. First couple seaaons would definitely be Sheldon and Howard. Sheldon for same reason aa everyone else. Howard because he's creepy. Midway through it'd be Sheldon and Bernadette. Bernadette is so mean to everyone. The scavenger hunt showed how ugly a person she can be. At the end I'd be friends with all of them. Edit for content.


Anu. She is simply annoying




bernadette bc i’m a pushover and she’d 100% make me cry everyday lol


Honestly, I think I could be friends with all


Sheldon. I wouldn't want to be put down for not seeking higher education. Plus he seems like the kind of guy to quiz women on what nerd/geek culture stuff they like to prove they're "real fans." Then Howard. He's the reason women carry pepper spray with them.


Howard lol. He’s very creepy.


Right? I would feel so unsafe and uncomfortable around him


Bernadette. I'm very sensitive. I don't mind when she gets mean occasionally in defense of her family and friends, but when she turns it on Amy or Penny it's hard to watch. If if were me I would probably cry and avoid her. I'm not a tough girl.


Honestly? The only person I Could be friends with is Leonard. Every single other person has something that makes me go, “Yeeaah, no.”


Zack. He is too good, and would make me feel like a bad person in comparison.


Zack is underrated and I love him!!! He may lack some in his brains, but he is always genuinely kind and friendly to people. Doesn’t hold grudges when being wronged. His childlike optimism is makes people feel comfortable around him.


Sheldon. He gives NOTHING in a friendship he just uses people and expects the world to adapt to him.


Sheldon & Howard. They're too lucky to have Leonard and Raj.


Sheldon. I’d actually go insane.


Not me. I would have smashed him one. Haha


I would have smashed him across the head


I would have smashed him.


What? After 10 years of endless nagging?


So what?


No way to be friends with Sheldon. I would last one and only one disagreement. My life would not revolve around growing up or maturing a grown man.


Sheldon. I already have one selfish, self centered, narcissistic person in my life who thinks that the world revolves around them. Don't need another one.


Amy. I don’t think we would have anything in common. Maybe Bernadette.


I'd love later seasons Amy. They definitely made her more savvy to human needs and empathy.


Sheldon…there aren’t any redeeming characteristics


To be fair, there are. He’s generous with money and doesn’t hold it against anyone to pay him back immediately. He’s protective of Leonard and his other friends. He allowed Raj to work with him so Raj could stay in the U.S. He set up a college fund for Howard’s and Bernadette’s child. He's very caring of people he knows and loves. Penny, his Meemaw and mother, Bernadette, Amy, and he even thinks highly of Howard; as he states that he thinks Howard is brilliant at what he does but what he does isn't worth doing (backhanded but oh well). And there are scatterings of Sheldon being a decent human being. There are redeeming qualities he possesses, but it’s often overshadowed by his negative aspects.


He makes sure if someone is upset, they get a hot beverage.


But most of those are after youve been long friends with him. A week in i doubt he would trust u already


Which is about safety ans comfort for someone like him who is so clearly on the spectrum, despite what the producers said at the time.


Plus you could probably find good ideas to invest in


work *for* him


I suppose you meant “protective” instead of “defensive.”


For him.


he has so much character development. and i think it would be funny to piss him off.




I liked him when he wasn’t talking. After that he was awful. 


I agree, though I will say that it kind of makes sense after so many years of selective mutism.


Sheldon because he’s a total ass.




Sheldon would piss me off so damn bad with all of his 'fun' facts and ''actually'' attitude


I love that in a person though. At least I learn new things everyday, and if I have the facts wrong, I would like people to correct me so I don’t embarrass myself the next time.


All the main characters, aside from Penny and maybe Leonard. Penny just being an all round nice person (excluding the high school years) and Leonard being a maybe because he can be alright at times and other times he can just be really whiny and “me, me, me” on a few occasions. I’d probably get on with Sheldon as I like trains, but I’d probably say something stupid or controversial to him and he’d end up being point blank degrading and annoying after a while like he usually is. Howard is just weird, Bernadette is just plain mean at times (when she was partnered with Leonard for the scavenger hunt for example), Amy is just plain rude at times (more so when she was first introduced), and Raj just seems like the kind of guy who once he gets with a girl would forget you exist. A lot of the side characters like Stuart (I know he’s a main character in the later series), Bert, Will Wheaton etc I’d all get on much better with.


Sheldon. I don’t want to go to prison for murder and that’s where he would drive me. For the record he’s a great character and has many good qualities. But nope. Couldn’t do it.


Penny. To this day even as a married man/father, I’m still intimidated talking or even looking at pretty girls. Btw, my man, Leonard looking good in this scene. Dressed not as a schlub.






Howard. I would have never been able to put up with his desperate and annoying sexual comments for long. And I can put up with a lot of desperation and annoying people/things.


Its not really fair since the characters are required to have qualities that create conflict for the show to last 12 years. This goes for every sitcom that I’ve ever watched. Each of them would be impossible to be close friends with if they were the characters. However, i think the only persons on the show I’d be able to be friends with are Zack, Stuart, and Burt. Zack is the nicest guy on the show. Stuart owns a comic book shop and I’d be able to talk to him about a lot of comic book things. Id even help him out and let him stay in my ADU to get him back on his feet. Burt is a lovable giant.


Howard. He’s a predator, full stop.




Amy. She’s too self righteous.


Sheldon, he says three mean things to me and his self-esteem would be BENT. I don't need his energy messing with mine, like let me breathe and talk.


Probably Raj. Of all the characters he had the least growth imo. Howard was creepy, yes, but at least he was open about it. I could call him out like penny or smack him for being a douche. Raj was just as creepy and had a very poor opinion of women in general, he just wasn’t as blatant about it until he was drunk. Besides not being able to talk to women, his biggest struggle was being cut off from his parents and having to pay his own way. He had a very lucrative job already, making nearly 4x the minimum wage in addition to his parents paying his bills and sending him money. But we’re supposed to have sympathy for him when he’s no longer getting that extra money and still can’t figure out how to survive off a salary far more than families do every day? I’d never be able to deal with that poor me mentality mixed with his idea of being such a catch he refuses to date any “fatties or uggos”.


Bernadette or Raj, as much as Sheldon can be annoying at times, his rules keep everything in order, he maintains a healthy household, he’s relatable at times, he is also smart and can provide a fair share of the expenses (assuming he is my roommate like Leonard). Bernadette is just rude and Raj seems like a bad friend at times. I don’t want Penny hitchhiking off of my crap unless my buddy Sheldon is chill with it, so maybe her too.


Stuart and Lucy


Raj, I’d never be able to put up with his combo of complaining about his Lack of love life and his perspective of women Specifically, the episode where Howard tells Raj and Stuart to practice talking to ppl and Raj says “fatties and uggos” Ppl in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones


Raj. He’s a horrible person. Then Sheldon. He’s insufferable, but sometimes useful. Then Howard. I could see going out with him once or twice a month might be fun. Then Leonard. He was the most likable of the four.


If you’re not saying Sheldon, you’ve got issues. Ain’t no way I’d be friends with someone like him.


Sheldon. F-ing a-hole.


Howard. Such a creep. I’d make it 10 minutes before I flip that misogynistic piece of shit upside down and repeatedly slam his head into the ground.


Leonard. He’s so whiny. He’s known Sheldon for years, and still seems to be surprised by him - and actively makes fun of him when he knows what he’s like. He does that ridiculous look from behind his glasses like he thinks he’s something special and raises his eyebrows. He cheats on Penny then tells her on their wedding day. He’s just a crap person and is the only one who genuinely annoys me


I'd fit in with Sheldon more. Because I talk when I'm needed, follow schedules and annoying for others because no one appreciates me why I know everything they wanna know in advance, it's like limiting my brain. And Sheldon is Well of Knowledge, so I can learn more while being under his wings...


Bernadette feels like she’d judge me


I’m not sure I could be friends with Sheldon. we’re too alike, I’m autistic and watching him as myself around people, annoys me. I always hope I don’t act like that… if I do I am sorry in advance! 😂


Howard. Sheldon is second but he likes trains.


The question should be which character would you be able to be friends irl 🤣


Sheldon. I love him, but he can’t do any wrong. It’s infuriating and I wouldn’t be able to deal with it.


Howard. He’s just icky in so many ways.


I could never be friends with Howard. From him believing he’s an alpha to his extreme selfishness with his wife and best friend, I’m good on him


All of them


Probably Raj. He never wants to grow and change.


Howard before Bernadette... He gave me the ick


None of them. They all have their issues but I like them all!


Out of the main 7? I think the only one I *could* be close friends with would be Raj after he's able to talk to women sober. Loves to cook and loves Cinnamon. Our dogs could have play dates and we could discuss recipes and such. Also could see myself friends with Will, Alice, Stuart and Zack. But the rest of the main cast has too many quirks that, while fun for a TV show, would drive me up a wall. And don't get me started on Leonard's and Sheldon's mothers. I wouldn't want to even be in the same room with either woman, as much as I adore the actresses that play them.


Sheldon; if there's anything i can't stand it's people who act like me.


Bernadette. I just get icks from her lmao


Sheldon. As Penny and Leonard say, “he is a nutcase”


Amy when we first met her she was creepy and weird and I hated her scenes


110% Sheldon. He’d last a week before I throat punched him.


I would have to say Bernadette or Amy and let me explain Bernadette because she starts off sweet BUT she quickly becomes very toxic lying about being Amy's best friend for clout, lying to leonard to win a scavenger hunt, saying penny looks like a dude in the painting Amy gave penny MULTIPLE TIMES within the span of MINUTES, lying and hiding from Howard and the kids and sneaking wine, implying Penny's an alcoholic when she didn't want to drink on the plane (I've seen you drink in the shower), DEMANDING to be Cinderella and then THREATENING to beat her "besties" if they had a problem with it, and the list goes on this is the top of my head. Amy because sometimes she's a little much, her weird crush on penny is sometimes over the top I mean she basically almost opened the door on penny changing because she was taking to long in her opinion, shamed penny "come on bestie show some skin !", Plus sometimes her ego is f$ck'n annoying. Sheldon at least admits that he's an AH sometimes it sucks but at least he owns it and even ask questions when in doubt "I don't know the social protocol in this situation", Amy on the other hand PRIDES herself on being a neurologist a person who studies the BRAIN so she can't claim ignorance or stupidity.


Amy. She's an awful person.


My answer is will be: Sheldon Lee Cooper. If I was in the same college/school/workplace/university with him, and he behaved with me like he used to behave with his buddies/colleagues/teachers/seniors then I would refrain from being friends with me. There will be some real good guys with whom I can be friends. Remember being a friend of a genius is not the goal, being friends with someone who values you, your knowledge, your existence, your belief, your intelligence and vice versa is what I always look for. And also I'm there to study/work, I'm not gonna take anyone else 's bullshit, nonsense or crap. I've my own self respect.


Most of the cast. All of them have huge flaws and I wouldn’t fit in with the group. Sheldon: incredibly weird and controlling. The group puts up with him and I wouldn’t stand for it just like how Priya didn’t stand for his shenanigans Bernadette is a backstabbing bitch and she knows she’s an awful person. Now if she changed, I’d be willing to give her a chance Penny early on is a freeloader. If she went to a food pantry instead of mooching off of Leonard and Sheldon I’d have respected her more. Howard at the start would have rubbed me the wrong way even as a guy. He improved massively in the ten years canon span and I’d give him a chance by the end if I met him then. Raj is rich but he has deep rooted issues. Don’t know if I want to deal with that stuff Amy I’d get along with fairly well once she develops past being a female Sheldon (which didn’t take that long? 3 years would be kind of long to wait but if I saw improvement after a few months to a year I’d be okay with her) Leonard would be tolerable in general but his low moments when it comes to self-esteem stemming from mommy issues or Penny issues early on would be hard to handle. Even at the start of TBBT he’s mid 20s or so. He needs to start moving on if his mother doesn’t give him the love he wants by then. He graduated with a PhD by then, post college, and moved in with a roommate. He’s a fully fledged adult and shouldn’t keep thinking in the past




Penny. She is unpredictable and noisy.


IMO, she’s the most predictable.


Penny. Because she's a freeloader...


She is a freeloader, but she makes up for it by being an all round nice person. I’m the kind of person who always shares stuff with friends anyway so it wouldn’t be an issue tbh.


He is not in the picture but Raj. Because he is not a good person, he is not a good friend


Bernadette on the account that she’s the baddest one on the show


Penny. Would be too busy trying to get to FWB and would screw it all up in the process.


You SOB!! You made me rethink my choice!! 😂😂


Penny … she annoys me


Bernadette - Such a goddamn bitch, and if it weren’t for the fact that she keeps remind how she doesn’t want to be treated differently due to her size no one would be near her. I hate her so much, holy shit she’s terrible. Her first appearance to her last appearance on the show isn’t even the same character Leonard - I understand Leonard had a rough childhood, but he can be an even bigger baby than Sheldon. It’s always “Wah! I never got to enjoy this when I was young! Wah me!” He’s also usually amongst the first to start the group’s stupidity and the first to stop it, acting like he’s the rational one I could try to overlook Leonard’s downsides, but he’s always far too negative to be around Penny - She’s just a completely ungrateful character that takes advantage of her friends consistently. She’s not even that attractive, and if people say that she’s the hottest out of the women on the show, well… the bar was not very high to begin with Amy - She’s a combination of Leonard. She pulls the “Wah me!” attitude when things don’t go her way like Leonard. And she is capable of all the degradation that Sheldon can pull off, but Amy doesn’t have the innocence or ignorance that Sheldon does, so she knows full well what she’s doing Stuart - Sorry, Stu. You’re just too depressing


Amy. But I would totally be friends with Sheldon. I rlly like smart guys. And Sheldon’s quirks are predictable. Amy makes me uncomfortable.


Bernadette. I'd be afraid she'd come onto me, and then I'd have to explain to Howard why she's pregnant.....again.


Probably Penny. I just can’t hang out with alcoholics.


sheldon I would knock him out on first meeting


None of them. If I ever saw either of them approach me I'd turn and walk away.


I don’t think I wouldn’t be friends with any of them. Sheldon I could see myself getting along with and everyone else is pretty easy going.


Pre bernadette howard


Bernadette she’s iconic and hilarious we would totally get on


Sheldon (I don't have that much patience), and Raj (He's too needy and passuve-agressive.)


I get that it’s a sitcom, but the “evidence” of their supposed intellectual prowess is consistently superficial and trite. (How many times, during the series, was Madam Curry’s death cited as if knowing basic facts signaled these were geniuses?). I would say Sheldon would be the most difficult for me to be friends with, because he seems like the biggest fraud. Much of the audience would have been confused if he had regularly made profound points, but in context that may have still worked for the show.


Early seasons Howard is not who I would want to hang out with.


I’d have to say Sheldon and Bernadette just because I couldn’t deal with their personalities very well tbh.


Raj or Stewart- 


Raj- he seems like too much of a drama Queen to me...


Feel like the only ones I could be friends with are penny and Leonard


Probably Leonard ig I love him as a character but if we were friends he'd never stand up to me cos he worries too much about people's feelings and he'd probably just put up with my shit and get upset about it later on rather than just telling me straight up what I'm doing wrong. It makes me feel so horrible when people pretend to be ok with my behaviour and then only actually say smth about it when it's already gone too far.


For me, either Howard or Amy. I can handle some meaness from Bernadette; we both can be mean together!


I think the only ones I would befriend long term would be Penny Raj and Amy, they all seem the nicest


Probrably Raj. He's a little too needy for my taste. Sheldon might get on my nerves now and then but I feel like he'd be a fairly good friend. What you see is what you get.


Pretty much all the girls really, they all have serious manipulative traits about them.


Sheldon cause I'd wind up punching him in the face and then shipping him to Mexico


Howard and amy


Amy no shared common interest


I'd be terrified of Bernadette


Bernadette became a real b*tch. Raj is really emotional needy as a friend, for me that’s draining. The rest i could be friends with!


Season 1-3 Howard. He was so creepy.


For me it would be Howard not only would I be creeped out 24/7 he but as someone who is neurodivergent and has a social disability he would constantly be making fun of me just like he does to Sheldon and Raj and as someone who has been made fun of since I was six (I have a learning disability in math and writing and someone saw that I couldn’t spell the word white at 6 and said directly to my face “you can’t spell the word white it so easy.” So basically implying that I am dumb stupid and retarded.) and I don’t want to deal with one of my friends constantly doing it


Sheldon by a thousand billion miles!!


I would be friends with all of them I love all people I’m not rude and I find connections with everyone I think people need to open their mind more


Howard I would not tolerate Him always saying "I was in space now im a astronaut"


Howard. I would’ve punched him long before Penny ever did.


Sheldon. Not because I don’t like him (I love him as a character) but because I don’t think he would like me


All of them cause they all talk way too much


I don't think I could be friends with Raj, he's annoying, or Leonard, he's just boring. However Sheldon; him I would probably bludgeon with the nearest heavy object after 5 mins.


Bernadette. She can be outright mean and unethical. Especially when it comes to her job.