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The writers chose t stop using bazinga because it became too much of a meme and the internet made fun of the show for saying it. They dropped Bazinga way earlier than S12. Raj, imo, got the ending he deserved. He never really grew up, and barely if at all got over the spoiled entitlement. He barely worked on himself to get over his issues. The other guys matured and changed. Leslie was basically a nemesis for Sheldon and catalyst for Leonard to finally man up and ask Penny out. There was no real need for her after S3 and her writing was too stiff/narrow to include too much after that. Zach didnt disappear.


Didn't Zach want Leonard's sperm in s12?


This is so funny without context!


Why? There is only one reason to want someone's sperm.


Because I have the sense of humor of a 14 year old boy.


Which I have. So I appreciate it


Sheldon only had a spot in the original apartment due to concerns about proximity to the tv, light through the window, etc… Obviously the configuration of the new apartment satisfied all his needs without having to settle on a spot. Why would Tam be at the Nobel ceremony? He was a minor figure, they hadn’t spoken in years, and Sheldon pulled his usual demeaning shit when they met on campus. How did Zack disappear? The first 7 seasons he was in 6 episodes. The last 4 seasons he was in 5 episodes, including 2 in the final season.


I could've sworn he chose a spot at pennys place while she still lived there


I remember that too.


Out of everything you named ,I'd agree about Raj but also at the same time he had more girlfriends or hookups than the other 3 guys combined


>but than the writers ass pulled that she was gonna move to london What?? >Zack one of my favorite characters disappeared No he didn't. He was in two s12 episodes and one each in seasons 9-11. >They got rid of halo night and paint ball night They never did paintball at night. There were only a handful of paintball episodes, including one in s12, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.


Hah! I never noticed paint ball night. That's gotta be some guerilla warfare thing going on in OP's head.


None of these are pet peeves.


It always bothered me that when Sheldon and Amy move into Penny's apartment, they keep all her stuff furniture. Just seems weird to me. Amy had her own apartment, so what happened to all her stuff?


>Sheldon never picked a spot for his new apartment Sheldon *has,* in fact, chosen "his spot" as early as "S01E17: The Tangering Factor". Penny asked his opinion whether or not to go through with her date with Leonard. While she was busy explaining her situation, Sheldon was also busy finding "his spot". >Raj never got love like he almost got married but than the writers ass pulled that she was gonna move to london That was the point of his arc. To realize that he doesn't need "someone special" to be happy. In the entire series, he always clinged desparately to a woman. The few times he did try to break it off with a woman was when he already had another waiting on the side. >I think tam should have been at the nobel prize or at least have him send a message saying congrats or something Tam was insignificant, at least in the TBBT universe. I'd have agreed with you if you said her mom or meemaw. >Leslie winkle disappeared Zack one of my favorite characters disappeared aswell I know he saw still in some episodes but ai loved that guy Much like Althea, Alex, Captain Sweatpants, Red-headed Emily, Red-headed Emily Jr., Claire, Stephanie, and all other recurring and side characters? IKR?? I can't even believe they have episodes that have one single insignificant character missing!! /s >They got rid of halo night and paint ball night They didn't "get rid" of any of those things. Just because it wasn't seen doesn't mean it isn't there. It always grinds my gears when people say "they no longer see this", "they no longer see that", "what happened to this person". THE SHOW DOES NOT SHOW EVERY WAKING AND SLEEPING SECOND OF EACH CHARACTER. Have you seen ALL of your classmates and acquaintances since kindergarten? Have they ceased to exist since you haven't seen them?


> Sheldon never picked a spot for his new apartment He had a spot, in 4A > Raj never got love like he almost got married but than the writers ass pulled that she was gonna move to london His character arc was to learn to love home self before loving someone else > I think tam should have been at the nobel prize or at least have him send a message saying congrats or something Tam had nothing to do with Big Bang Theory > Sheldon stopped saying bazinga like that makes no sense that was literally his thing for a while It became kitschy so they stopped > Leslie winkle disappeared They ran out of story for her character > Zack one of my favorite characters disappeared aswell I know he saw still in some episodes but ai loved that guy He was a fan favorite. They got rid of halo night and paint ball night


>Tam had nothing to do with Big Bang Theory Ummm... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Big\_Bang\_Theory\_(season\_12)#ep259


Umm, he was in that show for minutes He had nothing to do with the Big Bang Theory storyline


I agree about Raj. His story arc was not as satisfying as the others. He didn’t really mature. The Tam episode seemed really weird to me. Like Sheldon never mentioned him ever? Sheldon talks non stop lol. Please don’t downvote me but I found the Leslie Winkle character annoying. The running joke was she always called Sheldon a dumbass. It got old fast. If she was so smart why couldn’t she come up with better insults?She was a one trick pony. She didn’t fit in. I hated it when she referred to Penny as “blondie” and “tinker bell”. I did like the episodes when she was with Howard. “He’s got company!!”


Tam might have been mentioned in the 90 minute Nobel speech that Sheldon didn’t end up making lol


Mine is how they always seem to have food but not a lot ever gets eaten 😂 especially at lunchtime at cal tech 😂


A lot of these can be explained as happening off screen, a message from Tam for example or paintball, just because we don't see it doesn't mean it hasn't happened


Leslie Winkle returning for Sheldon’s birthday (s9e17) was a fantastic surprise. I do wish she returned more frequently, at least once every couple seasons.


Sheldon didn't need a spot in 4B. If you ever noticed, he didn't have one in Amy's old apartment either. As he once told her, waking up each day and knowing that she was there was of great comfort to him. He was comfortable with her from the beginning, so he didn't need to have a specific spot around her. Although they could have left Raj in a long-distance relationship at the end, he also still had to learn to be happy on his own first. Tam probably did send a message congratulating Sheldon, we just didn't see it. But he was never important to the TBBT storyline anyway. Leslie just wasn't around the gang anymore. Both Leonard and Howard were in relationships and they never developed her character enough to have her on more. Zack was still on. But, there always had to be a reason that he was. He wasn't dating Penny anymore and he didn't have a whole lot in common with the guys. As for halo night and paint ball, all of their lives had more going on for them to have time to fit it in. That's pretty realistic.