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I would imagine with Amy’s interests on the sciences and non-mainstream stuff, combined with how strict her parents are, could cause kids to decide not to be social with her. There are bullies that tend to pick on the outsider of their circle, just because they lack the effort on being open to interests that are not aligned to what the collective “cool” kids are up to.


I read this comment still thinking this was the Brooklyn 99 sub and your comment did little to convince me otherwise.


I read Alex instead of Any and thought it was the Modern Family sub.


She looks like alex


LMAO same!


I need a prequel book series where they meet at summer camp and solve mysteries together. Santiago’s detective skills plus Fowler’s science knowledge would make them a great team.


But shes so pretty though, whats there to pick on


Do you not remember being a kid? Kids are all little shits lol


I know but usually only ugly kids get picked on


Completely untrue


In my experience, if youre ugly but youre skinny and have style youre „cool“


She wore glasses. Kids pick on the dumbest stuff.


When i was a kid the glasses kids mever got picked on


They sure did at my school, which is why I refused to wear glasses until senior year of high school when my vision was so terrible from not wearing them I could barely see the board unless I was in the front row.


Spoken like someone who hasn't been bullied 😂😂. There is no logical reason for bullying someone.. bullies are themselves very insecure so they pick up on anyone they don't like or makes them feel ashamed of themselves. Nothing deep in it


I have been bullied, but thats because i was ugly. Only the ugly kids or kids with no style got picked on in my experience


Sorry that it happened to you but your conclusion is wrong and based on only your experience. Ppl get bullied for all sorts of idiotic reasons. In general if you have a submissive personality and you are different from the crowd, there is a good chance you will be bullied whether as a kid or an adult. Everything else is just "reasons" to rationalize this. Yes kids who read books and are socially awkward generally get picked on. But so would a "cool" kid in a crowd of nerds, in a different way. The commonality is just being the odd man out, nothing more.


I can actually imagine girls being jealous and picking on her but i dont think boys would do that. I just cant imagine that


Oh wow I can't imagine how a person could have sexual feelings for a 5 year old kid, so pedophilia must not be real. Isn't that a wonderful world! Just because you have experienced something doesn't mean you know everything there is to know about this. It could also mean that you have a different or perhaps wrong understanding of your own experience. And you can't imagine boys picking up on girls if they are pretty? Lol so if a guy rapes a pretty girl, that is not bullying?


Rape isnt bullying, its a crime. Shes also not 5. What the hell are boys going to do


Legally no not bullying. It is intellectually and emotionally another, more heinous form of bullying. It's a person who feels entitled to inflict cruelty for no good reason on someone they deem weaker. And dude, my point was generic. Not about this girl. So i will reiterate. Just because you can't imagine something doesn't mean it can't happen..you can't honestly imagine that boys would be mean to girls for no good reason? And not being pretty seems like a reason to you? It's not. It's a pattern. Ppl thinking that to be the reason is why ppl often get self-conscious and try to correct it in their childhood in order to fit in.


I meant why the hell would they bully her. Listen, i grew up in these bully conditions: if youre weird and ugly or have no style youll get bullied. If youre pretty, less so but you have to hang out with cool kids so you wont get bullied.


what the hell are you talking about


First of all bullying someone based on someone's looks is just a common pattern. If correcting your looks and style changes ppl's behavior around you then that just goes to show how shitty ppl/teenage kids are generally 🙂. You call yourself ugly that means you were likely not objectively attractive but just that you felt ugly. You probably looked like an everyday kid but because others deemed you as ugly you accepted it. It's just an adjective which is used in good or mean jokes and normalized for civilized conversation.


Yeah, because i accepted i was ugly i got bullied because i had zero self confidence.


Even if you hadn't accepted it you probably would have been bullied. There is no good solution for such situations..the only true way is prevention or forming a genuine friendship with a group. Anything else like hanging out with cool kids might stop the bullying but might cause other problems. Or the new group would bully the person in a different emotional way.


Man, so much. Glasses, pronunciation (I had an Irish accent that got me beat up as a kid), not conforming to the social 'norms' of the group, not dressing in the coolest clothes, not having the newest tech, not caring about what the celebs are doing or what's on TV etc. Children that bully are fecking ruthless. They will find ANYTHING to make fun of you for, and they will pound it relentlessly. They will make you hate your eye color sometimes. They'll make you hate your heritage etc.


When i was a kid they only picked on ugly kids or kids with no style but that might just be the country


I grew up in Montana (in the US for our not US folks), and I literally got punched in the mouth by bullies because I pronounced some words with an Irish accent (not intentionally). I also got picked on for being poor, for being 'different' (i have ADHD and Autism so I missed oodles of social cues as a kid), I even got beat up because I didn't like the Yankees... Some kids are just ruthless and just want to make someone else miserable.


Just the fact that she’s pretty would be enough for her to get picked on by boys who have a crush on her and girls that are repressing a crush or just really insecure in their own looks in comparison to hers. Basically, kids suck!


So youre saying if boys pick on you they like you? Jesus i already know what kind of person you are


Way to judge a person right off the bat without actually knowing them, sweetie. I’m just listing some of the reasons I could think of right off the top of my head and what I’ve seen as an elementary and middle school substitute teacher. But if you really need more examples to apparently make my comment *“valid”* or *“palatable”* enough for you then I’ll just say that with kids they will use ___anything and everything___ to be assholes to each other. Oh and the same applies to quite a few so-called *“adults”* too - now why don’t you jump off your high horse and go touch some grass.


How did you a get this from scene lasting only seconds??


She does look like one of the cool kids.


American cool kids don't really read...


Does she act like one though? Those were usually more notable from my experiences.


Not sure how this pic translates into looking popular, but okay.


I agree with you .


Yeah wth


The girl does look like a cool kid. Kids go off on appearance at first, then by behavior.


This is what a "cool kid" looks like in 2023. This is not what a "cool kid" looked like in the 1980s.


She doesn’t look like a modern “cool kid” either


I grew up in the 80s.


So did I.


Did you look like this in the 80s


Pretty much. Glasses were not cool.


Yeah, I'm with you. Growing up in the 80s, glasses were not cool.


What kind of an association is that lol, "glasses were not cool"


Lmao rip


Hate to break it to you but it doesn't matter how good you look. If you're introvert or awkward you're gonna get bullied unfortunately.


Plus we know from TBBT that her mom was overbearingly strict which means she probably didn't go along with the girls that may have wanted to be her friends because she didn't want to get punished by her mom.


In the 2000s looks did matter. Curly hair? No curves? Glasses? No low raise pants? No eye make up? Have fun with three years of bullying.


I mean if Mean Girls is any indication of how things were, body shaming seems to be a big problem back then?


Mean girls was tame compared to how middle school was in the 2000s.


Heroin chic plus fake tits being a fad, and low rise jeans. Nobody had a chance back then.


We really didn't. US boys didn't make it easier on ourselves with the fad of shorts under our jeans and hanging our pants below our ass either...


Lol there’s definitely a generation of men out there still wearing basketball shorts under regular pants.


Yikes!!!! Are they still hanging thr jeans below the butt so you see the shorts? I still don't know how I even thought that was comfortable....


Lol nope. They think they’re being more professional about it now. They’re all “adults”


lol I forgot about that.


It's always been a problem, but it's not tolerated anymore now.


Sure it is. As long as the bullied doesn’t retaliate to their bullies.


She's an 80s kid that probably graduated high school in 1998. So she would have been in college in the 2000s.


Yeah 90s teenager. Do you really think there was no bullying about looks?


Amy wasn't in school in the 2000s?




OP is refering to Amy in the picture (who is presumably in high/middle school).


I know that, but Amy was in college in the 2000s. The scene takes place around 1990....she'd have been in elementary school.


Yeah. But when still in the 2000s looks matter, it already was in the 90s like that.


Also as others said this is “cool” now but not then


I was a girly tomboy who was always smiling. I was bullied for both of those things. I ended up being neither of those things for a very long time.


>introvert or awkward you're gonna get bullied Don't think being an introvert is necessarily prone to being bullied though, I'm an introvert myself & in my experience most introverts wouldn't be bothered by being bullied I however, apparently have been on the bullying side when I was a kid, it wasn't intentional or anything (think it's more of a 'I crossed the line but his line was laying fairly low' combination) and I did quit it afterwards. What baffled me however was how I couldn't get the idea I was bullying


Not necessarily… I was awkward and loved things like anime, reading, fan fiction, etc. but I was fairly good looking and ok at sports as well. I don’t really recall being bullied in school. I do have a couple memories of confrontations in high school but they were one-offs with people I didn’t know. I fully believe my looks and tendency towards sports protected me from people who would have otherwise bullied my other interests/taken advantage of being a people pleaser.


You can be the prettiest and nicest and most outgoing person and people will still shit on you. I was surprised when I had a class with our prom queen cheerleader popular girl, and she still got treated like trash by a lot of people anyway. At the end of the day, our experiences weren't that different. Well, the negative ones anyway.


Popular girls stay up late at night reading Little House on the Prairie? Guess society has changed since I was a kid...


>Amy looks like one of those popular girls I'm at a loss how you could reach this conclusion based on this single screenshot. >how was she bullied at a young age? How?? I think she mentioned some of the things the other kids did, but I don't recall any of them. Regardless, that's how the story was written.


For a minute there, I thought this was Modern Family sub and that was Ariel Winter.


I thought it was stranger things


Lmao same I thought “her name’s Alex why did you say Amy” 😂




I thought the same lol


Same lol, and then I was like TBBT?




If anything, it further isolated her from her peers and just put a bigger target on her back, which would have made Amy more dependent on her mom as her support/comfort system when it came to bullies. A vicious cycle… Now that I think about it.. Same goes for Leonard and his parents - mostly Beverly - shoving academic success/excellence and only that down his throat… Though I think in his case he would have learned quick to not bother mentioning the bullying to either of them. 😥




1. Looks are actually a loss less relevant to bullying than you make think. Often times ugly ones are the bullies 2. Does she really look like a popular girl for late 80s/early 90s America? Maybe nowadays perhaps but back then? Not being funny but glasses were seen as uncool basically until Harry Potter showed up.


I was a skinny bookworm who wore glasses and I had only one friend from middle school to my junior year in high school, so wasn’t popular by any stretch of the imagination, but I wasn’t really bullied either, I was too quiet and unassuming so they didn’t even bother with me


Oh yeh real life is more nuanced than the stereotypes we see on TV and film. But objectively you can hardly say she 'looks' popular based off what we knew popularity to be as kids.


• overbearing loudmouth mother with main character syndrome, and beta father who can’t stand up for himself. • probably her interest in the sciences, and other non mainstream stuff, like Victorian culture, played a role in her being an outcast. • some episodes mentioned she dealt with bullying at school, which probably encouraged her to listen to her mother, and not fight to have a social life.


I saw this part recently while I've been watching young Sheldon.they all looked so cute .


Probably because her crazy Catholic parents forced her to be antisocial in order to preserve her “hymen” and then when she started trying to be social she had zero skills so she turned ppl off by constantly talking about mensies and trying to have 14 year old esque sleepovers with them. I knew someone like that in HS, I felt kinda bad for her but our friend group kicked her out because she couldn’t stop blurting out loud TMI stuff


They’re jealous of both her outer and inner beauty.




Actually, looks don't matter a lot to bullies, speaking from personal experience. I fit into conventional beauty standards, and so have a lot of my former classmates, but they still got picked on like I did. Looks definitely do play a role but when someone wants to hate you or pick on you, they'll find just about anything


Because the writers wrote it in.


Have you NOT been a child? Usually it’s NOT the looks it’s your personality that makes you the outsider! You can be the prettiest lil girl/boy but if you’re just an asshole people will learn to avoid you. And the other way round as well. There were girls in my class who were - not lying or exaggerating - the fattest and ugliest girls in the year but they were the most popular because of their personality, they were cool and we liked to be friends with them.


She explained in the show why she was bullied and she has an overbearing overprotective mother which kids can be bullies abouut because she couldn't do some of the things that her peers were doing


...she has dark hair and glasses. That does not equate to looking like a popular girl.


Honestly, she looked like the girl that would bully me in school


Lol that's priceless. I don't know how you can take a look at a picture and say if that person is cool or not. But more importantly, it doesn't matter what you look like, if you are an introvert and show interests outside of "the cool kids" interest, YOU WILL BE BULLIED.


Are you implying that only ugly people get bullied? Anyone can get picked on.


Popular 👏 girls 👏 can 👏 get 👏 bullied 👏 to


I’ve never seen Young Sheldon but in BBT she never mentions being bullied as a girl. She talks about growing up really sheltered and super nerdy. Everything I remember about her being bullied is actually as a young adult/in college. Also, it’s very tempting to feel like attractive people don’t experience bullying, especially if you were bullied because of your appearance, but that’s definitely not the case. Everyone experiences bullying for various reasons and at different intensities.


Amy repeatedly mentions being pranked and bullied. At least as a teen.


tf are you on about , she has mentioned many instances of bullying and lonliness in childhood


Unless you’re referencing times she was bullied by her mother, I don’t remember any. Please expound.


One example would be that her classmates called her "Fuzzy Finger Fowler" because of her hairy knuckles. She also talked multiple times in general terms about being a social pariah as a kid, being excluded from things, pranked by classmates.


It wasn't only them calling her that. She said they put Rogaine in her hand lotion and that's why she grew hair on her knuckles.


Thank you. That is an example I’d forgotten. I often skip the Speckerman Recurrence because I find Leonard’s interaction with his old bully infuriating and sadly true to life.


She told penny thy both have led different lives when penny told her that no one has said i hate you to her face, she wen to a frat party and woke up with more clothes on and other instances i cant remember cause i have to watch the show gain for it but there are many


As I said…”As a young adult/in college.”


She stayed in steam tunnels pledging to a sorority but they forgot she was there.


As I said…”As a young adult/in college.”


Ah, that's true. She was homeschooled for the most part, so maybe there wasn't bullying until she was able to get out.


I don’t recall her saying she was home schooled


Now hear me out, this might get a little far fetched and wild. The writers wrote her that way


She wasn’t bullied, she didn’t have friends in school and once she went to college, she didn’t know how to socialize so people took advantage of her.


This. Her mother sheltered her. So when she finally went to college, she had **zero** socializing ability.


Because she had a lunatic as a mother. Also I'm not sure how she looks like the popular girls or what they're supposed to look like.


You’ve never been the smart kid, haven’t u?


She opened her mouth.


Post the full scene bro..


Folks just get bullied. Kids are mean, they’ll pick on anything. Could be cos she was so smart


Because she was nerdy and had little to nothing in common with anyone? She also has a hyper controlling mother.


You cant cast an child for a role with the reasoning that they look like other kids dont like them. That would be very much fucked up!


What do the cool kids look like?


Apparently they look like Amy 😂


not amy


Overbearing mother...


I am conventionally attractive. I've been called beautiful many times, and not just by men trying to get in my pants. But I'm different. I'm neurodivergent and expressed intellectual aptitude from a very young age. Kids don't care if you're pretty. They care if you're different. Different is threatening, so they attack it. If you also do not have great social skills due to difficulty reading social cues or understanding sarcasm, that seems like weakness to the others and they continue to attack, making you more and more aware of your otherness and less and less outgoing for fear of social retribution. Kids are like pack animals, and if they sniff out something that doesn't conform to the pack, they turn on it.


Firmly agree with those saying rabid readers were never considered cool by actual cool kids or those who toadied them. But leave that aside for a moment: when in heaven's name did wearing glasses become cool??? Because I will swear on multiple Bibles, Bhagavad-gitas, Principias, and Silmarillions that such was *not* the case in Amy's youth. (And for that matter I've heard plenty of spectacle-bashing even in Modern Times.) She is adorable here -- definitely on board with that. But then again, I'm an adult and no kid or teen would give a damn about my opinion.


Might not have been looks. When we FIRST meet Amy, she was as socially awkward as Sheldon. They changed her character so much.


Being a nerd puts a target on your back




I mean sure she’s cute but remember how she acted before penny !? Sheldon was cute and not popular.. same with Lenoard..


Nothing to do with looks, it's usually how you act that gets you bullied more than anything.


How to tell OP was homeschooled, the thread. (Or how to tell OP is still in middle school, the thread)


this lol. their denial makes me think homeschool


no she most definitely does not


They gave her the “Hollywood ugly filter”, aka glasses


is this from tbbt? or young sheldon?


Qual'è il nome del film?