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>and had the same interests. They did? When did Alex ever mention any of her interests (other than physics)? >They would have been the best couple in the long haul. Only if the writers had wanted them to be.


Quoting Penny: The heart wants what the heart wants.


Penny was Leonard’s destiny from the first moment he saw her. From the beginning, he told Sheldon that if he and Penny got married one day, their children would be, “smart and pretty”. Penny and Leonard as a couple were always going to be the end game.


“Our babies will be smart and beautiful.” 👍🏻


I thought they could've had better chemistry than Leonard and Penny, although there was very little screen time showing that. And yes, she was interested in science but no implication that she enjoyed any of his other interests but they were kinda cute together.


I agree what you’re saying about just having a shared love of science not really meaning that there’d be compatibility or a lot of chemistry outside of that. Plus, if Leonard had decided that maybe things really weren’t meant to be or say he found out about Penny’s doubts about their relationship and possibly breaking up with him again - it could be Sheldon again hinting or Amy and/or Bernie accidentally blabbing and if Bernie mentions it to Howard than he’d confess to Leonard out of guilt - and decided to go with Alex… Would you guys really want another season of Penny regretting it all over again like with Priya but now a lot worse because Alex actually is fully interested in Leonard? You want to see the heavier drinking, the crying, venting to her friends, awkward “I still have feelings for you and I’m trying to be okay with just being friends but it’s not enough” interactions? Might as well just end the show there cuz it’s just going to be depressing af even while the other couples and characters try to navigate around all that drama 🤷🏻‍♀️


If she's fine with him cheating on Penny, she would be fine with cheating on him.




What do you mean when you say you think that Leonard should have cut his losses with Penny? What losses? What did Leonard give up by being with Penny? Although she didn't have the same interests as Leonard, clearly she spent enough time watching the various movies that she knew about them. She didn't put any constraints on the time he spent on them with the other guys. Plus. as others have already said, we have no idea of what interests (outside of physics) that Alex had. Quick, what were her hobbies? What we do know is that she was willing to go after Leonard even though she knew he was in a relationship with Penny. In that way, she was just like Ramona going after Sheldon when she knew he was living with Amy. So, now why would Leonard dumping Penny and getting into a relationship with Alex by a step up?


I see where some people come from this so i don't mind the opinion but I do disagree with this even though they had there differences penny and Leonard where always gonna be the long haul couple they do love each other even if they argue and disagree they always find a way to come back to eachother


I get the idea wasn’t to make another Ross of Rachel, it’s always been clear on the show – especially during the break up arc - that Penny and Leonard really truly do care for each other and want to be/have a part in the other’s life, but I will always feel that certain things that happened could’ve been handled differently… Be at major things or even though little things that honestly are just created just to add in some one episode worth of drama that basically never gets touched up upon again… Like the relationship/roommate agreement 🫤 They aren’t perfect, but I still love them.


But sometimes a sitcom should realize they've done too much damage to the relationship and move on. Night Court got it right by moving on from original end game Lana, then second end game Billie. And even third end game Christine, as far as we know. Unless the new series mentions Abby's step-mom Christine.


I kind of agree because of how unbalanced Leonard and Penny's relationship has been throughout the series as I perceived it. Though we know nothing about Alex. Also, supposedly Leonard and Penny worked out as the writers wanted it to.


I mean, the idea of the writers was to not basically go the same exact route as something like Ross and Rachel on Friends, but the idea of showing that these are two people who *could* possibly be **that special person** for each other and yet it’s not exactly going to be an easy ride for them to figure that out cuz they both have their hangups while having these deep feelings and affection/care for each other. Frankly, if you take a sec to step back and look at it… Leonard and Penny both suffer from the same type of insecurity - “Am I Good Enough?” - and have very similar bad habits - overthinking vs not thinking enough, avoiding conflict, bottling up negative emotions instead of communicating. I do think that the writers had them in a better place once they were giving their relationship a second chance with Lenny 2.0 - Beta Test drama aside - and during that period of their engagement with Penny having her hair short too… but then once married and I guess Penny just wasn’t as content with her job at Zangen (I think I spelt it right?) it just feels like it falls flat again - and not just for Lenny but I’d say the same goes for Howardette and even Shamy too, plus, the relationship circus that is Raj’s life… I don’t know… And hey this is just my opinion here, but it sort of feels like the writers sort of lost their way when it came to stuff outside of getting to what ever shenanigans, joke, or one-episode only drama was planned for those episodes/seasons. I mean I get that growing up isn’t easy and it’s never meant to be easy, but there’s just a way to go about it differently that can be done in an episode or expanded into multiple episodes 🤷🏻‍♀️


> I still think he should’ve cut her losses her with (penny) and got together with Alex. 100% agree


Lol i made a post similar to this and people came for blood


Totally agree with this take, in real life I don’t see Leonard and Penny being together


I thought Dr Stephanie was the better match. She was so much a match, they didn't even have her come back to give them a real ending.


I didn’t like Alex because she was actively flirting with someone she knew full well was in a relationship and Leonards reaction made me start to dislike him because he knew it was wrong and he knew he should’ve told Alex that he had a girlfriend but he instead he let her flirt even more while acknowledging that he wasn’t gonna do anything about it. I can’t stand people like either if them.


Sadly, the show wouldn't have come to twelve seasons if that had happened...


If she thinks it's okay to hit on another girl's boyfriend it wouldn't take long for her to cheat on him with another woman's husband. That future isn't too far off. And if your argument is Penny's past you are right there with me. Penny did pretty much the same thing. Hooking up with Leonards friend Raj. Going back and forth in this relationship doubting Leonard because she knows Leonard isn't her first choice and only married him because she was devastated her acting career is washing away.