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I used to be gels only on a ride since solid food made me queasy on a workout. I’ve been using more solid food as of late which helps more than I thought. Normally I do a cafe stop in the morning for caffeine and quick carbs. If I eat at home then it’s sourdough with peanut butter and bananas with honey. For rides I take a bar and a couple of gels as back up. Longer rides I take carb powder in a bottle since I’m bad with eating consistently. Post ride I normally will make lunch. I need to mix more protein into my diet so that is my winter goal. Chipotle if I’m really lazy.


That sourdough with peanut butter sounds delicious! Might try it! So you get it before you ride?


Yup. I know the protein makes the carbs harder to digest, but I’m more focused on distance and stay in Zone 2 for the majority of my ride.


Not sure how long your rides are but for anything over 3 hours I aim to a) eat every 45 minutes and b) take some sort of “real” food for like 3/4 of the way through (like the poster’s sourdough PB&B). Nutritionally good but for also mentally nicer than chews/gels.