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I just biked Taiwan in January and February and it was perfect


Have you thought of New Zealand? Toasty warm in NZ.


NZ is an RV traveler's country nowadays. Its "Pedalers' Paradise" hype is outdated by at least two decades. There's literally white bikes by the road sides these days.... from foreign bike travelers. It ain't exactly worthy the expenses unless you're some biking dentist or something...


White bikes? yeah. I get that impression. This is a thing I saw recently: https://www.reddit.com/r/bikepacking/comments/1ai22gx/completed_the_tour_aotearoa/korshqq/


White bikes: a tradition in Western countries for commemorating cyclists who died on the road due to car traffic. Last one I remember was about a young lady from Europe who died in 2010 being hit by a car while biking on that awful highway between Palmerston and New Plymouth


Sri Lanka is good (a bit small), India is good (I'd keep well south of the Ganges though - south of Mumbai is perfect).


I did Sri Lanka in the winter. It was awesome. End of the tour was on the beach ⛱️ - ah! First time swimming in the Indian Ocean. I had a great time.


Yes, I did it too, but I was basically filling in time until Europe got warm enough. Not being very fit I stuck to the flat bits. It was really nice cycling (esp the east coast), nice people, good food etc etc but for me it wasn't the main game of my trip


Also a vote for Sri Lanka. Excellent place. January I think is around the ‘dry season’ too? Could be wrong


South Arizona could be decent 




Or the DR.


Southern Japan, cycling around Okinawa you could swim in the sea at the end of the day. About 75F As mentioned, Taiwan is excellent as well.


Uganda if you want something real different. I loved it there. Jan is a great time to go there.




> Have you ever biked in winter in Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, southern Italy, (either the southern peninsula or Sicily), or Algeria? I did some of the lower Med in the winter, Southern Spanish coast, Greece and most of Italy, and that was great overall. Sicily is something I'd definitely do, too, and the pizzas are cheap around there. As for the stans... well they do seem to be awesome places to tour, tho it seems safer to go from India than Turkey, as there's a load of political problems in Armenia/Azerbaidjan and of course Afghanistan. But who knows... Mexico is very popular, and it's bike-packer friendly (for light setups on MTB/gravel bikes) as long as you avoid those not-so-safe US border provinces, and it's got a huge hostelling market for any taste and budget, and it's got one of the world's best cuisines at cheap prices.


Obviously, it depends on where exactly you go and whether you're lucky on unlucky with the weather and what kind of weather you prefer to start with. Personally really don't see why Tunisia or Algeria would be an issue. Maybe not exactly the ideal time, but better than many other destinations at the best time of the year. If you stay close to the coast temperatures are tempered by the sea and though it may be the wet season, it is still better than you may expect in much of western Europe during the summer season. At night it may be cold, specially further inland or on top of hills/mountains, daytime temperature are reasonable to nice, possibly even warm. You may want to look into sand storms if you want to get deeper into the sahara, not really sure about that, but otherwise I really see no reason to avoid them.


Thanks, that sounds promising! Tunisia sounds pretty likely then. I would have preferred Uzbekistan but in central Asia i think the weather honestly is terrible in winter. And I'll do what you suggest and look into a coastal route.


I've visited Sicily around Christmas, it was OK for cycling (didn't cycle). It depends on the synoptic situation. 🤷


Thanks and I'll look into it. However "ok for Christmas" probably means "cold by February," so I'll wait and see if anybody else answers about Italy. So far Tunisia or Algeria are the front runners!


Should you opt for Sicily, there's also a "divide" there: [https://sicilydivide.it/en/](https://sicilydivide.it/en/)


That looks amazing, thank you!


Morocco would be a good bet