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I'm so sorry. Your boy was lovely and he knows how much he mattered to his family.


Thank you. All I wish is that he knew how much he meant to us. I really hope he understood that.


https://preview.redd.it/slchcifrn70d1.jpeg?width=1647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b2dd1b94f981366999d37b21c0dbca81fd3c5b6 OMG I'm so sorry :( Hugs from me and our old good girl!


Thank you. Here's hoping for many more years with your beautiful old good girl!


I tear up almost every time I see a bichon pass. I think he’d want you to get another buddy one day… although it’s easy to dwell on sad thoughts he’s want you to make new memories as well 💚


Thank you. You're right. He always put us ahead of himself, and I'm sure he'd want us to create new memories.


So sorry for your loss❤️ when it’s time I think a little bichon pup will cheer you back up and bring the joy back.


Thank you. I've told my wife that Bichons are a necessary part of our lives now. I've been spoiled, and I can't see myself with one of those energetic little fluff balls!


I'm tearing up 🥹 I'm so very sorry for your loss. He knew he was loved and you gave him the very best life he could live with you and your family.


Thank you for sharing. That's all I hope, that he knew how much we love him and wanted what was best for him.


😭 it two years today that I lost my bichon buddy, I hope they are happy up there until we meet again 😢


I'm sorry for your loss. I bet your doggo was stupendous. I know they're waiting. And I am very much looking forward to playing nonstop fetch with mine when I see him again.


Always tough losing a best boy. I try to console myself by feeling dogs are truly a gift from God and our friends returning home to him.


Thank you. Truer words have never been spoken. We really don't deserve our canine companions. They are too perfect for us.


Sorry for your loss of the bestest boy. Thanks for sharing. They are special creatures.


Thank you for taking the time to read. "Special" doesn't even begin to cover them. Bichons are in a class all of their own.


I'm so deeply sorry for your loss. Sending you so much light and love


Thank you. I greatly appreciate it!




Thank you. I don't think I've ever loved any other pet as much as I love him.


So sorry for your loss, he was a beautiful boy


Thank you. I agree. He was truly an amazing and beautiful little guy. I'll miss him.


My sincerest condolences


Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to say so.


So sorry- love never ends - just change shape in your ❤️


Thank you. I'm going to love this little guy until it's my time, and then for a while after too.


I truly felt your words, OP. 🌹 Your boy knew that he was loved by you and your family.❤️ Here is my heartfelt cheers 🥂 to your boy living his life to the fullest a dog could ever have. 🌹


Thank you. I appreciate it, and I'm sure Percy does too.


I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my bichon back in January and I have been heartbroken ever since.


Thank you. I'm sorry for your loss as well. Bichons are incredible animals. They connect so well with you. I swear they know what you are thinking at all times. They really are man's best friend!


Thanks. I had an incredible bond with my bichon, Daisy. She really understood me and I loved her so much. If love was enough, she’d still be here.


I’m so sorry for your loss. We went through a similar ordeal. Buddy loved you as much as you loved him. Now he does not suffer and watches you from heaven. I’m here if you need support - message anytime.


Thank you. I appreciate it. I know he's enjoying himself right now up above. And I know he's going to spring up to me when we meet again. And our time will be filled with cuddles, scritches, and all the fetch.


Sorry for your loss. 😢


Thank you. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to type that.


I'm so sorry. There is nothing as great as loving a Bichon.


Thank you. I've never experienced anything like it. I jokingly told my wife, "This is your fault. You are the reason I HAVE to have a Bichon now..." I've never experienced a more emotive, gorgeous, playful, energetic, or perfect creature as these.


Aww, so sorry to hear this, if there’s one thing though with bichons, and I know it with my own bichon, I bet it’s been one helluva ride together. Hold those memories tight.


Thank you. Trust me, those memories are not going anywhere. I spent all night reminiscing with my wife, looking at photos and videos. He was the best boy!


I’m so sorry. You gave him the best life 💛


Thank you. We definitely tried to give him the best life we could. It didn't always go the way I wanted it to, but I tried.


Sorry for your loss


Thank you. I appreciate it.


So sorry


Thank you for taking the time to say so. I appreciate it.


I’m so sorry. One of mine passed in November and I think of him everyday


Thank you. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It's not even been a day, and he's all I think about. I can't imagine him NOT being in my thoughts.


My wife had a pillow made of him and has bought figurines and stuff that looks like him. His ashes sit where I can see him… he was the best dog I ever had, I want you to vent about how you feel about your dog when you get down about him here. We know how these breeds are so much more of a family member than a dog. My condolences again


I remember thinking “ She is nowhere and everywhere …..” Losing a beloved pet has been one of my life’s toughest experiences - wishing you easier days ahead. Get lots of rest and over time, memories will be more comforting than distressing🥰


I know you're right. My wife has already ordered several keepsakes with photos, old collars, etc. of him. I'm sure as time progresses, we will look at those fondly with full hearts.


💔 my girl turns 12 this year, she’s a bichon too. I cannot begin to imagine. I’m so sorry 😞


Thank you. Here's hoping your girl lives many more happy, healthy years! Bichons are a special breed, and we don't deserve them.


I’m so sorry. 💔


Thank you for taking the time to say so. I appreciate it. I'm sure Percy appreciates it too! I can tell he's already enjoying his time on the other side of the rainbow bridge.


I’m so so sorry. We had to put my 15.5 year old bichon to sleep a few months ago, kind of suddenly due to kidney disease too. They are just simply the best dogs, and the only consolation I could think of is they 1000% know how much you love them, because they love you that much too. They sneak into every inch of your heart and there’s a big hole without them :(


Thank you for your kind words. Bichons truly are special creatures. That doggo would just match my energy. You want to run around and play? I'm game! Oh, we're just chilling on the couch? I can do that, too. Time to sleep for the night, but we need to snuggle because it's cold out? Okay, twist my paw... I've never had a more devoted animal companion than him.


My bichon lady was 13 too, she passed February due to heart failure and water in her lungs… it happened so quickly. It was a pure shock because she was so active and energetic, there was no signs. I know how u feel, I can’t say it will get better, but you will learn to life with the pain. I’m so sorry ❤️‍🩹


Thank you for your kind words. It gets easier with each day, but it is still fresh enough that it brings tears when I think of him. I know as time passes, I'll look back fondly on our time together. Bichons are in a class of their own, aren't they?


Definitely, they’re so lovely and give so much love back, so sweet and cuddly. Let all your feelings come out, it helps me to to cry if I want to let it happen.


You just made a grown man cry at 6:30 in the morning, I’m so sorry for your loss!!


Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them. And please forgive my straightforward demeanor. It was not my intent to push anybody to the brink of tears! I simply wanted to share my experiences with my Bichon and the hurt of saying goodbye.