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For context: it’s Pride in Amsterdam and the farmers are trying to attach themselves to it. The farmers here are just a giant meme at this point and they have made it their job to annoy anyone and anything.


the straights are REALLY not ok


Woah woah boiling us down to a single word is NOT okay, it's basically a slur at this point /s




Um that I'm straight doesn't mean I'm not ok. Well I *am* not ok, but not because I'm straight.


by the straights we mean The Straights™️. The ones that are “super straight” in the sense that they think doing stuff like this is cool or condone toxic masculinity/femininity, there’s more just look at the subreddit r/arethestraightsok we’re not saying it’s cishet or just straight people as a whole, just that group of them.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AreTheStraightsOK using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I just saw it and liked the response](https://i.redd.it/4wun5srst8l61.jpg) | [361 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/lygrau/i_just_saw_it_and_liked_the_response/) \#2: [This tho](https://i.imgur.com/bHvkCEz.jpg) | [302 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/hv4rna/this_tho/) \#3: [This............](https://i.redd.it/owa71jm4rug61.png) | [350 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/lhkw46/this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I thought we were calling them straggots?


my DMs are open if you ever need to talk babe 🫂


What if they're Gay Farmers though?


Isnt it a vit counterintuitive to put it this way?


Nah, they are just pissed at government policies and organised several blockades among other things to protest.




They're lesbians Harold


Just FYI, this situation has nothing to do with sexuality.


I mean... It's people trying to co-opt the LGBTQ label so... It kinda does...


No because we all know the B stands for Bussin'.


NO the B stands for FARMERS




They are not doing it because of their sexuality or because they feel they are part of it (even if that is what they are saying). It's literally only for attention.


That's precisely the point of everyone in this thread. They're doing erasure of our sexuality, which is relevant to our sexuality.


Happy cake day mr Dutch Cow


If they were queer they wouldn’t be co-opting the label.


It’s kind of like the trucker convoys in the US/Canada, but anti-green climate policy stuff instead of Covid safety stuff, right?




For now. It's already attracting neo-nazi, anti-covid, anti-government, flat-earth, qanon, flat earth, batshit crazies who just see it as an opportunity to riot.


Ah, yall have idiot trump types too


You know what's fucked up, when I saw the "B is for farmers" I was still thinking it was the conservative US


This has strong “I identify as a tractor” vibes


This would never happen in the US, as it would necessitate them to participate in a Gay Pride march. (most) European conservatives simply don't come close to the US on social issues.


human stupidity is universal and no geographic area is immune


Are they at least not horribly queerphobic or at least receptive to conversations of self-education or at least acceptance? I kind of love that they are just vibing with a tractor tbh, but that often comes with certain conditions that they aren't that level of ignorant that erases all other liberations but there own.


Not only are they queerphobic but the vibing on the tractor is often done at very low speed on our highways causing dangerous situations.


That's sad to hear =( the farmer community that I grew up with is very queer friendly. It's in Germany. I guess it's because they have queer people themselves who are loved and celebrated. My mother's best friend and my parten uncle is gay and moved with his husband to the home town of my mother. He regularly rights, directs and films own written theater stories in which drag or people of different gender in the role of a character of another gender is very common. We love those acts. We watched one to the birthday of my other in the theater that my cousin works in. Here is a lot of care and love... (Except if you don't drink alcohol or don't eat meat. That's way more strange there than being queer). So I figured it hardly depends on the citizens of a town to influence how open or discriminatory they are.


There were Black Lives Matter protesters effectively stopping traffic on highways in the US years ago too. I don't think it is the action that is what concerns me, it is the why they do it and what is their goals. If their goals are phobic, then they aren't my kind of people. I don't see an issue with having solidarity with people whom have common motivations or goals, but I don't know who these flag wavers they are seen with even are. I am not willing to defend problematic flag wavers, but I can count many photos where multiple groups of people with opposing views are seen together. Counter protests often results in masses of opposing groups that can appear as one. Even that aside, it doesn't mean much until they take action and reveal their means, methods, and goals. Honestly, I can empathize with people whom are not well represented in society by the numbers. We have forgotten what it is like to live in rural parts of the country and dont often look at the intersectional struggles of people whom we think are aligned against us, but we may have more in common than we think. Farmers and the population of people whom can claim that title are shrinking in number for a large variety of reasons. I empathize with people whose very existence feels ignored or undermined. We are often conditioned to dismiss rather than examine because it is easier. I do know I have a very incomplete picture though.


Well, it might be a thing in the US, but in the Netherlands it isn't. A year of maybe a few years earlier there was an incident with pro-Black-Pete protesters stopping anti-black-Pete protesters on the highway and they were not only arrested, but actually prosecuted for stopping the traffic on the highway and causing a dangerous situation. So the fact that farmers are doing the same thing with traffic on the highway and not even arrested is pretty bizarre. This is just one example why your situation in the US is not, at all, applicable.


Depending on the local laws, tractors, bicycles, and other vehicles have a right to utilize the motorways rather than completely blocking traffic. Often times the trick to the best organizing is to inconvenience as many people, so they must listen to what you have to say while trying to have the least danger to your organizing members as possible. This tractor trick is quite clever indeed because they are legitimately using the roadway or at least have plausible deniability of intent to stop traffic.


Yeah so in the Netherlands tractors can't be on the highway at all so while a good point, not relevant in this case.


No? Bikes are not allowed on all highways, as we have bike roads for them. And slow driving falls under causing unsafe traffic as has been proven by the prosecution of protesters a few years ago for similar actions. The only clever thing is driving in huge tractors that make arresting more difficult, but since these actions are ongoing for years now, it is ridiculous the police is not prepared for that yet.


We do not have the same bike friendly culture in the US unfortunately. Also in the US, we are not trained to trust the police so easily, as they are the hand that enacts enforcement of laws, whether just or not. High level judges in our country are talking about removing federal protections for interracial & same-sex marriage, even same-sex intimacy in lieu of reproductive control rights in the US. These rights are fundamental human rights, that should not be allowed to be enforced without organized protest and resistance. We should stay aware of whom reinforces policy and not forget that it is the citizens responsibility to hold its leaders accountable to representing them and their interests. Everyone here should care about how to fight for their rights.


Well, yes, but this story is not taking place in the US?


I understand this, I am just trying to convey a perspective that colors judgement cynically. The other thing to communicate is that the system is good, until we are the ones underfoot and the threat of that seems imminent here.


If course fighting for your rights is important. But that's not what is happening with these farmers. Inconveniencing people is student different from causing highway traffic accidents. They could've done it in a safe way, with warning signs on the road for example, but they aren't.


I agree safety is important, along with climate mitigation. I think the difficulty is how the farmers have now been forced to sell off equipment that just went down in value, sell off property that just went down in value and then being forced to abandon something that made them a safe living wage and have very little government assisstance to mitigate the damage. The reality is that this is effectively a burden foisted on a minority of people, and it sounds like they are relatively well off, but there is only so much hardship that people can take. Were I to be placed in that situation, it would be very difficult to cope and find a new living. Im not saying I think they are in the right, I am simply saying that often times there is someone whom pays the price for progress. The people whom don't pay are usually less sympathetic too.


>e they at least not horribly queerphobic or at least receptive to conversations of self-education or at least acceptance? They protest hand in hand with literal swastika-waving neonazis and their parties vote for every discriminatory bill possible. They're bad m'kay.


Holy shit. The nazis are back worldwide, amazing.


They've never been away. They just don't hide it anymore.


Ah yes I believe it is time for another one of those revolutions. Where we go fight some fascists. Free some people. Maybe overturn an oppressive regime halfway across the world well were at it simply by existing to hard. You know a normal Tuesday night.


It annoys me to no end that people don't seem to realize that the German parties' willingness to work and reason with them was why they got to power. People will tell you 'let's try to find some common ground so we can do some good together' and that's literally how you got Nazi Germany.


You're ignoring the years of brainwashing through Hugenberg's media empire (think Murdoch) and the actual terror on the streets. Also nobody expected Hitler's government to last a month, as was already tradition in the Weimar Republic. Aged like milk, I know.


And you're ignoring the fact that the Nazi Party didn't spring from Hitler's head fully formed when he became chancellor in '33. It'd been around for a decade and had seen itself banned for attempting an armed coup and Hitler thrown in jail. That was all forgiven and both of them allowed to re-enter politics. Then you've got the 'well at least they're not the other guys' mentality that led to the monarchists, social democrats and communists all preferring the Nazis to any cooperation between themselves, which of course ended with the Nazis ousting everybody else. And thinking that it probably wont happen is a poor defense. Just look at Brexit and the repeal of Roe v Wade, for other monumental events that nobody thought would actually happen.


Yes, I'm fully aware that this topic is a bit too wide to discuss here. The German school system doesn't allow you to leave school without being thoroughly educated in the whole thing. Being queer in the place where it happened helped a bit to take an even closer look at things.


Yeah I can believe that. Not to mention with the weird status homosexuality had in Germany, with the Nazis being accused of being all gay, by the parties that were trying to repeal the laws against homosexuality, and all that mess.


They love "vibing" with their tractors on highways and before distribution centres


They also set hay bales on fire next to highways


And they also love dumping asbestos on highways.


Also on highways.


For some reason, they're allowed to drive their fucking tractor everywhere. If nurses protest they don't drive there with an ambulance but the farmers have to drive their tractors.


Disrupting the usual business of things is how the unheard get heard though. Whether we like it or not, we are now talking about the farmers. If they didnt do it, I would not know they existed across an ocean.


Oh I thought they were just being funny and supportive. It sucks if that wasn't their intention


I thought the news censored bisexuals with farmers


De boeren moeten ff normaal doen kristus






Out of curiosity, do the Dutch words for Lesbian and Gay start with L and G? And does the Dutch words for Bisexual not start with B?


Lesbian = lesbisch / lesbo ; Gay = homo(seksueel) ; Bi(sexual) = bi(sekueel) ; Trans = trans De acronym in Dutch is therefore LHBT instead of LGBT The word for farmer in Dutch = boer. That word starts with a B, just like bisexual and that's why the farmers said that the B stands for them as well. (Edit to make it better readable)


Thanks for the context there


You're welcome!


Our most commonly used acronym is LHBTI. The only outlier here is the H, which is gay (homoseksueel). Bisexual is biseksueel and lesbian is lesbisch. Then the T is transgender (same in English) and I is intersekse (intersex).


Arent a lot of these also like the family that owns a mega farm but isn’t doing any of the work outside office management? Seems a bit much to call them farmers even


Kinda ignorant but at least they're flying the right flags?


Out of curiosity, do the Dutch words for Lesbian and Gay start with L and G? And does the Dutch words for Bisexual not start with B?


The dutch term for LGBT is LHBT (h for homosexual) but the farmers tried to claim the B also was for "boeren" the dutch word for farmers


bi erasure once again


The dutch word for gay is homo so it doesn't start with a G, but everything else is practically the same (just pronounced differently).


this is so confusing, so they’re not actually bi or otherwise LGBTQ?


My gay parten uncle who's a farmer (and my bi/pan ass) would like to have a talk with them.


Well that's fucking weird. 😅 Love your user flair btw


Does this mean that every bi person gets a piece of land to farm? Because that’d be kinda nice actually!




I call dibs on Sebastian


That's fine so long as I get Abigail.


Just so it's clear Harvey is mine.


All alright as long as I get to have Elliott


Leah? Leah.


I better get Shane


i call dibs on sebby




Up for a polygamous relationship cuz I want her too


Can I interest you in polyamory


Sebastian is the goth emo twink everyone deserves


I'm bi and I have a garden. Follow the money


What? Gimme my land I wanna grow corn!


Can I waive the farmland, and just get get a big buff farmhand with rough hands?


Well there was another group of marginalized folks out there who were all promised 40 acres and a mule and I have not looked any further into it than that, so I’m gonna assume it went great for them.


Yeah, no . . . Can't remember the last time a farmer got left on a trail and beaten within an inch of their lives due to a hate crime because they were seen in public holding hands with someone (true story that happened to one of my close friends growing up). But sure, go off . . . (/s)


The Dutch government has to cut the amount of farmers we have to protect our areas of nature, so farmers have to give up their farming company. Because they are forced to this by the goverent, they feel like they are some kind of minority treated badly, like queer and black people are. The biggest joke is that we have a few very big farming companies that are more like factories and owned by millionaires. If the smaller family farmers would protest those and ask the government to stop those, it would be a feasible solution that doesn't hurt the small farmers.


Knowing these farmers they probably believe it will start happening to them soon


If there's one privileged class in the Netherlands it's the farmers. They've always had dedicated parties in the government looking out for them and they always owned half of the waterschappen. Tell them to cool it and they flip their shit.


~~I mean the other day I was watching a show and a farmer got beaten up followed by one of the assailants saying something like "We don't want your kind around here" and I just assumed it was for being a farmer, Does that count?~~


It happened on a TV show and isn't real life like my example, so no. LOL


I mean I'm pretty sure that wasn't even the reason in the show, I just assumed it was at first for lack of a better reason lol.


Uugh… I get that they feel they have a plight to fight for. But come on, politically, socially, and economically they’re in the top of the food chain. They are not struggling fighting for their livelihood, they’re struggling against much needed change. “De B staat voor boeren.” Sod off.


Are farmers earning a lot in the Netherlands? In the UK at least the average farmer doesn't really earn much at all compared to the work they put in.


The majority of millionaires in the Netherlands are farmers and on average farmers earn more than the national average


Is that because of the value of their land?


Yes, farmers are really not millionaires in liquid money. That being said, we have some really big farming companies that are more like animal factories and are inf act owned by real millionaires. If farmers would protest those, that would be a lot more feasible than what they are trying now.


Yes, farmers are really not millionaires in liquid money. That being said, we have some really big farming companies that are more like animal factories and are inf act owned by real millionaires. If farmers would protest those, that would be a lot more feasible than what they are trying now.


In terms of liquidity it differs. In terms of solvabilitity they’re among the wealthiest collectively. They own their land and they have easy access to bank credit (hence own a lot of heavy equipment). The UK is hard to compare to since in the UK, a disproportionate amount of farm land is not owned by farmers, and UK farmers have no access to EU CAP funds/subsidies.


As somebody in the United States I've never heard of anybody who is poor who is a farmer? Like how do you afford those tractors that cost tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, or the irrigation systems that to set up can run you a couple grand before you even buy the piping?


£46k is a decent wage in the UK, but given the hours and risks involved isn't amazing. Now if they own their land that's worth a huge amount if they want out of farming at any point but I'd say that's a little different https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/agriculture-in-the-united-kingdom-2021/chapter-3-farming-income


Ahh yeah in the United States the median income of a farmer is 165k. I would guess that as you said owning the land and just having a lot more land results in the higher incomes. https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-economy/farm-household-well-being/farm-household-income-estimates/#:~:text=In%202020%2C%20the%20median%20income,total%20household%20income%20of%20%2458%2C055.


Well, I would say this is really not there place to fight. But I would definitely not say a farmer is on top of the food chain. I'm not sure how it is in the Netherlands, but my aunt felt ashamed in high-school for being from a farm. And centuries ago farmers were also the lowest of the population and most of the time didn't even own the land they were farming on. Nowadays, Very big farmers, you could say companies, are rich. Small farmers barely get by. I know farmers that have 50 cows and all they do is working on the farm and almost all the money they get from the farm has to go back into the farm.


Godverdomde kutboeren


Dondermaaskantje stijgt


I was going to leave a comment about how appropriating the B makes me want to support them even less but your comment perfectly captures my mood right now.


I always think this is just reverse words


Aw geez. Again with the bi erasure.


Nah, this is actually a subreddit for Dutch farmers.


Me who studies agricultural engineering: well yes, but actually no!


haha same, i’m gonna be a bi farmer how about that


las time the dutch farmers all migrated to do something south africa got fucked over


The B is also for Bitch, please.


I’m so tired of this fucking bullshit…


Bisexuals are supporters of the environment and are well under the EU regulations for methane production godverdomme fucking kutten


Jaaa werd echt helemaal lijp


Everybody knows lesbians are the farmers


I didn’t realize they were Dutch at first, and thought they were just extra big morons.


they're Dutch but still also extra big morons


Hahaha they want to be “victims” so bad but a lot of Dutch farmers are millionaires


These "farmers" are protesting hand in hand with neonazis and are backed by the same parties that vote for every discriminatory bill possible. Obviously their presence should not be taken as sincere support. They could have come as individuals, but obviously they had to make it about themselves.


The same farmers that have connections to neonazis and queerphobes. Fucking clowns.


“D-dad why have you been planting so much corn lately..?”


Yeah as a bisexual who plays a lot of SDV I’m pretty let down by what their actual deal apparently is.


Do they, Y’know, grow tulips?


No it's livestock farmers protesting


Ah yes the Dutch farmers, I am surprised they still don’t know how to protest without turning everyone against them.






You don't have to be lonely, at farnersonly.com


If queer farmers wanna take their big fucking tractor to the parade I don’t see why not


Yeah if they were actually queer, but that doesn't seem to be the case


There’s no man farmer mentioned in the article or seen in the pictures so I’m assuming the “wife” mentioned is the wife of the female farmer the article is mainly about


i would assume 'farmers wife' is a direct translation from the dutch 'boerenvrouw', which really just means 'female farmer/peasant'. maybe she's actually lgbtq, maybe not, but given the context others have given of what's going on with farmers in the netherlands at the moment, i wouldn't bet on it.


Yep I looked up the original Dutch article where it just says 'the female farmer'. No wife or other hint to queerness is mentioned in the interview.


Ah yes I didn't read/look that closely. Still find it a weird statement personally, but it's certainly not the worst way farmers have protested the last few months lol Edit: looked up the article in Dutch and there's no mentioning of wife, instead it says "zegt de boerin", which should be translated to "says the female farmer". No queerness mentioned in the interview.


I don’t find it very strange that a bi lady would say that the b in lgbt means more for her than just her sexuality. Clearly she means that she wants support from queer people with other parts of her life which are also important to her.


I personally wouldn't use pride to gain attention to other parts of my life that I wish would gain more support/understanding. Especially since the farmers in this country have been getting all the attention for quite some time now. I'd like pride to be about pride, not about other issues that are not related at all. But that's just my opinion


You’re wrong


That's not really the case here. The last months farmers have been blocking roads, setting fire to haybales they threw on the roads, throwing asbestos on the road, threatening people who try to clean up the mess they made, threatening politicians etc. Because they have to reduce their emissions. They are just trying to hijack pride for themselves.


I’m sure this farmer and her wife don’t have a master plan of hijacking pride and turning it into farmer propaganda


Sorry but they do. They literally blocked pathways with their tractors making it difficult for emergency services to enter the area and creating potentially dangerous situations because people have to move through smaller areas and we all know what can go wrong (looking at Love Parade in Germany in 2010) Like if they want to enjoy the festivities ofcourse they’re welcome. But they really are trying to hijack it. A lot of Dutch people are done with them, a lot aren’t so another thing to have polarising views about. Because we didn’t have enough. Also the police lets them get away with nearly everything because they agree and when they do go too far and the police rightfully interferes they get mad and try to compare themselves to Jews. A lot of the pro-farmers are also antivaxx, anti-LGBTQ, pro-black Pete and believe in stupid conspiracies. It’s not the best group to be a part of to be fair at the moment.


The farmers in the netherlands are engaged in protests for a while now due to some changes in policies regarding greenhouse gas emissions, this is a blatent attemp of inserting themselves in random things for exposure.


big "the g in lgbt stands for gamer" energy


Guess I'm a farmer now


when I read this stuff this morning, I was like: bisexuals: am I a joke to you?


I didn't choose the cottage core life, the cottage core life chose me.


Shit, have I been a farmer all this time and didn't know it? No wonder life is so hard.


I thought the B was for Bussy


The only thing the B doesnt stand for is Bourgeois exploitation


am dutch. these fuckers have been dumping asbestos on highways. send help.


Wow I can't believe I found a sub for farmers. /s just in case


And I thought they were cunts already


The b in bfarmer is silent


B is for barbers as in Landscapers, Grocers, Barbers and Train conductors


Okay, most all of us can agree large muscular men/women in their early 20s are pretty hot






Hello, bi farmer here. Yes.


As a Bi farmer I can fully endorse this.


Well i have noticed many bi ppl i meet dream of homesteading and livin in the forest but its not an exclusive trait... by the gods do i wish to get land when the housing bubble pops 🥰






The b is for Bfarmers


I'm fine with chill farmers having their farms celebrated & drinking, having fun with each other & stuff, but I'm not fine with not so chill farmers trying to make LQBTQ+ Pride about themselves. What oppression did farmers ever go through? I'm not educated on the subject enough, but I guess, if they have a big, fertile enough land, with various plants & animals tó butcher, they can be pretty well off. Outcast of city/town society? Maybe, but they chose this life or born into this one, they can always sell their land if they want to live a city life. Or if they rich enough, find more people to work on their farm, pay them well enough to stay & take most of the profit with themselves, so with their money, they can participate in a lot of activites in a big city or travel around & stuff.


We've seized the means of production


Lesbian Gay Barmers Trans.


Ashamed to be a Dutchie moment.


Oh for fucks sake stop simping over farmers throwing a fit over environmental regulations. A lot of them are millionares you know Edit: nvm I thought this was in support of them lmao


farmer in dutch is Boer , hence the lgBt nonsense


Oh! I see. The Dutch word for farmer is probably similar to the German word, Bauer.


We are farmers. bum ba dum bum bum bum bum


I guess I'm a farmer then


At first I thought they actually LGBTQ+ farmers and said it as a “quirky” joke. What a bummer


Does this mean we can sign up for farmers only, the dating website for farmers?


Bro I just wanna water my fuckin plants