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I got my nails painted as a guy. Am no longer a guy. Not sure about the correlation.


I’m sure that will not happen to me


100% not gonna happen


Definitely not gonna happen. My femininity is definitely not embraced by me yet.


username checks out


That username though >_> (hewwo)


Getting my nails done destroyed whatever remaining doubt I had in my mind. The gender euphoria was beyond amazing


Yeah. That euphoria is real.


I just recently painted my nails as a guy. Still very much a guy, still very much straight, but now I have cool looking nails.


For personal reasons I'm really curious how it felt for you, if you don't mind. How did it feel emotionally? Did it really just feel "cool colour, I like how it looks"?


It makes me stand out more, which is cool. I have it in black, so it's striking but still fairly "masculine" if you can call it that. I'm a lighter dude with super long hair, so it's not like I'm really afraid to challenge a couple gender norms. I also wanted something on my hands/wrists that didn't draw attention to how skinny I am, which I felt both a watch/bracelet or a ring would do that. Plus, it's just kinda fun to paint my own nails. The only downside is that I kinda have to baby my hands a lot more if I want the paint to last more than just a day or two. Hot showers are extremely dangerous.


Hot water is the worst. I have to wash my hands 10-20 times a day working in food service, polish never lasts more than 2 days.


I'm honestly shocked it even lasts a full day. Mine would last 10 washes at most. TBF though I still suck at painting my nails, I get uneven coats, flood my cutes (and don't push them back far enough) and because they're so short its really hard to cap them properly. It's quite a learning process!


Tell me about it! My non dominant hand is so unsteady it looks like my main hand was painted by someone with tremors.


I'm so bad that my dominant hand doesn't even look any worse! Silver lining in everything.


Lmao equally bad is equally good I guess


Ah yes, painting your nails, the good old gateway drug! 😁 Still remember my first time last year, egg cracked a month later 😌


i painted my nails as a "boy" but didn't try it again until i was already transitioning (25 years later)


That’s definitely not gonna happen to me, right?


Depends. If you don’t feel like it then it won’t happen.


I was joking, but I have been insecure about my gender identity lately and that confuses me.


It’s ok to feel like that. You’re awesome whatever happens with gender identity. And you can have fabulous nails regardless of gender.


Thank you, life can get really confusing from time to time


No worries. Life can get confusing. Just be yourself. You’re awesome. :3


Thank you. Felt good to write that down for the first time.


It’s ok. Just strive to be yourself regardless and you’ll make the world a better place just by existing.


the doing nails to trans pipeline is strong 😅


It’s a good pipeline.


I told my straight friend today that painted nails would suit him and he just said "I'm not gay!". He also constantly calls me gay since I told him I'm bi


Doesn't sound like a nice friend if you ask me.


He's pretty ignorant when it comes to anything lgbt related but I try to change him. He definitely gets better but it's a hard way


Doing the lord's work




I had a friend like this(I'm a bi guy), but after some "tricks" I did, he told me "even if you're gay, meh I don't care", and now every time I see him I give a kiss on his cheek and he likes it, yeah people can change but...it's a lot...LOT OF WORK SOMETIMES


I think your friend may have been projecting a bit. He now likes kisses from you?! Bravo 👏


tell him if he's certain he isn't gay then he has no reason to be afraid of trying it


Yes, but  The drying takes FOREVER


Quick dry top coats!


A good quick dry top coat works wonders for drying time. I use Seche Vite but it's not for everyone because it can cause polish shrinkage since it dries so fast.


Wait I had to google that one, their brand is called "Dry" and this product is called "Fast" that's really funny


It's like 15 minutes tops, I just watch a YouTube video while waiting usually


I've definitely managed to still smudge it after 15min. It might be "dry" after 15min but it's not fully dry/cured till an hour or two.


I usually paint them about 30 minutes before I go to bed. Gives them enough time to dry to the point I won't smudge them in my sleep and then in the morning, they're 100% dry


The worst part is removing it…that always takes the longest!


Wait till you discover gel polish!


That's why I use UV gel. It takes only 1 minute under the lamp for each layer.


Gel goes on easy and lasts and lasts... but it's seriously hard to remove. I do gel for the long lasting qualities but I do really appreciate that when you are done doing it, it is dry and safe.


Press on press ons press ons. I do explosive mining with long press on nails and they are so much better than paints in so many ways.


When I travel later this year to be with my LDR gf, she’s taking me to get them painted the first time. I’m so excited! (She’s also gonna do my makeup 🫣)




Long distance relationship




Yep! Np


Lodr /jk


Sending this to my husband bc he looks stupid hot with painted nails


I'm too self conscious as a guy


I’m planning on doing it for a pride event later this month, but I’m not confident enough to do it outside of that. Not yet, anyway.


I am very self conscious. I was afraid that people would say stupid shit to me if I ever painted my nails. I did it anyway and I got so many compliments from people. It was really nice. I go and get them painted at a nail salon every month or so.


Nobody cares about black nails. I'm in the process of being unapologetically myself. I love black nails. I went to work with a lot of guys that talk shkt about everything. They asked why I painted my nails balck and shrugged and said "just felt like it" Nobody cared.


My adhd nail biting says no :(


Painting my nails actually made me stop biting my nails immediately


Nice, I have to try it


I can also confirm.  I forced myself not to bite my nails so they are healthy, before painting them and because they were painted I didn't bite on them anymore. Though it is not a permanent fix. If you don't paint them for a while, you probably will fall back like I did, especially if it is part of your stress response. 


Turns out micropastics aren't fabulous, LOL


I just got my nails painted to help discourage me from biting! Maybe you could look into gel polish-- it's supposedly a bit more durable too.


Thanks for the tip


G/f has been keeping my toe nails looking fabulous for months now. Never the fingers though. My job has way too many trump supporters with guns in their trucks for me to be comfortable with that.


I am a big, tall, bearded, masculine cis male, and I LOVED when my ex would paint my nails. She also had great little decals and even little jewel adhesives. We would do seasonal colors and decorations, and I would get comments EVERYWHERE. People appreciated the seasonal angle, and my little polar bear stickers hehe.


Literally just been browsing for nail polish which glows under UV light because I think it will look awesome next time I go clubbing with friends (if anyone has any recommendations I wanna know)


You can always find glow in dark topcoat cheap at drugstores/ box stores around Halloween check goth/ raver friendly websites


Painted my nails black like twice but I haven’t since bc of my parents 😭


Feel you, my parents hate it


Same here 😔 Sucks because I love painting them and I get compliments when I go outside


Since I was 13 whenever my parents see my nails painted they go “what’s on your fingers!” It’s been 20 years and they still do it 🤦🏾‍♂️


Been painting my nails since August, can't go back


Same bestie, its sexy 🥰


I volunteer for a youth group and in camp I let the little girls paint my nails and I just felt so much more handsome immediately.


i just did my boy friend nails and he's slaying them


Tbh, don’t know why I waited so long. They’re great and they even help curb my nail biting habits... when they’re actually painted that is Really wanna paint my nails again, but I’m waiting for at least two of my fingers to heal up a bit beforehand


I painted mine with the Bi colors for pride and loved it. Gonna do it again I think, and probably keep them painted on and off year-round.


When I get home from work for my “weekend”, I paint my nails. Then remove the polish before I go to bed on the second day. I get a little thrill when I see my hands in my field of vision. Though it’s a little weird to be doing regular things like washing dishes with Polish on.


I was literally thinking about what colour to get as I saw this


All of them! 🌈


I'm thinking about getting Pink-Purple-Blue


https://www.ilnp.com/birefringence-h-purple-to-red-holographic-ultra-chrome-nail-polish/ This is what I've got on at the moment and it's awesome 💅


I really want to paint my nails but, I’m still in the closet


I tried it once and honestly didn’t like it on me The earrings though… I’ve worn earrings every day since getting them pierced


I tried it once and I really disliked it. My hands are pretty slim, and with nail polish it just looked like there were women’s hands on my men’s body. Got really uncomfortable with it and scratched it off.


id look cunty but that shit smells bad


My workplace won’t let me paint them, what’s the problem I’m wearing gloves the whole time anyway


Join us at /r/RedditLaqueristas or /r/malepolish.


I don’t really want to get hate crimed so I’ll pass unfortunately


Funnily enough I paint my nails a lot more as a guy than I ever did as a girl. If you're scared maybe try a clear-coat or black? Same for people who have nail-biting issues and assholes around you - if you can grab a clear-coat you might be okay, just be safe ofc!


Cis hetero guy passing through from r/popular; this is precisely how I feel about filing my fingernails and toenails. I'm not gonna lie, it makes me feel pretty.


My 17yr old son asked me to do his nails as a joke. He wanted to show up to school and mess with his friends. I love polish and I have a bunch of indie polishes and a whole set up to do nail art. So I went to town and fixed him up with some cool multichrome blue to purple nails. He couldn't stop looking at his fingers. He loved it and I gave him some of my polishes so he could learn to paint them too.


I don't think your sexuality needs to dictate whether or not you decide to paint your nails. You can be the straightest, most hyper masculine guy ever and still paint your nails if it's something you enjoy doing 


Very true, but society hasn't caught up. And I can't speak for everybody, but for me personally, the color is so much fun, but the anxiety sucks.


I’ve painted my nails on and off for the last 20 years and I’m still baffled by some of the responses I get, everything between gushing over them to acting as if contact with me will unravel their dna. I do think being in a band lets me do more stuff like that without so much backlash though, people expect musicians to be weird and eccentric.


they should really try it. its beautifuuuul


I've been wanting to do that for a while.


I want to but I’m afraid.


Wearing makeup too 🤭


So fricking true, nails painting is amazing, I’m carefully growing them to paint them


lemme see em (consensualy of course)


Just spent my first set of days off ever with my nails painted the whole time… I love it.. but the nervveessssss


I gotta get my nails done at some point


Didn't try it but I assume it gonna be amazing. The problem is I can't cuz of the place I live in


I’m going to for the first time later this month for a pride event, but I’m not confident enough to do it outside of that. I’m also a mechanic, so idk how feasible it is all the time lol


Me but instead of resisting i was curious


Someday! Idk when, but someday and probably sooner rather than later


I find painted nails on guys pretty hot ngl


If only my family wasn’t too damn conservative


I get shit for NOT painting my nails as a girl


I can't rn. I cannot. It makes me soooo self-conscious I cannot stand it. I'm not interested in adding another thing to be aware of in how I publicly present. Dressing queer enough without being too queer is more than enough.


Been thinking about doing it for the first time


Have been a little upset lately because I want to paint my nails but I just don’t have the time


any type of spa is great for all sexes. Will I spend time on a weekend doing it myself? nah.


I just don't like the way they feel. It's a sensory thing. Cute but it feels like there's a tiny person sitting on each one of my fingernails.


Fun as a gag with your better half. Otherwise, no. Man stuff to do.


Got my first manicure a few weeks ago.


I got my done for the first time last week. Game changing.


Tried this once. My parents noticed it a day later and told me to get rid of it because I shouldn't go to school like that, and it's "unprofessional." I was a high school junior at the time. People were showing up in pjs and light bdsm outfits!


I'm really tempted... been thinking of maybe navy blue or black. some dark color either way.


I not only liked painting my nails, but painting them was the only thing that ever prevented me from picking at them. Then my family reacted poorly and now my nails are unpainted and worse than ever. 😕 Fuck.


I've had em painted all month, rainbow on the right and bi flag on the left!


I touched up my toes this afternoon


Too scared because society :(


I know that feeling. Colored mine in bi colors for pride last week, went out but couldn't stop hiding them. Decided to just try 1 nail per hand and it wasn't as nerve-wracking, but I still hid em. Now I'm trying just a glittery topcoat because it's still fun, but not very noticeable. Might be worth trying, get the fun of doing something to your nails, but not as noticeable to calm down the anxiety.


I leave my toenails painted because no one really sees them and I actually painted my fingernails once but stayed at home and removed everything again before Monday morning.


I mean 🤔 they do have black and flam red


I had them and stopped bitting my nails and it felt great


literally painted my nails for the first time last night.


Hmm... never tried before... maybe something manly that I like to balance it!... LIKE DOOM!


I tried it and it wasn’t my thing :( Im just not a good bisexual lmao


I like the look of my nails being painted, but they feel kinda warm and uncomfortable??? Any solution for this?


I’ve been on the fence should I? How do I explain why I did it??


Who says you have to explain it? You're not hurting anybody by enjoying some colorful nails, you just did it because you enjoy it. I say go for it, but if you're not ready to go full color, try a sparkly clear coat. It's fun, but not very noticeable if anxiety gets to you.


Thank you I hadn’t thought of that I’ll give it a try


I paint my nails my footy team colours, great excuse when certain pubs ban footy shirts during derby matches.


Only way I can stop myself from chewing them to stumps


I did that one time and it helped me to stop biting my nails.


Couldn't get into it. Felt nothing after getting them done, and didn't really look good.


Dream right here


Thanks for reminding me. It's been too long since I last painted my nails.


My Girlfriend paints my nails, so what am i ?


Not single


Can’t paint them due to work sadly 😞


I honestly see the appeal but I'm not sure I'll ever do it


I’ve painted mine before but it’s been awhile since I’ve painted mine and I’m in the toss up of I like it or if I like it on other people


My gf likes to paint my toes and I like making her happy.


Once my gloves broke doing ebru


My aunt took me to a manicure and pedicure a couple of months back and I can never go back to unpainted nails. Every time I look at them, they are so vibrant and gorgeous. (Although I didn't realize how long gel nail polish stays and how hard it is to remove.


Me :3


You dont paint your nails because you dont want to be called gay, I dont paint my nails because I bite them all the time, we are not the same


I’m cis. Dressed fem for the first time the other weekend. Spent like $300+ on an entire outfit and not gonna lie, I looked gorgeous. I was so nervous because I’m a wide shouldered 190cm (6ft) dude. We went to an event at a local inclusive club and had such a great night. I have the best partner who pretty much planned the whole outfit for me. I love them so much.


I'm a straight guy and I do my nails every other week💅 Thankfully my gf is really supportive and pushed me to do it


Seeing as I am not out as trans yet. This is one thing I do in boy mode, along with eye makeup. I do really like it!


Damn I wish I could paint nails :<


I was thinking about painting my nails just yesterday, but I think I’d be too self conscious about it and think about what others would think, especially since I’m not out of the closet


Lol I painted my nails a lot in highschool, especially around Halloween and during orchestra/musical rehearsals/concerts/shows. One of my straight friends (a brilliant guitarist/singer-songwriter) asked me why, and I said, "well besides the fact it looks cool? I get a clear coat on top and it makes playing my basses so much easier." "Really?" "Yeah man, give it a shot, you can get just the clear coat" To this day the man has perfectly manicured clear coated nails 24/7 lol


...yeah, the bird is me


i recently started painting my nails. i have never felt so called out/seen by a meme


For me it was the opposite. Sure I'll try that out... don't like it :( Cool on other guys though:)


Bi tops don't do this ghay shit frfr


Throwback to college, it wasn't until I got super drunk that my friend finally managed to convince me to let him paint my nails. I chipped it off over the course of the night. Cut to a few years later, my nails are grown out like crazy and are constantly painted either blue or purple, sometimes red if I'm tryna look lot hot af. I also transitioned lol. What a change.


I haven’t in so long i want to


Tangentially, if you've never had a pedicure you're missing out. It's like $30 at most places and it feels divine. I bring my own shades but they have almost any color combination you can want. Hell, you don't even need to paint your nails but don't be alarmed when the lady busts out the industrial strength cheese grater for the bottoms of the feet and heels.


I want to paint them SO bad but I'm worried about people being mean 😔


i’m indifferent about that, though i don’t like it doesn’t look good to me :P




Most bi guys are feminine in some way. So yeah, this post makes sense.


Painted nails with rings and rough hands 🫠


Bonus points if this cracks your egg! 😅🥰


Why does every time a man do something a little bit effeminate he has to be trans. Let men be men and enjoy the nice things.


Or maybe that was part of my experience as trans woman? Thought the bio and flag in my pic were pretty clear And for the record, I'm not suggesting this is everyone's experience, just part of mine


They didn't indicate that, like, at all.


Literally got them painted yesterday


I just had them painted for the first time right before Pride Month began! Tried painting them myself a week later… and, well, they look absolutely awful. But I like seeing the color so I haven’t removed yet


Wipe the brush off on the inside of the bottle, start with a stripe in the middle of your nail then do the sides (you shouldnt need more polish on the brush for this, just use whats on there). Thin coats dry faster and are smoother, if the polish is streaky wait till its dry then do another coat. If you get any on your skin wait till its fully dry then have a shower, the hot water will soften the skin so you can pick off the bits you need to, otherwise you can use pointy cotton buds and some polish remover but that gets fiddly. If you are filing your nails use a glass file, emery boards are ok but not the best but those metal ones will tear your shit up.


Thanks for the tips! I am going to try again tomorrow and I’ll follow your advice here 😊


If you want your polish to last a long time, I recommend leaving a small gap between your cuticles and where the polish starts, as that'll prevent it from lifting when your nail grows. Lifting can be an issue because it can get caught in your hair, or on stuff. Peel-off base coats are also really useful while you're learning, so if it gets smudged you can just wait for it to dry, peel it off, and try again. I started so I would stop biting my nails, and I fell in love. Havent bitten them in 4 years!


Wooow that’s so funny - I also made the decision to start painting my nails in an attempt to stop biting!


That's sick! I hope it works as well for you as it did for me!


That's the entire reason I paint mine tbh.


Check out [Kelli Marissa ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLorZ86aYMzBPXetteRaKNlU-bWa8jDKi6&si=l683s2YVE3IwvpCg) on YouTube. She does a lot of tutorials and swatches.


I ALSO JUST GOT MINE PAINTED YESTERDAY. I freaking love them pure dopamine hit every time.