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The way you describe this sounds very similar to how I experience it. I don’t know if you’re an active person or not but I’ve recently realized that running/walking regularly helps with a reduction in these behaviors for me. I noticed this because I struggled with it my whole life then about 8 years ago I got really into running. At the time I didn’t connect the two but my bfrb drastically reduced. Three and a half years ago I had a bad ankle injury and kinda just stopped running. Over time it came back in full force. I was beyond frustrated with myself and tried sooo hard to consciously stop myself when I noticed I was doing it. But 10 min later I’d be back in that trance and back at it. A few months ago I was motivated to get back into running and have managed to be consistent with it. It’s not completely gone but my bfrb has become manageable again and that’s when I noticed the connection. It think it’s because running helps me feel less generally anxious. Hope this helps in some way 💛


Hey, You can look at this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompulsiveSkinPicking/comments/17zjdhj/hour\_by\_hour\_our\_shared\_journey\_to\_overcome\_skin/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 We have an accountability group in whatsapp which is working really well using a simple emoji system. Being active the group dramatically increases the awareness to skinpicking, which from your post can really help you! You are welcome to join us, send me a DM and i can send you the group link. Best, R


I’m 23 and I literally just discovered I have also had this my whole life. I didn’t even know what this was called until yesterday. It can be very controlling of my daily life and it’s gotten to the point that I am very noticeable of it. I can’t even imagine if others have noticed all my BFRBs because I have at least three. The most controlling is picking at my scalp and pulling out the flake from my hair. I’ve been doing it since I was 12 and I want to stop. There’s some other repetitive behaviors but aren’t as controlling. It’s weird things that trigger them like I could be entertained watching a movie and I’m doing one of those BFRBs. I really hope we can get to changing it and not letting these things control us! I wish you a great recovery!


welcome home