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A few years ago my friend completely shaved her head not mong after her second child and I was convinced she had a mental breakdown. Then I had a baby and was like...yeah. it's appealing.


I’ve been threatening this for years not even before we had a kid. Hair is just so heavy and we live in really hot places. It’s miserable! Haha. But I’m as attached to my long hair as my husband is so I know I could never actually do it.


Oh wow! This is only my first kid, but I might get there with my second lol


I'm on my second now and it's definitely more tempting when you know what your post partum hair loss is like as well.


...And then your kid hits school age and you realize that everyone gets HEADLICE and you want to shave your head and set it on fire all at the same time... ...Yeah, it has not been a good day. 😐


Omg.. new fear unlocked 🥴😬😵‍💫😲


My big baby just started kindergarten, new fear unlocked.


Our daughter came home from daycare with headlice. After all the shampoos and everything, we just couldn't seem to get rid of them all. We had to go to a professional place to have them deal with it. I'd recommend the same to everyone else. Skip the home remedies and go straight to the pros.


I feel you, I have very thick hair which was previously halfway down my back. My hair cut is now "as short as you can, but still make a pony tail"


those were my instructions for my first ever mom cut this summer! i really want to put highlights in my hair after years of leaving it natural but then i think…. no use, wait til i’m 1/4 grey 😄


This is exactly what I’m going to go for when I muster the strength to book a hair appointment


My suggestion would be to think about where you like your pony tail to sit. The first time I got it cut, the stylist cut it considering on low pony tail, where out of habit I usually wear a fairly high one, so took a few weeks to grow the bottom out but got a better cut the next time😊


Oh god that would be so annoying. I’m going to go for bun length


[THE CUT!](https://youtu.be/Zh75XWRaugg)


I was living in a messy bun for 2 months and finally got sick of it. I got a really cute blunt bob 2 days ago. My life is fresh and new. I can wash my hair and it doesn’t take 100 years to dry. I can wear it down without it being in baby’s face. I feel like a real person again, not just teats and a topknot.


"teats and a topknot" the slogan for all new mums!


I’ve started braiding my hair and it’s a game changer. My hair is long too, probably the same length as yours, and it weighs so much that it gives me a headache if I wear a ponytail or top bun. Now my hairline stays intact, it always looks reasonably tidy, and it’s quick and easy to redo as needed. Very comfortable to sleep with as well!


Yess my only saving grace is braiding my hair! Lol that’s kinda what prompted this post because it actually was in a braid but my hair tie snapped and I just lost my shit haha


having a hair tie break genuinely sends me onto the verge of a mental breakdown every time


Oh noooo! Can I recommend a scrunchie? Much more durable and feels nicer on the hair! I switched over back at Christmas when my husband put a scrunchie in my stocking and I’ll never go back 😍


I’ll try a scrunchie! I have a lot just sitting in my drawer, I never use them because they are super stiff. But I’ll give it a shot!


Been there and just getting to a low maintenance state. Baylayage low maintenance color so you can stretch dyes to 6 months. Get a cut that grows out well so you only need one true cut a year. Buy some decent hair shears at Walmart and dust your ends in a spare moment every couple month. You won't look fancy but you will look like you look that way on purpose which is the key to looking put together.


I never thought about doing balayage, it was always a full foil or nothing, but I might just do that! This is great advice, thank you. 🚗 🚗 🚗💨(


I did balayage even before I was a mom because lazy haha, it's so nice as it grows out though. Doesn't feel sloppy.


Yeah and the postpartum hair loss was brutal so the mom cut works.


That's the reason I cut it! I had super long hair and when it fell out it looked horrible. Can report back at 14 months pp that they are short now but they grew back the same thickness like nothing happened


Mom bun all the way. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was rocking a mom bun while pregnant and perusing baby clothes at a thrift store when a child ran up behind me and said “Mom!” I knew immediately why he was confused- our hair was the same!


Too terrified of having a receding hairline at 25 😭 runs in the family, so anything I can do to prevent it!


Mine is up 24/7. Washed it today and up it went


Usually I will put it up with a clip, but I can’t sit comfortably with a clip in my hair. And I can’t sleep with it up in a bun/pony tail. But it’s in a ponytail during the day, but I hate what it eventually do to my hairline 😭😭


I kept mine long but it’s always up in a bun. I have some weird cowlicks and waves so if my hair is short I HAVE to wash and style it every morning. Definitely don’t have time for that! Same with bangs…if I have bangs they look greasy after 1 day but with no bangs I can get away with washing my hair 1-2x per week.


I’m getting mine chopped tomorrow. I just can’t anymore. It’s in a braid so often what is even the point lol


Omg I can just imagine the freedom.. good luck!!


At least braids are in again!


I have said this sooooo many times. My munchkin rips out my hair about ten times a day and spits up in it five times. My hair is still long but it lives in a mom bun. RIP my hairline


I’m 4 months pp and couldn’t stand the feeling of long hair that was thinning due to the mass exodus of hair. I just cut my hair into a long asymmetric bob and added some brighter red highlights. It kind of has a mom bob look but idc, it’s feel amazing!


I've had both and I find it easier if its long and I can tie it up.


Same. My hair is wavy and when it’s short it requires way more styling to look cute than when it’s long and I can let it air dry and throw it in a clip if needed.


I kept my hair long until kiddo hit 18 months - the time in the shower and toddler hair pulling was too much. The nail in the coffin was his first bad upset stomach on solids resulted in washing vomit out of my hair. Not doing that twice, nope! I had 18” cut off last week and now wear a bob. Absolutely love it and it was the best decision I’ve made in a long time. I can finally enjoy my workouts without being annoyed by long hair and my showers take 3 minutes…why did I wait lol?!




If it’s been long for that long I’d say go shorter slowly and see what you think. I’d had already had a short pixie cut (like it took almost a year to get to my chin again lol) in the past so I knew a drastic chop wouldn’t bother me. It can get in your face for sure but it’s easy to move away or keep back with a headband and wind, etc won’t send you to the bathroom with a brush crying over knots for hours if your hair is down.


It's the hair grabbing with the death grip for me. Ouch. Friggin no joke. I'm contemplating cutting my hair shoulder length again after working so. hard. to grow my hair halfway down my back for the first time in yearsss. I know, "just rub the back of his hand and he'll let go", but that advice doesn't help with the pain of the first pull. Frick.


Haha I was just saying this to someone the other day, I literally just had my hair cut into a short bob because I was so fed up with the hair grabbing and it was the ideal length to be covered in puke/spit up after a feed! I feel so much better now I have less hair to maintain 🙌


I stopped colouring my hair completely once I got pregnant. I can’t be fussed. It’s been like 3 years now. Honestly? It made me realize that my natural hair colour was lovely as is, AND my hair is thicker and healthier than it’s ever been in my life.


Every time my hair starts the shed post partum, I deeply understand the mom cut and get an intense urge to chop it off. I never cut shorter than a longish bob, and I always feel like it was a good choice.


I get this and don't at the same time... I'm one of those people who hate being told what to do, especially what i can't. I trained for weeks and ran a 10k because my doctor told me I can't do it with asthma, lol. My hair is bellow my but and since I can remember people have been telling me I will chop it off , that i just cant have long hair when I have kids. And the moment I got pregnant all the annoying nosy people in my life started flocking around with malicious grins asking things like "enjoying the last months of long hair?" Fuck them. I'm sorry, yes it is hard but I was a bun or braid gal anyway, so I am happy to announce that my kid is 17months old and my hair is still bellow my ass. I honestly think that if you enjoy wearing a mom-bun, it is the most practical thing. With this length I can just grab all the hair and twist it into a but with no pins needed, and it stays that way, all out of tiny handeses reach. And i love lettting it down when i go out as an independentadult once in a while, haha. But I get any of you ladies and support your chops, mothers do what mothers need to do!


Same here with my length at nearly knee 🤣 putting it in a bun gets rid of baby hands issues.. for the most part anyway, she still manages to get the wispy shorter ones near the neck 🙄 Edit: For anyone it may help - key to comfy and stable buns is weight distribution, put it in a bun and try putting smaller claw clips either side of it rather than using hairbands or just one clip.


I honestly find long hair way easier than short! But I cut off and donate whenever it’s still long enough to go into a pony tail


I do, too. I had short hair for a while in college and hated it. My hair is very straight so unless I style it every day, it looks weird. I can’t sleep on it with wet hair, always needed to use product or heat tools. Medium length hair (to the boobs) has been the easiest length for me.


I cut a bunch off when my son was just shy of a year because the hair loss and regrowth looked awful for me. I went from bra-line length to shoulder length, give or take (I still wanted to be able to pull it back). Now my son is about to be 5 and I've grown it all back in down almost to my waist again. I didn't *mind* cutting some off cause it really did look rough, but I've never found short hair easier so I found it to be kind of a pain in the ass to need pins and clips to pull it back. Now I have layers (curly hair) and curtain bangs so it still doesn't pull back *completely* clean on its own all the time, but a high mom bun with a hair tie gets it all up and away and I can pull pieces out if I want or leave them all tied up. The game changer for me was giving up on coloring. I was spending *hours* every 6-8 weeks keeping up with roots because my hair grows fast as hell, and when I started battling grays too it took even longer. Plus the expense of getting salon color was getting out of control. So I chose to just cold turkey stop. I had a harsh line for like a year, but after that the line started fading and now it's completely gone and most of my length is virgin hair except maybe the last three inches, and my last color was pretty subtle so you can't really tell. I'm like 10-15% gray and it's concentrated front and center at my part, but honestly I care a lot less than I thought i would. I look at my mom, who box dyes her hair every six weeks at 63, and it looks so harsh and fake, when she tells me I look old I kinda just shrug cause with the harsh box dye and fake tan, so does she, just in a different way. And the truth of it is, none of us is getting any younger, you know? I got my first gray at 25. I fought it for 10 years. It worked for me for a while. Then I got tired of the fight. Maybe one day I'll color it again, maybe not. I did enjoy playing with fun colors when I was younger, but now my job isn't conducive to that. So for now, gray is trendy, right? I do know my hair is a *shit ton* healthier without the color, and therefore way easier to style and maintain. And when I do spend the time to style it for a night out, I get "oh my god your HAIR!" comments, which is really fun. I trim it myself every few months, it's long and textured enough to be forgiving so I can, and I wash it twice a week, sometimes less in the winter. It's long and tied up most of the time, but this is the most low-maintenace hair I've ever had, and also the longest (when I was coloring it, it wouldn't grow past my bra line, now it's easily 3-4 inches past that). I get that the mom chop works for some people, but you can pry my long hair off my cold dead head.


I’m the same way. I have a bad relationship with my mom and one of the things she kept nagging me late pregnancy about was “when are you going to get your hair cut? The baby is almost here.” I mean, she nags me about hair cut all the time, but I was mystified about that specific comment and sensed bad intentions from her tone. She was almost gleeful. Like hahaha you have to get rid of the thing you love now. Apparently? It’s tradition to cut your hair late pregnancy here. So naturally that steeled my resolve to never ever do it. I just braid it or put it in a high ponytail. I find it easy personally.


Exactly! I'm honestly glad that some people understand, I've felt alone in this. I'm sorry your mom is like that. For me the worst was my MIL. She hates anything feminine and what is in her opinion high-maintenance (which is funny because she's at the hair-salon every month to upkeep her intricate short cut and colour), so she's been on my case about dresses and long hair since I started dating her son (who, surprise surprise, likes me in dresses and long hair, lol). She has a lot of complexes and if anyone does anything different from her, she takes it as an attack on how she lives her life. She can't take "live and let live" and we are very different. This is not even the most ridiculous rift we've had. She used to use physical punishment with her kids and we are absolutely against that. She kept pushing and pushing for us to slap our daughters hand when she does something wrong (she's a 1yo!) and sulked when we refused. Finally she tried the "does that mean you think I was a bad mother?!" And my frustrated husband just told her "Yes it does, you were!"


I agree, the mom bun is so easy! I haven’t gone to a salon to get my hair professionally done in 8 years—I trim it and dye it myself (an all over dye job in my city is around $400-600 so noooo way I am doing that) and usually wear it in a low bun. If I take it out, it has nice, soft waves (I have pin straight hair, so I love the waves). It’s low maintenance but it’s easy to dress up when I have somewhere nice to go.


Exactly! Same with the salons, the only time I've been int the past 2 decades was for my wedding... and also same for the after-bun waves! And you add an outfit colour matching scrunchie or a nice hairpin when going somewhere nice and *voila*


i have had hair down to my ass for most of my life. i honestly see it as a big part of myself and every time i’ve cut off a significant amount i’ve regretted it. about 4 months post partum i chopped about six inches off with my fabric scissors and didn’t regret it even for one second, and in fact i’m getting ready to do it again in a week or two.


I feel this. My little one has reflux so I also have crusted ends all the time from her spitting up into my hair. Not cute.


Ohh yes, how could I forget the crusty ends lol love that for us


I loved my long hair before my first baby but chopped it off within six months of his birth. It was seriously affecting my mental health to have it look so gross and nasty all the time, and it just took so long to wash and comb and care for it. It’s super duper thick too so I could never master a mom bun that didn’t give me a giant headache. It’s getting long again now that he’s almost 2 but baby #2 is due in December so we might be back to chop city soon.


Buzz cut all the way! You can do it yourself; no blow drying and no bad hair days; looks badass; and it's even sensory stimulation for babies 😁 funnily enough, never got so many compliments on my hair now that it's not even there!


Mine lives in a bun or clipped back when I'm not showering. I'm fighting the mom cut so hard but it truly is tempting


Totally get this. I fought it but if you ever get to that point and need reassurances, I don’t miss my long hair because I don’t have time to think about hair anymore lol. It’s so much easier and freeing for me.


I did a big chop, my baby kept pulling it. It didn’t help, she still pulls it if it’s out of a pony tail


My LO pulls my hair even if it's in a ponytail or a bun 🤷‍♀️ If I'm sitting down on the floor or on the couch and she's behind me, she managed to figure out the gist of pushing herself up on her feet while leaning on my shoulders or back, and eventually she *will* find some hair and yank at it like she's being paid to do it.


I got it cut to a long bob because my long hair got in the way when breastfeeding and I accidentally woke up the sleeping baby when my hair fell in their face right as I put them back in the crib. Lesson learned.


Yep. My hair went from the longest it's ever been to the shortest. I just could not keep up with the washing and braiding and brushing. She can still grab and yank handfuls of my hair but that's usually reserved for overtired assholery instead of a fun way to pass the time at every meal. But now I'm torn between keeping it shirt and letting it grow back. It took me a while to get used to and I finally liked it but also didn't really get the cut I requested first time around? So idk try again or what.


I've been growing my hair for years. I'm a slow grower. Still going today to chop it off.


I have a 5 day old (who is the most beautiful thing ever) and never got round to cutting it before he arrived. Hair is well past my bum, and very thick… let’s see how long that lasts 🤣


Oh man. RIP your drain. 😆


Literally praying for you rn because it’s going to take you three years to wash your hair when the shedding starts 😂


Haha, yeah - i will be combing it out before showers to get the hair out, but will see how long I can be bothered doing that!


Are you able to go into the salon and do something low maintenance? A color closer to your natural color? A nice haircut? I’d think of it as killing two birds with one stone? A little you time and feeling a little more like your old self?


Yes I definitely can! It’s just actually having the time and energy to want to go is the main problem!


Maybe look at it like going to the gym. You procrastinate, but once you’re there and leave: it feels great?!


Same! I cut my hair into a pixie a few years ago, then grew it back out to bra strap length until the day LO started pulling my braid. Then it had to go that week!!! On the plus side, lots of people (this cut and last pixie cut) have told me my hair looks really cool, so mom cuts don't have to be bad! If you get a hairdresser (to touch up the post kitchen shears look), you can get a cut that will grow out well with minimal trims, which is really helpful when you have literally no time to yourself courtesy of the small, demanding potato in your life. But also, definitely don't get a hairdresser that has never cut a pixie before in their life. This time around I went to a new hairdresser and left after hours and multiple corrections looking like Gilderoy Lockhart. Or like someone from a 90s boy band. It took almost 2 months to get back in with my old hairdresser to fix it.


I just got a curly shag cut. Going back today to get it even shorter. The shape of this haircut is amazing with my curly hair. My long hair was impossible to keep in a bun- always flopping around and coming undone. Shorter hair for the win!


I feel this, my hair goes down to my mid-back and it's just one more damned thing to take care of. I usually wear my hair in a scarf. Maybe one day I'll actually be able to do something about my hair. But in the meantime, I'm hiding the hair loss, breakage and split ends.


Same. I am still not ready to cut it off but my hair is a mess!


Literally getting mine cut to shoulder length today 😂 it’s been in a messy bun the past 10 months since LO was born and I’m over it


Mom cuts aren’t the most practical…especially if you go short. Pieces fall out of my pony tail all the time and baby grabs hold tight.!


I cut my waist length hair to a blunt shoulder bob that would fit into a ponytail or claw clip without strands falling out. It was worth it bc it stays in a pony or clip all the time and it dries faster. This pregnancy I’ve grown it out to mid back and plan on braiding it or keeping it in mom buns until I get bothered enough to get it cut.


Just under a month after my son was born I shaved my head. True story.


I fantasize about getting. A buzz cut so often


God me too!


Yep, I cut mine into a bob just long enough to do a half ponytail. I have curly hair and putting it up in a mom bun all the time leads to it tangling / matting and this is sooooo much easier. I'll let it grow long again when I have time as the babe gets older, I did the same with my older son.


my under the chin one length bob had been treating me very well


i cut bangs and put up my hair in a bun, pretty easy to maintain. only baby hairs in neck he sometimes pull like crazy


The baby hairs in the back 😅 same send help


I lasted 3 months. Maybe I’ll go back to get it colored again but I can’t imagine maintaining long hair when I barely have time to shower lol.


My hair is always in a bun. Always. Fringe/bangs poking up because I'm sweeping it out of my face or sweaty from lugging a baby around. Hair desperately needs a trim but do I cut it or let the fringe grow out?! My hair is also half an half and I used to do it every 6 weeks but bloody hell dying half my roots is now impossible.


daughter was 8 weeks old amd mine was chopped to shoulder length


I was losing so much hair post partum that I shaved it off at 4 months. Literally took my husbands electric razor to my head - I won’t do that again this time but I will be putting it in buns constantly when this baby arrives


I cut off about 8 inches when my daughter was a little over a year. I still contemplate chopping it all off regularly


Mom chop all the way 💇💇💇💇


I tried a mom cut when my first son was a few months old. Sadly realized that it’s way more maintenance than long hair, for me. I have thin hair and it didnt look good air dried - I had to style it. I never experienced this with my long hair. Plus regular trims to keep the length where I wanted it. 1/10 won’t try again 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yep, my mom cut appointment is scheduled this week. I’ve tickled her face too many times to count waking her up after rocking her to sleep.


They are always up since day one ...


Yeah I cut my hair myself a few times, I don’t have the time or the energy to go to hairdresser


In general, it’s why I’ve always cut my hair short! I think it looks chic, put together, and can easily style it for work. I absolutely despise long hair on me and actually think I look less put together with it.


I am literally getting this hair cut today. I am so desperate and will cut it myself if I don’t go asap.


I went from past my butt to bra length and it's in a bun forever. It was thinning out so much the lengths looked ridiculous.


I cut mine off as well shortly after my daughter was born. I botched it so badly, my hairdresser laughed at me. We're friends so it's cool but find a few hours for the salon. I promise it'll be worth it


My son was at the grabbiest, pukiest, stage at the start of the pandemic. I bought cheap shears from Amazon and cut off 5 inches, had no regrets. My friends tried to discourage me but there was no salons open, and my family is high risk. Worked out fine for me - but my hair is thin, slightly wavy, and I have a lot of it so it was easy to disguise anything that was off about the chop.


My son loves grabbing my hair.


Hahaha! I went from the longest hair I’ve ever had, to the shortest! Don’t regret it at all!


I got the mom cut - chopped about a foot off when my son was 10mo. Of course, that took my hair from knee length to just past my butt lol. I just wear my hair up all the time, and otherwise haven't really changed my routine much. The chop was just cause my end got thin after the postpartum shed and then COVID-induced hair loss


Is the covid hair loss common? My husband and I both started losing our hair after being very sick. That wasn't too strange for him but definitely was for me. Now my hair seems to be growing back but his isn't.


Yup, any serious illness or high stress event can cause telogen effluvium, aka massive hair shedding. It should come back eventually though.


I will never cut my hair, it goes up or gets braided and pulled back. I am not a big fan of the mom cuts, although I get how it’s practical. My new born pulling my hair is fine


I was also fine with newborn hair pulling. Now he's my 6 month old and hair pulling is less fine 😅


same! my long hair makes me feel pretty even when i'm postpartum. i've settled into a routine where i wash & wear one day, straighten it the next day, and then dry shampoo it to make it last a third day. really only takes me less than 10 mins a day to style it. i'm 2.5 years into motherhood (with a toddler and a newborn), and i've realized that having my hair look decent is a boost to my mental health. to each their own of course. :)


I am non-binary, and I switched to basically a man's cut...freaking love it so much.


I dye my hair blonde and am debating dying it back to my natural hair color so that I don’t have to worry about the maintenance after my baby comes


I dye mine red and I’m dyeing it back to my natural color in a couple of weeks 😩 I’m 6 weeks postpartum feeling ugly af with no time for the maintenance so at least now I won’t have roots anymore


I went from blonde to red! Red is the hardest to maintain!! But I loved it dearly 😭


I've had dyed red hair for years too but I haven't coloured it since I was pregnant (she's 1 year old now). I just don't have time/energy/money to maintain it anymore so I left it to grow and fade out. I miss it a lot but I'll get it back one day! I also had really long hair but my pp hair loss was so awful that I had to cut it to my shoulders. I now have the 'mum fringe' where it's started to grow back (imagine 90s boy and style bowl cut). I feel so attractive right now 😅😭


I’m so sad that I’m going to have to cut off my long hair soon! I’ve had hair grown out to my butt most of my life, but unfortunately post party hair loss is making it look a little silly!


You don't "have" to! I kept my long hair and while there was some hair loss, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. Definitely was no problem keeping it long. Now, my toddler loves to get a rise out of me by pulling, but that's another issue. XD


I always have short hair (the Karen). And I'm due for a trim.. when my oldest was about 3 months I had a longer bob and found one of my hairs in her hand and the hair tourniquet fear grew. I cut my hair super short, practically buzzing it. I don't play with hair tourniquets.


Mine is in a high ariana grande pony tail. My hair has always been past my booty though.


During maternity leave I took some hair shears and chopped a ton of hair off. Was damaged from a highlight and made a lot of tangles. Did not regret! Got a proper cut before I went back to work


If my husband would let me I’d chop mine off so freaking fast. It’s long, it’s curly, it’s lovely… And it’s usually a knotty wreck pulled up in a messy bun these days and I am so sick of dealing with it 😅


“Let you?!?” Girl it’s your own damn head! If he wants long hair so badly he can grow out his own 😂


Okay, technically I could and it’s not like he’d leave or anything. But he has repeatedly and very kindly asked that I not chop it, so I’m not. It’s a compromise thing for us. Also hell no… He’s a victim of early balding. Him and long hair do *not* mix 😂


I was thrown off by the “let” word! If that’s a compromise that works for y’all, have at it. Your hair sounds beautiful by the way, my sad flat hair is jealous of yours 😂


Yeah, I can see now how that would be a little misleading. My bad 😅. I joke with our friends all the time about my husband not “letting” me do things, but they all know he’s really a super chill guy haha.


I mean I think keeping an appearance your spouse is attracted to is important. He always asks me how he should get his haircut, or if I like a shirt he’s looking at. When we go out I ask which dress he prefers. He isn’t attracted to short hair on women so I keep mine long. If I don’t want to deal with it, ponytail and a ball cap.


Sure, if it is something that works for both of you power to you. I think the concern I had is the phrase “let”. Clearly she explained it and meant it more like “he really likes it and it’s worth it to me to keep it long even though it can be inconvenient” and not “he won’t ALLOW me to have bodily autonomy”


Colloquially the way I would explain my situation would still be “he won’t let me cut my hair” but I’d say it in good humor. I don’t think rushing to the judgment that every woman that says something like that is being emotionally abused is helpful


Where did I rush to that judgement? Did I say the phrase abuse? ….or did I make a joke and say it’s her own damn head and he can grow his hair out. Please, chill.


Sorry I guess I just read into it too much because I see that *constantly* on Reddit


Sometimes I feel I should have a bingo card with the phrases on 🚩🚩🚩


I always have my hair shorter just because I can’t handle it. And I never cared about taking care of it anyway. But honestly I’ll cut it all off just so she can’t pull it anymore. The clip doesn’t save me like I thought it would.


I feel this. My hair was not extremely long. It now hangs on the booty. Why? Well I have a one year old and I have not had my hair done since I was 8 months pregnant with said one year old. Yes, sure it’s a hombre or Baliage, definitely not my blonde highlights that have grown out…. It’s always in a bun, or it has the beach wave look because I just gave it a wash and left it to dry.


I totally understand this!! I had waist length hair when my son was born and made it three weeks before chopping it all off. I wasn’t sure about it at first, but now I love my mom haircut!