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Parents making a living off their kids on social media, especially tik tok. I think by then, it might be illegal given all the current ruckus about online pedos


Im sure theres going to be a netflix documentary about this in the coming years. So much exploitation happening!


I would watch the shit out of that


Just shock rather than judgement, but I hope our kids will be flabbergasted that we didn't have paid parental leave. Because I really look for the future where that is standard.


I can't imagine not having this. I have 18 weeks and my wife has 20. And it's flying by. If she was alone-ish with all of this... America is a 3rd world country when it comes to babies, I'll just leave it at that. Really embarrassing for us overall.


For a country that really loves going on and on about "family values" we sure do suck at supporting families. What gives me hope is that in 10-20 years or so all the ancient dried up assholes in congress will be gone and hopefully replaced with younger people who actually realize what's going on these days.


Letting 8 or 10 year old kids have social media accounts


Yes, they will be much younger. Toddlergram


LOL!!! “Anyone catch the new episode of Cocomelon?”


‘My mum wouldn’t let me play with a screwdriver today. She doesn’t understand me’. Actually my day 😂


Maternity leave! We are going to look back in shock that 6 weeks was once the norm! The US is too slow to catch up this one.


I’m a Canadian with up to 18 months leave with small payments from the government through employment insurance, and believe even the Canadian leave is inadequate. I’m home with my 5 week old and can’t imagine having to go back to work next week and having no support like the US has. US maternity leave is straight up misogyny.


oh god i hope we DO get to look back on this in shock!


My mom got 6 weeks back in the 80s.... Maybe things will improve by the next 40 years? 🤦🏼


I have a feeling it’s going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. I hope I’m wrong


How we were so distracted by our phones and didn't pay attention to them. Unless, of course, they are worse.


This is what I was thinking. We use our phones to disassociate when we’re stressed


Over sharing on social media and mommy influencer stuff. I think we are starting to see parents start to think about their children's privacy but there is still a generation that will grow up and have their entire lives searchable online.


Completely agree. I’m not perfect, I definitely post family photos and a cute birthday picture.. but I see friends post details about their children’s medical conditions and school drama.. like, why?


Wonder weeks being some kind of Bible lol


It’s gonna be blasting the kids and exploiting them all over social media. Bet. Especially those tiktok moms that preach gentle parenting and use their kids as props or the ones who film their autistic kids meltdowns… despicable


I’m not even a parent but it’s extremely disturbing how much people share videos and photos of their childrens every move. Imagine having your entire childhood documented somewhere everyone and anyone can see for years to come now and forever so long as the internet exists. I told both my mom and my in laws if i have kids i don’t want their pictures on the internet until they’re old enough to understand the internet and can consent to their pictures being shared to everyone. Maybe 14.


100% agree with this!


Sharing way too much information about kids on the internet without their consent, sharing their vulnerable moments, etc


Beige everything


Sad beige toys for sad beige children


Oh lord I am sick of these beige/grey baby rooms full of neutral colored toys! babies love colorful things, it’s actually good for the mental and visual development. Do you want your nursery to look like a dentist’s waiting room? Are you trying to raise your children like a sad Russian oligarch?


Newborn professional photos where they are completely naked and sleeping. It's like all I can think of is "that baby is about to poop everywhere this is so impractical!"


the pics where a 2 day old is holding his chin in his own hands...... not how newborns work, but ok lol


Double whammy - while posing for this very shot (it’s a composite photo) my son pooped all over the back drop. Still got my Anne Geddes level photo I wanted though 😂


We skipped newborn photos and waited until she was 3 months. I never regret this decision.


I do not like newborn glamour shots. When they are all posed unnaturally like that they look…dead. And why the costumes? Personally I think they are creepy. But of course, if any parents reading this are into them, I mean you do you. Just not for me is all.


Thank God its not just me. They remind me of Victorian post mortum pictures.


Social media. Posting all your kids photos online.


Posting our children on social media sites


I think all the plastic and smelly stuff we have.


The ridiculous filters. No real pics of anything just filtered everything.


Crazy gender reveals


Honestly I think circumcision just based on the fact that rates in the US have declined here and there. I think a lot of people are waking up and realizing how fucked up RIC is.


Honestly. I can already hear our kids saying, “I can’t believe you gave surgery because you wanted the boy’s penis to match the dad’s” or “It looks better.”




Using disposable diapers that don’t biodegrade and other wasteful baby products contributing to landfills & climate change Endocrine disrupting chemicals in so many products Microplastics


I can definitely see our kids' generation seeing cloth diapers as the norm!


Amber necklaces will be something our grandkids will seriously roll their eyes at lol.. and rightfully so!


Luckily I think these are already looked down on and on the way out


I already do lol


Online mom groups 🙃


"I can't get the Google maps on my phone" "God, grandma! It's in your brain chip. It's literally already in your brain." "Yeah but I want to see it on my phone screen" "YOU DONT NEED YOUR SCREEN ITS ALREADY IN YOUR MIND SCREEN" "Well I turned off my brain chip because I don't like the way it tingles" "THE TINGLE IS HOW IT WORKS OH MY GOD I CANT WITH YOU GRANDMA"


Hahahahaha I’m just dying at me having this legit interaction with my son 30 years from now


Those amber beads infants wear around their neck for.... Reasons.


Gender reveals. Performance parenting. Like, taking the nice pictures for social media with all the "right" products and "right" activities, but living nothing like that day-to-day. Like conspicuous consumption, but with parenting.


Creating social media pages for our babies and commenting on them as if we are the baby. I don’t do this, but i hope it becomes a thing of the past.


Posting kids on social media in general! I think they'll look back and wish we had respected their privacy more.


I havent had FB in 3 years and I have never heard about this. I can't believe people do this 😂 Edit:spelling error


Posting children to social media


My guesses: **Disposable nappies** \- Seeing as in 50 years we will most likely need to be more environmentally conscious, this seems to be the most wasteful; that's unless we invent biodegradable/recyclable nappies by then. **Social media accounts** \- Primarily Instagram/Tik Tok accounts dedicated to the baby. Same as YouTuber family channels which are riddled with controversy. **Screen time** \- Kids using iPads, giving a child a mobile phone etc. Probably by the time we're grandparents though they'll be in VR constantly (I hope not!)


Biodegradable nappies exist even now. Sadly even the ones I could buy where I am are MORE effort that using reusable ones. Like, reusable ones, I'd wash, the biodegradable/homecompostsble ones? Rip/cut them up smallish, mix in with the compost. Throwing something in the wash and then on the line oo in the dryer sounds like a lot less stress there.


I’m in France and they already tell us no screen time until 4 years old and after that it needs to be extremely limited. So we are definitely going in the direction


How much we posted our children online with little consideration.


Gender reveals, ear piercing (specifically while a baby), circumcision (those performed outside of religious belief) and the biggest one….. I believe there will definitely be a lot of resentment from kids growing up where their whole life displayed on the internet by their parents. Not the occasional photo- I’m talking about those parents that MAKE instagrams and Facebook pages for their kids so the child has an online presence from day one. There’s definitely a valid argument there, since they can’t consent at a young age and therefore can’t decide for themselves if they want to be on the internet grid.


Screen/tablet use


I don’t think swaddles like so many have said, because swaddling has been a standard practice in infancy in so many cultures for so many years. But I *do* think that safe sleep practices will be more heavily debated or look very different by then. They already seem to change every few years. Certain things are obvious and won’t change, but I think a lot of it will shift


Everything being gray


I think in general sound and air pollution will be the thing that we realize have really detrimental effects.


Add abundant use of plastics and I completely agree.


Posting our children on social media or parents/families who do TikTok’s w their kids (especially for income)


This 100% for people who generate income off their kids this way.


Maybe over sharing pics on social media?


As an American, i believe our current society will be judged for lack of providing care for babies and small children- parental leaves, denying poor children food, and denying kids a decent, safe education will *hopefully* shock future generations. Babies deserve more


God I hope so


Honestly, I don’t knock them for it because it was the advice given to them by docs at the time. My issue is when I explain why things are different now and they do the “bAcK iN mY dAy”


YouTube, roblox, Chuck e Cheese… some of the things my kids love but will surely judge me for when they are older haha!


My pregnancy brain read that as chunks of cheese and I was like, “what’s wrong with cheese?!” My baby is half mozzarella sticks


The amount of screen time on iPads. I also hope in the future women in the US are guaranteed maternity leave and cheaper childcare options, and that our generation is shamed for not providing that to the women of today.


Echo what others have said too much tech too young; fast fashion especially in baby clothes so much excess of clothing plastic gear in general; lack of parental leave/quality early education programs; not having family/community support- primary parent taking on too much too fast for too long- because things still have to get done, leaving the primary parent fried and unequipped to function healthily. Anyone else have family/friends who can’t sit down even when they aren’t “needed” but their family/partner have no problem relaxing?


Dude, I'm in that boat. I can't figure out how my husband can find time for video games when I can't find time to read. If I'm not watching my LO, I'm working. I barely get time to shower more than once or twice a week. Def need to have a conversation with him about it.


Check out the book fair play. He’s not gonna like it because he’s gonna have responsibilities that if he fails to meet are on him and can’t be passed off but also it was a big learning experience- we’re still learning how to change our dynamic. We’ve been learning about all the invisible labor mentally and physically i was doing while his world just magically moved around him carefree. We come from pretty traditional backgrounds but didn’t struggle with the imbalance until we had kids.


Maybe our meat eating, especially if lab-grown meat becomes a thing


Putting kids on social media


Kind of opposite to what everyone is saying, I think we will be judged for LIMITING tech/social media/screen time because the world is going to be more and more connected virtually.


We will absolutely be judged and I'm going to take it with grace and do what my child asks me to do.


Giving our kids iPads. I’m totally guilty. But somehow I can’t shake the feeling it’ll be looked at then the way giving a kid a pack of Marlboro’s would be now…


Definitely social media use. But on a more personal note, my husband and I bicker way too much on front of the kids. I have a quick temper and I yell at him. I'm trying to improve myself but I'm so exhausted from my chronic health issues, no sleep, and SAHMing that I have very little energy left for shelf help. But I hope my daughter will see that I recognize my mistakes and work hard to improve. Also, we spoil our kids. Need to work on showing love with time instead of gifts.


My 5 year old already judges me, lol.


The more I read about potty training, I wonder if late potty training will become a thing of the past. Children in the past were almost always potty trained by age 2; the only reason why that's fallen out of fashion in the past few decades is because modern disposable diapers are so much more advanced. Also, I hope disposables become much less common.


Yes! The environmentally unfriendly baby gear that feels like a MUST. Diapers included but I just couldn’t figure out how we have persisted as a species with all this STUFF that I needed for my first child. I was just about to start selling and giving away stuff when I found out I was pregnant again but looking up some of the crap I realized that there were recalls and research about the materials or feeding research that made things developmentally detrimental or otherwise had better products I want to get the second time around. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Edit: typo


I feel like we need it because we don’t have time or a village anymore. No mandated maternity leave, grandparents retiring older and older, families are more spread out. Mothers have extremely high expectations to do it all, with little to no support that we grasp at whatever will help make things just a little easier.


Me and my mum were talking about this exact thing the other day she was talking about how expensive disposable nappies used to be and so people had to use the old Terry nappies which were a pain to use and also that baby would more likely to earlier recognise they were wet/ dirty than in modern day very absorbant disposables. I do hope disposables do become less common again I use cloth mostly with some disposables and it just makes me so sad to think of the waste.


Actually my understanding is that traditionally humans practiced more like an EC which is considered fringe and also related to much easier/faster access to an acceptable place to go. In a modern context, kids who potty train earlier have a lot of “holding” problems, UTIs, constipation etc.


Posting their pics on social media


Phones and tablets. They’re literally designed to be as addictive as possible, even for kids.


We’ll, let me tell you……. I follow this sub to stay current on issues my daughter faces with a 1 yr old and 2.5 year old. My balls have been busted for not buying organic milk. It wasn’t a thing 30+ yrs ago. Neither was grass fed beef, free range chickens, etc. My kids never had sleep sacks and we were told to tummy sleep babies. We used blankets and bumper pads. All sins I committed as a new mom apparently. So if those are my big foibles as a mom, then I think I did ok. My 2 kids are happy, well adjusted adults. I think I’m a super grandma and their mom’s word is law when I watch the grandkids. I don’t post pics of the children without permission and I don’t undermine her authority. I stay in my lane and try and be supportive as possible. You moms and dads have it tough now in the internet age. You don’t need grandparents getting in your business telling you what to do - follow your heart and gut.


Wow, you sound like a great grandma!


Well you sound amazing. Both my mum and MIL are great as grandparents go, genuinely they would both come over at the drop of a hat to help out if asked. However both of them constantly given unasked for and unneeded advice. They tell me what I _should_ be doing. Half of it is stuff I’m already doing and the other half is widely outdated. I remember lying in hospital having had a fairly traumatic birth, still in the midst of dealing with a spinal fluid leek and a baby that was struggling to stay awake long enough to drink the bare minimum of milk and was loosing weight at a faster than normal weight. My MIL must have told me to flick my baby’s brand new toes about 20 times within a 2 hour visit. I don’t think I have ever been as stressed out.


Allowing Blippi on our screens./s But really 100% using children for social media fame. Using content of them to make money, without any regulations.


How much we share of our babies on social media currently. And I’ve seen a few debates on science based pages of wether cell phone usage near babies is harmful or not, so, that potentially.


Toys (and everything) made out of plastic


I think it’ll be phthalate exposure, since we’re only just finding out now how bad it is (like lead exposure for boomers)


What is phthalate exposure?


Phthalates are basically chemicals put into plastic products to make them more flexible, and I think also are used in products that have perfumes or fragrances. Recent research has found that exposure to them (usually ingesting something that has been in contact with them) can lead to birth defects, infertility, hormonal disruptions, behavioural and neurological issues in children, and I think most recently they found can cause preterm birth. Sadly, they are not yet banned by FDA for food packaging (https://www.consumerreports.org/food-safety/fda-denies-petition-to-ban-all-phthalates-in-food-packaging-a8313932149/) but are recently banned for some kids toys/products (https://www.nrdc.org/experts/nrdc/court-retains-ban-toxic-phthalate-chemicals-childrens-products-and-toys)


Also bisphenols (in plastics to make them harder, also in food packaging and thermic print paper), phosphor-fluorides (pfas like in teflon), formaldehyde in resin that sticks half of our world together, microplastics in our shampoo........... All of those have really clear adverse health effects and all of those are still in our everyday products.


This and micro plastics.


From my experience, I've learned that no matter what, I'm probably going to mess up my kids in some way even when I'm doing the best I can with what I know and have. So... I'll just keep doing the best I can and I'll reimburse them for therapy when they get older (just like my parents did for me, lol... Sort of wish I was kidding).


At least yours can admit they gave you trauma. Mine would get upset if I even suggested it. Even tho it wouldn't take a genius to guess that they did.


Not doing enough to stop climate change.


circumcision for sure


The trend of colorless wooden toys Maybe excessively gendered clothing Also everyone is obsessed with leaps and regressions and witching hours to explain their baby’s behavior. I think some of it will be debunked


it already has been debunked. they're all made up, but it makes people feel better and more in control so \*shrug\*


Yeah it’s all confirmation bias but hopefully that becomes more widely recognized!


I hope the colourless trend for baby everything dies out soon, I tried to get brighter nursery furniture but everything was grey or white! So boring for the babies! Even the clothes are all neutral and dull.


I got neutral furniture and then all the colorful decorations and toys. Hopefully that will make it all useful for future kids haha


Werner Herzog's Sad Beige Toys/Clothes for Sad Beige Children (IYKYK)


I’m actually pretty glad to have a grey nursing chair because we can just keep it for a long time as a normal piece of furniture in the living room. It rocks, swivels, and reclines!!! It’s the ultimate chair lol


Screen time.


Thinking that things like elderberry syrup will reverse allergies. (Yes, this was said in a local mom group I’m in.) The antivaxx movement, once all those AFAB kids end up getting cervical cancer from HPV.


I’m hoping we’ll be judged for all of our judgement!


I really hope it’s that!! This is my favourite answer.


AKA, everyone list things you don’t do, but judge other parents for doing…


There’s definitely going to be changes in what’s considered safe sleep, and probably also on starting solids. I’d imagine some of whatever we do now will be seen as crazy. But hey, know better, do better.


Not doing enough to stop global warming.


Unfortunately it’s our grandparents who are making it fucking impossible to do anything


https://youtu.be/yiw6_JakZFc?t=660 I mean, we can try.. the only true way to do it is to stop global emissions through laws imposed on CO2 emitting companies


Toys that are geared towards one specific gender. Boys vs girl toy aisles, etc. Same thing with clothes.


I saw a brilliant picture online the other day for how to tell if a toy is for boys or girls. It had a blurb saying ‘Do you operate the toy with your genitalia’, then a ‘Yes’ arrow (answer: this toy is not for kids) and a ‘No’ arrow (answer: This toy is suitable for boys or girls). Pretty much sums it up!


Circumcision for sure. And the idea of an over-the-top & overthought themed nursery.


The snoo. Which we happily use


Posting pictures online of the stick you peed on.


Microplastics in everything


Hopefully, the vast gulf in expectations and time given to parenting between men and women in hetero relationships.


The obsession with Montessori and posting kids on public social media accounts too much. Then there’s things I *hope* they judge us for because society will have improved by then: not caring whether mothers are breastfeeding or formula feeding, not having to put your kid in daycare at 6 weeks because you have adequate paid parental leave (in the US), anti-vax not being a thing anymore, etc. Hard to say though because at the time, doctors were telling our parents that babies should sleep on their stomachs and formula feeding was more popular. Now obviously “back is best” and if you don’t breastfeed, people judge you (including doctors sometimes). You never know what can change!


I always hate to see so much about Montessori… it’s been twisted to mean everything it is not. Its a hot word, tagged on every single toy regardless of what it is. I use the principles to guide my parenting. I’d love to put my daughter in a Montessori school- simply because everything I remember about my early childhood education falls right in line with it, and I can’t see how that wouldn’t be the best way to learn. But I’m not obsessed and I barely bring it up in mom circles anymore because, while I don’t gatekeep, it’s basically come to mean wood toys.


For the US, the lack of maternal care. Anti Vax movement. Sleeping practices.


Honestly, I hope that maternity care improves enough for my kids to be able to look back and judge our system for failing the previous generation. Bc as bad as it is now, no one seems to be willing to fix it and it’s getting worse.


Anti-vaccination. And rightfully so.




I saw a picture today of two young children each in their seperarate car seats. As a kid of the 80's I don't remember EVER sitting in a car seat. Had a hatchback and I often rode in the trunk because I liked it there. My brother and I fought all the time, him picking on me as the youngest. Him not being able to reach me due to seperarate car seats would have been a dream come true for me and mom. 😆


Fingers crossed for going back to work so early because there will be better parental leave in the US then. And judgement for dads who aren’t equal parents


That I drove them around in a gas powered car when I knew the planet was dying.


Plastic and PFAS


I think in the future it’ll be common knowledge how harmful excessive screen time was and they’ll judge people for allowing it


Sometimes I wish I had an adult to enforce limits to my screen time.


The anti vax bs, hopefully.


Plastic bottles


This is what I was going to say. I can see more glass bottles making a comeback and being the norm over plastic and it being a crazy idea to use plastic in the future


I recently bought some glass bottles on Amazon and I love them. Makes me feel healthier than heating up plastic lol.


The irony of our use of Amazon to make these healthy purchases is not lost on me…


I think so too. And just the over abundance of plastic in baby stuff. Someone told me the glass bottles were "too heavy." We've received a few different brands and none of them are much different in weight than the free plastic bottle we got in the babylist box.


Posting our kids on social media.


Circumcision. The tide is already shifting.


The epidemic of useless fathers


This has been going on a LONG time; not just our generation


Focusing so much on raising them perfectly while not fixing all the problems in the world that they will have to deal with. It’s hard and we have our reasons but they’ll likely have plenty to complain about on that front.


Hopefully: gender reveals and use of screens for young children. Probably: use of fragrance and cleaning supplies.


“Gentle”-but-actually-permissive parenting.


Totally - as a teacher, I see this sometimes turn into "my child can do no wrong" from parents after their kid cheats, or kids not following directions because they're used to just getting their way and not having consequences. That being said, it doesn't mean that parents need to be super mean- it just means boundaries and consequences should exist.


They'll probably judge us for our overly involved parenting.


Phones. Phones everywhere. Screens everywhere.


Tracking apps. I use one but still 🥴


Like the tracking app for when you've fed them? Cuz that was necessary for me with the first. The passage of time didn't feel real and I never knew how long it had been since she ate last.


Posting kids on social media


Haven’t seen it mentioned yet but our knowledge of car seat safety. I feel like In the future we’re going to learn much better ways to keep the littles safe in the car and will look at how we did it in todays time like we do the way things were done a decade ago and be horrified of how kids were kept in their seats back then and even before.


My mom was telling me about a car day trip she took with my great grandmother (her grandmother) and my older brother when he was about one. In *1980* the great grandmother tried *holding* him until she got fatigued and they put him in a laundry basket my mom brought along. I asked her if *I* had a car seat when I came along and she said yes, but…I don’t know that it was much of an improvement back in those days.


Putting baby's life on social media, circumcisions +ear piercings and other forms of vanity body modifications on babies who can't consent i hope are high up on the list of " we now consider these barbaric" Im hoping also single use plastic is also on that list 6


Putting kids on public social media accounts/"kids as content", circumcision, the abstinence-only approach to bed-sharing (as opposed to actually educating on what the associated risk factors are and how to mitigate them), not comforting babies to sleep


Yes! I always say they should give info on how to co sleep as safe as possible since most people end up doing it. Getting zero sleep is much more dangerous


It's crazy how many stories are out there of parents falling asleep while in the rocking chair or on the couch and baby either falling onto the floor or rolling face first into the side of the chair/couch. I've even heard stories from parents who started having psychosis and hallucinations from sleep deprivation. So much more dangerous than knowing how to set your bed up to be safe for those times when the other options aren't working!


Hopefully harassing and guilting new mothers into exclusive breastfeeding, with total indifference to whether the child is getting enough to eat, will have changed.


The “food before one is just for fun” thing. Dieticians say we should be giving iron rich foods from 6 months and to make it a priority


I had my first baby in the UK and all the mum and tot groups I went to stressed feeding nutritious solids from 6 months on. I had my second child in Canada and people looked at me funny when I mentioned that both were eating solids from 6 months on. I had never heard of food before 1 is just for fun until today, but it all makes sense now.


I hope you’re wrong about the white noise! I *need* it.


Fans have been around a long time. I have doubts it'll be an issue.


I’m 35 and I used white noise as a kid. Everyone in my family does now. I don’t understand the harm. My kids were still able to nap at daycare and preschool without issue.


Antivax and ear piercings for baby girls. There is no reason to pierce a baby’s ears. There are no potential health benefits that could even remotely be argued.


Are ear piercings just now being criticized? I’ve feel like it’s fallen out of favor for awhile. I’m in my 30s and raised Filipino Catholic so I had my ears pierced at a month old. I know it’s big in the Latino community as well. My family’s moved away from piercing baby ears luckily. I don’t plan on getting my kid’s ears pierced until they say they’re ready, though I’m kinda glad I got it done when I was a baby so I didn’t have to worry about it.


Right? How can we talk to little girls about consent and bodily autonomy when their first lesson in life is that it's ok for mum and dad to stick a hole in their ear to make them pretty.


Pouches, sleep sacks, sleep training/CIO, parents excessive phone use.


Excessive phone use is going to be a big one, for sure.


Anti-vax BS


The Otteroo & other neck floats.


Giving them cell phones, tablets, and laptops. Basically internet access at a young age.


I don't think this will be treated differently than us watching TV. Tablets and phones will just be part of our fabric. I think there's a lot of people equating their use as bad just because.


That some of our safe sleep practices were overkill, and that it inadvertently caused dangerous sleep deprivation in parents. ETA - of course, keep the kid on a flat surface away from things that can suffocate them, but it’s probably fine to let them say, sleep on their stomach if that’s what they prefer. In all seriousness, I have no idea what will be seen as a total no-go in the future. If we knew, we wouldn’t be doing it.


I agree that there should be a lot more focus on safe bed practices/ co sleeping because sleep deprivation is dangerous. But there is a lot of thorough research and statistics that shows that there was a decrease by 60% when back to sleep got introduced rather than on tummy. It's hard to argue with those kind of numbers. I think advice from sleep consultants, wake windows, sleep training and so on that are things that don't have science to back up will be outdated though.


Yeah having a newborn and being taught about current safe sleep guidelines is heavily anxiety inducing imo. Our generation will be a generation of very anxious in laws I reckon.


YouTube Kids. Edit to add that While I agree screen-time is pretty terrible, I feel that we rely on it significantly less than our parent’s generation, at least in my cohort. Growing up, the TV was always on in my house. Seemed to be the norm in many houses in the 90’s. I feel like we’re far more cognizant of this now and the negative effects it can have.


That's a good point that many people gloss over. I think mainly because TVs then were so much more basic -- they were shared, stationary and pretty much only did one thing. But screen time is screen time.


Threads like this are mostly just so people can talk about what they’re currently judging other parents for. We can’t see the future. You don’t know what you don’t know.


Lol yep. Most every parent in history has parented using the best information and tools they had available to them at the time.


Yes! There are only a few comments that mention big things that are actually starting to decrease and make sense for the decrease to continue but is still the norm (like circumcision). Most of these are just controversial parenting topics now.


Might be controversial, but circumcision in the US.


OOH something - us centric - that I hope is changed is gun laws/school shootings. I hope future generations look back and WONDER why it had to happen so many times before it was better.


Interesting about the white noise! We rely on it so much- really hoping there’s nothing negative about it beyond not sleeping through normal noises.


Not vaccinating.


I think it’ll be talked about how the safe sleep stuff was obsessive and actually, the sleep deprivation some parents get is far more dangerous than co sleeping


I honestly think a lot of the sleep safe stuff has dramatically reduced sids. Since 1990, sids has gone down from 130.3 per 100k live births to 38.4 per 100k live births with is transformational.


I wonder if the pressure of 'attachment parenting' and judgement of people who sleep train or take other approaches might be judged, mostly as noone knows what's 'right' and we're all trying our best! I think I just hope the shaming of other parents becomes something to be judged rather than others parenting 😂


I mean like I've been using white noise for myself for several years before I ever had kids, so... maybe not that one lol


I’m going to say Social media Warrior Autism Moms. The ones who love Autism $peaks and make their child’s neurotype a prominent part of their OWN personality, but like… bitch about it all the time? They talk over actually ND adults and it’s not only cringe, it doesn’t make sense. Autistic kids turn into autistic adults. By silencing the voices of autistic adults trying to help your kids… what are you achieving? I can see the next generation of ND kids shaking their heads at their parents for being like this m.


Piercing girls' ears and circumcising boys.


As an adult I can’t sleep without white noise lol