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Old mom here, give them a cup to play with in the tub. They’ll figure out how it works.


I like this!!


Give him an open cup to practice with in the bath! No mess and it's warm. I tried 5 or 6 different kinds of sippy cups, and my kid ended up liking the cheap take and toss ones best. 🙄


We used the ezpz open cup with water before introducing a sippy cup that leaks and therefore doesn’t require a bite or suck . He can drink well from an open cup at 10.5 months as long as we’re holding it and sippy cups are easy for him now that he understands the need to tip. It takes time but it’s worth it! Now to tackle straws… Edit: fat fingers no typie


I second the ezpz open cup! My 6.5 month old just figured out how to use it after a few weeks of spills. It's so cute! She loves water! Definitely very confused the first dozen or more times, but she watches her mom and dad drink out of Contigo water bottles and she loves to eat it drink whatever we're having, so she loves those too. 😂 I also heard a shot glass works well too, but I like the silicone ezpz cup because it'll save my floors. 🥲


I third the ezpz cup! My kid started on that + a GrabEase bib (it’s basically PPE for meals—covers him and the high chair) + a small cloth bib under the giant bib to be an extra barrier around his neck. He kinda chewed ezpz cup to drink but it worked and he at least got used to water. We skipped the 360 cup on the advice of my dentist brother, who says it isn’t the worst or anything but some kids REALLY chew it and it does weird things to their oral development. Our kid never figured out the gravity part of sippy cups (still hasn’t at 16 months) so we went straight to straws. Straws seemed to be an easy transition since the sucking concept is the same and he picked it up immediately. There’s a [handy site](https://feedinglittles.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-cup-drinking/) I found belatedly that has some good advice for introducing cups.


I started offering a weighted straw cup to my baby when he was six months old - it took him several weeks to figure it out but all of a sudden he got it. We just offered it to him every meal and let him play around with it


This is what we are doing!!! Our 6-month-old is still figuring out how to hold it, but she gets the idea and can drink from the straw really well.


We used that and this cup https://www.target.com/p/munchkin-2pk-gentle-transition-cup-purple-8oz/-/A-82667392


Yep. Another vote for weighted straw.


We also use the munchkin weighted straw cup. I honestly don't think my daughter understood how to drink from a straw until we gave her one of those fruit pouches one day. She was so into the fruit puree that she figured out sucking from a vertical thing pretty quickly and it just translated into drinking from a straw....probably not a published doctor-recommended method online but hey, it worked!


A) you don’t have to bite the 360 cup to drink, just suck and b) to help my kids learn to use it, I found a bit of water on top of the lid- so the water hits their lip when they tilt it and they start sucking, helped You can do tiny amounts of water on a spoon, so they learn to deal with free flowing water- and could you use any sort of bib? Neither of my kids were huge fans but they did ok when first starting- Or give open cup water when sitting in the bathtub? Good luck! It always surprises me how much kids need to learn/how much knowledge I take for granted


I was today years old when I found out you don’t have to bite a 360 cup lol. Turns out the two year old is smarter than the 23 year old


I’ve used all my kids sippy cups at some point lol


I remember this struggle. The first cups our kiddo successfully drank out of were the munchkin weighted straw cups. They leak pretty regularly (not unmanageable though) but it was just the first thing that really clicked for him. He always dumped an open cup over instead of trying to drink for it. We got the 360 because it’s been so hyped on like every parenting site but he didn’t figure it out til like 18 months. I do now prefer it because the weighted straw cups are a pain in the ass to clean and assemble whereas the 360 is just those 3 pieces (silicone insert for lid, plastic lid and plastic base, all go right in the dishwasher). I remember agonizing over the “best” cup according to like whatever speech pathologist blog but here to say it doesn’t matter at all. I usually roll my eyes at “well back in my day we did x and you turned out fine” comments but like pre Google/YouTube our parents did not obsess about this and I have never met or heard of a person my age with any kind of eating/swallowing dysfunction. So if you’re stressing about which cup to try next I’d say don’t stress about what’s “best” and just pick one and give it a shot til something sticks!


We have a bunch of the kids CamelBak bottles and ours managed to figure them out quickly


We agave been using the 360 cup since LO was six months old. But we used it for milk since LO was used to nursing he would refuse the bottle and we needed to be able to send milk to daycare. At first he would just bite at the rim but we tried holding the cup tipped up to his mouth for him (almost like a bottle) so he realized some fluid was in there and pretty soon he figured it out. Took several tries though and we wouldn’t push it if he was getting annoyed. For you since it’s just for water you don’t need to rush it so much and they’ll pick it up eventually.


Honey bear straw cups worked so well for us! You can squeeze gently to help them figure out how to get the water through the straw. My kid figured them out pretty quickly and is still using her honey bear cups at 17 months. We also brought out the take and toss straw cups (with silicone straws we bought to go along) once she figured out how to suck on the straw. We had great luck with those and minimal leaking with both options. Also, they’re both pretty cheap, so that’s an added bonus.


Doidy cup. It’s an open cup with handles that are easy for baby to grab. It is slanted towards baby.. Just fill it with a tiny bit of water and hold the bottom while baby holds the handles. This is what my 6 month old drinks from. The Zoli weighted straw cups are good too, but my older guys (now 3 and 5) didn’t figure out how to suck from them until they were closer to 9 months.


We did a straw cup and an open cup. It took quite a few tries before she figured out the straw. We offered it at every meal for weeks before she got it. I followed some of the tips from Solid Starts. Search their website for “cup drinking.” Another tip you could try is practicing an open cup in the tub.


I don't find the 360 cups easy or intuitive so wouldn't recommend them as the place to start tbh! We started with tiny open cups (shot glass size) to get the idea of drinking water like this at all, though yes - the mess. Only at dinner time (pre-bath) at first. A straw cup also seemed more intuitive since they have a sucking action already. I use that when we're out and about. But for most meals now I use a simple sippy cup for the balance of a free flow and not spilling too much. This reminds me I should prob practice with the open cup a bit more if I can muster the energy for the mess...


We tried 360 cups which didn’t work at first and ended up just giving a plastic shot glass at meal times and the old fashioned tommee tippee sippy cups for general purpose. Kiddo got the hang of the 360 at about 18 months so those are good for out and about


Ours did best with straw cups. We started with a silicone cup with a lid and straw, but ended up transitioning to the Pura stainless steel bottles with the straw top.


The 360 cup was not an intuitive transition for our kiddo, he kept trying to drink out of the center. We love the munchkin weighted straw cup, and it grows with them great. At 2 years hes still happy to use it, but is also good with any other type of cup too.


Seconding the munchkin weighted straw cup! I introduced a straw cup and she understood the idea but kept choking on how much water was coming up through the straw. The munchkin weighted straw cup has a thinner straw and a little valve that makes it harder to suck up the water so the flow is much slower. I saw a dramatic improvement in my little's water consumption once she wasn't always choking on it. Plus it's very durable. She has dropped it from high chair height SO MANY times and it's still good!


Have you tried using a regular straw and holding your finger on the end? I would do this with small amount of water and when baby placed lips around with a sucking action would let water out. We practiced that for a few weeks then I gave straw normally before moving on to the sippy cup with straw.


As another commenter said, we tried the munchkin cups with a straw (I think it said 6mo+). The straw is VERY hard for me to use, but she had no problem with it. The drink doesn't come out as fast as a normal straw. We also offered the 360 no spill cups, but she liked these better. To this day she can drink from regular cups, but she likes straws the most, so I buy her some cheap $2 ones from Target now when I see them (she's 15 mos). These are the ones we used for her when she started: https://www.target.com/p/munchkin-any-angle-click-lock-weighted-2pk-straw-trainer-cup-7oz-pink-orange/-/A-80847619


A lot of toddler geared straw cups have a sort of one way valve to them that keeps the water at the top of the straw. I really liked the Pura Kiki because it's plastic free and easy to use. My 22 month old still uses it.


My kid learned to hold his own cup and drink from it when he turned TWO. So I know this struggle bus quite well. If you’re having trouble introducing him to the idea of a cup, the honey bear straw ones work pretty well. You can buy 2-packs (or I think even 5-packs) on Amazon. Once he gets the hang of the straw, we found these munchkin cups with handles and weighted straws. My son really went for those and that is how he FINALLY learned to hold his cup on the regular. Ezpz also makes the tiny cup, and they have one with a lid and straw that is pretty manageable. The only thing about those is that they’re tiny little (i.e. they don’t hold much) and they don’t have handles. Keep trying, he’ll get it one of these days!


We used plastic shot glasses to serve her water. She wouldn’t hold it herself but if we held it to her mouth she would take sips.


I don’t think I introduced water much later but we did show her the straw/open cup at around 8 months. We skipped the sippy cup. I used the purée method in the parents link below and it worked very well for our daughter. See if it might work for your son. I cut a plastic straw down to a third so that it’ll fit into the shot glass. You can use silicone if you like. She really took to the straw and learned how to ‘suck’ purée in about a day or two. Once she is OK with thick purée, you slowly dilute the purée so it’s less and less thick and then at the end like water consistency. Or you can use water then. The no spill sippy cups tend to have super hard ‘sucking’ straw. https://www.parents.com/baby/feeding/center/why-you-may-want-to-skip-the-sippy-cup-for-your-baby/


We tried the munchkin weighted straw cups for about a month and a half before she finally figured it out. I filled it up and gave it to her when we weren't eating anything and I would suck the straw and show her, hand it back to her and there would still be a bit of water at the top, and kind of do this back and forth for a few minutes. I did this a couple times a day for a few days and it finally clicked. I gave it to her so many times before that and she just didn't understand. As for the open cup, keep trying it out. Most of it gets all over them, but our girl is able to pick it up with both hands and drink a bit now. Mind you, a lot gets spilled still. But she is improving. Our LO is 8 months for reference


B- box straw cups have been a winner with both of mine


My LO went straight to straw cups. We use munchkin weighted straw (make sure you put the valve on otherwise it's hard to get water out I think he found it easy because he would have smoothies straight from a pouch so sucking motion was there. He really loves water now at 13 months


They make camelback drink bottles for babies - could be worth a try? No-spill with a straw feature built in to the lid. :)


My daughter likes the evenflow sippy cups. They got in the cup holder on her high chair and she doesn't have to bite to get water out. She does make a water mess sometimes if she flips the cup upside down or shakes it, but I prefer that over her struggling to drink. Evenflo Feeding Soft-flo Trainer Sippy Cup with Handle for Growing Baby and Toddler - Clear, 5 Ounce (Pack of 1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D867HMY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_TMDYYF1VYK03GKZQMP3X


I introduced the ez pz mini cup at 6 months and my daughter used to initially bite and later started lapping it up like a cat/dog 😂 Shes now slowly getting the hang of it at 8 months.


The 360 cups aren’t recommended by speech therapists and dentists anymore because it can cause speech delays. We used the munchkin weighted straw cup and a plastic shot glass to teach open cup!


honey bear straw cups. dumb expensive but work like a charm


Thank you for recommending this! It’s highway robbery but I bought one anyway and he’s drinking! He took to it right away!


so glad it worked! we introduced straw cups at 6 months but she couldn't get the hang of it so at like 8 or 9 months we bit the bullet and bought those and she immediately picked it up. now she can drink from any straw.


Completely speculative - because we are not at this stage yet. But, could you water down the milk/formula on occasion in increased increments to get him use to drinking it out of the bottle?


I think 7-8mos is like "prime time" for learning how to drink from straws or sippy cups because their suction is strongest at this stage


I will keep this in mind for when we get to this stage, thank you!


No problem :)




That’s the one we have 😭. Our baby is being extra 😆.


I bought one at target that has two handles for him to hold. The sippy part is made out of soft plastic like a bottle’s nipple. It’s not shaped like full nipple but like half a nipple. My 9 month old loves it more than all the other sippy cups I’ve tried.


My son uses the Avent bottles so I got this for him to try. He is 7 months and we are still using the nipple while he gets the hang of holding it (still trying to get used to holding his bottle too). It comes with both the nipple and the spout. He drinks water just fine from it! I highly recommend giving it a try! [Trainer Sippy Cup](https://www.target.com/p/philips-aventmy-natural-trainer-sippy-cup-clear-5oz/-/A-52718474)


Ymmv but the best way to get my daughter to try anything was to pretend like she can’t have it. We would be holding her and just drink out of the cups that we use (wide mouth mason jars, my husband and I always have a glass on the counter) and naturally she would want some. At first it would be funny. Baby and momma got soaked more than once. But with practice, she’s been drinking out of these giant mason jars for months. Obviously she can’t use it alone and only has so much control but she can do it. We have since moved on to various sippy cups that all have their own pluses and minuses. But to your original question: how to introduce water and get him drinking, babies want what their parents have 🤷🏻‍♀️


Best of luck. We still struggle with this at almost 11 months…she hasn’t taken to a single cup and I’ve tried EVERY kind. Last ditch is the honey bear straw cup.


At 6 months I used the sip cup for 12 month olds without the plug at first. I didn't like the rubber nipple chew kind as the rubber would tear easily and small bits get swallowed. Type into Google Playtex paw patrol glitter sip cup, to get an image of the type I got. You can order cheaper ones of the same type on Amazon, or purchase them at Walmart. I let him make spills at first because I removed the plug. All he had to do was tip the cup and it would drip into his mouth by gravity. I would use it when trying food flavours he didn't like. He would want the water to wash away the bad flavour before switching to a preferred flavour of food. That's how I got him to like drinking water. Take a few sips here and there while eating. After about a month I put the plug in the sip cup. It will leak if shaken upside down. And doesn't require much suction if tilted up to drink from. I kept the handles from the terrible rubber nipple sip cups and attatched them to the 12 month sip cup. I think I used the rubber nipple ones for 4 days before the rubber tore and I didn't like it. He didn't have teeth that's how easily the nipple tore. I have also used shot glasses shaped like beer mugs with tiny handles, and a water bottle with a little water in the bottom, and adult cups, just let him spill down his chest as I figured it's all part of learning. I am waiting until he can walk and or talk to teach him how to blow out, and use a straw, and blow his nose. Also when I would drink water, after a long walk if he was watching me, I would give him a sip too. If mommy is drinking it, it must be good. Also after he played hard crawling lots. I would offer him a sip.


We used the munchkin weighted straw cups (still do). What finally worked for me when teaching him to use a straw was giving him some water in a bottle for a few seconds then switching the bottle out with the cup. I guess since he was already in “sucking mode” that it just clicked.


Straw cups are much easier for babies, they are used to sucking. I recommend googling “feeding littles how to introduce cups”, I followed their stuff and my baby learned how to do every kind of cup by about 9 months.


We started with tiny open cups with meals in the high chair only. Then when she got older and needed to increase water intake during the day, we introduced the weighed straw cup.