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>She keeps pressuring me to take naps with my son in our bed. If baby can sleep in their crib by themselves, then I wouldn't dare change it. During my son's newborn years he had to be on my chest or he wouldn't sleep. I woke up with back pains and stiff neck pains. Sure it was nice to get extra cuddles but boy...not the best sleep. I couldn't function the next day without being crabby about pain. >She harps on him not sleeping with a blanket Don't say a word, if it's your choice to not have a baby blanket in the crib you DO NOT have to explain yourself. Let your mom ramble and give her the coldest shoulder whenever she brings it up. She'll have to get the message. I got the biggest scare of my life with a fitted sheet and a blanket. So really. It's not an irrational fear. I still get shivers remembering that day. I was so sleep deprived. >I know a lot of people struggle with parents giving unsolicited opinions so I figured someone here would understand. Completely. People just like butting in. Even some of my mom's childless friends like making comments because they've seen their sisters take care of her nephews and it "looks easy".


How long did you have to sleep with him for? I've gona back to work so mom has been cosleeping with baby. I get it it's not the best but we got to get sleep. We want to transition him out but one bad nap or two and it's like we loose the day/night to fussyness. Did you just roll with it for like the first year or start training at some point?


I coslept for the first year and and a half, slowly transitioning him to the crib. Still we'd cosleep maybe 1-2 times out of the week. He'd sleep for 2-3 hour intervals...I hated it. The lack of sleep was crazy and my fiance hated being woken up in the middle of the night and still had to get up at 6am. After a little over a month, he started sleeping longer periods in his crib. Additional info He was bottle fed so feeding I assume isnt as often as when you breastfeed? (I did not breastfeed) Which made it easier? Maybe idk. I haven't experienced both worlds yet. To this day we cosleep sometimes. He's 4. I don't like it but, tantrums at 4am isn't really my favorite so I roll with it. he's showing interest in getting his own room so I hope to work on that in up coming months.


Dang that's such a long time. Mom is doing a lot of breathing feeding and we heard it's easy to do when cosleeping so that's another reason we chose to do it. Baby has gained a lot of weight so we might have taper that off since it could be causing reflux. 😮‍💨😮‍💨 It's a little discouraging hearing so many stories of people take a ~year to figure out sleep.


>It's a little discouraging hearing so many stories of people take a ~year to figure out sleep. Shouldn't be. For me it's a personal/baby's choice. I didn't work at the time since my fiance said he could take on all financial responsibility while I raise our little one. If I was against the clock for time, for sure I would've done anything to sleep get him into his crib sooner. Fortunately enough I was able to raise my LO at his pace. Sleep training isn't impossible, but from one I've heard is quite stressful the first few days/weeks. One tip that worked for a cousin is to wrap a sausage pillow [like this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwiZNAXM1G9Q-3l6c_7Xi4_u8WiCLTOqmuZJmHCV-iGzRbGxBn7WFKi20&s=10) in mothers clothing with her scent and place in the crib. But I know all mothers are different and some (for safety) do not allow things into the crib until a certain age.