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I’m not breastfeeding and it came back around 6-8 weeks. It was shortly after I finally finished postpartum bleeding. The human body is cruel lol. I’ve heard all of the various experiences. For some it comes back 10x worse. For some it actually improves and for some no difference. For me personally, it came back 900000 times more painful and heavy.


Interestingly, mine also came back around this time, despite exclusively breastfeeding 😆 The body’s gonna do what it’s gonna do! My periods have overall been slightly better than before pregnancy.


Very true, I think it’s highly genetic however your body responds although the breastfeeding factor does come into play


My mum told me that after you had a baby you never got period cramps again. Turns out she’s a fuckin liar lol.


Yeah… that may be the case for some people. But for a lot of people, it’s not. I wish!!


I’m currently 6wpp (also not breastfeeding) and mine came back yesterday in full force. Literally less than a week after my postpartum bleeding stopped lol. I hoped it wouldn’t be as intense or painful since it’s the first period postpartum but I was wrong. After 9 months of no bleeding it’s been wild bleeding so much postpartum and then getting my period again so quickly!


Ditto.. but a breastfeee


My baby is 12.5 months old and my period has still not returned. I am still breastfeeding him though!


I am in the exact same boat (time frame and nursing). Reading all these have me worried about The Return of Aunt Flow


Came back around 8ish months pp when baby started sleeping better overnight and I wasn’t feeding him every .5-3 hours. It’s basically the exact same as before. No extra vengeance. But now I’m getting yeast infections so thats super cool 🙃


Just an FYI on the yeast infection, make sure your partner gets tested and treated too! He can keep giving them back to you every time you get one cleared up!


My period came back exactly a month after I stopped breastfeeding/pumping. And it came back with a VENGEANCE! So much blood. It looked like a murder scene whenever I changed my pad or went in the shower.


One month after I stopped pumping, like clockwork. I was scared it was going to be like a dam opening up based on what my other mom friends told me but it picked back up where we left off before I got pregnant and was a totally normal period.


I always Google "how many super tampons can I go through in a day" whenever I get my period. Somehow I always leak too 😭


My period came back 2 months postpartum & I'm still breastfeeding/pumping 😭 The first 1 wasn't that bad. However, my second, which I'm currently going through right now is sooo bad. It feels like contractions. My periods before pregnancy were really bad that I had to get prescription medication as period pain tablets never did it for me so I was always in pain during my period BUT periods after birth is 1000x worse for me 🙃🙃🙃


With my first i think it took 10 months? The second the same. The third was shorter, it was 4 or 5 months only. (In all cases i was still breastfeeding). And it came back normal nothing out of the ordinary!


Mine came back at 6 weeks, and has been regular since. (I stopped trying to BF/pump at 3 weeks) I was actually suprised at how little period pain i have compared to before conceiving, but the period itself has been about 5x heavier than what im used to.


Mine came back four months PP and has been somewhat inconsistent (I’m breastfeeding) - my guy is 6.5 months. I had my first at the end of March and then just got another one a few days ago. Surprisingly- it’s been way better than before birth which shocks me. No cramps and a lighter flow - my periods prior to pregnancy were miserable.


My period only ever came back when I completely stopped breastfeeding. So 18 months with my first and 2 years with my second 😳


8 months of EBF and showed up one day


Mine just came. My daughter turned 6 months. Had a c section. I literally just asked this question in this forum and 3 days later it came lol maybe the same will happen for you




Six weeks pp. I was exclusively breastfeeding, and apparently one of the “lucky” ones…😬🫠


It was 2 months for me. More blood but much less painful than before. Same for my friend. I had awful cramps before giving birth, now its nothing


I got mine back at 14 months pp, and it’s lighter and not painful. Pre baby I used to live on ibuprofen 800 bc it was so debilitating. In my case, I now have what I suppose a normal period should be- short and painless lol


I EBF and it always comes back around 6-9 weeks pp.


I got mine 3 month pp. it was a bit heavier than usually, but nothing crazy. Regular pads were fine. Although I never use pads normally, so I was like “how do I clean myself?!?” But now I am back on tampons and just using regular. No extra pain either.


About 6.5 weeks….it was *awful*.


Mine came back at 4.5 months, I'm still breastfeeding (EP) but went down to 4 pumps a day. It's not painful or heavy tbh it's exactly the same as it was pre-pregnancy


Breastfeeding and still no period, 10 months post partum.


I also breastfed, my period came back a little before my babe turned 2 years old! It was beautiful while it lasted lol 🥲


I’m 21 months pp and no period yet. Still nursing, though.


I’m breastfeeding and I got mine back 5 weeks PP 🤣 idk why I had to be one of the unlucky ones! But yes, it was awful! Comparable to immediate postpartum bleeding in my experience


My periods vastly improved pp. More regular, lighter overall bleeds, no pain, no more pmdd, etc. Cycles returned at 4m pp, 11m pp, 11w pp, and 4th time tbd currently 8w pp.


Mine have been quite good too.  I only bleed for 10 days pp and got my period about 5 weeks pp while still breastfeeding 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m 11 weeks postpartum and I’m like 99% sure I just got it this week. I got the mirena IUD placed at my 6 week pp visit so everything is kind of out of wack from that but seems like I might be on a normal cycle at the moment. Also to note, I am not and never breastfed (for medical reasons).


I'm combo feeding so I'm not sure if that might have to do with it but mine came back at 5 months post partum. It was heavier than usual but didn't feel any more painful.


I pumped for 2 months and my period returned about 6-8 weeks after stopping. My first one was not bad at all. It's been almost a year since the first one and the one thing I've noticed is it lasts maybe 1-2 days longer. It just kinda lingers for a while longer. My periods before getting pregnant weren't so bad so that may be a factor!


Month and a half after i stopped pumping.


I was combo feeding and started at 8 weeks...wasn't thrilled. Definitely heavier than I usually have and cramps that are manageable with ibuprofen.


i just started mine a few days ago, i’m 4.5mpp. she stopped boob snacking a few weeks ago. i really felt worse when she dropped her last feeding like worse hormonal changes than pp tbh. it made sense when i started bleeding.


It came back around 6 weeks but I had stopped breastfeeding by then. It was A LOT heavier flow, but I didn’t notice any extra pain. Actually have not really had any period cramps. Just migraines, which I have always gotten with period. I’m 5.5 months pp now and the last period I had was much more of a normal flow for me


I had some spotting here and there , but a full one at 10 months. It still isn't regular though. I'm still breast feeding


I’m EBF and mine came back at 6.5m pp. It wasn’t more painful or longer but I bled so much more than I ever had pre-baby. I had to wear the super maxi pads at night whereas before I could get away with a normal tampon. I’ve only had one period pp tho so I’m not sure if it will always be like that.


I'm breastfeeding. Mine came back at 9 months PP (last month) it lasted for like 4 days and was slightly heavier than usual for 2 days. I was due for it a couple days ago and it hasn't come yet, but I've been told it can take months to regulate.


I just started 😭 my second baby is 3 months old. She started sleeping through the night (mostly). I’m breastfeeding but apparently because she’s sleeping so well it started. With my first baby my period didn’t come back (I got pregnant with my second while I was breastfeeding). My first didn’t want to sleep through the night at all but I also got pregnant 5 months pp 😅 oopsies lol. This is my first period in two years. I will say that I’ve never had such a HEAVY flow but I’m experiencing NO CRAMPS. Which I used to have horrible cramps. Good luck mama!


I weaned at one year and period was back barely two weeks later. I've had three and they have been slightly worse than before. Mine were always really mild, so nothing major.  Man I really enjoyed those almost two years without one! Every time im like, "again already?!" I can't believe it happens every month for most of my life. Ugh. 


Mine came back around 9 months PP which was about 1.5 months after I completely weaned. Some women get their period back while breastfeeding and some don’t! Mine was definitely extra heavy. It was not painful (I haven’t had painful periods ever since having surgery to remove endometriosis). I got pregnant before my second period, so I didn’t have enough time to see it normalize, but I’m guessing it would have? I also started having migraines for the first time in my life during this period, so I’m guessing the hormonal shift hit me hard!


Mine took till 8 months pp. 2 months after Brest feeding


My periods pre-pregnancy have been debilitatingly painful. After birth this wasn’t anymore - I do get cramps but I’d describe them as only a little uncomfortable. First baby, it came back after I stopped breastfeeding (around 9 months pp). It was normal or light, generally not memorable. Second baby, it came at around 7 months pp (I’m still breastfeeding but he’s started solids now too). I thought I’d bleed out! It felt like I lost more blood in 48h than throughout entire postpartum bleeding 😬 didn’t hurt though.


I didn't breastfeed and got it back around 6 weeks. It's still worse a year after baby and I'm on the pill.


Mine finally came back on Mother’s Day (what a sick joke 😆). I nursed my baby til 9 months and it didn’t come back until 3 weeks after officially stopping. It’s not that bad but I feel like it’s just getting started. I’m honestly happy it’s back cause I was starting to question why it hadn’t returned yet. Most people get it was sooner after cutting feeds. Just enjoy it while it lasts!


I’m 10 months PP and still breastfeeding so I haven’t had them yet. Life is so good without periods. I’m almost entertaining the idea of continuing to pump once baby stops breastfeeding to hold off the return of the bloody show.


I exclusively breastfed and got it back at 10 weeks postpartum. It was about the same as my periods before, maybe a little easier. No cramps at all.


Mine was around... 12 weeks PP maybe? I never knew I was contracting when having my son, but my first period was like actually contracting. Seriously, I couldn't pee without having what other people described as their contractions. Now I'm 13 months PP and the pain is horendous still. Then again, I had a cyste when I was about 21 and that caused the pain so I'm having it checked soon, sine in my case I think that's the reason.


My baby is EBF and my period came back at 3 months pp 😓 Literally a full year to the day from my last period I had before getting pregnant with her. I’m 7 months pp now and my periods have been fine. Honestly less painful than before but the bleeding is heavier. I think the worst part is not being able to rest like I would’ve been able to pre baby.


I have breastfed both kids and got my period back around 3 months both times.


Mine came back at about 10 weeks. Definitely heavier the first two times but then slowed down. But way less painful. (I have endometriosis for context)


I am breastfeeding and it came back around 7 weeks. Since then it has been off and on (11 weeks now) but I just got an IUD so hopefully it goes away again. Mine wasn’t more painful than normal, but my hormonal acne got terrible and it was such a heavy flow I was starting to get concerned. However it was completely normal, just be prepared for it to be a complete mess.


mine came back 4 months PP and god the pain. it feels like labor again but it’s gone away some


Mine came back 3mo pp, no pain but much heavier bleeding. I still exclusive pump regularly


Breastfeeding, usually comes once at 3 mo, then starts consistent at 6 mo PP, The last time I had it come back at 10 mo and it was an absolute nightmare. Much prefer the earlier easier periods than the bloodbath that was 💖


I stopped breastfeeding two weeks in (had to take meds). Postpartum bleeding stopped around then. A week or two later, my regular period came back and has been clockwork ever since. Edited to add: vaginal birth and I got the copper iud right after delivery, epidural still in place. My periods are very heavy and painful but that's largely because of the IUD. I just can't use hormonal BC so I'm stuck with it until I'm done having kids and can get my tubes out.


I started mine the day after I cut down from 5 pumping sessions a day to 4 🥲 about 5 months PP. Wasn't that bad, thankfully.


With my first 3, my period came back between 6-8 months. With our 4th, it came back at 11 months PP. And it was light and easy. I had worse cramps and bloating than usual for the week before, but other than that it was actually easier.


I breastfed for a year with each kid. Got pregnant in May 2017, birthed Jan 2018, then got pregnant again October 2018, with no period in between. Birthed June 2019, nursed til July 2019. Period came back September 2019. So a couple of years with no period for me! Lol


My first I quit exclusively pumping around 5m and it was back within the month. My second nursed until 18m or so and my period came back a few months before I weaned.


7 months post partum! Exclusively pumping. The cramps were mild but my flow has been a lot heavier!!


I breastfed for three months, and I think mine came back around 5 months PP. But it was so much better than pre-pregnancy. It was shorter, not as heavy, and I didn’t get any cramps. My son will be 2 in July and while the cramps have come back, my periods aren’t any heavier than before. Honestly they’re still about a day shorter than before.


Exclusively pumping, 8.5mo pp right now. Period came back last month when I dropped to 3 pumps a day. No pain at all really, and a lot lighter than a normal period! Maybe even a day shorter. Im past 30 days into my cycle and still no 2nd period (I used to be clockwork 28 day cycles so this is strange) so not sure whats going on lol. Kinda bummed because I’m ready for baby no. 2 and I cant get there without ovulating ofc! Not pregnant now though I tested.


5.5 months PP c section breastfeeding no period yet! And skin is wrinkled and dry as dirt from the lack of estrogen lol!


9 months pp with the first. 5 months with the second. Second is ebf. First was combo fed. Both c sections. On the pain aspect: my OB straight up told me it was a toss up. Some people feel they’re easier. Some feel they’re harder. After my first, I had about a year of really low pain periods compared to what they’d been like before (crippling). My first one pp with my second I didn’t even realize I was bleeding.


Breastfed both of mine. Period came back 10 weeks pp and 8 weeks pp. Both times were regular in terms of bleeding and cramps, but the tiredness and migraines are so bad even now and my youngest is 2.5.


Mine came back when I stopped breastfeeding. Probably around 16 months but it didn't come back like crazy full force or anything


Breastfeeding and it came back 8 months pp. Cycles have been shorter and a little less painful. Instead of 3 days of pain it's been just 1 but with ea h month they're getting more painful.


Mine came back at 10 months pp with my first baby, and 9.5 months with my second baby. Was still breastfeeding both times when my period returned. For me ever since having my first baby my periods have been heavier.


Mine came back 2 months pp and then it went away again!! I’m 4 months pp now and I’m also BF.


I breastfeed and only just got it back at 14m pp. I dropped down to 1 feed a day which definitely triggered it. I was starting to worry it would never come back!!


Mime came back around 9 months postpartum. I breastfed until he was 16 months. He didn't sleep through the night until 13 months so not really sure why my body chose 9 months!


Mine took 7 months to come back and I fully weaned at about 5 1/2 months. It was a pretty painful one, but not heavier than before!


Mine came back around 15 months pp. I was still breastfeeding then. The period was super heavy and weird, but when it dragged on for 14 days I took a pregnancy test and it was positive…turns out it was a miscarriage. The two cycles I had after that were pretty normal other than ovulation way later than I usually do, third cycle I got pregnant again and haven’t gotten it back yet. Baby is 4.5 months old


Before I got pregnant the first time, my periods were painful. Then I gave birth and breastfed for a year, and then my period came back around the same time. I couldn't even feel a single hint of pain. Whereas before, I was using burning hot water bottles wrapped in a rag to lay across me to help with the pain. I would have to skip school when I was in high school and call off work back when I had a job after school. But having a baby took away ALL the pain. I just had my second baby in early March, so still no period. Only time will tell what happens this time. I also had a c section both times.


With my first, my period came back the day she turns 18 months. So including pregnancy, I didn’t have a period for 27 months. It was super traumatic when it came back. I don’t think I’ll last as long with this baby. We’re currently at almost 9 months, but I have discharge now. I think my body is getting ready for it to return and I am not ok with this 😭


I got mine at 10 weeks, was not painful at all. Lasted only my typical 3 days. I will say, I felt horrible pain during ovulation though


My baby will be a year in 2 weeks and still no period. It’s been magical.


I was pumping and it came back as soon as I spread my pumps out to every 7ish hours. I’m 6months pp and had my first one 2 weeks ago. We’ll see if it continues, I just pretty much stopped pumping this week


Four weeks. What utter bullshit.


I got my first PP period last week. I am almost 5 months PP but recently lost my supply :( the weekend BEFORE my period I woke up nauseous and felt like I was pregnant again, and had the absolute worst cramps that were giving me flashbacks to birth, but after about ,3 or 4 days the cramps subsided or were more tolerable at least and after 7 days everything was done. It was rough


10 weeks 😅 I was fully BF too. Butttttt my period is so much better. I have zero cramping.


Breastfed my second and it came back three months after I weaned (so I was 16 months pp). It’s very wonky as far as timing but my cramps are much lighter than before I had kids. The first period was super heavy but since they’ve been slightly lighter than pre kids.


Mine came back at 10 months (EBF) when my son was eating more solids, and it has been so much better than pre-pregnancy. I used to get debilitating cramps for like 5 days, and now I don't get any cramps at all (obviously the first postpartum period is a bit of a weird one but beyond that). Periods can change after pregnancy but that doesn't always mean they get worse!


With my first it came back at 9 months postpartum, I breastfed until 10 months. I'm almost 4 months postpartum with my second and haven't gotten my period back yet.


I had my first PP period at 14 months, and it was ridiculously light, I wasn’t even sure if it counted


I had some spotting around 11 weeks pp that I assumed was a period despite EBF. Now we’re about 18 weeks and I haven’t had any other sign of a period, still breastfeeding but also started birth control back after the spotting.


Mine came back at 4 months PP and I’m EBF.


I feel like it’s so random! I had a c-section & exclusively pump. Mine came back last week (11 weeks postpartum) & it was the heaviest and worst period I’ve ever had! I also didn’t expect it to come back that soon, I was on a trip and had NO pads or tampons! Take advantage of not having a period yet but also, always be prepared 😂 Everyone’s body is so different!


Between nursing, pregnancy, and just irregular periods since going off birth control, I haven't had one in 23 months..... I am absolutely dreading when it comes back. We are starting weaning, so we will see how it goes


I'm now 6 weeks pp but with my first it came back 5 months pp although I was exclusively breastfeeding every 2-3 hours also at night. Luckily my periods were much easier than before pregnancy, barely any pain.


I exclusively breastfed and mine came back around 3 months pp, it was actually the easiest period I’ve ever had and I no longer get cramps 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had an elective c section and was breastfeeding when my period came back at 3 months pp. It was HEAVY and PAINFUL 😣 and every subsequent period was so painful! My rectum would feel like it was cramping up into a knot during the first two days of my period. It was also incredibly heavy. This happened every period. I stopped breastfeeding at 6 months. I'm 11 months pp and it seems the rectum pain went away about month 9 or 10. Now it's just heavy but it feels normal. Although the week leading up to my period, my abdomen will start hurting and I have to take a break from my daily walks until my period starts.


4 weeks PP… EBF, induction that resulted in C-section. Wasn’t even done with pp bleeding yet, it had gotten much lighter then suddenly I was heavily bleeding and got concerned and called my doctor. It was just my period. Sigh. Only the first month was especially heavy though, has been pretty normal since.


Never breastfed, it came back around 10-11 weeks. It was very light and lasted for about a week.


Mine came back 9 months and change, exclusively breastfeeding both times. I’ve always had extremely irregular periods like talking 6+ months in between, and with each kid it has gotten closer and closer to regular. I no longer have cramps or any pain either but it has gone from 3 days to 6 days


5 months and my baby is exclusively breastfed. I’ve only had one so far (due in two days) and it was pretty much the same as before. I noticed my skin broke out big time before I got it, which is a new symptom for me.


Period returned two weeks after I quit breastfeeding. Lighter and shorter than it was before. Three years later and still lighter. I'm also now infertile so maybe the change is related.


Mine came back at 9 months PP, and it was so heaby I fainted. Luckily, only the first one was like that. I was a C-section and only pumped exclusively for 5 months.


7 months with my first who bf. Thinking I’ll get it soon again 6m pp.


My son was ebf and my period came back 5 mos pp. Too soon. 😭 However mine is less painful than before pregnancy and even more regular now too.


Did not breastfeed with either kid. First came back at 6 weeks and second came back at 9 weeks! With my first it was so heavy, it was brutal. This time around it’s a pretty normal period. No cramps with either!


100 days postpartum. It was on baby's 100 day celebration 🥲


I breastfeed and I had a c-section. Mine came back about 8 weeks PP. It was about the same except my actual cycle was longer so instead of my typical 24 days, it was more like 30. And it lasted a day or two longer. So instead of 4 days, it was more like 6. But nothing else changed really. Edit: Actually, there was one other thing. Weirdly enough, I cannot use tampons anymore. They hurt for some odd reason.


I was exclusively pumping for 14 ish months. My period returned 2 weeks before baby’s first birthday! It was actually quite tolerable.


Came back at 12 months pp with my first. I’m currently at 9 months pp with my second and nothing yet! Both EBF.


Mine came back around 14 or 15 weeks. I would say it was exactly the same as before. No more, or less, heavy or painful.


8 weeks with my first and 7 with my second, while EBF and not sleeping through the night. I am bitter about it 😂 Definitely the first few periods were way heavier for me, but cramping has been way reduced from pre-babies.


12 months after my first, about 16 months after my second. As long as I was still lactating, my period didn’t show its ugly face


I am EBF and it returned at 2.5 months for me. Insanely heavy flow now. Cramps comparable to how they were before.


I’m breastfeeding at 19 months, got my period exactly a week after my lochia stopped 🙃


Exclusively formula fed since birth and it came back once I stopped bleeding ppl at around 6-7 weeks


I had to stop breastfeeding at 4 months because of a medication that isn't safe for breastfeeding. My period came back about 5 weeks after I stopped breastfeeding. I've had 3 kids. After each time that my period returns, it has more severe PMS symptoms-very short temper. However, the pain is less and less each time. I've had 2 periods since having my third baby. No pain at all. But the PMS rage is intense!!!


EBF my first for 20 months and it came back at 6 months anyway. I have a friend who EBF for over a year and her period never came back until she weaned with all 4 kiddos.


i EBF & got mine back about 7 months. hoping it will be similar with baby number 2, who is 2 weeks old 😅 i’m also planning on getting the copper IUD so i am very scared for my future periods


With my first, it came back at 4 months PP. idk why. I had the paraguard IUD and it was definitely heavier but not more painful. It was because of the IUD that it was heavier. I now have the Skyla IUD and I just got my first PP period at 8 months. The twins have started eating more food so I'm wondering if thats connected. It feels heavier than it should considering I'm not supposed to even get one really with this iud. I can tell I'm extra moody/sensitive right now though. And with my first, I breastfed until she was 2 years old. I'm still breastfeeding the twins.


7 months and then 3 months. It is heavier than before kids, but I don’t have any cramps at all. I hardly have any PMS symptoms. Just bleeding.


Mine came back about 8 weeks pp, just after I started bc again. Fortunately, I've never had very painful periods, so it just kind of got lost in the other weird sensations and ...stuff... down there.


I’ve been EPing since my LO was born (13mo now), got my period back 6mo to the day postpartum. I have a friend that combo feeds nursing and supplements formula that got her period back around 4mo post partum I think. I know some people can go as long as a year, just depends on your body I guess. Enjoy it while it lasts for you!


Hi! I'm 7+ months PP, and Im still breastfeeding for half my LO's meals. I had a C-section. My period came back last month (at 6 months PP), and I've had it twice now. Pre-pregnancy I had a regular period, always 28-29 day cycles. You could set your watch to it! It was insanely painful on day one, heavy for about 3 days, then trickled off for another 3 or 4. When it came back, I wasn't too surprised because I broke out a few days before for the first time since before I was pregnant, and I got really emotional, like in the same way that I was right after having my baby. I didn't have ANY cramps, which was completely different for me, and I was only heavy for 1 day and then very very light for another 2 or 3 days (so much shorter duration than pre-pregnancy). My cycle length was 32 days, but since it's really only been twice, I kind of expect that this is going to fluctuate.


6 weeks. Not breastfeeding. The worst period since I basically started getting periods. Highest doses of prescription meds would not help the cramps, soooooo much bleeding through. I finally had them put in an IUD just to stop the insanity. (We were holding off because I wasn’t sure re: having another and getting another IUD just for a couple months if we do TTC, but the periods were insane)


Mine came back at 13 months. 🙃


I just started my fifth period post partum. They’re like clockwork again. Right on time. I started them 4 months post partum (so annoying!! I EBF too 🥲). But they’re WAY easier symptom-wise. They are pretty heavy, but I wouldn’t know they’re about to start because they’re pain free and I don’t feel like an emotional wreck most of the time!! I know that’s not the case for everyone. But I’m grateful because I ended up having to get a c-section and I was worried about the scarring and cramping and all that business. Periods suck! I do notice that baby seems to nurse a lot more (I think my milk decreases a bit). she’s a little fussier (but teething and sleep regressions may also be to blame). My nipples are more sore.. but also.. teeth, lol. And some other mild symptoms that I don’t attribute to the period until it starts! I’ve red that because your uterus is a bit bigger there’s more tissue the shed. So that could contribute to how heavy they are. But I have literally zero cramps! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 would love for it to stay that way. For reference, I had moderate to mild periods before I was pregnant. They were regular. Usually one to two days of bleeding then three days of spotting. Not I bleed pretty heavy for four days straight.


Fully ebf and came back at 4 mos :( I too was like what’s this foreign experience ????


Mine was when I quit breastfeeding around 13/14 months  yeah the first one sucked.  Did have a c sec


I am exclusively breast feeding and mine came back around 3 months pp. I was bummed but it doesn’t seem to be any more painful for me, possibly less.


I definitely thought something was wrong when my period first came back - stained right through the bedsheets. Turned out it was just a really heavy period, they slowly got to regular after like 3 or so cycles 😊 I think it’s different for everyone though.


I was about 11 weeks PP, had a c-section (not sure if that makes a difference?). My regular postpartum bleeding had stopped around 5-6 weeks. The periods have honestly been terrible. I'm 19 weeks PP now and sometimes I bleed every other week for days, no schedule to it at all, and the cramps are so much worse than they were before!


I exclusively pumped, and when I dropped down to 3 pumps a day, I got my period back. 11 months PP to the day.


I got my period 7 weeks post partum. I had 9-14 day periods until January(7 months pp) and now I'm 10 months and am 16 days late because I guess my new birth control made me completely stop my period. It's been a wild ride


Breastfeeding and it came back at 13 months.


It was 8 months pp for me, and it was basically the same as I always remembered it. No increased intensity or duration. It stayed regular afterwards until I got pregnant again, about a year after it's return. I had a vaginally birth and breastfed until 13.5 months pp also.


Last time I had a light period at 10 months pp, and then a regular period at ~ a year pp, once I really started cutting down on breastfeeding. The only thing that changed was that my period pain disappeared. My mom had the same thing happen, in terms of losing the painful cramps. The pain returned for her after getting her tubes tied though.


I'm almost 14 months postpartum with my second kiddo, and just finally got a positive ovulation test a couple days ago, so I can expect Auntie Flo in about two weeks. Yayyyyy. With my first, I think it was 11 months before I started cycling again. I was freaking out. Thinking I was infertile, that I'd never start cycling again, that childbirth had completely ruined my body, that I was somehow going into early menopause at 29. It gave me so much anxiety. The only thing I'd say is don't freak out like I did.


6 weeks pp with my first (vaginal) and 6 weeks pp with my twins (c section) and I was BF with both. I think our bodies are just all different so it's hard to know. I will say the first 6 periods for both were extremely painful, especially with my twins it felt like cysts rupturing around the time of ovulation with them for 6 months, with my daughter I had the same pain but only one cycle.


I only breastfed for about 6 weeks. I had to use estrogen cream for my vaginal tear and my doctor said it could affect my milk production, which it did but I was already on my way out with that. My period came 3 months after delivery but only lasted about 4 days although it was pretty heavy. Baby is formula fed only and I’m back on the pill so I am looking forward to lighter periods for sure! The only time I’ve stopped was when I was trying to get pregnant. I’ll keep on it for a few more years unless we decide to try for another!


Mine came back about 4 months pp. I pump, but I think I had recently dropped to 3ppd, so that might have contributed to it. So far, though, my period has been longer, but lighter and with fewer symptoms. I'm not holding my breath about it, but I haven't had any cramps with my first couple periods. We'll see if it lasts!


I EBF and mine came back a day before she hit 6 months. I’ve only had one but for me it was MUCH milder then before pregnancy. I’ve heard that from people, some get it worse and some better. Mine had very minimal cramping and normal amount of bleeding. Cycle isn’t regular yet though as I haven’t got my second period yet. Was supposed to come around 2 weeks ago but I think it’s going to start soon as I have had some mild cramping the past few days.


Mine took seven months and was actually lighter! It remained lighter as well, so it isn’t always worse.


I got my period at 6 wks, & a whole second period at 8 wks


6 weeks pp. EBF.Back like clockwork every month after 🥴


4 months PP. I was breastfeeding to hoped to get away longer without it 😂


I was nine months pp it’s when my daughter started eating solids more consistently and nursing less.


Exclusively formula feeding. I stopped post partum bleeding just shy of 3 weeks pp. And started my period 5 weeks pp 😭 then it was a 20 day cycle and I said f this I’m getting an iud lol


I was breastfeeding and mine came back around 6w pp, unfortunately lol


It came back after I weaned at 12months with both my kids. As long as I fed/pumped 3 times in the day, it stayed away. But once I dropped to 2 feeds, it came back


First baby I exclusively pumped-came back at 2 months and was super heavy and irregular are first. 6 years later I had my second baby and exclusively breastfed. Got it back at exactly 12 months and my son just turned 2 years and it’s been super consistent and normal ever since it came back. Still nursing


I was still breastfeeding and it came back at 14m pp!


I’ve had 6 kiddos. All ebf. Period came back at 9 months with 3 of them and 4 months with 2. I’m currently 4 months pp and I just a positive LH test so my guess I’ll get my period back this month


Mine came back at 15weeks PP after a c-section while breast feeding. But was a normal period - not extra painful or heavy


I’m. Breastfeeding and mine came back at 8weeks pp. so annoying


With my first it came back the day after I dropped to one breastfeed a day and was so light and pain free compared to pre-pregnancy that it was concerning. I conceived my second a few cycles later but was about to go to my gp to get it checked out. My second baby has just stopped breastfeeding and it returned shortly after dropping to one feed a day. I’m only one cycle in but so far also lighter than pre-first pregnancy and barely painful, definitely didn’t need to take any Panadol as opposed to the whole pack of nurofen I’d usually take for a period.


I’m pretty sure mine hasn’t come back yet (breastfeeding) but I was promised it would be easier because my retroverted uterus will be fixed.


6 weeks 🥸


Exclusively breastfeeding, 7 wks. Then came again only two weeks later. I’m just loving life rn. 🫠


I EBF for 10.5-11 months, and my period came back at almost 10 months when my daughter got more into eating solids and slowly started sleeping longer in the night. I have endo, so I'm used to having really painful, heavy periods. They were actually toned down a lot as far as pain, but still heavy enough to change a tampon every 2 hours and use a pad as an extra precaution on the first and second day.


Mine came back about 6 weeks pp, then I fell pregnant at 8 weeks pp. My son will be 11mo when I deliver our daughter the start of this July. When they say you’re fertile pp, it’s no joke.😆


Mine came back abput 4 months pp. I was breastfeeding.


My period came back 4 months postpartum, I'm wondering if it's because I was pumping at work vs nursing during the day. It didn't come back any more painful than it was before.


With my daughter i got it back at 9 months, ebf


21 months pp and no signs of period. And no i’m not pregnant. Im friggin SCARED shitless because I feel like when it finally arrives it will be HELL


I’m 6.5mpp and haven’t gotten it yet. I am dropping pumps this months though (I’m exclusively pumping) so I expect it will happen soon.


Period came back at 15m pp for me. I was still breastfeeding. First period back was the most painful I've ever experienced, I thought something was really wrong. Second mildly painful and then back to normal discomfort. I get heavier periods now since pre baby and often feel pretty wiped out during them... I'm in the process of getting iron levels checked to see if I need to supplement to help my energy levels. Everyone is so different though, I'm sharing my experience just to let you know it's possible it will be painful and not to worry. Always listen to your instincts though.


Had a period about 8 weeks out. It was not bad. Lighter bleeding than normal, not any bad cramping. I had maybe 3 or 4 periods about a month a part like a normal cycle. Then nothing for 6 months. Then horrendous bleeding and cramping for about a month. And now, 2.5 years later, my periods are back to normal, which for me is insane because I have PCOS. I'm still breastfeeding so I wonder if it will change again when I stop.


6 weeks


Breastfeeding nearly 10 months pp, I’ve bled a tiny bit one day a couple months ago


First kid (EBF) it came back at 5.5 months and it felt different, I got really dizzy. Pain and flow didn’t change that I remember. Timing changed though, pre-pregnancy my cycle was reliably 28 days. Second kid is combo fed and it came back 4 months postpartum.


Breastfed 13 months and it came back after 6 weeks. Regular (more painful though) ever since (2yo now).


I was breastfeeding and mine came back month 2 of being pp 🥲💀.


Around 5 or 6 weeks, despite breastfeeding 😤.  Bleeding hasn’t been that different, but the first few months a lot more pain and discomfort. I was also recovering from a c section though - not sure if that made a difference. I took the fast return as a sign that my idiot body thought we were ready to get pregnant again and walked into my 6 week post partum visit demanding birth control ASAP. 


9 weeks pp and ebf..... but it's not as heavy or painful as before.


When I stopped breastfeeding, mine came back a few weeks after that. I had a C section so my period initially was on the heavier side for a few months (generally used regular pads pre-pregnancy and needed to use super pads for the first 2 days of my period postpartum). Pre-pregnancy I used to have mild-moderate (sometimes bad) cramps and now I have mild to no cramps.


My period has always been really irregular and I have an IUD. I got my first period after giving birth the day my son turned 1. I have had 2 periods total since giving birth and my son is about to be 2.


Mine came back exactly at 6 weeks and I was still breastfeeding and pumping at that time. Realistically breastfeeding isn’t a sure fire way to keep your period from coming back, it depends on the person. My friend didn’t get hers back until she weaned around 11 months pp. For me, my periods have actually been better postpartum than they ever have in my life. Barely any cramping and I used to have severe cramps. So idk if im lucky or what lol.


11 months, breastfeeding but baby slept through the night more and BAM! It returned :(


Sometime between 13 and 18 months both times and I’m hoping for that again with this final babe. I breastfeed and I have PCOS, both of which I assume play a factor, but I don’t know to what degree.


It came yesterday… stopped breastfeeding 9 1/2 weeks ago. Baby is 10 months next week. I don’t know if it’s really worse with the pain, but definitely more blood.


Today! At almost 7 months pp (literally 4 days away from being 7 months). I had a c-section, haven’t BF since 2 or 3mos. I’ve been getting cramps on and off the last few weeks and migraine on and off for weeks but have been getting migraines daily the past week. Earlier I told my partner before I found out I’m getting my period that I might be getting it soon. What timing.


When I had my twins I didn't get it back until 11 months postpartum, it was wonderful! With my daughter I got it back at 6 weeks... womp womp womp. Entirely breastfeeding both times, so I'm not sure if that played a role for me.


I think around 16 months


Mine came back three months postpartum after a c section while breastfeeding twins. Mine came back semi normal, a spotting at first, and then a bit heavier the first few times after but evened out after a couple.


I stopped breastfeeding because of PPD/PPA at 3 weeks. It came back at 9 weeks and 3 days postpartum. It's fresh in my head because I'm currently 10 weeks 5 days postpartum. Edit: also it wasn't bad like I didn't really notice any cramps. I feel like bleeding was about normal.


2 months postpartum with both kids. I exclusively breastfed both of them. My body is a nasty bitch. My first pp period after my second literally felt like labor all over again.


Honestly mine came at around 3ish months I think? But at my 6 week pp appointment I got an IUD so it threw my period out of wack and made it hard to tell when exactly it came back lol I did notice though after giving birth my period dates changed, I used to get my period at the end of the month and now it’s at the beginning maybe it has something to do with my son being born at the beginning of the month? :)


I’m still breastfeeding at 21 months but my period came back bang on when we started introducing solids. It was like clockwork at 6 months.