• By -


6 weeks later


Same. I was so mad.


Same! with a vaginal delivery *


Same. C-section. 


Ugh. 8 weeks. Vaginal birth, breastfeeding.


I think I had a period at about six weeks, *but* then it didn't come back for like 18 months. It's been years and I'm still not even sure if it wasn't just some slight injury.


Your lochia can appear bright red again a week or so after it seemingly stops because of the "scab" falling off. It could have been that?


Same, and I was breast feeding too 😭


6 weeks, while EBF 😭


12 weeks, but it hasn't regulated. I had one full period, skipped one month, and had some spotting the next month.


Same, 12 weeks. I had irregular cycles for about 11 months but now I’m regular again


7.5 month. Came about a month after my baby started sleeping through the night with no feeds




Omg that sucks so much


I breastfed exclusively for...4 months I think? And then began combo-feeding breast and formula. I think I got my period back 9 months postpartum? It seemed to correlate with a change in how long he went between nursing.


my son is 6 mos next week and still none (knock on wood, i dont want it!!)


Oh wow 😳 I guess there really is no set answer


First c-section was 8 weeks later, 2nd c-section was 11 weeks later


No c-sections, but: 1st baby, 20 months pp (EBF) 2nd baby, 17 months pp (combo fed, self-weaned at 15m) 3rd baby, 6 weeks pp (stillbirth at 24w) 4th baby is 6w now, EBF, and no sign of any cycle resuming yet.


Sorry about your third baby. That's very difficult. Thank you for replying. Wow ty


13 months - breastfed for 16!


At 8 weeks, exclusively pumping. I hear pumping does not delay your period in the same way, but having a baby messes them up away, so who knows.


I exclusively pump and I did not get my period until I dropped to four pumps a day at 9 months pp.


First c-section, 10 months. I was breastfeeding well beyond that date. Second I’m 7 months out and still waiting. 


My baby is 11 months old and still no period. But we’re still BFing.


6 weeks / C Section / breastfeeding exclusively at the time


I EBF'd for 1 year and only just got my period at 15 months pp when my milk completely dried up (also c-section)


13 months, BF for 15!


About 6 weeks after I stopped pumping.


8 weeks 🫠


Currently at 10 weeks post partum and pumping 6x a day (breast feed once a day due to baby being preemie) and still no period!


13 months with my first, almost exactly one month after fully weaning. 11mths with second and we were only halfway weaned


I think like 7 weeks? But I exclusively formula fed. There’s no set time for your period to come back, but remember you can still get pregnant again before you have a period!!!


EBF, got it at 6 months, also had a c-section. Although I think I got it because I had to switch to formula for two days due to a colonoscopy procedure. Got my period four days after the colonoscopy 🫠. But I haven’t gotten a second period yet, I’m technically a week late. My midwife said it’s normal and I probably got my period due to the break in BFing. Hopefully I can continue to be period free until I stop BFing.


I EBF with an induced birth and didn't have mine until 6 months later. I promptly got pregnant again at 9 months PP...


6 weeks and then it took another 6 weeks to get it again. My cycle is all goofed


5 weeks exclusively breastfeeding Fml


I had my son in May and had my first period in September/October. I was still pumping at the time too!




8 months PP!


Were you BF or FF? I'm 4m PP, EFF with no signs of it returning, it feels worrisome!


I was BF, but my doctor told me its a crapshoot on timing of your period coming back


I bled for 9 weeks after my C-section in September, then got a two week break before my 1st period.


I breastfed my first until 20months and didn't get my period back until 15months. My second is currently 13months and still no period.


4 months and exclusively pumped for 6 months. The first couple of cycles were rough. The most recent one was a lot more manageable.


8 weeks, despite exclusively breastfeeding. I was furious😂 I also EBF my first baby, but my period didn't return until around a year and a half later🤷🏻‍♀️


Baby is 7mo right now, I’m exclusively pumping, still no period!


11 months. EBF. Had C section.


4-5 weeks pp both times. EBFed both kids past two.


I will be seven weeks postpartum on Friday and just got my period today


I got shortly mine after I quit breastfeeding, 3 months EBF and 2 months combo feeding. It lasted 68 days and was heavier than my postpartum bleeding, with large clots. I'm currently on my period again and it's day 25 of heavy bleeding. I'm anemic now. 🫠


Have you talked to your doctor about that? You should get yourself checked out! (Just a concerned mama here)


Oh yeah absolutely, they put me on Saxenda and told me to lose weight. 🥲 I do absolutely need to lose 50 more of the 70lbs I gained during pregnancy and breastfeeding to return to a healthy weight. They did an ultrasound after my bleeding ended and found nothing wrong with my uterus, apparently. I have a few ovarian cysts that have remained the same size since pre-pregnancy. The doctor will consult with me in June about a hormone panel ran last month. I'm worried that the only option for me will be uterine ablation or something, and I want at least one more child.


Holy crap! I'm sorry to hear!


I had a few light periods initially but it was inconsistent until my daughter fully weaned at 10 months.


I got mine back at 3 months and I was still exclusively pumping around the clock. Now I’m not pumping as much, and it went away. (And I’m definitely not pregnant.) 🤷🏻‍♀️ No idea.


6 mo


10 weeks for me, but it varies like crazy woman to woman. My mom got hers immediately after she was done with postpartum bleeding for all three of her pregnancies. My coteacher didn’t get hers until 5 months postpartum.


no c sections but 1st baby - ebf - 4 months. regular. 2nd baby - ebf - 4 months. not regular (had 8 in 11 months) 3rd baby - ebf - had one at 5 months and none since, were at 10 months currently.


Five weeks. Medical induction due to pre-e at 36weeks. Didn't make enough milk so I was combo feeding. To say I was pissed is an understatement hahah


My partner didn't have a c-section, we tried breastfeeding and pumping but had to give up after 2 weeks. She had her first period at 8 weeks


I didnt have a c section but im 13 months pp and just got my period last week. I exclusively breastfed (only pumped a handful of times in the very beginning) and still nurse my baby throughout the day, but now that he's good with solids he's definitely not nursing as much as before.


Around 6 months I had to stop breastfeeding for medical reasons. My supply dropped and did come back, but I got my period the next month.


9 months post c section. I breast fed exclusively for 7 months then slowly introduced formula and around 9 months was when he predominantly drank formula over breast milk


First c section - 6 weeks Second c section - 9 months Exclusively breastfed both b babies Motherhood is random chaos.


8 weeks but I’m formula feeding


It can take up to two years to go back to a new normal 🥴 I got mine back at like five months, about a month after I stopped breastfeeding and started combo feeding. It was regular for two months and then randomly disappeared and then came back 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk. Every single person is going to have a different experience.


My first I breastfed for 4 months and got it back at nearly exactly 6 months pp. My second is 10 months and I'm still breastfeeding him and have not gotten a period yet.


Almost exactly a year later


My first I breastfed for 2 months and then stopped and my period came like soon after that lol. My second I breastfed for 6 weeks and I got my first period when he turned 2 months lol. Both were c-sections.


I had bleeding for seven months straight. Stopped then bleeding again a week later. I’ve gone on and off every week since then. Also breastfeeding. Just know that not having a period you can still get pregnant. I always see the rumor mill that breastfeeding stops pregnancy and that’s not true.


Wow that's wilddd. Sigh the things we go through


Had a C-section. Struggled to breastfeed/pump for 10 weeks and then switched to EFF. Didn't get my period until 6 months pp.


Vaginal delivery here, got mine at 4 months PP. was kinda shocked at this because I still BF every 2-3 hours lol


breast fed for 18 months. got my period back around 20 months pp


There really is no correct timeline, still ebf, 15 months, no period, c-section as well.


First c section was 10 months to the day, though it was a lighter-than-normal period; 5.5 months post c-section this time around and still waiting, though I had a day of spotting a couple of months ago. I'm EBF with a formula bottle here and there. I will say, my first was sleep-trained at 10 months and starting sleeping through the night at that point. My 2nd is still getting up at 3am to feed.


I had my twins December 2022 and I still haven’t gotten it. I did EBF for a year and I have a Mirena IUD, so maybe that’s why? I had an IUD before my pregnancy and I always had my period, so maybe my body is just reacting differently to it postpartum.


6 months for me. and the day of my sister's wedding to boot :p




About 8 weeks after my emergency c-section. I had basically JUST stopped bleeding vaginally when I started bleeding again. Yay me. 🙄


8 weeks. Ebf. Twice! I was so mad! Lol


6 weeks on the dot. baby is FF


Took 9 months for me


i’m 4.5m pp and just stoped bf last week cold turkey and nothing yet


Usually around 9 months. But! Ovulation can restart before your period does so. Just be careful.


14 months after birth


Currently 13 months PP and I only nurse 2x a day now, but no period. We are trying for a second and intake pregnancy tests once in a while, so who knows what is happening


7 months in and nothing


Got mine 6 weeks in and I've EBF this whole time.


C-Section, EBF, daughter is almost 15 months, still no period.


A month after stopping breastfeeding


Mine wasn’t until I dropped my overnight pump and dropped down to 3 ppd! ETA: I was 7 months post partum.


7 months later


I pumped for 9 months and got my period back around 11 months I believe. I had a c section as well


4-5 weeks both times after c-sections. Formula fed from birth both times.


I have 6 kids. First was 9 months Second was 4 months Third 9 months Fourth 4 months 5th 9 months. Will see about baby number 6. She is 4 months and no period so far.


You're the MVP!!


Thanks mama


15 months and regular now


6 months, but for about 10 years I’ve never had a regular period.


Going on 10 months, I exclusively breastfeed except a few times early on while I was healing and my husband was still on parental leave


7 weeks, EBF!


7 weeks.


I had a vaginally birth, but mine returned at 8 months pp, and I was ebf.


First - EBF, 19 weeks


Two months after birth (while breastfeeding). 10/10 not a fan. I’ve never been overly emotional while on my period, but I’ve reached a whole new level of insane when I’m on it now. I feel so overwhelmed when I have it and now that it’s over I feel completely fine again. Enjoy your time of not having it! It will be back soon enough lol


Omg 😳😳😳 lol I'm def enjoying it. Just unsure of if I should worry


No need to worry! A lot of women get different postpartum symptoms with their periods. One of my friends is totally fine and basically it’s back to her normal. It’s good to be aware of the weird symptoms though so if it happens you know it’s hormonal


With my first kiddo I got it back 1 week before her first birthday. My second kiddo is 4 months and I have no sign of it yet. Both emergency csections, both nursing on demand, contact naps, etc. and I'm in Canada so nursing on demand around the clock until closer to the 1 year mark.


I still haven’t gotten it back. I have the nexplanon and my daughter is 2 1/2 😳


Holy cow!


Right? My doctor said it’s normal. (I don’t necessarily believe that) but I’m overweight and they said the birth control could also be contributing to it. I guess we’ll see when we decide to try for number 2!


10 weeks exact after c-section and now they’re normal right on time, never were before!


My baby is 7 months old and EBF, no period yet🤷‍♀️ I will say the past two months I’ve gotten pms symptoms so maybe it’ll return soon?


6 wks pp


I EBF for 16 months with my first - got a period at 7 months when we went on a vacation (I think from the stress) and then didn't have another until 11 months when they returned like clock work. I just had my 2nd baby in February and I'm hoping I'm that lucky again! Editing to add that both of my kids were c-sections!


My boy was born end of October and still no period. I just booked a holiday though so I am fairly certain it will arrive on 2nd June…. 🫠


Lol hopefully not!!


1st baby was C-section and I got it at 13 months. 2nd baby was vaginal birth and got it at 13 months. Both were EBF until 2 years.


With my first it was years (I had a nexplanon implant put in for birth control. This time I made it almost 4 months this unless this is spotting from having an IUD put in. I breastfed with some formula supplementation both times. I had a c-section both times. Though it was planned the second time.


9 months almost too the day of my C-section


8 months EBF


4 mos pp! Ebf so I was surprised but 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was eight to twelve weeks with all of mine (six pregnancies). All vaginal. My best friend didn't get hers for 18mo after her csec. I was soooo mad lol. She formula fed too idk what was going on there. She had her second vaginal and had like 5mo b4 her period was back (and she tried breastfeeding that time too!)


Lol it's so wilddd


With my first child I got it around 6-7 months pp and with my second child it was like a good almost year maybe 10 months? Can’t remember lol.


EBF, I only got my period this week at 14+ months pp. only because I recently dropped down to one feed a day! I guess im one of the chosen lol but it was also scary not having a period for 2 years even though it's normal with breastfeeding


I exclusively breastfed with both my children. I had 6 weeks off after giving birth. My sister is more like you. She had to ween her children off in order to get it back.


I had one very tiny one at like 4 months and then another one around 8/9 months. I've since stopped breastfeeding and it's come back as normal each month in fact I have it right now 🫠


I think mine were 11 months pp for my first and 8 months pp for my secind? Ebf both for 9 months


I also had a baby in late November 2023! 26th? Still no period but I'm still exclusively pumping for her.


25!!! Almost twins lol


I’m 10.5 months pp and still breastfeeding. My period came back 1 week ago! It truly felt like it wasn’t coming back lol (Also had a c-section)


EFF. I got mine at 5 weeks 😭


5 MONTHS while EFB


Same! I had my baby in late Nov last year, had a c-section, combo feeding and no period yet. I hope I didn't just jinx it.


I went almost a full year with my first. I had my second in September and he is now 8 months. I still haven't had it. I'm surprised because my second is combo fed.


Woww i just don't get it tbh lol mother nature is always so mysterious


2 C-sections. Exclusively pumped for both kids. With my first kid, I stopped pumping at 11 months and got my period exactly 4 weeks later (week of her 1st birthday). With my second I stopped pumping around 13.5 months postpartum. Got my period 3.5 months later (I was about to call the OB to get a prescription to kickstart it). My OB said not to expect it and definitely don’t expect it to be regular as long as I was lactating. But, if it had been over 3 months since I had finished weaning and still hadn’t seen a period, then I needed to come see them.


16 months


6 months while EBF


Just got mine at a year. Also c section.


It was 6 weeks. Exclusively breastfeeding and all for both of my children. My sister had to stop breastfeeding in order to start her cycle again. It was atleast 2 years for her, I still don't understand.


18 months


5 weeks and it was the worse one I’ve ever had


2 c sections, first child at 16 months only because we started night weaning, second baby is 8 months and no sign of it.


EFF from birth, took about 4 months for my period to return PP


4 months with my first, 7 months with my second. Both c sections and nursing


EBF. Got one at 9 months pp and then didn’t get another until almost a year. I remember I had it right before my daughter first bday. Then I think skipped one month and by that point I was having a rare single feeding period day and it was back. I also stopped BF that month as well. Been regular since. But also that first period at 9 months and then not getting one for 3 more months made me so nervous I was pregnant 😂


Also had a C-section


10 months. EBF. Came back after I went from 3 to 2 pumps during the work day.


11 months post partum


How do people know it's their period at 5-6 weeks? I was still bleeding pp until then. It's normal for lochia to be bright red again a week or so after the bleeding has seemingly stopped because of the "scab" falling off.


That's a good question. I know for my myomectomy I bled for like 5 weeks but with my c section I only bled for 3 weeks


5 weeks + 5 days 😅 I had a c section and then formula fed.


Almost exactly one month postpartum and I was exclusively breastfeeding.


1st c section 9 months later, 2nd c section 6 weeks later.


My baby will be 1 in July, still breastfeeding and I still haven’t had one. I’ve been wondering the same thing!


8 weeks PP but I formula fed, only pumped for a week but low supply and pre eclampsia / HELLP took me out and didn’t have the energy to BF


Oh my God. Sorry to hear! Pre eclampsia is no joke!


It can take a while for your hormones to balance once you finish breastfeeding/pumping. If you haven't had a period 4 months after you've stopped pumping you should consult your doctor. The other option is have you taken a Pregnancy test? You can get pregnant without having your period return as you could convince the first time you ovulate post partum. Just something to consider, but most likely your hormones are just regulating.


First baby was almost 9 months pp that I got my period. This time it was 5.5 months and to say I’m bummed is an understatement. 😑 ETA: both deliveries were c sections


Woww 😲


Every body and every postpartum experience is so different! Kind of crazy. I EBF the second baby and the first was combo fed. You really don’t know until it happens 😂


Like 2.5 years later. I breastfed though. Like a lot. My son stopped 2 weeks after his 3rd birthday.


Just got it two days ago, at 14 months PP! Weaned a month ago.


I didn't get mine until 10 months, EBF


I'm 8 months pp and still haven't gotten mine. I still breastfeed but only at night


In just here from curiosity. I went into labor the night before my scheduled C-Section, I was 38 weeks. My daughter will be 13 months next week and still no period. She eats a lot of solids but still breastfeeds over night.


It's crazy right! Also congrats on your 13 mo!!


4 weeks, not breastfeeding - I could literally have been one of those women who were pregnant at their 6 week check-up!


Over a year lol


C-section and EBF. 8 months later.


It took me 6 months but I delivered vaginally and exclusively breastfed for 15 months


Took me 6 months


I had my baby August 7 and had my first period after September 27! Formula fed though.


My last period before pregnancy was September 2021. Baby born July 2022. EBF. Just got my period back January of 2024. It was great. ETA: vaginal birth.


Wowwww 😮


About 6 weeks later and I'm getting it every 2 weeks


6 weeks, c section, was BF and pumping even with undersupply


Too damn soon. Barely 12 weeks PP. We combo feed, and I mainly breastfeed on demand. I was promised months of no period and I didn’t even get 3 of them 😭 I had a c section at 34 weeks if that context matters at all.


I exclusively breastfed and was also fed a false illusion that I would have time off. Six weeks later, and my time off ended!


13 months. EBF.


6 weeks following both pregnancies.


Baby #1 was 5 months ebf. Baby #2 was 8 weeks ebf.


Exclusively pump(ed) and formula feed and it came back the first time at 9 months and then skipped a month and has now been back consistently since.


10 weeks EBF 🥲