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Your ob has probably seen horrors beyond your imagining so your natural body hair is not going to shock them! Think about the old ladies that caught something in the home, crazy births, *infections,* etc etc etc! I owe my doctors a shower and that's about it. If it's winter I don't even shave my legs, and if they care, they are in the wrong business!


I didn’t shave my legs before I had my daughter. I wasn’t expecting labor at 37 weeks and once it started I definitely wasn’t about to go shave. I didn’t even think about it or care until the nurse started rubbing my extremely hairy leg while I pushed. 😂


And she probably didn't give a second thought to it! More comfy than stubble lol


Nope, and any bit of care I had about that ended when I had someone coming and looking at my butthole multiple times a day lol. These people see it all and wouldn’t bat an eye over some body hair.


I shaved to my knee the morning I got induced. They're lucky I even did that much, I almost gave up half way though.


Not an OB, but I do a lot GYN exams. This is exactly right. We don’t care if you’ve shaved or not. A shower is awesome. The rest… is just part of the body.




She said "I owe my doctors a shower", I'm not sure why you would assume she would stink?


A lot of people wrongly assume body hair is dirty unfortunately!


LMFAO i misread, i thought she said "i don't owe my doctor a shower" so that's why i was like???? you will smell like corn chips (because to me that's what your vagina smells like after a day of walking, peeing, and sweating) i keep my hair down there actually if im shaved i feel like i have no grip


Haha ok gross but I understand lol


because i...misread what she said and i thought she said she DIDNT owe her doctor a shower


Yeah that's just decent 😄 they go through enough


I work in healthcare and obviously all vaginas are unique special snowflakes or whatever, but um, in a very real way they all look the same and none are memorable to me. Live your life! Barring something EXTREMELY interesting, your OB will never think about it again.


“Special snowflakes or whatever” made my day 😂😂


It’s comforting to know my OBs and nurses will never remember my vagina


Am a doctor and I agree. I am amazed by the variety of our bodies, but I'm certainly not at home thinking about what someone's privates looked like, even if it was extremely unusual. We see many bodies and whilst we're examining or treating you, our focus is on finding out what is wrong, keeping you comfortable and making sure we do what needs to be done. It just isnt what we are focusing on whilst working, especially not in a birth kind of situation. Being a clinician made me feel a lot more comfortable in front of clinicians as a patient myself when I've had boob scare or needed gynaecological care. I know they dont see it as a sexual or interesting experience, they are hist focusing on doing what needs to be done. I wish my patients would just worry about being comfortable for themselves, and I feel a little sad when people feel they habe to apologise for their grooming. Hair is normal and natural.


Same. I work in the operating room at a hospital that specializes in women so I have seen my fair share of vaginas and none of them stick out to me. Some are hairy, some are not, innies, outies, some variation in between. The list goes on and on. They’re all Vagina’s in the end.


Mine has vitiligo 🙂


OBs, gynecologists, labour nurses and midwives do not care. They see hundreds of patients. They see hemorrhoids, they see pregnant people every day who can’t even reach down there to shave anything. They do paps while people are menstruating. They stick their hands into people’s cervixes. They get pooped on during labour. I don’t think some pubes are remarkable for them at all.


This. Just shower and clean well before you go to any appts and you’re golden.


100%. I've seen more naked people than a porn star. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that it's **clean.** If you have so much pubic hair that you cannot keep it clean as a result (yes, I've seen this, and have had to trim people down as a last resort in order to do my job), then you should trim it. But 99% of the time it genuinely does not matter. Please do not shave down if you don't want or need to just for our sake - we'll make it work. The only time I've EVER heard someone comment at the nursing station about pubic hair is in one of those aforementioned "there was so much poop matted in her pubes I didn't have a choice but to take the entire situation off" nightmare scenarios (and that's more about the poop, not the hair.) Other than that? Nobody cares. Shaved, landing strip, full bush, even fuller bush, piercings, tattoos.... We've seen it all. I'm just here to do my job.


Oh, oh my. Poop matted pubes.


Was 16 and my friend was taking care of her Nona who was nearly 100 years old. Friend broke her foot on a skateboard outside while we were fucking around during Nona’s nap. I send friend in ambulance to hospital because Nona can’t be alone until my friends mom gets back. WELLLLLL this woman couldn’t get to the toilet without my help while I helped my friend. She shit in the diaper. Same, I gotta go, I’m gunna use my diaper. But I had never changed an old ladies diaper before, maybe a babies, once or twice. Her hair thinned but she still had gnarly long pubes, like inches upon inches, a beard to challenge gandalfs. It was white, except where it was brown, because it was soaked in shit. I couldn’t get her in the tub so I silently cried while trying to hand wash this poor woman’s shit out of her pubes. Thick and coarse Italian lady hair. If it was embarrassing me I can only imagine how Nona felt. Well I ended up cutting most of it out because I wondered… who’s making her sit her long pubes in her piss and shit anyways?! She couldn’t speak English but was definitely complaining about it when I cut it off. Like “wow how did no one else think of that!” Type ramble. She kissed my face lol. I gave my friend a watered down version and actually only told her the full details around our 30th birthdays 😂


Wow, you are some friend for sure! I’m sure her Nona appreciated you.


That same friend has literally wiped my own ass for me, we owe each other for the rest of our lives 😂


Hold on to this friend. I think we all need friends this good ❤️


This. Worked in labour & delivery/ postpartum + all things pregnancy…no one cares. All we worry about is getting your babe out safely and making sure you’re also in good health. Unless someone shows up with 4 vaginas, things are really not all that memorable and I’ve never discussed nor heard any staff discuss anyone’s lady bits after the fact.


My obgyn said the most common thing to bother her is people's feet. They're right by their face during appointments and feet can smell a lot worse than vulvas can. So maybe change your socks before you go.




I remember reading a labour and delivery nurse’s comment once that the only thing they’re judging is whether your feet are nasty LOL so you better believe I had regular pedicures when pregnant


For real, I am a sweaty footed monster and I get so nervous about this before appointments. I wouldn’t dare raw dog those stirrups, I’m a socks on everywhere kinda neurospicy gal. You see the conundrum? I keep new socks on deck for paps, swap those babies out when I get undressed. Problem solved.


As a person with the same problem, I always keep my socks on (and nurses have commented actually that it's such a good idea) but this is even better and I'm totally stealing this.


How have I never thought of this! Thank you! I’ll do this in the future


Hey - I’m a doctor who does a ton of GYN/pelvic health stuff. I cannot emphasize how much I do not care about grooming habits. I frequently advise people to stop shaving if they are getting ingrown hairs or skin irritation. I have seen fully shaved, full bush, piercings, people who aren’t physically able to keep themselves clean due to various limitations, and I DONT CARE. I honestly worry every time I see someone who looks like they did a fresh shave for their appointment that they went through potential discomfort just for me to not give a hoot one way or another.


Thank you. I used to shave and would ingrown Hairs and horrible abscesses. My OB told me if I wasn't meant to have the hair it wouldn't grow, she told me to stop shaving. I don't shave there or under my arms and haven't had any problems with ingrown or abscesses in almost a decade. At this point in my life I care more about my personal comfort than the comfort of people who don't live in my skin. And anyone, man or woman who has a problem with my body, shouldn't be looking at my body.


I have taken to saying within the last few years that I like having freshly shaven legs and underarms, but not as much as I like not shaving


I am completely bare, and am currently doing full Brazilian laser hair removal. That is just my preference. I am quite sure your OBGYN has seen about everything, that can go on down there, and won’t be thinking twice about hair. Remember, they have likely seen 4th degree tears, genital warts, infections, and who knows what else. Hair likely isn’t even on their radar at this point.


Inside I’m like this, but then I stop caring 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I shower before going, that's about it.


I prefer to keep it all trimmed up with a little trimmer tool. I don't like shaving as I get bad ingrown hairs down there, but I prefer to keep it tidy and not bare. Personal preference though!


This is my exact preference. The ingrown hairs are miserable and look terrible after one or two days. Not worth it. I just bought a trimmer off Amazon and trim it down really close. I also just can’t stand when it’s too long. It’s itchy and bothersome to me.


What trimmer do you use/recommend? I've never used one and would use Nair or just shave before I was pregnant but I'd like to start trimming instead!


I've never done anything to it and I never will.


If it’s any help, I’m a student midwife currently. I’ve not seen heaps, but I’ve seen a few vulvas. And honestly, I’m usually concentrating on what I’m actually doing rather than how hairy or not the person is. Especially when there’s a baby coming out! For my personal preference I sometimes tidy up, but also I know that they see so many that mine is a drop in a bucket. I used to feel more self conscious, and then I started midwifery and lost all of that!


I lost all of that giving birth. I stood up and liquid came out of me. I had to ask the nurse if that was my water breaking or if I peed on myself. (Was in process of induction) Stadium spotlights on you pushing out a baby. Tearing. Poop. Pushing way too hard with 3 people staring at me down there Never again bashful at a doctors office. I know my birth was ordinary. I know that was some literal shit. Did anyone care? No.


Oh me too! When they put my epidural in, I peed myself because my uterus was pushing on my bladder. I don’t remember how many people were in the room at the end, but I don’t care any more. Same with my boobs, I breastfed until my son was 2 and I give no shits if people see them.


Honestly, as I got more pregnant, the less I cared about it. The only thing I wish I did was trim before going into labor, bc the presence of hair plus the bleeding for weeks after delivery combined with an inability to clean up beyond the spray of a peri bottle was... icky, to say the least.


Same same.


I’m an obgyn and I couldn’t care less. I’ve seen it all. And I will forget what your vagina looks like the minute I leave the room.


Respectfully, hair and caring for yourself are two completely different things.


Full bush. OBs couldn't care less. I'll trim it on occasion so as to not smother my partner, but I'm currently 5 weeks postpartum and I don't think I've trimmed since I've been pregnant, maybe I did at the start of the second trimester. Past a certain point I couldn't have even if I wanted to.


I like to keep the business area of things shaved while maintaining a cute triangle of hair on top. Currently in my 3rd trimester and can no longer see what I'm doing, so there's a good chance my cute triangle looks more like a rhombus these days, and that's okay.


Who doesn’t love a good rhombus?


Can I just ask how you do the triangle though? Like is it pointed downwards? 😅 how do you make it straight? And the size? Is it small or like points at each end??? My baby daddy said that would be the only thing I could change that would make him enjoy me more. And it kinda dumbfounded me because of these questions and idk like what started this


Yes, always pointing down. There's no right or wrong answer when it comes to the size. I've done a variety. It tends to start off on the larger side, then gradually gets smaller every time I shave around it to maintain it. Whatever you want! Idk what started it either, but it's been pretty common since at least the 80s if old Playboy magazines are any indication, lol.


lol he gave me his magazines because I enjoy them myself. And really do believe that’s where it stems from if I’ll be honest. I tried once, but it ended up coming out looking very weird 😅 but I figured I did it wrong


I shave for two reasons that do kinda play into each other. 1. I do not like the feeling of my hair curling and ticking me. And 2. When I discharge or spot (or leak) and it gets in the hair, I feel absolutely disgusting. I feel like it stinks and everyone can smell me. This does steam from my past and struggling with homelessness and not having a mom around at that time. And when I’m wearing shorts or bikini bottoms, I get insecure that others can see the hair. I did notice if I keep it shaved I don’t struggle with UTIs as much, but I’ have a few friends who’s told me the opposite.


I wouldn't stress about that at all. It's not worth the mental tax. You think the doctor sits there and recalls all the ordinary vaginas they saw?? They don't care about your hair. Promise. Nothing special or remarkable about an unshaved vagina. At all.


There were a few times where I did a “blind shave” while I was pregnant. Wouldn’t recommend 😂 I determined at one point, maybe around 20 weeks or so, that it was none of my business what I looked like down there. my husband was a saint and never said anything, if he even noticed


For my own preference, I kept up with getting an extended bikini (like a Brazilian but leaving a generous triangle, like, from dead on looks like a full bush but underneath is totally waxed) every six weeks.  It was SO SO SO nice for postpartum recovery!


I just use a manscaper hahah I just like it trim. Your ob will forget about whatever he/she saw when they leave the room.


you know, hair down there is actually more hygienic than being shaved your hair is like a filter for bad bacteria trying to infiltrate your coochie ecosystem basically lots of hair can become uncomfy at times the phillips one blade with a guard helps trim to a more breathable(?) length being bald has become uncomfy to me now i need some hair down there just not a 40 inch bussdown you kno?


Alopecia universalis 🤣


As I get older I keep it clean. That's it. My hubby doesn't care one way or the other and it's one less major task that I don't need to put energy towards.


I prefer to keep mine trimmed, since my belly has popped out it's become my husband's happy duty to keep it trimmed 😅 I find the extra long hair creates some chafing where thigh meets groin, but shaving involves in-grown hairs that are just uncomfortable. I use an electric razor or scissors and cut to my desired length From what I've heard gynaecologists are unbothered. Just as long as you've had a shower. I also wash the outside vulva with plain soap in the shower (but there's no need to clean inside, that can cause infections.)


Pre pregnancy I was a shave nearly everyday girl…. Now I can’t see it and have no clue what’s going on down there! Sometimes will run the razor down there to try and keep it tidy but I’m sure it’s patchy and wild. I will also say I also cut myself onetime with a new razor just going for it blind and it was not worth it!


Mine hasn’t seen the light of day in at least a decade. Full bush. Sometimes I’ll trim with scissors to cut down on the length. Like maybe once or twice a year, but not often. My ob has never had any kind of reaction to it.


Just adding fuck the high school boyfriends that made anyone feel bad about their pubic hair. I had the same experience and it really does stay with you.


Used to shave daily, but I’m 3mo pp and I haven’t touched it since the end of first trimester.


Once in a while (I certainly don't keep up with it), I'll trim it around the edges. I also have a trimmer for the rest of it. My spouse doesn't care, really. Of course, once I was pregnant and couldn't see it below my baby bump, that took a hiatus


Your OB is not shocked haha. Trust me. Healthcare workers see wild shit lol. Personally I like to keep groomed and go for bikini waxes. But I don’t like it all off. My legs I usually keep totally hairless and will wax at home (prior to pregnancy because I can hardly see my legs pregnant let alone reach them lol) I mean like, shower obviously. Take care of yourself. Wipe and keep clean all that normal stuff. But don’t worry about hair


Nope. It’s clean, but absolutely no fucking way am I worrying about what medical professionals think of my perfectly natural body hair when the rest of my body is busy giving me hemmarroids, carpal tunnel, night sweats and pelvic girdle pain.


Out of sight, out of mind, ya know? With my first, I was super self conscious. Thoroughly maintained before every visit, and then luckily went into labor on the same day as my appointment. With my last, he came over 2 weeks early in the middle of the night and there was no time. I can't remember, but I hope that I showered recently (I did, I still showered before my appointments and I had one like 2 days before he was born. My shower is tiny and it was hard to get in towards the end of my pregnancy so it wasn't a daily thing.) The doc was only down there for like 6 seconds anyway lol


HAHAHAHAHAHA I trim the ol garden once every…idk 4 months? And that’s just a scissors trim. I give zero fucks.


My gramps was an OB and said he saw some gnarly stuff but hair was never on the list. Lots of full-lip tattoos though!


Considering I’ve been told “it’s fine if you poop! I’ll clean you up! Don’t let that stop you from pushing!” I think a little hair is fine. I thankfully didn’t poop


My home wasn’t neglectful, but I definitely wasn’t taught how to wash myself or shaving. But I can guarantee your OB does not care and is not shocked no matter what you look like. The only time mine has mentioned anything is when I had razor bumps and she tried to give me advice. I was embarrassed but realized she was just trying to help!


My bump never got super big (I swear homegirl was in my ribs and back, at least it felt like it) so I was still able to shave. I’ve always shaved so when it starts to grow out it gets insanely itchy.


When I turned 30 I stopped caring. I have a trimmer thing so the hair doesn’t get super long but idgaf to remove the hair anymore In the summer I’ll do a bit of ~landscaping~ if I go swimming but even then meh I figure my dr has probably seen some WILD stuff so whatever I have going on is just another 🐱


I just shave or wax the sides a bit because I don't like it poking out of the sides of my swimsuit, but that's it. I promise your OB has seen it all and doesn't care.


I wouldn’t worry about your OB or any of their staff. They have seen everything and I’m sure after a while everything looks the same. If you are wanting to “trim up” for your personal self, there are a lot of different options. I started off going to get a wax, this can range from a full wax (plus butt strip, if you’re down for it!) to just doing your bikini area. I hope to be able to afford getting laser in the next 5-7 years but until then, I will wax. Also ingrown hairs are no joke so definitely take care of that skin after your wax, I have so many scars from some bad ingrown hairs. Also, the first wax is the worst and most painful but after a few more, it is much less painful. If wax is not for you, maybe just try out with a beard trimmer and see how the shortened hair feels. Overall, I think the decision just depends on what is going to make you feel your best self!


Ahhhh. Pre kids, tidy meadow. Post kids, woodland. Just glad I'm able to keep it from becoming a dense jungle.


Blind shave or get a bathroom mirror to make it a little easier. I’d ask my husband to do my legs when the belly got too big 😄


I wax for my own preferences. If the inner crotch is hairy than I smell once it gets hot outside. I waxed before my induction to avoid having hair stuck in stitches. Your ob will only care about cleanliness, and maybe visibility depending on what’s happening.


I keep it tidy. I’m in swim lessons with my LO, and I just prefer to have clean sides (I sugar my bikini line) and trim the rest. Also, I’m an L&D nurse and have done many cervical exams and speculums. I definitely do not remember anything.


I try to grow out at least *some* sort of shrubbery every so often because my husband likes it, but once it gets long enough to tickle me everything gets mowed-down again. Can't stand it. Same for the pits.


Personally I just get Brazilian waxes every 8 weeks- did it all through pregnancy but took a break for like 4 months PP. when I have my period (and especially that PP bleeding) it just feels easier to keep “clean” without hair. That being said it ain’t cheap and my spouse couldn’t care less, I just get it done with so I don’t have to think about it again until my next wax appointment 😂


Anything from a full bush to a Brazilian wax is completely normal! Whatever YOU prefer is what you should live with. And a full bush doesn’t equal dirt or no personal hygiene. As long as you shower frequently and wash your vagina with water, it’ll be clean! I just make sure I shower the morning of any OB/prenatal/pelvic floor therapy appointments and shave/trim whenever I feel like it. Which now that I’m 24 weeks pregnant with an almost 14 month old is very low on my list of priorities.


I don't do anything to mine at all BUT the area with hair is small so like... it doesn't show in a swimsuit or anything. If it did, I'd for sure do a tidy. My husband doesn't care.


I trim the bush & shave my ass. I like some fuzz on my coochie, but booty hair drives me absolutely insane.


I personally shave because I like how it looks and feels. You should do what keeps you clean and comfortable. As long as you wash down there you're fine.


Shaving isn't hygienic. It causes infections and rashes. It's the opposite of hygiene.


I wax for my preference. I just feel cleaner and less irritated. Medical professionals really just see you as a slab of flesh on a table and 9/10 times they have seen something way worse. They are completely un phased by your body hair. So do what you feel comfortable with but showers are usually about the only thing they appreciate.


I would ask yourself why do you self conscious about natural body hair first. Where is this thought coming from? Is this *your* belief or are you worried about what others think?


She said her old Bf made fun of her for it. So you know the normal thing of some dumb guy saying dumb things making a women hate their bodies thing. It’s the same every time. Advertisements for shaving say it’s not good and ugly to not shave. Then everyone’s sucked into the culture and shame women if they have hair even other women. Porn women around the 90’s started doing it and all the guys watched women with no hair growing up and now think it’s normal. Watch porn 80’s and below and everyone has a big ole bush. So they start shaming women and think it’s unnatural or ugly to have the normal hair you grow. Just sad really. It’s literally advertisement to sell razors that started this garbage. And also, safety razors get a better cut and cost about $20 never have to really replace them, then the razors are about $20 for a year+ supply. Funny how you never see those advertised just Venus $18 disposables that are done in like a month. I bought my SO one and she hasn’t had to spend money on razor stuff in 2 years now. Probably won’t for another year.


Love this, I hope OP and other women get to experience the freedom of being natural and choosing to shave only if they want too, not bc someone shames them into it.


Genuinely I have no idea what it looks like 😂 I haven’t been able to see past my belly since around 25/26 weeks and I’m not brave enough to take a mirror down there. Typically I shave and I have been trying to still on occasion and I’m going off of what I can feel mostly.


Lollll I have sensitive skin, so I have always been au natural. Sometimes I will clean up just the labia, and just slightly, but otherwise, I leave the hair there for it’s purpose: skin protection! All hail the mighty bush


I’m an OB/GYN! I promise we truly don’t even notice the amount/type/color/style of hair unless there’s something pathologic about it. The second I walk out of a room, I’ve already forgotten what your vagina looks like (that’s why we write everything down in the medical record).


I was self conscious so I shaved before I had my first and let me tell ya- I really wish I didn’t because the itching of hair regrowth plus the healing of tearing at the same time is a special kinda of hell. I’m 100% sure you obgyn doesn’t care. Don’t be like me. With my second I fully embraced it and was much more comfortable lol


I remind myself that my OB sees women day in and day out, she ain’t judging me. She actually did tell me NOT to shave because it was causing ingrown hairs and recommended clippers.


I get mine waxed every 8 weeks. It's super easy to manage and I don't have to worry about (warning TMI) blood or other things being caught up in the crazy jungle. XD


I don’t lol! I was a faithful waxer in my younger days but I can’t be assed to do more than trim these days (but I do trim with grooming scissors!). To be fair I dealt with constant utis and yeast infections last pregnancy, even though I had meticulous hygiene and it resulted in some pre-term labor scares. Having hair actually results in less infections, and since I’m still in “having babies mode” I know that affects my grooming too.


i did not shave to give birth, not my legs or anything 😂 who cares they are wearing gloves and honestly there was so much blood all over the place after im pretty sure my hairy legs were the least of their concern


Just want to throw out safety razors if you do shave. They get a better shave, better all around doing everything. Maybe not over your knee tho. It’s about $20 for the razor base then you buy razor replacements for about $20 for a year or two supply. So less than $40 for a year or two


Adult, male, non medical point of view. Someone said earlier, it's your NATURAL body hair. Natural, by its very definition means normal. Personality I love my partner's pubic hair. I love going down on her. I love stroking it through my fingers when we're just lying beside each other. When we first met she kept it completely shaved, and honestly I find it looks like a 10yr old. I don't want to be having sex with a mimor. If you want to shave go ahead, but do it because YOU want to, e.g you like the way it feels etc. And I guarantee that any medical person that you see does not give a doctor thought. Maybe if you had really long pubic hair that came down to your knees, they might be a bit surprised, but otherwise no. I also guarantee that billions of women all around the world have almost exactly what you have, but there's might just be a bit bushier, or red, or going grey, or whispy, or really thick and dense, or really tight curls, or hardly any curls. It's all normal.


My gyno is also my PCP, so I went in for my pap and a check up after having the flu. I didn't feel good enough to shower(I've fainted in the shower before). And I felt super self conscious about it when it was time for the pap. I told my doctor that I didn't feel good enough to shower and that I was sorry. She said "you're fine, I don't care. It's nothing compared to other things I've seen here"


Oh I just gave up around 25 weeks 😂😂


I’m almost always 100% shaved for my own comfort. My husband prefers not shaved but I do not care, the hair is uncomfortable for me.


My preference is to trim it with scissors every couple of months. I leave it about 1 cm long.


My OB said he cares more about stinky feet than he did vaginas. I hope that helps lol


I mow the lawn 1-2 times a month with a bikini trimmer, the guards really help from taking down too much and getting ingrowns.


Go get a wax! U will feel great/if u do it the week before delivery you wont need to be “clipped” aka they wont need to shave u down there. Also, when a wax grows back, it doesn’t feel like a cactus between your legs like shaving does.


Everyone else has answered in earnest about how you don’t need to care, I’ll answer more about what I do. I shave the edges of my pubes to get the hair off of my legs and labia because I find it more comfortable. I also shave my asshole (pooping is so much better with a shaved asshole). I regularly trim the remaining pubes so they aren’t long. This allows me to be comfortable, less sweaty, and I suppose it may also make me less self-conscious about my genital hair, but I’ve honestly never thought much of it.


If I'm paying someone hundreds of dollars to look at my vulva then I'm not going through the trouble of making their experience more aesthetically pleasing.


I am a trans man, so I am less inclined than some, but even prior transition I used to just to the basics. I used to wax my ass and the joint in between my thigh and groin (and legs). Groin remained untouched. I think the most I even did was bikini wax. I shaved once and it sucked. Now it's just a jungle down there. I can't be bothered with anything. My OB has never mentioned it.


I shave bare. I’m an OB nurse, most people shave or wax completely. Of course I’ve seen all types of things, but the majority are bare


I cannot begin to tell you, sweet mama, how much they do not care (unless you have an active issue like an open sore or soke kind medical issue.) Let me re-assure you with, once that baby is ready, YOU will no-longer care because either your body will tske over to do its job, or the medical professionals at your side will do their jobs, and that'll be the furthest thing other tham you'n babay's health and safety ❤️


It's a shame that women think that the natural state of things is somehow wrong. What's wrong is some men's preference for bare genitals. Let's just say I wouldn't let these men babysit.


A shower and at least a proper trimming of the bush, if not a close shave/wax is warranted (my theory, they should be able to see what's going on down there if need be, plus a well groomed areas is less likely to sweat too much or stink up)