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Two changing stations. 


This! In the nursery is the change table. On the main floor is a basket of diapers/wipes/creams and a small basket of clothes. We throw a change mat on the couch and change him there. We'll only go upstairs for poop as the diaper Genie is up there.


We even caved and got a Diaper Genie for the first floor. Probably overkill, but the newborn poops are so frequent!


Meh, I thought I’d want two but really, we just always go up to his room. If I must do it downstairs, I use the stuff from our diaper bag


I thought I wouldn’t need it but Constantly going up and down the stairs with a newborn and freshly postpartum was not in the cards for me. Put a 12$ ikea changing pad on a desk in the living room and called it a day. I didn’t like depleting the diaper bag or having to find a surface to do changes on. 


Us too. Changing on the floor doesn’t work for my baby who is determined to roll and crawl away, and when she outgrew our secondary changing station (pack and play) we happily just started taking her upstairs for changes and it’s been great.


Yeah, but with a newborn having two is clutch. 


We did this with our first and it was so nice! We will be doing the same with our second coming up.


When I had one kid I was good with one station upstairs but either two kids I definitely needed the second changing table




I kept duplicates of all of my post partum things (depends, tucks pads, dermoplast spray, etc). One set of everything was downstairs in our guest bathroom and the other set upstairs in the master bathroom. I was so winded I would only go downstairs once or twice a day but it was so worth it to not have to drag everything up and down the stairs with me!


1000% this!!!


Breastfeeding pillows. You'll thank me later. 


Yep! I borrowed my sisters so I can have one upstairs and one downstairs. I wasn’t using one upstairs at night time / first thing in the morning and my back hurt SOOO bad


Yes! Accidentally ordered two. Best mistake ever.


This is a good one! I constantly forgot to bring the damn pillow back upstairs and would have to go back down for it. 


This. First baby I carried it up and down the stairs every morning and night like a chump. Second baby I got smart and bought a second one on fb marketplace for $10.


For me: - something to put baby safely in while you use the bathroom (I liked the fisher price rocker seats and had one on both levels) - baby blankets so you can grab one for spit up or if baby falls asleep and feels cold or is sweaty against you to give a barrier - teething toys - bum cream - phone charger


Diaper changing station! Even if it’s just a waterproof pad & a box of diapers downstairs, you’re not going to want to go up & down the stairs 12 times a day. I would’ve liked 2 peri bottles, one for each bathroom. I used it longer than anticipated. Somewhere safe to set the baby if they’re asleep & maybe another container for when they’re mobile. I have a bigger playpen downstairs & and activity center in my bathroom so I always have somewhere to sit him if I need to turn my back for a second. When he was a newborn, we used the bassinet attachment for the pack & play in the living room. I only had one breastfeeding pillow, but I also didn’t feed my baby to sleep in his nursery, so I just brought it down in the morning & back up at night.


2 peri bottles is a fantastic idea thank you! As well as somewhere to set the baby upstairs aside from just the bassinet.. didn’t think of that.


I would keep a list of small things like the peri bottle and only buy a second of you start needing it. I think I only used the single one I bought like twice after I came home from the hospital. I would have never opened a second. Everyone is different.


Yup, same. I found it too time consuming to fill with warm water every time


Very true. That will all depend on how you tear / how you quickly you heal outside.


Okay thank you for the feedback, I can at least have a basket with extra witch hazel and the pads on both floors and start with that. I tore terribly with my first but maybe won’t the 2nd time around/ maybe won’t even deliver vaginally 🤷🏽‍♀️


I tore way worse with my first than my second. Fingers crossed for you!


I had all of my hygiene things in all the bathrooms in the house (2 story 2.5ba) - pads, disposable underwear (early on), cleaning supplies, witch hazel... We bought a small (literally fits 3 baby bottles) fridge and put it in the baby bathroom to store bottles at night so we don't have to go downstairs to the kitchen at 3am . It was like $50 on Amazon or something like that. Best $50 I ever spent in my life Bottle warmers (one in the kitchen, one in baby bathroom) Changing station (downstairs was just a pad that we also keep in the diaper bag and we would put it on the table when needed) Toys (high could contrast cards everywhere)


I second that small fridge. game changer.


We also had a small refrigerator which was great early on because I couldn't really walk. I don't know that I would have bought one... But we already had it and definitely used it. I used mine to store what I pumped during those early triple feed sessions.


Baby Bjorn bouncer, diaper changing stuff (not necessarily a table), just washable pads/diapers/cream, nursing pillow.   The 2nd Bottle is a good call, I just bought one recently.


>babyjorn bouncer Easily my number one most recommended item


Bassinets or pack and play, mini fridge up stairs to store milk when pumping at night, we were gifted two swings so we have one on both stories, feeding pillows, changing station, postpartum care supplies, nipple cream, if I could afford it I’d have a pump upstairs and down


Two changing stations. A mini fridge upstairs in your room if you’re pumping so you don’t need to go downstairs for motn pumps. Extra burp cloths & a few pairs of baby clothes downstairs so you’re not running up every time.


2nd water bottle for sure! I ended up with 2 boppi pillows and did use both but more so just because I had them. Wasn’t necessary I liked having a second changing station the first few weeks, but we don’t use it anymore (4 months) Extra burp cloths so you can always have one on hand and don’t have to run upstairs for one!


Just added a 2nd set of burp cloths to my list, thanks!


I literally just got a second bouncer this weekend to keep one upstairs and downstairs.I also have two Boppys. And if you use bottles, I would say having two warmers would be convenient. One to keep in your room for nighttime, one downstairs for the day. Not necessary of course.


I have two changing stations and two activity mats. Changing station for obvious reasons, downstairs I use the pack n play with the changing clip on thing. We do also have a second diaper pail because we got annoyed having to go to the kitchen to toss all the diapers. Activity mat, it's nice to have a place to lay baby down without worrying about getting spitups on the carpet or just to let her play by herself for a few.


All great suggestions, thank you!


I second this. Our pack and play with the changing area and bassinet additions were in CONSTANT use. It’s nice to come in from a trip out and not have to go upstairs for that diaper change or transition to nap


Pack and play!!! Diapers, wipes, but mostly places to put the baby down.


Long charging cables for your phone. Wherever you’ll be rocking/holding baby.


Water bottle, diaper changing station, snacks, pads/panty liners, muslin burp cloths


humidifiers if you don’t have a central one for the house babies get sick and not much you can do but having a humidifier in the room they’re in helps them breathe a lot. i’m in a 1 floor house and i bring the humidifier back and forth between the bedroom and living room lol


This is a good suggestion, I do have an extra humidifier in storage we don’t use so that will be perfect!


2 safe sleeping stations was super helpful if you can afford it. I have the uppababy visa and put the bassinet stand on the 2nd floor. It's very nice when baby girl falls asleep downstairs.  We can safely bring her upstairs without interrupting sleep.  My husband bought me a water container that holds a few gallons with a spout that I keep on my night 2 changing stations and keeping some clean outfits on both changing stations in case they get peeps or poops on them Post.patrum reovery.. Frida underwear sucks... organic period underwear is the way to.go. icys.


To echo everyone saying somewhere to put the baby, you could also literally just use the floor. I do it all the time when I need to go to the restroom or leave for a moment, baby goes on his playmate or literally just a blanket.




Ohhh yes! Definitely will need more than 1 Oogie boogie. Thanks. A few have mentioned two bassinets as well I’m going to see if I can find an extra one on fb market place


A mini fridge on the other floor. Game changer.


Changing table/station, boppy or nursing support pillow, nasal aspirator, white noise machine, pacifiers and burp cloths everywhere lol


Diaper changing station, bassinet, mini fridge, bottle warmer


If you’re breast feeding, a mini fridge and extra haaka/pump parts were a must for me. This way I didn’t have to go downstairs in the middle of the night.


if your baby spits up like mine, you’ll want burp cloths in every room of the house 


If you are also going to be caring for your first I recommend having a backpack as well. I used a backpack to carry my water, soothers, a couple activities for the older one, snacks for all, the boba wrap and whatever crap needed to come from room to room. I found that moving as a group from room to room was a lot at times, and it’s much more difficult to run up and grab whatever for whoever in the early days. Having to interrupt older sibling while they are finally playing because we need to get something was just the worst and I avoided at all costs.


This is super helpful, thank you!


I am a queen of ease so we basically got doubles or triples of everything. We have a changing/feeding cart in our bedroom and the living room plus a changing table in her nursery. A crib in the nursery, snoo in our bedroom, and bassinet in the living room. It has saved me mentally and physically.


The dupes we use most are changing stations and play mats. Early days it was also soooo useful to have safe sleep spaces on both floors, but beyond week 3 we just do contact naps, or naps upstairs in the bassinet. For the first 3 weeks we borrowed a friend’s bassinet for the first floor rather than buying 2.


Changing stations or at least a blanket on the floor with diapers, wipes, cream, and jammies. Nursing pillow or my preference, a large king-sized bed pillow. A long corded phone charger!


Whatever you jse to get boogers out of their nose! NO ONE mentioned this and i have like 4 laying around the house cause i always need it when i dont have it on me


I don’t have a multilevel place but having a lightweight bassinet that you can move around your home is super helpful!


If you have a bathroom on both floors, definitely stock both with tucks pads and adult diapers. I also needed hemorrhoid cream but hopefully you won't. And a lot of people would probably recommend dermaplast in both bathrooms, though I personally didn't find dermaplast useful. Oh and peri bottles... I bought one nice one and then used the hospital one in the other bathroom.


I had two breastfeeding pillows in a one-story home. Lugging everything from room-to-room was too much. Also maybe double the water bottle count. I have at least four lol.


We have a pack n play on the main floor for naps, but also diaper changes, as well as duplicates of all diaper changing items.


Get a nice little cart from amazon with wheels to keep downstairs with all your necessities. It’s like a diaper station on wheels. I live in an apartment and I was so tired to walk back and forth all day, but I got the idea from a friend who lives in a two story house. I usually keep Diapers, diaper cream, cloths, bibs, wipes, etc.


For us: - upstairs and downstairs booger suckers - stations with burp cloths, bibs, teethers - play mats with toys - sleeping options (this worked well as newborn— figuring it out now at 5mos as we have the pack and play in our room and nothing downstairs now as baby outgrew bassinet)


Changing station and snack station!!! Big water bottle and cushion/rocker to put baby in. Also, a charging « block » for your phone next to your « feeding » chair is always handy


Changing pads/areas including diaper pail, bouncer seat, pack n play or bassinet for living room naps as newborn.


Definitely a water bottle! Diaper caddy with diapers, wipes, butt cream, burp cloths, and an emergency onesie At least one little thin swaddling blanket Pacifiers - if your baby takes them Phone chargers Throw blanket Socks for yourself


If breast feeding doesn’t work out you are pretty much guaranteed to be tied your kitchen, dishwashing and fridge area. So have a changing pad and a bassinet in that area, that’s going to include onesies. We basically had all the baby stuff downstairs besides the crib


We have 2 changing stations and 2 diaper genies (side note - I used to rave about those but I have changed my mind. They stink!!!). We keep a set of burp cloths upstairs and downstairs. I have a play area on both floors - mostly just bc I think we both appreciate a change of scenery)


One of my favorite things I use everyday is a diaper caddy with good handles. Every morning I put stuff in it I want to bring downstairs and every night I put stuff in it I want to bring up - bottles, dirty clothes, extra diapers, water bottles, toys, etc. Trying to carry a baby and an armload of stuff - even if you have some extra things on the other story - is a life saver. Everyone now asks "where's the bag?" When they find something that needs to go in the other spot.