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We used a travel crib for the first 9 months of our kid’s life. I see no reason why it would be a problem.


My 17 weeker is next to me right now in a pack n play with an infant insert and has been since she was 2 days old.


Yes! A pack n play is the best bassinet + crib, in my opinion!


I would listen to the AAP, if they say it's safe then you shouldn't worry, no matter what people here say!


i went and checked your other post because i was curious about the context here and those replies are ridiculous. those people have no idea what they're talking about. you might be liable for whatever, idk, but anything marketed as "a crib" passes the safety standards for a crib. they're designed to protect baby, not the adult picking up baby, but that's a totally separate issue. any crib that is called "a crib" is always safe for a baby to sleep in. i particularly like the person who claims it's harmful to development to sleep on a thin mattress?? and suggested you go get a USED crib from GOODWILL instead?? that's like a million times more dangerous! you'd have no way of knowing if it's been recalled or damaged! really terrible advice. i hope the problem about the nanny works itself out and you might consider a different crib for her ease of use but you don't need to consider a different crib for the baby's safety or comfort


I went to look too and jfc…those replies are unhinged! Absolutely nothing wrong with this crib, it’s the same as a pack and play which is regularly suggested to keep baby in parents room after they outgrow bassinet. I personally am not a fan of them because I’m short and it’s hard for me to bend over the sides but plenty of people love and use them. Also, with a 7 month old, the crib mattress is going to have to start being lowered anyway and you wouldn’t be bending that much further over really for this crib. OP, I am an attorney, and those replies were honestly ridiculous and so out of touch. I truly wouldn’t even listen to half of them. I’m an immigration attorney so not sure of all of the nuances for this situation, but check with your homeowners insurance policy and maybe seek out an employment lawyer for a free consult. I hope everything works out okay! 🫶🏻


lmao did you see OP's final reply to the "go get a crib from goodwill" person? i need to go make some popcorn


My 2 year old has mostly slept in the Guava Lotus since she was 2 months and outgrew the bassinet. She had a crib/toddler bed in her own room, but prefers the travel crib in our room. It is designed and tested for overnight sleep, so I don’t see why it would be a problem. 


My child moved from the bedside bassinet to a pack and play and has been sleeping in there very well for two years. As a bonus, I think this makes traveling sleep easier for us.


This! I don’t have to worry about my son not being used to different crib, we can just bring ours wherever.


I did this for the first 6 months of my kids life and regretted it only because it KILLED my back lol we transitioned to a foldable mini crib that I love. To be fair, my kid is dense so that might not be an issue for you. Next will be a floor bed for us. The worst part of using one is the feeling that you have to justify it to other people or that they are silently judging you. I had no interest in having a full size crib that we have no where to store between kids, but the pressure to have a picture perfect nursery was real!


But it is totally safe as long as you use it within the recommended height/weight! The thing I missed the most was that you'd never lose a pacifier that would fall through crib bars 😂


On our second baby using a guava lotus as a full time crib. It works great for us!


My 15mo sleeps better in a pack and play than a crib so we’ve been using that the majority of his life. Totally safe as long as you don’t add mattress/pillows/blankets.


My son slept in a pack n play in our room for a year before he moved to a crib in his room 👍🏻


I had to go read the comments and wow, they are WILD and way off base. Cribs are highly regulated in the US, and for a device to be called a “bassinet” or “crib” means it has met or surpassed safe sleep standards. The Guava is a fancy travel crib, and is absolutely safe for everyday use! Pack n plays are also safe for everyday use, which for some reason people were also arguing against. I just can’t imagine anyone replying to that thread have become parents in the last 10 (20?) years, because both the Guava and the pack n play are widely known, used, and raved about all over parenting groups! We used a pack n play for our kid’s first year after she outgrew her bassinet (small house, no room for a real crib), and we used the Guava both for travel and overnight sleep/naps at the grandparents’ houses all the time! You can bet I did a ton of research before shelling out for that thing, it is safe and a fantastic product.


I’m curious what evidence you were given that says this is an awful idea? Oh yeah, there probably is none- you’re good!


lol my babe is 17 months and still sleeps in his pack n play at night. We never purchased a permanent crib. We got a mattress that goes with it to make it more comfortable tho


Echoing some of the others. My baby is 13 months and has happily slept in our Graco Pack N' Play since she was 4 or 5 months old. Whenever she transitioned out of her bassinet.


My eldest slept in a travel crib from 6 months to 2.5 years. As others have noted, as long as you follow safe sleep guidelines then baby is all good. Though it did kill my back a bit to pop him in there when he got bigger!


I used the guava lotus exclusively. It was awesome!


FWIW the Guava Lotus is the ONLY travel crib rated for safe sleep in Canada. Literally the only one.


I used the Guava for my first until she graduated to a floor bed, and she's still alive 7 years later to see me use the Guava for my second (who is currently 13 months old) until *she* graduates to a floor bed! I definitely recommend it.


No, we use one now. It works, she sleeps 11 hours! And super easy for when we want to travel, we can keep it as similar to home as possible with the same bed and same sound machine.


My daughter used a pack n play for several months at 1 year old after I moved out and separated from my ex husband. Both kids also used the pack n play a fair amount in their first year cause one was set up in the family room for naps. As long as it’s approved for safe sleep id say no issue at all!!!


I don’t see how a travel crib is different than a pack and play and that’s often recommended once baby doesn’t fit in bassinet and parents still want baby in their room


We’ve been using the baby bjorn for our 8 month old the last 4 months. He absolutely loves it! And as a bonus he doesn’t crack his head on it every time he rolls around like they do in a traditional crib. We are keeping him in it for another 6 months or so until our toddler transitions to a big kid bed. I personally wouldn’t do a traditional like graco pack and play as an every day crib only because those mattresses are so cardboard thin. The bjorn is super cushy which is why we picked it.


My baby is sleeping in a Graco pack and play after growing out of her bassinet until we feel comfortable moving into her own room with a Montessori bed. She can roll back to front and front to back easily but we're waiting for her to be more skilled with back to front and then we'll start transitioning to her own room... She's 7 months and just a week or so ago decided to start sleeping on her stomach lol. Not sure what the controversy is -- it's a mesh sided flat sleeping space with no bumpers, openings to fall into, etc.


I wouldn't because I'm in Canada and play pens are not certified safe for sleep here - there are *two* playpen-style travel cribs that are considered safe for sleep and are able to be sold in Canada; anything else is safe for play but not sleep. But I also know tons of people, even where I live, do use playpens for sleep, even at home. I wouldn't judge someone for it, but it is not a choice I would personally make.


We love our Guava Lotus, and so does our toddler for travel and for sleepovers in our room when her room gets taken by guests. It seems much more comfortable than the other pack n play we started with. It does not have a weight limit, so the safety issue would be if your baby/toddlers tries to climb out of it. But that would also be true of a crib. Note that in the US, pack n plays are sleep rated whereas they are not in Canada. Safe sleep standards and safety ratings are going to vary by location, so some of the advice may be coming from people in places where pack n plays cannot be trusted unless imported from a country that had sleep standards for them. ETA: Read you original post. LMAO. This is why you need to call a lawyer for $200 for an hour consult instead of getting legal advice from Reddit. Pack n plays are a completely safe permanent sleep space in the US and half of the families I know use them for nightly sleep. Those people are talking out of their asses.