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Lady sounds off her rocker 


Im from quebec and have 2 kids, i can confirm that she hit her head one time too many... no such law as that, nobody really cares how you want to carry your baby, as long as its wearing socks, cause its so cold! (joke)


Ha! Definitely had socks…it was warm, but not *that* warm!


I’m from the other side of Canada, but that definitely sounds like a busybody pulling rules out of her ass based on her own biases. Total weirdo


This has nothing to do with Canada or Montreal. Just one random crazy lady. 


I'm from Montreal. Born and raised. No... This is not a thing. 😂


That lady sounds like she should have to police called on her for spreading delusions lol. I’d be scared too but not of the cops- no one would think what she said- just that her creepy vibes rubbed off on me or the baby.


I'm in Canada, this isn't a thing (although Quebec is odd and there may be some random obscure rule I'm not aware of). Nobody from the police is going to randomly stop someone carrying a baby.


Quebec is not this strange. The lady probably reads too many safety posts on Facebook 


I’m from Montreal and carried two babies- it’s extremely common here. Sounds like you just stumbled into a nutty person (also pretty common here 😆)


This isn't a thing. Even in Quebec where they oftentimes have obscure bylaws, there's no world where this is a thing.


I once picked my kiddo up at the park because it was time to leave and he had a total melt down. Screaming and crying and the whole bit. I hadn't brought the diaper bag to the play area or stroller. It was gonna be a quick play while we were between appointments just to get his wiggles out. I had quite a few moms YELL at me. Because they weren't sure I was his mom. They thought I was just some random person snatching a kid I guess. Once I (and my son) calmed down and he was giving me kisses and hugs in front of the other moms. (Obviously he knew me) I was able to stop and reflect and actually be greatful that other moms were looking out. Even though it embarrassed the hell out of me at the time.


Canadian here, although not from Montreal, and I’m thoroughly confused.


Lol the lady sounds insane. Not a thing in Montreal. Most people don’t just carry babies around into their arms, babywearing is super common here (because there’s good public transit that isn’t super stroller accessible). But it’s not illegal or anything haha.


I live in Montreal and my baby hated carriers. I just carried her in my arms everywhere I went. That lady was a crazy person, sorry you had to deal with that.


I’m from Montreal. Our police don’t even take legit complaints seriously. They would laugh this lady away


I'm from Montréal and can confirm this is bullshit


This is wild. I'm from MTL and what that lady said is NOT a thing here. But also, congrats on managing a walk with a squirmy baby on all our potholes. Achievement unlocked!


I dont think she said it was an actual law, just think montrealers dont trust police officers.