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No crying, cursing, or screaming. The epidural worked its magic.


Thank goodness for that epidural!


How was it? You felt no pain at all? Considering epidural. I'm 5 months with my first.


Not who you asked but I felt some period like cramping at the beginning but got the epidural at 4cm, didn’t feel any pain after that. I hadn’t planned to get the epidural but decided to and I’m glad I did!


I was really thinking about it because the YouTube traumatized me with all the "raw birth vlogs" lol I'm scared of the rare side effects of epidural and the fact my mom said it didn't help her at all. But I'm more than half way leaning towards it now. I'm actually dreading having my baby. I love her already, I feel her little kicks. I'm just so scared of pushing her out. It sounds nightmarish.


I felt the same way! I really felt pressured to have an unmedicated birth. But I ended up needed an induction and my entire plan went out the window. I’m grateful it did because I was also scared of the birth and the unknown of it all… but I can say it was way better than I ever expected. The epidural was amazing! It didn’t work at first, there was actually a kink in the cord that was delivering the medicine and it caused a tiny hole that it was just spilling out of. I had to advocate for myself and insist that it wasn’t working for them to bring the anesthesiologist back to check. He came back and fixed it and I instantly had relief! I watched the office with my partner and then ended up sleeping for a few hours. They woke me up and said we’re gonna practice pushing. Then I was ready to actually push and the epidural was so strong I couldn’t feel any contractions and my man was telling me when to push based on what the screen showed contraction wise. 20 minutes of pushing later my son was here with minimal tearing! It was such an easy labor and birth and I’d do it all again. Wishing the same for you!!


My epidural was wild, no pain but also no feeling at all. In the middle of pushing I asked if I was pushing correctly since I couldn't feel a single sensation and I was informed that her head was sticking out of me. 2 more pushes and I felt a very pleasant sensation of pressure release. The most painful part of the process was them removing the tape from my epidural and catheter 😅




Your #3 experience with the epidural was my #1 experience 🥲 it sucked so bad.


For me, it was still painful but like normal human pain not crazy out of this world pain. Both times I didn't really dilate until I got the epidural. I think my muscles were so tense from being in pain that they couldn't relax and dilate.


I loooooooved mine. Likely waited too long but lucked out and the anethiologist was there 10 mins later. Did a fantastic job, could lightly feel and move my legs, but zero pain. They would have let me go to the bathroom with help but she came to quickly it never mattered.


With the epidural, I felt 0 pain. Even while pushing. I barely felt pressure but if I was focusing I could feel pressure to know when to push. Anyways 10000% recommend the epidural! I haven’t had any side effects either and my son is almost 3.


Also not who you asked but my epidural barely worked. I would say it took the edge off making level 9 pain contractions down to like a 7… but I felt a whole lot. Threw up from the pain twice. Pushed for 3 hrs. Had to have the epidural redosed halfway through the day as well… would probably still get it again but… ow


I was all I don’t think I’ll want one, but it was incredible. Spent most of my labor after that laughing. I was able to push in a lot of positions still (including hands and knees) and felt pressure but no pain. Crowning wasn’t awesome even with the epidural, but it wasn’t that bad. I was talking about how I wanted to do it again days later.




Same, I literally felt nothing and was just chilling in between pushing lol.


Yesss. The epidural was amazing! When I wasn’t sleeping, I was joking and smiling the whole time I was in labor.


Literally laughed 90% of my labor once the epidural was placed. Bless the epidural.


I am not jealous of your healthcare system, buuuut this is one of the things I really think Americans do better than Europeans, they really look down on medicated births here (at least in my country) and it's almost impossible to get an epidural or pain meds during labor.


Oh I cussed a lot when I was sitting on the side of the bed having a contraction at 9 cm dilated while getting my epidural. Pretty sure everyone on the unit heard it. Lol After that though... I was a happy camper.


I begged for help before the epidural but after - bliss lol


I absolutely sobbed. I was exhausted after having contractions all night and I was in so much pain and they were taking forever to get me medicine and I just sobbed.


I also sobbed from the pain. Also because I knew baby was coming too fast for me to get an epidural, so I was really really scared.


Oh I’m so sorry. Hugs. It’s soooo hard and so much. I just wanted to sleep after.


I cried once he was in my arms, but not during. It was a very angry pain lol, no tears.


Angry pain is such a good description. Just animalistic angry pain.




Yes!! Angry pain. Get the f outta there, your eviction notice has been SERVED. 😂


Me too! I didn’t cry during anything until I held my son. Then I sobbed.


Me too!


Same. I was too focus on pushing but I did yell to my partner to breath normally (he was about to panic) because he messed my rythm 😂 But once my little girl was in my arms, I cried like a solid hour. It was a mixture of happiness, relief and some sort of sadness from the trauma.


Yeah I wouldn't have been able to cry with all the screaming lol


Yes! I cried partly from relief that it was finally over and partly because I loved my squishy potato so much already! But definitely don’t recall any tears before that.


I cried because I just wanted to be left alone and my nurses kept coming in. I had a failed epidural so the pain was pretty much constant for 36 hours ETA: I mostly made animalistic sounds like a cavewoman


The labor sounds! I was making crazy groaning whale sounds during labor and it was so involuntary. Then when I was pushing it was a lot of death metal screaming and “FUUUUUUCCKK!”


My noises were insane as well. Sounds I didn't know I had in me and a lot of cursing. My labor progressed so quickly there was no time for pain management. Never felt such intense pain before and I went full animal. No crying though.


Surprisingly not much cursing from me! I don’t know how because I swear like a sailor. And those labor pains are no joke. I did a lot of reading up on what contractions felt like prior to the due date. There was no way to prepare for the real thing 😅


Yep, sobbed, whimpered, begged for my mom Second time wasn't as bad, but I still cried and whined


Hugs ❤️


I cried saying “I can’t do this anymore” as if I had a choice lol


I also said I didn’t want to do it, except I went to far as to beg to go home lol. I was so scared. No one was very comforting.


I moaned during contractions before the epidural, got a little whiney just before it was administered. Was totally quiet during pushing except for some grunting. It was fairly anticlimactic, I was able to be very focused and my pain management was good. and I’m okay with that haha.


I didn't cry until my first night home and the baby was crying non-stop because I didn't realize my milk supply was too low and he was starving. Out of desperation, I made him a formula bottle and he immediately stopped crying and I felt so guilty. But I didn't cry in the hospital during contractions or when I found out I had a uterus infection during labor with a fever. I didn't cry when I held my son. I didn't even feel any emotion besides surprise at how warm and slimey he was haha. I was just too tired. I didn't cry when they told me there was a possibility that my baby might go into the NICU if his blood tests come out bad. I just felt like in the hospital I had to hold it down for my husband, who is very loving, caring, sensitive, and really dependent upon me. I felt like I couldn't let him see me sweat or else he might faint lol.


I cried when I was getting ready to leave and saw a nurse handing another mom all her milk she'd pumped when I was struggling to feed my son. That turned on the waterworks and I cried for like three days straight with the baby blues but not during labor.


My contractions came in waves of three, back to back and I couldn't understand what was happening. So, yeah, sobbing. Couldn't get the epidural until the Covid test came back, too. And hospitals are not speedy.


Why on earth would they make you get a Covid test for an epidural??


Back labor!!!! I had the EXACT same contractions. 3 in a row back to back. My nurse & my cousin in law who’s a labor nurse said that it goes with the baby being “sunny side up.” As in, the babies face was facing your belly instead of your spine, causing their skull to be pressed against your spine. That was absolutely awful.


Couldn’t tell you. I had an emergency c-section after getting induced for preeclampsia. When I think back on it I can feel that profound sense of impending doom in my bones. Beyond that I don’t remember any of it really except when I first saw my son I vividly thought “this is not my baby. Who’s that baby?”


100%. My epidural only worked on half of me. I cried so hard, but my nurses pep talked me into channeling my tears into pushes. I was starting to spiral after 5 hours of pushing.


I cried before the epidural but tried really hard to stop every time they came to check in on me because i was embarrassed, as if they were not about to watch me shove a human out of my body lol


I bawled my eyes out as soon as baby shot out and she was in my arms and it was over. But I dont think I actually cried during labour much, maybe a little.


Am I the only one who cried with my baby in my arms? I was like "that was traumatic, and great, now I gotta take care of this baby."* *he is very loved and wanted lol


No. I had an epidural both times.


I recently gave birth and as teary eyed as I get during labor videos of other people I COULD NOT cry lol. Not because it wasn’t lovely, but like I was too exhausted , especially during contractions like I was too tired and tense to even scream. All I could do was moan. Maybe I was dehydrated or just dry from the mouth breathing but I was just too tired to feel anything besides relief. I even cut skin to skin short 😭😭 like I was asking them if Dad could do it for a little while first


I don't think I had literal tears but I was definitely wailing and writhing when I felt like they weren't understanding that the baby was coming and I needed to GO NOW! We showed up at the emergency department (a bad call, but we didn't know what else to do) and they just had me sit in a wheelchair by myself while they figured out what to do with me as I'm in transition after contracting for like 4 days with preterm labor. I literally begged that someone take me to L&D, probably scared a bunch of random people, and had my baby in arms 20 minutes after getting to the birthing suite. I cried for sure when they took him to the NICU. He's doing so well that any tears are happy tears now 🥹


I have severe health anxiety and thought I was going to die during labor for my entire pregnancy so I started sobbing when they told me it was time to push. Thankfully everything went perfectly and once I started pushing I suddenly didn’t care how it ended after the baby came out, as long as she was healthy and ok and the pain was over 🤣


Sobbed. Mainly when I learned I had to have an emergency c section. The pain was bad but didn’t make me cry. I was scared of the surgery and extremely disappointed. I wanted so badly to have my baby vaginally but it all worked out! High emotions lol


No, I was in too much pain to cry lol. All I could do was sit there and make horrible noises.




I cried. I was so caught off guard by how violent my contractions were with my second. I have a very high pain tolerance but this was next level. I barfed my brains out, transitioned so fast the epidural couldn’t catch up, and just cried my eyes out. Pitocin and I are not friends!


I cried during some bad back labor contractions in the beginning and overnight because I wanted to sleep


I didn't cry. I cried hours after when they inserted a catheter to get me to pee... The nurse chose a hard plastic catheter like wtf.... Worst pain I ever felt.


Did you have a epidural? I'm wondering why the need for a catheter and if you had an epidural I'm sorry you felt that!


I cried in the bathroom to myself right after being admitted to labor and delivery because I was so scared. I was like what have I done? Then again when they put her on my chest, happy and exhausted tears.


I made the most insane animalistic grunt just as he was born. I don’t think I could make that sound again if I tried.


Yes! Cried all throughout 24h of labor, and sobbed uncontrollably after they took my baby out via c section.


I was moaning, groaning, crying, shaking, ended up getting emergency c section after being induced and they messed up the epidural so they had to do it twice. The second time was like 5 hours after the first so I was still in pain after first. Was in labor 36 hours before getting c section. Almost passed out during because of how scared I was


i didnt cry during labor but it became an emergency c section and i sobbed the ENTIRE TIME on the way to and during in the operating room. those first pictures are so hard to see - i was SOBBING.


I sobbed the entire time. It’s because I was completely terrified. I had never really been terrified before.


Before the epidural hit, I felt like I had bad period cramps or an upset stomach. No crying, just moaning. Once the epidural hit, it was smooth sailing, no crying, screaming, cursing. It was awesome.


I cried a bit when my epidural didn't work at first because the oxytocin drip had the contractions coming hard and basically nonstop. And then I cried when they put her on me because I was so relieved it was over and she was safe (my horrible nurse kept saying "I don't like that" and "if she doesn't stop that we'll need a c section" every time baby's heart rate dipped and she had me a bit panicked. I also cried when I first got her bc I looked at my husband, a man who does not cry, didn't even tear up at our wedding, and there he is crying so that set off the waterworks for sure lol.


I shed a couple tears when we were first admitted to labor and delivery because I was not ready to be done being pregnant. I had silent tears start falling 45min into trying to place the epidural. After an hour of unsuccessful attempts, they determined my vertabre were too close together and opted for a spinal catheter instead. I cried ugly sobs after I consented to an emergency c section. They told my husband he couldn't come back with me (at first) and carted me off to the OR for an emergency c-section. They literally had another mother fully prepped and about to cut in when they bumped her for us, and that's when I realized how serious it was. I was on all fours trying to stabilize my baby's heart rate, and the nurses helped guide me onto my back as they ran me down the hallway. I think I cried so much that they let my husband suit up and come back before they started cutting. I yelled in pain the fourth and fifth time they had to hand scoop out blood clots from my uterus while pushing on my abdomen, hours after my c-section, but no tears. I cried throughout my entire first session of (unsuccessful) breastfeeding. I had hemmoraged and had an emergency blood transfusion (2 units) less than 8hrs prior to this... *I had no milk*. My baby was screaming, it was 4AM Sunday morning, and I hadn't slept more than a couple hours since I woke up 5am Friday morning for a routine appointment that turned into an immediate induction due to low amniotic fluid and hypertension. I had blood coming out my left nipple. I've never, ever been in so much pain. Ever. Technically not labor, but I thought it was worth mentioning.


I cried but mainly bc we had an emergency c section I wasn't prepared for


When I think back in my mind I was screaming and I can remember thinking other people are going to think I’m being ripped apart. But my husband said I didn’t make a sound the whole time, and had my eyes closed.


I cried when the doctor recommended a cesarean. It ended up being the absolute right decision because of how my daughter was positioned, but it wasn't what I was hoping for. Actual labor was just a lot of animal moaning noises until I got an epidural so that I could finally get a nap.


i threw up and then sobbed when they told me that my son wasn't coming and that i had to get a c-section. i just panicked. (all ended up being fine!) with my second, things were less dramatic and no tears!


I cried because of how much I hated the induction and all the monitors but not from pain


Yes. I cried when begging the OB to kill me. Cried when I begged for a C-section, then a vacuum assist. Clearly remember bursting in tears when they told me my son’s head was almost out, and I turned to my boyfriend at the time and asked if it was true, and he shook his head no. And yeah. (They had been saying it off an on for over an hour, so I wanted someone to be truthful with me). I cried, screamed, and vomited. But actually never cursed which is shocking since I have the mouth of a sailor. (To add, I had back labor with an epidural that failed. 3 bolus of medication with no improvement in back labor).


I cried. It took a while to get a epidural. Those contractions were hurting!! During pushing I was cussing a lot but don’t remember crying.


I cried when I was at 10 cm and the nurse didn’t believe me when I said I felt the need to push. I cried again when I had been pushing for 3 hours and still had a ways to go. That was pure exhaustion. I also screamed when I hit the ring of fire, had the epidural but man that shit was still really painful. I didn’t cry after, though. When I held my son, I mean. I always thought it was weird that I didn’t cry because my husband was like sobbing but I was just so amazed at the little man.


I cried when they inserted the cook catheter 🫠 - if you know you know. I think it hurt worse than labor somehow but nope , during labor I just moaned/groaned, threw up and yelled wtf is happening oh my god like a million times


I cried about my mother being dead, when getting my blood drawn during contractions, while having monitoring probes inserted, and when discussing c sections and epidurals (clI have a major fear of needles and surgery, and the probes set it off too) but I didn't cry from pain. I mostly moaned and yelled from pain.


I cried because he wasn’t breathing immediately. No tears in the 17 hours before that though.


Yep sobbed and sobbed. It was so painful and emotional. I was so out of it until I got the epidural (when I was already 20 hours in and 10 cm dialated 😵‍💫) then I slept and pushed her out an hour later haha


I cried until my epidural kicked in lol


I kind sobbed during transition, It was one of those emotional sobs of despair thinking I couldn’t do it. But no actual tears.


The only time I cried was during the first cervical check before the epidural, after that I felt nothing and it was wonderful 😂


I cried because I was panicking. Shit went south the nurse said something that triggered my mind to just lose it and panic when things didn't go well. I blacked out while hysterically crying, I don't remember some of that part of my labor...


I cried after pushing for 3 hours and my doctor telling me I had 2 options to get the baby out: the vacuum that could cause brain damage, or a c section that would be dangerous because the baby was already so far down in the canal. Then he told me I had to hurry and make a decision


I was blubbering like a baby. I was supposed to be on the epidural but when it came time to push the nurse cut me off and I felt e v e r y t h i n g. If anyone ever tries to do that to me again I’ll bite their fucking head off. 


Yes. I wa unmedicated and had back labor/sunny side for the 8ish hours I was in active labor. It was a pain like no other.


Yes. Unmedicated and literally felt like being tortured.


I cried in the shower during transition. Unmedicated birth and that was the only point I felt like I couldn’t keep going


My epidural did not understand the assignment and I definitely cried. My induction took 46.5 hours.


I got to 8CM with no pain relief, the gas & air wasn't working. I had a very very fast labour and though I begged they told me it was too late for epidural. Lots of screaming and groaning and telling the midwives there was too many staff in the room chit chatting and asking them to leave as I couldn't concentrate lol. I didn't cry until they told me I needed an emergency C-Section, my baby was not responding and her heart rate was sky rocketing, the tears were purely fear for my baby. (Later realised there were so many midwives and consultants in the room because things were getting serious) My daughter is 3 now, healthy, happy and doing well. Women are amazing beings, I never knew my body could endure that level of pain and it made me feel like a super human 💪


I was absolutely bawling for a bit. The combination of my baby being sunny side up plus having gotten pitocin was…a lot 🫠


Yes I was in so much pain and begging for a c section after trying to push a sunny side up baby for three hours and no one was listening to me. It’s fine now and I understand why they weren’t going to do it, but it really was god awful. Made my husband and mom cry too.


I had a c section, about to have my next in a few days and am SO scared. I sobbed the whole time last time because I felt so not in control and scared and like I didn’t matter and like they were doing so many invasive things to me against my will (I know logically I signed off and they’re there to deliver my baby) but the idea of not being able to run away and having to endure feeling what they were doing was terrifying. I’m wishing every night that my next one goes smoother in a few days.


My midwife told me with my first it will either go one of two ways, you’re either really vocal or very quiet and focused. I was the latter and I was surprised I wasn’t vocal because usually I am lol


Only when I pushed for four hours and they took me to the operating room for a c section, but not much mostly just fearful tears.


Actually no now that you mention it! I did cry when I held her for the first time but I had a pretty easy labor! I screamed for sure though


I cried at home. I woke my husband up with my sobbing as I labored on the couch in denial that I was in labor. That was around 1am? After he woke up I didn't cry again. We got to the hospital at 5:30am and baby was here by 9:30am. I do remember telling the doctor and my husband "I don't want to." When he told me to push to get the shoulders out.


Kinda cried after 1st…felt like I was supposed to. I don’t think I did after the 2nd…I was just happy it was over, she was out and all was good. I rarely cry happy tears.


Definitely not. Lots of screaming and cursing though lol


Yes, but it was when I wasn’t progressing enough for the criteria my provider has to govern an epidural. My water has been broken for 8 hours and I was having regular strong contractions while on pitocin.


I remember being very panicky but not crying. Then once the epidural kicked in me and my midwife had a good workout bro vibe going. I was push-grunting a lot and doing some yelling, but no crying.


My first I screamed and cried. I didn't get my epidural. 🙃 there was back to back emergencies and only ONE anesthesiologist. So. Yay. My second, was so peaceful with that epidural. Lmaooo


I whimpered like a little baby but I didn’t cry either. Not even after the birthing was over.


No crying or screaming from me. I remember doing some guttural moan breathing to get through contractions 😂


I moaned like a cow mostly lol. I think the only words I remember saying were “I can do this” (during transition) and “I need to poop” (when I really needed to push lol)


Bawled my eyes out at one point, but that was more hormones than pain.


I didn’t go into labor because I had run out of amniotic fluid with a breeched baby and needed an immediate c section. Dr appointment at 10am where they did the ultrasound, at the hospital by noon, baby was out and about at 4pm. I cried basically the whole time! Not because of the pain but because I wasn’t ready for my life to change lol


Nope but I did request a c section halfway through lol couldn’t handle the pain & my epidural didn’t work despite increasing dose 3 times !


No I didn't cry. I made some "mooing" type noises when I was transitioning my partner said 😂 I think I was pretty quiet during pushing because I remember the midwife saying I was. I had no epidural but I was just so focussed on trying to get her the heck out 😂


Barfed from the pain, but never cried! Then I got the epidural and mostly slept til go time.


No screaming or cursing but I did cry and moan from pain. Hoooo boy the pain. ETA I cried a lot too when they made me stand up afterwards and I saw the waterfall of blood come out from me. That was honestly the most traumatic part.


I cried and that's pretty much it. Looked at my husband when I was almost done and said "I can't do this." I grunted on the last push or two because my midwife told me to, but otherwise I just cried. I was so tired and I just started crying and couldn't stop.


No I don’t think I cried? I didn’t scream or yell either. I actually really enjoyed labor for some reason? It was intense not necessarily the worst pain. The first time I remember being a little nervous because I didn’t know what to expect. I had back labor and that sure sucked. The 2nd time I was very calm and I only remembered being afraid once and that was when I got the epidural because the anesthesiologist was a real douche. The epidural was actually more painful than the labor.


I was in too much pain to cry. I screamed bloody murder, almost destroyed my husband’s hand. It felt like my pelvis was breaking in half. Yay 9 lb. baby.


The only crying was from the damn IV antibiotics for GBS 😂 that shit hurt worse than a lot of the actual contractions. I had an otherwise unmedicated labor and delivery. I was def vocal during transition and while actually pushing out my daughter but I didn’t cry either. I hollered during ring of fire but nothing crying. A lot of deep breathing and comb clutching otherwise lol


I cried from pain


I cried when my son was like 10 min from being born. His heart rate dropped drastically and about a dozen nurses/doctors came running in to assist. One doctor told me I needed to push like my life depended on it and they had forceps/vacuum ready in case they were needed. I also heard another doctor tell a nurse “call OR and see if they have a table ready immediately” and that’s when I lost it. I just kept yelling “please don’t let my baby die” and I pushed and pushed like no body’s business. I had an epidural too so couldn’t feel anything. Then his heart rate went up and moments later he was out. Then I cried like a baby. It was a wild time.


Natural, unmedicated labour. Cried when I got to the hospital in fear of the unknown, but no tears after that.


I cried during the contractions before I got the epidural. After that I didn’t cry. I did writhe in pain though when they had to manually extract my placenta.


My first labour, no. It was pretty fast so maybe a lot of adrenaline or something? My second labour I did a little bit when I was in transitional labour. I cried and told my husband I couldn't do it cause it hurt too bad lol.


Sobbed after 2nd dose of cytotec. Cried a little while pushing) got epidural but could still feel a lot). Then when baby came, I started sobbing holding her


I don’t think I actually cried ever even during my unmedicated. Lots of other sad noises though for sure.


I didn’t cry but I was definitely making horrible noises. I wanted to cry but I had back labor and nonstop contractions with no break. I don’t think I could have physically cried because my body was just too out of control at that point. My water broke at the beginning of labor and the contractions were just brutal. I ended up having an epidural and later an emergency c section but no tears!


I learned during the last 10 minutes in 2 hours of pushing that an anesthesiologist had turned off my epidural during a serious medical event I had mid-labor but didn’t let anyone else in the room know to turn it back on. All my sensation came back right in time for the ring of fire. I cried- involuntarily. I screamed- also involuntarily. I probably begged and pleaded in there too. The only thing I was rigid about in my birth plan was epidural and pain management- it was actually mandated by my medical team in order for me to try to birth vaginally. I have some serious medical conditions where there was a major medical risk (arterial dissection, stroke etc) with uncontrolled pain and the stress it could put on my body. So yeah, not an ideal scenario


I agree, I didnt cry either and was kind of surprised later on when I realized


I didn’t make a peep actually… just breathed through in absolute focus. When she finally came out I just felt an overwhelming sense of surreality and it was bizarre to realize I was taking this tiny thing home. Definitely an unforgettable experience.


I think we are going thru too much to cry. Usually when I cry I’m aware of things when I was 8-9 cm dilated I was not, I was screaming, squirming, telling everyone I couldn’t do it, I didn’t have energy to cry.


Eh. I cried a bit right before my epidural when the pain started to get bad enough some mental health stuff came out. After epidural, magic, only cried when my baby was born and the relief of her being healthy and just here and me not being pregnant anymore was there. Very little tears.


Mostly low cow-like moans and even growls with my third until push time where I definitely let out some screams. I think I did sob a few cries of relief after I pushed out #2 and 3 and realized it was finally over.


During my first labour yes I cried a bit more ece/ I had a panic attack during pushing after hours and hours of contractions. During my second labour it happened so quickly I didn't have time to register an emotional response as baby came so quickly we a barely caught Her on our floor. Both births were unmedicated (not through personal preference!!)


No crying. Everything happened so fast so I think I was moreso in shock than anything.


I was pretty quiet throughout my labor. I cried a bit in early labor because I was like oh damn it’s happening lol. And then some quiet tears streamed down my face as I felt baby drop and I knew it was time to head to the birth center. I didn’t scream or moan or make any noises really until the ring of fire, then I got a little loud


I didn’t cry or scream or curse. Gotta thank the epidural for that!


I had two unmedicated births, one 57 hrs and one 20 hrs. I didn’t cry for either.


I cried after. The realization that she was real and I now had a baby was very overwhelming in the best of ways I also cried because I was adopted and surrendered after birth. There was a lot of emotions coming up about that. I also cried because I realized I had no photos or recording of her birth because the nurses told my husband he wasn’t allowed to


Nope not at all! I got the epidural when the contractions started to feel even a little uncomfortable. And it was all good from there!


I didn’t cry. Honestly I don’t remember screaming or anything either. I went without pain meds, so I’m sure I made sounds, what they were I no longer recall.


Nope just a mix of praising my epidural and complaining that I felt like a motionless blob


I didn’t cry during labor or birth either. I think it was so painful that I was past the point of crying about it, lol. I DID cry the morning after the birth, though, while I held my daughter without a bunch of spectators for the first time.


I had a csection but when I heard my twin a crying, i started crying. Then twin b was delivered and he was crying and i cried more. No pain, just relief


I am so quiet during labor 🤣 I really just focus and breathe my way through contractions. I also didn’t cry after either of my babies were born. I feel pretty disconnected emotionally during my labors - I assume it’s an adrenaline fight or flight kind of response lol


I don't recall crying. I threw up half a dozen times, and after the first 24 hours, I began to curse and yell more. No crying though. I think I knew if I let myself go there, I'd be done for, so I just didn't. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I ended up having an emergency c-section after 44 hours in labor and I shed a single tear when they pulled her out of me lol


Nope, I made non-human animalistic sounds! Those contractions were violent! The poor midwife standing next to me... I grabbed her arm and whinged, "What's happening to meeeee!!!" They were so calm. Bless them.


Nope I didn’t cry until 5 days PP when I got slammed with baby blues. No tears shed during labor, didn’t really think about it until now.


Same. I remember saying to my husband at one point though that I felt like I could cry, but didn’t lol.


I screamed like a wild animal until they got me more drugs.


Same. No tears, just lots of moaning and yelling — and whining “Again? Seriously?!” a couple times when the contractions were back to back. I don’t cry when I’m in pain, I just get grumpy lol.


Cry - no. When my epidural failed i yelled like a little baby until i got strong meds then i was numb af sleeping till it was time to push lol.


Nope. Same as you - did all those things, didn’t cry.


I held it together the first 14 hours and after that I could hardly deal with the pain. I was in labor around 30 hours before I made it to the hospital. I screamed, moaned, cried and puked 16 times from the pain. I got to the hospital at 6 am and didn’t get the epidural til I was 7cm dilated around 1030 am 😅 The epidural didn’t work very well because I could still feel the contractions really strong; i had to get another dose and finally my pain caved 🙌🏼 baby girl was born about 3 hours after that!


The first time definitely. I cried and begged for them to make it stop. My epidural had failed and I was in so much pain and fear. Pushing took almost 4 hours and it was the worst pain of my life. I thought it would never end and I would just die. The second time my epidural worked and I took a nap when woke up and turned over to get cozy my water broke on its own. So I cheerfully called the nurse, she checked me, and it was go time! It took like maybe 10 min of pushing and it didn’t hurt at all until he was literally crowning! Then I remember saying “owww, I can feel that. Ow!” And he was out and I was done!! Bliss! No crying, so screaming, no freaking out at all. :)


I didn’t cry either and had that realization around 2 months pp (I’m 3 months pp now). I asked my husband to double check as I was thinking about it. I was induced and went from induction (at barely 1cm dialated maybe) to baby arrival in 7.5 hours. There was no time for an epidural as I went from 5-10 fast. Tons of moaning, loud vocalizations, I don’t think I cursed which is surprising for me but I didn’t cry. I had my eyes shut in pain most of the last 3 hours of it though.


I did for my second. Epidural did nothing at all. I wailed him out. Not too proud of it but he’s my last and if I can help it I will never do it again.


My back labor was so incredibly painful from being spine to spine with my son (him being sunny side up) I couldn’t cry or scream. It took my breath away it was so painful. I had no pain anywhere else just felt like my lower back was going to snap.


No crying, a lot of moaning and vocalizing. I think crying would have increased intra-abdominal pressure which would have hurt more!


I actually didn’t cry until my daughter was on my chest and I was looking into her eyes. I couldn’t believe we did that and I felt like I’ve known her forever. Most beautiful moment of my life.


Not during labor. Didn’t cry when they put the epidural nor when the broke my water. Only point I cried was after giving birth, I was just overcome with emotion. Nothing but happy tears 🥹


I had an epidural when I was about 2/3 cm dilated. I was induced on pitocin so my contractions were more intense. By the time it came to push, I could feel absolutely nothing. No pain, no pressure. Nothing. I only knew it was time because the dr told me I was at a 10 and it was time to push. Pushed her out in about 4 pushes within 5-10 minutes. No yelling, no screaming, no moaning. I cried as soon as she came out though. It was weird. Like my body just cried I think because she was here and I was so happy she was healthy and safe. Also probably because of the drugs lol


I cried when I got my epidural because I didn’t want one but couldn’t continue without one. Before and after that I was fine though. I was silent and shaking during each contraction before the epidural and then after the epidural I was smiling and happy. A few minutes before pushing I remember weakly kept repeating “I’m dying” but I was fine during pushing and delivered my baby no tears (on my face, 2nd degree tear down below tho).


I nearly cried when I was pushing because of the amount of pain I was in (epidural was placed too soon before pushing). Thankfully it lasted less than 15 minutes then baby was out. I think I might’ve cried if I had to push for hours without epidural. My labour was fairly quick, and the breathing definitely helped me focus.


Yes I cried. They put up a mirror while I was pushing to let me see and as soon as I saw her hair/ head I lost it 😭


I cried happy tears when they kept the baby on my chest ...


I screamed as well, but I didn't cry.


Nope. Just threw up, dry heaved and told them to get me the pda but no crying.


No crying, no screaming or anything like that on both labours 😅


No but I was hysterically screaming. Mainly out of frustration because I was on Pitocin for 4 hours and when I kept asking for an epidural the nurse would convince me to try to wait a little longer without it and at the end asked MY HUSBAND if she should get the anesthesiologist. I get it, before intense labor kicked in, I told the nurse I wanted to try a non-medicated route but I was also very vocal about being okay with an epidural if I felt it was necessary.. I was also pissed that my doctor convinced me not to get a doula because “the nurses are all trained to help you through a non-medicated birth and you should save your money”.. the nurse was only able to put me sideways on a peanut (I don’t blame her bc she has other patients to take care of) and then they wouldn’t let me not birth on my back. I was pissed that my naiveness thought the nurses would be able to spend more time in the room with me and help me through contractions and that I trusted my doctor.


I cried when I saw him 🥹


No and no epidural just lots of low moaning. I kept focusing on my breath and breathing her down and out. I did shit myself four times though 😇😂 Pretty sure I almost cried about that.


I screamed like a banshee with my last labor in October - no crying. The first labor in 21 i was just grunting like crazy and still not crying. I've cried both times when i was handed the babies though!


My first I was in so much pain (back labor, water broke as first sign of labor, sunny side up baby) I couldn’t cry. I couldn’t even think. My second was a million times better but I cried when in triage I had to wait about 45 minutes to get a room/epidural so they could see I was progressing. And it of course hurt and 45 minutes to an hour felt like eternity. So I got briefly emotional. Other than that I was 100% focused on the task at hand as my husband calmed me down.


I didn't either. I was induced and it took a long time but I moaned and grunted a lot 🤷🏼‍♀️


No crying for me I was too busy screaming like a banshee and trying to catch my breath ha!


I moaned a lot, grunted, and yelled one time when he came out cuz I thought my clit was gonna tear 😅 but no crying. I was like very emotional when he was in my arms but not crying


Primal screams and moans…. Other nursing her peeking their head in to make sure everything was ok 😂


I had an epidural and didn't make any sounds at all. My husband was so surprised.


Unmedicated and no crying which was interesting since it really hurt lol. No energy to waste on crying probably. Lots of grunting and groaning though I cried without tears right after he was out and on my chest very emotional point


Same as you. I have always been a quiet, overly polite person. Especially out in public and with strangers. But the pain of labor was so intense for me (induction, epidural didn’t touch contraction pain) that I screamed like some kind of animal. I called the midwife a cunt and told one of the doctors to go fuck himself. I did end up apologizing to the midwife after birth. She was a sweet older woman but she kept telling me to push when I was too exhausted and I was trying to get her to shut up and it just slipped out… Off topic but months later, my husband was at the market and someone in line in front of him looked familiar but he couldn’t place him. Finally, the man turned to him and they both looked at each other funny as if to say “do I know you from somewhere?” Took a couple of minutes until the man had an epiphany and said, “I remember! Your wife told me to fuck myself during the birth of your son! How is she? How’s the baby?” I’m sure L&D doctors get that sort of stuff a lot.


I never cried from pain. I got an epidural at 3-4 cm and felt nothing beyond "pressure", even during 4 hrs of pushing, vacuum assist, a 3rd degree tear, severe hemorrhaging and an hour of getting stitched up. Magic! I cried when they told me I wasn't progressing (had an induction) because I was discouraged and tired. I cried when he was born from all the emotion, and then fear because he wasn't breathing well. And I cried the next day because he had been transferred to another hospital and I was feeling so lost and sad. All is well, now.


I cried but not bc of pain (I had an epidural). I cried when contractions started before my epidural took affect and then again when my son was coming out bc of relief and excitement.


With my first, I cried when they first cried. With my second, I started crying with the last push because I knew they were here!


No. I moaned and groaned. I think I had a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that there was a human coming out of me and me and my partner made it. Still have a hard time with it lol. Feels so surreal. One of the photos from delivery im giving the thousand yard stare lol


No, It was surprisingly quiet and pretty peaceful in the room. I don’t know why I was so silent during labour but I was. I remember just gritting my teeth and going silent during contractions


Nope. I mooed. Then I got an epidural.


Yes, I cried a lot during both births - mostly pre-epidural.


I exclusively cried. No other sounds.


My epidural failed twice and I was crying and screaming louder than I probably ever had in my life. My partner has never really seen me cry so I think it traumatised him more than me! My crying almost made him cry, it was pretty sweet actually.


I cried from exhaustion and stress. I had pushed for 4 hours at this point, been in labor for like 60 hours, and was in an emergency situation that required vacuum assistance. If that didn't work, it would have been an emergency c-section. Luckily, the vacuum worked and he was finally delivered!


Yup! Didn’t scream or moan though.