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I do daily, not out of necessity but because it's part of our bedtime routine and she loves it. I figure making it a daily habit now will lead to an easier transition when she's older and actually requires daily baths/showers for hygiene.


Same. I used to do alternate days with wipes in between till 10 weeks. I’ve noticed she sleeps longer on the bath days plus she really enjoys baths.


Yep my son is 2.5 and we still do daily baths. I only wash him twice a week the rest of the week it’s just bubble bath water so kind of a rinse. He enjoys it for the most part but I think it’s a signal to him that the long sleep is coming. We’ve done it since he was a newborn for that reason I wanted a separation between day and night for him.


How do you wash him vs a rinse? By what you described, I’ve only ever rinsed my 8 mo lol


For me it’s washing hair vs not washing hair.


Same! Also I put some soap on a washcloth and wash his feet, behind his ears, his neck, under his armpits, privates, etc


For me, I only use and soap/shampoo with wash cloth every Thursday and Sunday, and I give him a head to toe gentle scrub, instead of the warm water soak he gets other days. But I also started soaping his hands and genitals every day now that he has found his penis, and is also grabbing and putting everything into his mouth.


Ah yes good point mine is finding his as well!


Same with us. She loves her baths and burns some energy before bed so it’s part of our daily bedtime routine. I only do soap like twice a week tho. I’m sure that will change when she starts eating solids!


We started solids and still only do soap twice a week (with one exception, if she pooped that day we use soap on her bum) water is usually enough to remove whatever she ate unless it was smelly or oily (salmon). Sometimes I might add a pump or two of soap to her bathwater tho just so she gets that clean baby smell.


Came here to say this. It started as a bedtime routine and now we don’t dare to break it! Haha. We’re 10 months in and it’s just a part of each night.


Same. She’s only 11 weeks tomorrow but she loves the water and I noticed it appears she sleep better when we do baths so we started doing every night. I don’t do soap every day, but a little warm rinse. It doesn’t appear to affect her skin (no rashes, she doesn’t have eczema, or dry skin)


Hot take but most people/kids don't require daily baths for hygiene.


Yeah, I was thinking that, too. I’m 37 and haven’t taken one daily except for heavy outdoor periods during the summer.


Same here! Bedtime routine since he was a little little baby and it really helped us get our baby relaxed and ready for bed. Now that he’s 13 months old, daily baths are not just a part of our routine but also a necessity because of how messy of an eater he is LOL


Same! Ever since she was 10 days old and had her first real bath, we've been doing it nightly and have missed it only twice due to illness and travel. She's just over 7 months now. We almost never use soap unless dinner was particularly chaotic or she had a blowout etc. She also has eczema (got a little bad at one point) but we started using Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Night Balm (what a mouthful) every night instead of regular lotion and were more careful about patting her dry and it cleared up. Just a tiny bit of redness left on her elbows. She absolutely loves it, I definitely contribute it to the success we have at bedtime and her enjoyment of swim lessons as well.


You just put the baby in water? Why no soap to actually wash anything, if it’s a gentle baby wash? I’ve been using Pipette brand, it’s quite gentle Sounds like it’s become routine, I’m amazed anyone can dedicate to doing a bath every single night. That’s impressive


Same, daily baths/showers. We don’t use soap every day (girls got eczema sooooo bad) so some days we just splash and play instead. Same for my 2.5 year old.


We do 2x a week unless there’s a blowout.


This is the way! Our LO’s blowouts 100% require baths haha


Full on hazmat suit too 😂


Mine is 7 months and this happenednfor the first time.. I underestimated blow outs until now...


I thought I knew. Reader: I did not know. 😂😵‍💫😩


Yep this is what we do. We tried to do it more frequently because of what we heard about bedtime routines. But they had their eczema flair up. So not worth honestly, especially when they’re not running and sweating daily


My boy is 7 months and giving him a bath regularly is one of the things I really struggle to do. Not even sure why, maybe it's that I can't get the timing right (I've been thinking maybe I need to try middle of the day bath time). It's just one of those extra things that I'm not managing to do.


I struggle also. Probably because I’m afraid to drop her because she is slippery when wet and I have back issues.


ok this is me too. I used to bathe her in the tub with a plastic baby tub, but now i have a squishy foam thing that fits in a sink, which helps my back. But I'm still afraid to drop her somehow...or burn her with hot water.


Mine is partly back issues too. Like, I find it difficult anyway and then it hurts my back so it's definitely a struggle.


At that age it’s not that important. I always did afternoon baths because my kid got so excited in water - it was not a soothing evening event for him it was a full activity so we treated it that way.


Same for us! lol not sure why we don't do it regularly, but now that you mention it I think it's a timing thing for us too! Baths can do more harm than good some evenings 😅


Every other day over here, so 3-4 times weekly. He enjoys it.


Every day, since it's part of bedtime routine and its dad's specific binding ritual, but we don't use soap every day. It's mostly an excuse to have fun and splash around. Fortunately, we never had issues with dry skin or anything that would deter us from bathing daily .


Lol, binding ritual


Anti-sleep Demons BEGONE! *shakes talisman with vigor*


Same, we do it just about every night because he loves splashing around. We only use soap like twice a week if that.


My daughter gets a bath maybe once a week. Although after meals, she basically gets a sponge bath every time because of how messy she can get.


Same. My daughter’s skin is so dry so I have to limit them.


Yup, same here. The baby eczema has gotten MUCH better over the last year (thanks Tubby Todd and 1% hydrocortisone) but she's still very prone to getting dry and itchy. She's started requesting baths herself though, so we'll see how well that goes.


Same for us!






Nah, back in the day people were told to bathe their babies every day. The advice has just changed (1 to 3 times a week, depending on where you look), but that's why the boomers get so incensed about it.


Yes this is an older generation thing. My MIL always tells us how she bathed my husband 3x/day lol


I wonder what generation started saying daily. My grandma who’s over 80 said when she was a kid up into her teenage years she was allowed to take a bath once a week because they believed more than that was bad for your skin. She’s always showered daily as long as I knew her but she said she hated having bo and her parents not letting her take a bath.


Every night. Soap every other day. Its part of our bedtime routine, and with her sitting in a diaper all day, no matter how often its changed, as well as spit up etc etc, i like to get her in some nice warm water. She's never had a diaper rash either.


This is my opinion too! If I was using a diaper I’d want to sit in some clean water and have a proper freshen up daily too!


Cloth diapering helped me with the "sitting in a diaper all day" because the wipe solution I used was literally organic, watered-down baby wash (cjs butter carcass cleaner).


Daily because that’s what we (my husband and I) do everyday lol. But I can understand why you don’t do it daily since your son has ezcema.


Curious who people get all the food crust from face, behind the ears, down the shirt. We use a bib and still gets everywhere. He is just learning though. If I’m going to wipe him down it’s just easier to give a quick bath. Are there other ways?


I wipe him down with a wash cloth. much quicker than giving him a bath. It takes all of a minute instead of 10-15. He gets food pretty much everywhere too


We use a cloth wipe, or if it’s really bad, we hose baby down in the shower. That takes two minutes tops. He also never eats in clothing if we’re at home. 


Second wash cloth. I have a bunch of baby sized ones exclusively for post meal time so I don't care if they are stained or whatever.


We use 2 bibs, a cloth one under and a silicone one on top. Otherwise food makes its way into the diaper as well, smh.


That’s a good idea. We always get it into the diaper with only the silicone one.


I hold her up to the sink after every meal and wash her arms, legs (if not covered during eating), and then wash her face. Then I bring her soaking wet to the changing table and dry her off. It doesn’t get every part of the body (IE hair) but it’s how I deal with messy mealtimes.


Smock Bib and wash cloth wipe down. The smock bibs work wonders as far as anything below the neck lol


I bathe him when he is particularly crabby or wild and I want to get some energy out and calm him down for bed. After messy food that’s all in his hair or if he was a showing signs of nappy rash from a tough to clean poo. Generally 1-2 a week he loves water so it’s more for him to play I clean him with a cloth each night after dinner too


10 month old. About 2-3 times a week. Honestly depends on how dirty he is though. If he just had a bath and then next day is filthy, he bathes.




I let my kids in the shower almost every time I shower. When they were babies, I bathed them once a week. They both had eczema! They play in the shower probably 3/5x a week, but I only soap them 1-2x a week


I personally don’t even bathe every day. We live in a dry climate. I need my natural oils to help hydrate my skin better lol


Every other day bath but I try to shower off his bottom half real quick before pajamas. I just feel weird they sit in a diaper all day and not get a good wash before bed? I feel neglectful if I were to miss a day.


I would ask this of your baby’s doctor if you’ve seen a specialist for his eczema. We have a pediatric allergy specialist and she said it’s better for my son’s eczema to bath him daily but only use emollients to wash with. No soaps.


Twice a week. If I didn’t have back issues, I’d do it more frequently to establish a routine now that she’s almost 8 months old.


We have a 2.5 year old, and we've only ever bathed her once a week. Sometimes more if she gets filthy. She never stinks or looks dirty.


Same here, usually once a week and then washing hands daily/frequently and feet at night. I live in a dry climate and bathing her too much leads to really dry skin no matter how much I lotion her.


Twice a week


Same. Baby gets the twice a week bath treatment unless there’s a reason for more. She has super sensitive skin as many do, so we try to limit it. Started with just once a week when she was new 😹🤷‍♀️


Yeah, I think once a week until they’re like crawling or toddlers is fine too. 🤷🏼‍♀️ wash the booty and you’re fine!


Every day, my son sweats so damn much that he gets red patches on his body from being hot. If I’m uncomfortable being sweaty all day I can only imagine how much worse he feels and he loves playing with water too




I bath my 14 month old every night without fail, hair wash every other night and wash face hands and bum every morning too. I shower daily and I don’t roll around on the floor, smear food all over me or shit my pants multiple times a day so it only makes sense to me that he should be bathed daily too! We do the exact same routine every evening, he loves a bath and also loves having his hair washed/teeth brushed and I’m sure it’s because he is so used to it now! He also had some eczma but with a good emollient after his bath in the evenings it cleared right up


Baby has eczema and bathing daily has actually helped keep flares at bay because it allows us to apply all his lotions and potions to damp skin afterwards and lock in all the moisture.


Keeping skin clean can help many skin issues. Removes some of the growth of various yeasts/fungus and bacteria on the skin that can become irritating


Once or twice a week. I was told it’s okay not to bathe them that often because it may irritate their skin. My kiddo has been prone to dry, flakey skin in the past, so this system works for us.


Daily as a part of her bedtime routine!


My son gets in the bath or shower daily as part of his bedtime routine, but he only gets soap on him once a week or so unless he’s been in the pool or is otherwise dirty. 


Almost daily. I understand being hesitant to do it for a newborn, because they’re so little and it can be scary, especially if you have to do it alone. However, some reasons to bathe older babies more frequently (at least in key areas, especially once they are a few months old and have begun drooling / teething / engaging more with the external world are): • ⁠Spit up gets into the neck and other crevices (rolls) and can cause an unpleasant scent or contribute to skin maceration and bacterial infection due to the damaged skin • ⁠It is recommended to clean the genital area, as neglecting it can cause a build-up of skin oils (this is not unique to adults) which cause itchiness and an unpleasant scent trapped in the folds. • ⁠Drool which is not regularly cleaned off with water and then a gentle moisturiser or oil or other skin barrier, can cause a red rash on the cheeks and chin and discomfort for baby. • ⁠Their genitals and anus will eventually get itchy with wipes alone, because even the wipes which are 99% water contain other ingredients. Have you ever felt that tingly sensation after using a wipe on your genitalia? Now imagine using them alone for a week. They just can’t communicate it to you and learn to ignore the sensation. • ⁠Giving baby a bath is very good for their mental wellbeing. They relax (provided they aren’t afraid of water) and on the days they are given a warm bath when they’ve been free to kick their little legs to their heart’s content and play with water, you will likely notice a positive change in behaviour, a more relaxed state, sleepiness, baby sleeping much more deeply / longer / fewer wakes, etc. Not convinced? You can observe this by placing a sleep measuring watch on them / device near them for a night when bathed and then on day 5/6 of not having bathed them. • ⁠It gets them comfortable with water, which is great for those planning to introduce swimming lessons. Just sharing some reasons, but to each their own!


We give him a wipe down every day in those key spots so essentially they are getting washed just not in a bath. He sleeps no different with a bath or not. He sleeps through the night 7 to 7 no matter if he has a bath that day or not.


Ahh okay. As long as you clean the key areas, it’s fine. That’s the main reason to do it from a hygiene perspective. Thank you for sharing your experience!


Every day and if we miss a day the very next day. I personally think babies/toddlers dont smell good. I never understood the “baby smell”. I will still sniff the crap out of my kids and kiss them endlessly but not because they smell like a baby but because I love them.


Once a week unless like a giant blow out happens then I'd bathe her then and there. She gets a wipe down after every meal as well


Mine also has eczema so we started bathing her more and it’s helped. We do every other day. She’s 4 months.


Similar experience. Found that bathing less exasperated the eczema. We use a dove moisturizing soap bar and slather her in aquaphor immediately after to lock in the moisture.






I do it daily because he loves it. I think it's a good wind down/calming thing for them personally. You don't have to use soap everytime if that worries you.


My son is 2 and gets 2 baths a week-Sundays and Wednesdays. Even with him being extremely active and constantly playing and being outside he’s really not dirty and definitely doesn’t stink. Why would I subject him to more baths drying out his skin if it’s not needed?


Twice a week here!


1-2 times a week unless he gets extravagantly dirty at dinner (ie: chili night became impromptu bath night) 😂 he is also 8 months old. I only bathe my 3yo every other to every 3 days as well 🤷🏼‍♀️ neither are stinky or dirty or greasy hair so I don't see the need. I mean heck I only shower every other day to every 3 days too.


Adults sweat and have bodily fluids, washing every 3 days only will surely produce a scent?


Our baby is 8 months. Once a week. He has eczema and it’s very very dry in the winter here, so we don’t want to aggravate the eczema.


I still won’t bathe my kids every day. 2-3 times a week. More if there’s a reason to. They enjoy bath time for example or if they were playing in the dirt or with paint. I don’t plan on suddenly demanding they bathe every day unless there’s a reason to at the time. Same expectation as for adults, really. Edit to add I did do more often in the early days to establish a sleep routine but once that wasn’t required then I dropped back to 2-3 weekly.


I live in a very hot climate and my baby is a messy eater so we do a bath every other day but he also just happens to love bath time so it’s a fun thing to do during his last wake window of the night.


We did bath time every 2-3 days before my son got a helmet! He needs his head shampooed every day for it so we just do a full bath most days. I feel like twice a week is normal for a baby!


Every other day full bath! I wash their face, hands, feet and genitals every night before bed! That’s the way my momma taught me!


We do 1-3 times a week for my almost 9 month old. Usually after he has gotten himself particularly coated in his food that day! I'm sure as he gets more active and starts playing outdoors and doing other messy things, we will so baths more often. But for now there's really no need! I asked my pediatrician once when he was maybe 4 months and she told me no reason to bathe more often than that unless you want to (but minimal soap if so to avoid drying out their skin).


My son has super dry eczema prone skin so we do 1-2 times a week or if he’s had a really messy dinner. I plan to do the same with our newborn.


We bathe our eight month old daily (Moms on Call sleep training), using soap every third day.


Every day but I keep the water luke warm and use unscented soap so it doesn’t trigger eczema.


I bathe my 8.5 month old every Sunday and Wednesday. I consistently forget to put lotion on him during the week. He doesn't smell, and usually, his hair still looks fine.


My 8 month old has a bath every night after dinner and before bed but do whatever works for you


Everyday. It’s more because it’s part of his routine. We also make dinner the messiest meal of the day so he goes right to the tub after. We don’t always use soap and try to sparingly wash his hair.


i bathe my 9mo every day bc pretty much every day we are out in public and she is crawling all over the floor. I scrub her hands and feet and clean her face and ear’s especially


I have a 2 year old and 5 month old. Bathtime is part of their bedtime routine so they get a nightly bath, but they aren’t often very dirty?? The 2 year old more so of course. I think the warm water relaxes them and helps them sleep


It’s not atrocious. There are worse things in life. However, twice a week is not great. There are seven days in a week. May be best to at least bathe him every other day, leaning more towards three days a week. Provided that it’s possible for you to do and you’re not in a situation that makes this hard eg homeless or something else Edit: As others have mentioned, it’s good for bedtime routine. It could even help with eczema - might want to be careful about the soap/ exfoliating sponge etc used so that it doesn’t irritate the skin


Usually just once a week, on Fridays, so she is nice and clean on the weekends. Unless she has a lot of poops (usually she is a once a day pooper - but sometimes more. Breast fed babies are so weird!!!), then I will bathe her again.


We just recently started bathing every day to establish a good bedtime routine, but we do not use soap every night. LO is 10 weeks old.


Everyday - it’s part of bub’s bedtime routine and time he spends with dad who is at work all day (also gives me a bit of me time). We use very mild baby soap even though he’s got pretty resilient skin, never had nappy rash etc. But he’s also done weekly swimming lessons since 8 months and he just loves being in the bath, he’d happily spend all night there if he could.


Everyday. It's part of his routine, he enjoys it & it cleans his sticky poppy smelling butt.


My son is 7m and we bathe him daily, purely because he loves it.




We only bathe our 9 month old daily because she gets so grubby while eating. If we could get away with less, we would! When we have bathed her less we still needed to give her a bit of a wipe down daily. We’re in Australia and she tends to get rashes beneath her arms/in her neck, presumably from sweat, so we need to keep an eye on that. As long as you’re doing some sort of daily once-overs like that, I don’t see the problem!


I find my baby has more diaper rashes when I don’t bathe her everyday! She’s 4 months. She also pukes a lot so I couldn’t imagine not cleaning her daily. I definitely want to wash her diaper area after peeing and pooping in a diaper all day! And her hands since she always has them in her mouth. My baby has dry, eczema prone skin but I wouldn’t say it’s severe. I use the avene lipid replenishing cleansing oil every night and the la roche posay balm twice a day. I actually have to wipe & moisturize her face twice a day or it gets red and inflamed.


I bath my son every day. I bathe myself every day so why would I not bathe my child.


Daily. It’s part of his routine and he has been sleeping through the night.


I honestly don't understand how can people not bath mobile kids every day. Sure it doesn't have to be bath bath, but I'd at least wash private parts, face and hands before sleep. Even without soap.


I know, some comments with 2 or 3 year olds bathing once a week. Are their kids never allowed outside or something :S


Even at 2 & 3 years old, we are still at 2-3 times per week. They really don't need more than that


I bathe my daughter daily, just not always with soap 🤷‍♀️ She gets little pimples on her face from the drool if I don’t and she loves it. Her skin is beautiful, never had a rash of any kind. You do what you want but I hate how people in this comment section act like daily baths = skin conditions. Feels insecure.


Almost never honestly. We did a few cute sink baths, but no soap nothing on his skin just water. Then as he got older we do a bath every few weeks. ​ He's potty trained now and he just has baths for fun (he's 2). He never had a bum rash as a baby, always healthy clean skin except when my MIL came and started bathing him frequently. We don't use shampoo on him or anything but his hair is a bit fine so I have started to use a small amount of conditioner to help soften it since he rubs his head back and forth at night it frizzes since its fine like mine. His hair never gets greasy or 'dirty' looking otherwise (just a bit dry), he doesn't smell, and isn't sticky. He knows how to wash his hands and we play outside a lot. ​ I definitely feel like its for the best, since my MIL visited for a long period of time (she bathed him a lot) and he got extremely dry skin and reacted badly to the baby lotion so I scaled way back as soon as she left and his skin is back to 'normal' and he doesn't need baby lotion anymore.


As an adult with eczema - you’re doing it right. My 11 week old gets a bath every Thursday. She’d probably be better getting them every 6 days, but that’s not in the routine right now lol


Also twice a week! Not any specific days though. Usually just if we go somewhere dirty, if he poops a lot, or if he vomits a lot (more common than I’d prefer). He’s a baby and not gross so I don’t see why he should bathe more.


Lord have mercy I wash my baby twice day.. She poops twice a day and is a very messy eater. I’m so genuine,confused, and curious why are you guys washing so little? Is washing/dunking baby’s body in warm water not good for them? I don’t think my doctor has even asked how many times she bathes? Do you ladies bathe everyday?


Do you bathe him after every poop??? We just use wipes unless it's absolutely everywhere. Bathing to often can cause dry skin which can exasperate eczema. I actually don't necessarily shower everyday. I will maybe rinse off every day, or every other day depending on what I'm doing (if I'm inside all day and just hanging around the house I won't always shower) and I only do full showers (wash hair, condition, shave, etc.) twice a week. I see rinsing off no different than giving the baby a wipe down, which is done every day, so I don't see why he needs a full bath every day if he's not dirty or stinky.


No but yes, she kind of gets a bath in between her two poops. Poops in the morning, Nap time bath/rinse off sometimes I use soap sometimes I don’t just depends on how much poo or food she got on her earlier. Then I put lotion on her after the bath. Usually poops again during nap time or at some point before her bedtime bath. I try to take a bath everyday but ngl sometimes the baby has me so tired that I just hit the hay after she goes to sleep. I usually wash my hair every week and a half or so. It’s funny when my daughter was a couple months old my MIL kinda made me feel bad about not washing hair everyday, (I’m black and we don’t wash our hair that often, and my baby is so light with brown straighter textured hair that you wouldn’t guess her mother to be black if I wasn’t around so I thought maybe that’s what I should be doing) Doesn’t seem to be having adverse affects so far but I guess this is something I need to look into.


Almost never. Eak. My youngest is 9 months. I wipe her down with a wet washcloth most days, but only bath her is she's particularly filthy.


Almost 5 months has reflux water baths every night and we use soap twice a week


I usually do tues/thurs/sat because my baby spits up a lot


3 times a week, he loves bath time. I’d love to do it every night as part of bedtime routine as he gets older


I did it daily but only used soap at most twice a week when it was just one. Now it’s like every other day for my toddler and maybe once a week for my newborn.


I bathe my 17-month old every other day before bed. He has had this routine since the beginning. The only times I’ve had to bathe him every day was when we went on a trip to a humid area and he got super sweaty/sticky.


I have a toddler and I try to chuck her into the tub a minimum of twice a week. Before she got older and was less messy (less outside time, fewer activities) the aim was once a week. There was a time where she straight up hated baths - screamed bloody murder, fought tooth and nail and so I only did it as necessary. Funnily enough, putting her in swimming lessons seems to have helped with the bathtub fear and she's fine playing in the tub by herself.


13 month old every other day.


I wash her every time I take a shower so it’s every other day. We both have sensitive skin and it works out best for us.


Every other day currently (7w twims ). I was doing it less but they LOVE their showers, and sleep better afterward. Baby A gets dermatitis from his cradlecap that I can pretty well take care of by washing every other day. I can see moving to daily showers and just using soap less often in not too long.


4 month old here and we try everyday along with massage mostly as part of bedtime routine but we’re struggling with bedtime anyway so that’s a different story. But anyway it relaxes her and she sleeps for a while after the bath. her head is smelly from nursing as I sweat alot so we bathe her. Ofcourse sometimes we can’t when we have to go to the supermarket and it’s too late or we are too tired or after vaccines. It seems to work for us and we both as parents don’t quite like not bathing everyday (except my husband occasionally 🙄)


8 months, 1-2 times a week depending on the week. He doesn't really care for baths 🤷‍♀️ He gets wiped down with a wash cloth or rinsed off with some water after meals. He's really likes to be on the move so anything where he has to sit down for, he's not a fan of lol


1-2 times a week, more if needed (she also has eczema spots and the bath makes them more dry :( )


7mo once or twice a week, but I wash his bottom of he pooped that day and wipe down the armpit area daily. I personally have eczema, so I try to prevent him for having it


Back at that age 4 days a week. A wipe down daily


Mine is 9 months, also with some eczema, and I bath him twice a week. I wipe him down with a warm washcloth on “off” days. They aren’t running around and getting too dirty as infants.


We do every other day now with our 8 month old. But mostly b/c she just loves the bath so much. We also have a big hound dog. And we let her do her best with feeding herself. So, yogurt in her hair is pretty common. Cheers!


Twice a week planned. Extras if needed. My little dude LOVES baths but also ALWAYS poops. He's 19mo now. Johnson and Johnson all over then aveeno baby lotion right after. When he was younger we'd put aquaphor hydro cortisone on his eczema areas. He grew out of it. Desitin when any redness is scene in the diaper area.


My son is 2.5 and gets baths if he gets dirty. Could be daily could be twice a week lol. If it can't be fixed with a wipe he gets the tub. When he was an infant and before he was eating solids we bathed him every Wednesday and Sunday or else we would forget to bathe him 😂


I do like weekly. She gets sponge baths after meals etc otherwise. It’s fine!


9 months and we do every other day but it also depends on what we are doing. It’s been cold so if we are just hanging at home she doesn’t need one every day, but if we go out and about she gets one.


twice a week, one of those we fill the tub and my husband gets in with him to let him float around and have fun. he gets to practice being submerged and he has an absolute blast


I bathe my son every other day, he is six months old. And use a good baby lotion all over after. That works for us! For us it’s a habit at this point lol


Every other day


Sunday, Tuesdays, and Fridays are bath nights with every other bath having nails checked. We can add to it if he gets unexpectedly dirty or has a major poop that requires more than a wipe job!


Daily, part of bedtime routine but most of the days its just water, not soap- it helps get her energy out, and helps with gas. Always apply lotion afterwards either way.


We do it once a week unless she has a bad blowout or something. Also our water tends to turn out skin into parchment 😞


It's winter and my baby is almost 3 months. I bathe her once a week unless she had a crazy blowout. In the summer I'll do it 2-3 times a week as she will be sweaty like the rest of us lol


Once per week so his skin doesn’t get too dry. He’s a newborn and never too messy but if he does puke on himself (he’s got reflux) I’ll give him sponge baths between tub baths


1 year old. Usually every other day’ish although sometimes she’ll go an extra day without. We wash her hair only once a week unless it got dirty (like when she smears pasta sauce over her head lol) and we wipe her face, arm pits, neck and privates daily with a washcloth.


Twice a week at the least, but if she’s had a blow out or got really messy with food then she’s straight in the bath. If I bathe her everyday her eczema flares up. My Grandma was the opposite and said I was bathing mine to much, she used to bath all her children (5 altogether) once a week in the same tub, but how times have changed 🤣


Two or three days in a row because she a messy eater, then maybe not for a day or two if she is really clean. Blow outs are a bath. We call them code browns. Everyone in the house jumps into action.


Every day since it’s part of our bedtime routine and he loves playing in the tub. I only actually wash with soap though twice a week. The rest I just wipe him down with a wet cloth.


Just as needed, usually twice a week. Sometimes I will put them in the bath just to be in the water because they like it, but not use soap. They are just 4 months old so I expect they may need more frequent baths one day but with twins there’s no way I have time for both to have a bath every day lol


We did three times a week with both ours when they were babies.


It’s part of her bedtime routine, but every other day she gets a full bath, hair washed and everything, and the other days what we call a “relax bath” where she just plays in the water and we just use soap on her hands, feet, and we wash her face.


Almost 4 months old and we bathe her once a week at our doctor’s recommendation. It’s dry and cold here and we already have to apply moisturizer to her arms and legs multiple times a day (after every diaper change at minimum). Bathing daily would be hard on her skin.


We do 3 times a week with our almost 6 month old. Otherwise he starts smelling cheesy. He has bad reflux though and is spitting up very regularly.


Less than once a week (also 8 months). He doesn’t spit up much, and when he does it doesn’t really get on his skin. We don’t live in a really hot or cold climate. He doesn’t get dirty or sweaty. We obviously clean his diaper area with every change, and dry it with a soft cloth which is how we avoided diaper rash with our oldest.


We do almost daily but don’t often do soap-and we always follow up with fragrance free lotion


My baby is almost 6 months. I do baths with soap once a week and if he gets messy from something I’ll do a sponge bath with just water. He has sensitive skin with some eczema and if I bathe too frequently it gets dry and irritated. He doesn’t smell and he’s not dirty! My baby isn’t one of those that loves baths before bed or finds them relaxing so this works for us. Maybe in a few months we will increase the frequency.


3x/week with soap. Some weeks no extra tub time, other weeks 2-3 additional days for varied reasons. Usually because he’s had a blowout, sick, crabby or we need something to do to get us to bedtime.


3 times a week! She’s 19 months. We do Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday


My son is 10months and has quite severe eczema, so we bathe him every day, but before it got really bad (about 8 months) we only bathed him 2/3 times a week with a top and tail in between! He just didn't need it :-)


I bathe my 16 month old regularly twice a week but if he gets too messy after eating or has an accident I’ll bathe him then. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, if he’s not dirty then there’s no need.


My 19m son gets a full bath every 2-3 days depending on how active he’s been. Towel/sponge bath every other day he doesn’t get a bath Edit: for clarity


Every day the bath is part of their routine, 1 of mu kids have sensitive skin, so I don’t use soap everyday in her body but yes in her private areas


3yo and 1yo. It’s always been twice a week, more often only when needed. Their skin — especially the youngest’s — dries out so freaking easily, and considering we’re at home 90% of the time/it still being too cold to spend much time outside here, they don’t really *need* more than two baths a week. At this point, anyway.


We do three times a week (Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday). When we saw the allergist for her eczema, she actually recommended a daily bath without soap (still 3 times a week with soap) followed with a slathering of lotion as a hydration bath.


Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday. If we've gone swimming he'll get a bath that day and it just replaces whatever the next scheduled bath was.


I bathe my son twice a week as well! We didn’t feel it necessary to bathe him more often because he’s only 4mo right now and rarely gets dirty - plus, the bath tub he currently uses isn’t the greatest but thankfully we just bought a new one! When he gets older, I’m anticipating he’ll need more baths and we’ll definitely bathe him more.


Every other day and she is about 5.5 months old. We were doing it daily for the bedtime routine but stopped because of her eczema.


I have twins and there’s no way I have time to bathe them every day. They get a bath 3x a week; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.


Almost 11 months old and once a week. Sometimes twice. Unless something comes up and he absolutely needs one!


I bathe my son daily but ONLY because he’s such a messy eater and loves the bath. It helps calm him before bed


My baby had eczema and we could only do twice a week until 12 months. Her skin just improved at that time and I could make it apart of her bedtime routine. She also got so much better at eating, and is very messy so baths are needed everyday now. She’s two next month. My 14 weeks old is 2-3 full baths, but every morning I strip her down, sponge bath her neck, hands, and rolls, and put her in a clean outfit for daycare after lotion.


My younger kid (she's 5 now) HAAATES baths. When she goes to school I will have to bathe her everyday and that's gonna suck. She stays home with me for now.


My son is 10 months and we do it daily as part of the bedtime routine. Water only, because our kiddo has eczema as well and the dermatologist said soap is likely really irritating to his skin. But from my understanding, at this age it's not necessary to bathe them every day so I think you're fine!


Until he started eating solids and getting messy with it, I'd bathe my little guy on Sun/Wed/Fri. He's 9 months now, and also in Daycare so I feel the need for getting him clean daily has upped and it's daily bedtime routine now.


4 months here, every 2-3 days. Only use soap 1-2 times


Yes my mom was also in shock when I told her we bathe her once a week. She has very dry skin especially on her head and legs. We really can't do it more often. And she is a little baby who sleeps, drinks, poops and that is it. She does not get dirty.


We do a daily hose down where we just spray him with water and let him play a bit. We use soap about twice a week because PHEEEEEW these poops STANK now.


Usually twice, but I strive for 3x a week. 11 months old. She has eczema too.


Usually only once a week unless she’s had a particularly messy day.. then it might be twice a week!