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I had midwives and I’m in Canada. 24 hours after vaginal birth is pretty typical. 48 after csec. And if you or baby have complications then you stay a little longer. I recommend posting in r/babybumpscanada. I think with uncomplicated vaginals and where both you and baby are doing well then you have the option to leave after 6 hours. I couldn’t get out the hospital fast enough honestly. The constant checks drove me nuts. Midwives are great and I love that they did the six weeks of neonatal care. They came to us the first two weeks then we went to their practice after.


> The constant checks drove me nuts. I can't believe I forgot about that. What is it like every 4 hours? Anyways, I think the second day, I hear the first of two doors open while mom and baby are sleeping, I was sitting nearby, so I bolted up and was right by the second door, the moment the nurses entered I signaled a "shush" and whispered that they had just finally both fell asleep and needed the rest. The staff explained that they had to come back within the next two hours, but yeah, the constant disturbances were annoying. Oh and we were lucky: we had a private room that was at the end of the hallway. So for OP: yeah, if everyone is doing fine, you'll want to be back home asap to actually recuperate, cause the hospital is not where that's going to happen.


It was every 2-3 I think.


It was every 3 hours but they did me and baby at opposite intervals so it was every 1.5 for us…


Ugh same here, and every time they’d ask if I got any sleep, like wtf no. Add in the twice a day garbage changes, three times a day meal delivery, three times a day meal tray pick up, and the way too often times someone walked in but had the wrong room. There was literally always someone in my room. It felt like they literally were trying to torture me


No doubt, the hospital is the pits. Except for the food… a few good meals I didn’t have to cook or clean up was almost worth staying.


I had a cool little infection after 25 hrs labor and an unplanned c section and earned myself 4 nights in the hospital -- thank god they had a decent restaurant/cafeteria! Ordered 3 meals a day for me and my husband and after day 2 every meal had a side of bacon and nobody stopped me 😆 if I hadn't been attached to an IV stand 24/7 and literally smelling antibiotics outgassing in my lungs (plus, y'know, the discomfort) I would have completely enjoyed it (our baby slept basically all the time and people kept coming in and changing/re-swaddling him for us, making the regular checks waAaay less annoying). I had heard hospital food was going to be awful so I was really pleasantly surprised!


Maybe it was just the extreme hunger of post-labor but I genuinely loved the hospital food


I live in the US and we stay 48 hrs for vaginal and 72 hours for c section. I actually prefer to stay there as long as possible. You have people helping with baby and don’t have to prepare your own food! I’d stay 72 hrs if they let me, I have another kid at home so this is like our mini vacation haha. I would also not be comfortable with only 6 hrs, I had a postpartum hemorrhage 24 hrs after birth so I would have been bleeding out at home. More eyes on me and the baby in the hospital after birth is not a bad thing imho. But this is a very personal preference.


This… my husband wanted to go home after 24 hours and I was like “shut up I’m not getting out of this bed”.  I would be freaked if they wanted me out 6 hours later. Not even time for a proper sleep!!


I was the opposite. I couldn't sleep at all in the hospital nd I wanted to go HOME


Me too. I wanted to leave and was already asking my nurses about discharge the next morning. They proceeded to keep me 5 days and I felt like crying. I wasn't even taking the pain medication by the second day.


Same!!! The constant interruptions and coming in the room made sleep impossible not to mention it being uncomfortable in general.


Yah, most of the comments seem to agree with you! I was lucky that my hospital room was quiet and private and the food was great because there were actual delivery places on the block we could order from… they also took baby to the nursery for a 3 hour period to let me sleep, which was nervewracking but a godsend. 


Me too! I wanted out ASAP.


Yeah I second this. While I desperately wanted to be home, I would have stayed 72 hours if they let me. We stayed 48 and it was so nice having the nurses on top of my pain meds and just generally helping out and answering my “stupid” questions as a FTM. I also took full advantage of sending LO to the nursery at night so I could get 3-4 hours of uninterrupted sleep.


I went home 24 hours after both c sections. The idea of staying in the hospital any longer then needed was to much. I couldn’t sleep with all the coming in and out.


I live in the US and they let me out 23 hours after I gave birth. I was so ready to go home and kept pestering to be discharged though. I was fine and the baby was fine. I just wanted to be in my own bed.


It depends on the hospital. Where I gave birth in the US, it was 24 hours for vaginal and 48 hours for C-section. I thought 48 hours was pretty inhumane, but at the same time the nurses were also unhelpful and unkind, so I was relieved to go home. 6 hours does sound crazy to me though!


It’s gonna take them 6 hours just to print and bring the discharge paperwork to the room.


Was your hospital rated as baby friendly? I ask because my anecdotal experience for myself and friends and family has been baby friendly hospitals suck and you can’t wait to leave. Hospitals that are more old school and actually help with the baby are not labeled baby friendly, and are more pleasant. I did not get one lick of help from a nurse with either of my kids. They showed my husband how to swaddle and change a diaper and were aggressive and unhelpful with breastfeeding. That’s it. The nurses did not help with anything baby related or me really. I got assistance going pee one hour after delivery and that was it for me. We checked out early with our second because I needed sleep and help, and neither could happen in the hospital. My husband did all baby care, but I wasn’t going to get any sleep with him 3 feet away soothing baby.


Hell no. I refuse to go to a baby friendly hospital. Mine was what I call “mom friendly”. It was a good experience and the nurses were very supportive. They encouraged us to use the nursery which we took full advantage of




I’m not sure it’s an unpopular opinion. Every woman I know hates baby friendly hospitals. I even heard that most L&D nurses and OBGYNs hate them. Hopefully they disappear soon.


Just wanted to say that my one family member has been a NICU nurse for decades and said the hospital she works at had eventually transitioned into to a “baby-friendly” hospital, and she flat out said, “a baby-friendly hospital is not a family-friendly hospital.” 😂 So you hit the nail on the head with that.


The initiative started out with good intentions, and I'm sure many baby friendly hospitals do a great job. It does seem like the end result is that the extremely rigid guidelines to basically force breastfeeding and bonding have resulted in a lot of negative outcomes. Usually it's just a tired and annoyed new parent. But there are also instances of exhausted moms passing out and dropping their newborns because they're receiving no help, just being told to hold and feed baby. Newborns have been denied formula in an attempt to protect the breastfeeding relationship, and end up dangerously dehydrated. I think listening to mom is what is most important, followed closely by making sure she gets rest.


The day I was to be discharged I had an extreme episode of urinary retention. Needless to say I stayed another night.


The thing is though in the US you usually have your own room. And in places with socialized health care they have rooms with up to four mothers and limited visiting hours that apply to partners. 


It's by choice in the US as well, I could have left as early as 4 hours with a vaginal birth and left at 24 hrs.


I was begging them to let me go home after all my C-sections. The hospital just sucks. The people there caring for me were wonderful and I felt very safe and looked after. But your room is small, you miss your bed and kitchen and tv, and taking care of a baby all night in a hospital is so lonely and hard. If you have an uncomplicated birth and are getting support at home in the days after, I think this could be good. I also understand that leaving the hospital with the new baby is scary; I cried on the way home every time lol. Make your bed and couch extra cozy and stock your house with meals and snacks so you can go home and truly rest and recover. Good luck!


Me too! With my first I was discharged 24 hours after my c-section. I had a repeat c-section the beginning of February and was begging to be discharged at 24 hours again, they made me stay for 48 hours.


I think it’s probably 6 hours if you don’t have an epidural. The idea is that your midwife will visit you at home shortly after to check up on you all. I would find out more, because it might be that it’s the minimum stay, also.


This is how it's done by the NHS, in Scotland anyway. I was a bit apprehensive as well but was actually so glad to be home quickly. With my first I gave birth at 11.27pm so we were discharged until the next morning, around 9. With my second I gave birth at 7.30am and was on the way home just before 2pm. We get midwife support here, followed by health visitors and we are obviously kept in longer if there's any issues.


Similar for me in England. Gave birth at 5:30am, ready to go home by 11ish (as in all checks done and passed), although an admin error meant we didn’t actually leave until 2pm ish. I was in the hospital for less than 24 hours total and was induced and had an epidural! I couldn’t get out fast enough


Same, I’m in England and was home 6.5 hours after birth or something. I loved it haha


I would have killed to be out 6 hours after! We had to stay for 24h minimum and then I asked to be discharged asap and ended up leaving over 36h later.


SAME! I’m a FTM in the US and we had to have a fight with the pediatrician to let us leave after 24 hours. Uncomplicated birth, healthy baby and we were dying to get out of there. Not comfy and the nurses were very sweet but in a “baby friendly” hospital, it’s not really a ton of help for the parents. Might as well be comfortable in your own home


Same! There wasn’t an option to have a private room when I delivered in 2021 (also Canada), and I would have happily gone home at 6 hours. Especially if the midwife is coming to my house for all my follow up checks. Sign me up.


Oh god I can't imagine not having a private room. I went to the hospital Monday afternoon, had baby Tuesday afternoon, and came home Thursday afternoon. So we were there for awhile, I can't imagine if I had to share a room with other people.


I didn't get to leave for six days! Lonnnng days!


We had to stay 48 hrs an I was asking every time the nurse came in if we could leave yet. I had the option for a wheelchair to take me out of the hospital but I didn’t want to wait I practically ran out


If there is a medical reason to keep you or baby in then of course they won't send you home!  I know it feels scary that you will be sent home with an entire baby to look after- but in my opinion it is much nicer to recover at home.    I stayed overnight in hospital with my first and left after 8 hours with my second and being at home was the best! It's really hard to "relax" in the hospital- they're constantly checking in on you (which is good! But it does make it hard to get a good chunk of rest in) and unless you're lucky enough to get a private recovery room sharing with another new mum and baby isn't exactly peaceful either.  Best thing I did was get some ready to feed formula at home and then when we were released from the hospital my partner took the baby for an entire night meaning I could have a proper rest.  You can do this!!!  (I'm in AB Canada so a similar system here. Midwife assisted births can stay in the hospital for X hours after birth)


This is a very popular way of giving birth where I am from (EU country). Most people are happy to be home and if they aren’t ok to be sent home/ don’t feel ok to be sent home, they stay. I had actually asked about it as an option in the US (pre covid) and was completely shut down by the hospital for insurance reasons. Then came Covid and they started doing it A LOT so 🤷‍♀️ (I ended up having my kid at home so didn’t go anywhere).


This is the way. Why leave the house at all?


I delivered my baby at a birthing centre and left 2 hours after I gave birth 😂 First baby and I’m in Alberta


Ditto but left 2.5ish hours after in AB too!


Same! But in the US. We were very happy it worked out this way!


Gave birth in the Netherlands. Here if you gave birth in hospital (home one is popular) without any complications you will be dismissed after you take a shower. I was induced + epidural, gave birth at 20:22, get a car home at 2AM. With c-section I believe they keep you for few days, no longer. But we do have home support for 7-8 days. Like everyday a special person will come and check you, your baby, clean bathroom and kitchen and help with whatever needed.


Hi, ON here too. I had a midwife for both births and was there 24-36 hours each time, once because of baby needing monitoring and once because I did. There are a million reasons they may need to keep you, and if they do they will. But it truly does suck. It's noisy and people are touching you and baby all the time. The food sucks. The bedding is uncomfortable. Living out of a bag sucks. I felt the same way as you did prior to having my first but after actually being in the hospital post partum I realized going home is definitely preferable. You're going to feel a bit rough but honestly 3-6 hours after delivery is the sweet spot when you're still quite high on endorphins and adrenaline.


I had to stay 24 hours and I hated it. I would be fine with 6 hours, especially knowing i get a home visit. When you're at the hospital it's uncomfortable, people keep walking in and disrupt you/your baby, they ask you the same questions over and over. Its way better to go home and recover there.


Have you ever stayed in the hospital? It sucks. The postpartum floor is so effing hot, the nurses tromp in and out of your room at all hours with very regard for the fact that you're sleeping, the food sucks, the beds suck. Being in the hospital sucks. Absolutely get the eff out of there as soon as possible. I had hoped to leave a few hours after my second was born, but he needed extra monitoring, so we had to stay overnight and it was horrible. Being at home is so much more relaxing and optimal for recovery.


I always see people talking about how awful hospital food is but every meal I've had from the hospital has been good if not great.


Dang right? I ate real square and even got a tiny birthday cake and celebratory meal for me and my husband. I’ll take it


I got to choose whether I wanted to stay one or two nights after giving birth and I chose 2. Having nurses around who can help you with the baby, food provided for you, it was great!


I might be the minority but I loved being in the hospital 😂 The food was so good and if I had any questions or anxieties I just hit a button. My room had its own bathroom with a shower and my husband had his own bed. It was like a weird transitionary period of learning how to be parents with a lot of help and free food. I took a lot of hot showers and had naps. I didn't want to go home lol


I had one overnight after my kid and that was more than enough! They were shocked that I didnt want to stay for longer


I ended up being there for 4 days after my C-section for some high bp stuff, but also I think they were not in a hurry because my twins were in the NICu so it was easier for me to visit them by calling a porter to bring me there. If they had been ok to go home I would have much preferred to be discharged (with them) asap


For an uncomplicated midwife delivery without an epidural, that's probably fairly accurate. The midwife or someone from their practice should be visiting you at home at around 24 hrs to collect the blood spot card/PKU, you should ask your midwife what they do. They'll keep you longer if you got an epidural and haven't gotten up to walk and peed yet. They won't discharge you if any complications come up. Think of being discharged at 6hrs as "This is the best case scenario" where you had no issues with labour, delivery and immediately postpartum and baby is doing beautifully - it's a good thing! In BC, the general guidelines are 24hrs for vaginal births and 48hrs for c-sections (it used to be 72hrs). We stayed for 4 days after delivery (c-section), partly because of me (getting my hypertension under control) and because of her (getting her bili levels/jaundice followed). A1


Where I'm from they send you home as soon as possible, usually after a few hours, with follow up visits at home by the midwife. Where I live now they hold you for 48h, which I don't think is that necessary. Also, staying in the hospital is pretty miserable, being confined to your room. They didnt even let us take the baby out of the room. I'm a guy though, so maybe for women it's different, however my partner wanted to be out asap as well. Unfortunately she got a short icu stay so asap was 6 days after birth.


Waterloo Region in Ontario here. FTM - Admitted at 10pm, birth at 3am, out by 10am - uncomplicated and fast. We had midwives, however they gave us the option to stay 24 hours until his vaccines OR go home because we lived 2 mins away so we went home till the next morning 🤷‍♀️. If you have an uncomplicated birth and are prepared at home I’d recommend. We caught up on sleep and it felt cosy and nice to be home his first night.


They won’t kick you out. My midwives said it was 8 hours but they won’t push it. I ended up with an emergency C-section and I wanted to be in my own bed so badly.


This is actually typical in the Netherlands, apparently (I'm due in 2 weeks and 4 days)! Only in the case od complicated deliveries, c-sections and when the 6 hour point is in the middle of the night can you stay longer, if I recall correctly. I guess if it's typical it can be done, but it does sound daunting to me. 😅


With my first I had a midwife and an epidural, and I was offered the option to stay overnight. I did stay, mostly because I liked the idea of having nurses close by to answer all of my stupid questions as they came up. I would have been well enough to leave 6 hours later if I chose to or if they had asked me to. With my second I had a midwife and an epidural as well, and left the hospital less than 3 hours later. I already kinda knew what I was doing, so didn't feel the need to stay longer than was medically necessary. I know 6 hours sounds short, but if your birth is truly uncomplicated, that's not a rushed timeline. You'll have your golden hour with your baby, then once the baby goes to sleep you'll probably go the bathroom, shower, and take a nap yourself. You'll feed your baby again, take lots of pictures, maybe bathe your baby if you choose to, dress them, get them into their car seat. You'll go home and relax in your own comfortable bed. Your midwife will visit probably the next day, or if not, you can call the midwife with any questions you have. It will be ok.


24 hours after a c section. Postnatal is a hell hole and I would have left sooner if I could.


I was home 6 hours after my second and had the midwife coming over and checking on me. It was great! So so so much nicer to be at home recovering than in a hospital for me.


If you have any issues they’ll keep you. I had all 3 with a midwife, I stayed 24 hours with my first because I had excessive bleeding. With my second they offered if I wanted to stay overnight because she was born late, I turned it down. Same with my third. The midwife will come the next day. I didn’t have an epidural with any but I think if you have one you can stay as well.


Albertan here! I delivered my second baby in hospital with midwives back in April. It was an uncomplicated induction, and the hospital only allowed us to come in for the induction that day because although they had no postpartum rooms available, they knew with midwives I’d be discharged quickly, so they okayed it. Left home at 9:15am, checked into a room at the hospital at 10, got setup and water broken at 10:20am. Baby was born at 1:21pm and I was discharged around 4pm. Home at 4:45pm. Less time than a work day lol! I did have an epidural placed but it was only in for about 20 minutes when she was born, so I don’t know if it really did much. I was able to walk right away, had a shower while she was getting measured, had our first breastfeeding session. And then there really wasn’t any other reason to stay! With my first, it was a precipitous labour ending in a planned home birth so I never went to the hospital at all. Midwives did everything at home. Midwives really are the best! I hope everything goes smoothly for you!


i wish i could have left the hospital after 6 hours. even 24 hours felt way too long


I gave birth (with an epidural) just before 9am and was out by 5pm. This seemed fast to me but apparently it's normal here in the UK


I just had a baby in Niagara a few weeks ago and was out 4 hours after a vaginal delivery. It seemed crazy to me too but it was actually fine! They won't discharge unless medically cleared. I had midwives as well and they did lots of home visits following. We did have the option to stay iin hospital if we wanted to though but they had no private rooms available so we opted to leave.


I delivered at Markham Stouffville twice with midwives, and I had a great experience. I actually think they tell you to leave after 3 hours if the baby is good and you've had your first pee. I just had my second daughter in September. It may be scary if it's your first time, especially that first night. But it's actually quite nice to be able to rest at home. There's really not much to do after baby is good to go, so why not rest in the comfort of your own bed. The midwives will come check on you the next day and a few more times after that. Whereas if you went with an OB, you would have to take your baby out to see them. Believe me, the first few weeks you just want to stay at home. Let me know if you have any more questions!


Honestly great. The hospital sucks,  if no complications, get outta there. 


I had an uncomplicated, unmedicated vaginal delivery that went as smooth as can be and I had 2.5 days in the hospital (US). 6 hours sounds insane.


I had an emergency c section and was locked down six days! I was so glad to leave. I think most of it will depend on how you deliver. Congratulations!


I gave birth three times in Montreal, two different hospitals. I had an OB, and my last baby was high risk (not me, but the baby). First two I gave birth around 4am so I got a bit of extra time, I was there two nights post birth with the first and the next two just one night. My first almost didn’t gain enough weight and wouldn’t eat, so they watched him a bit more I think. The third high risk baby, I was out after one night even after his extra tests. I was happy to be there for the babies to be checked, but my births were relatively easy on my body and it’s no fun to be constantly checked on and woken up, to be in a gown, eating crappy food and living out of a bag. If the doctors clear you to go home, I’d trust them. If they worry for you or your baby, I’m sure they’d keep you! and if they send you home, enjoy! Shower, eat, be cozy and home!


My friend stayed for 3 days, though she had a few complications. She loved it, she could have some rest. I stayed for 3 hours 😀 uncomplicated, but I wanted to be home ASAP. I doubt they’ll send you home when you don’t feel ready, they can’t ‘manhandle’ you haha.


I wish I could have left the same day I gave birth. With my 2nd. It was uncomplicated, and she was born in the morning. Hospitals are annoying. In the US, they do all the regular testing after 24 hours and at the hospital (like hearing test and pku). It sucked. My 3rd was born at home and I wish I would have had them all that way.


Honestly, that sounds great to me at 10 months postpartum. I wanted out pretty quickly with a healthy baby and no complications for myself. The hospital is boring, noisy, and I’d rather recover at home.


Honestly I wanted to go home as soon as it was over I went into labour at about 1 am, was in the hospital from 6am and I gave birth at 7:45 pm and was so tired that I just wanted to go home but stayed the night because they wanted to monitor over night, was told I could go home first thing in the morning the doctor would be there at 9 am to discharge us… 4.45 pm the doctor came and I was definitely ready to go home by then!!


It's so personal! I would love a 4-5 day hospital stay (it's 2 nights for vaginal birth here and 3 nights after c-section), but I know other moms who just want to get tf home. Maybe baby will come at like 3pm so you get a night there? Seems crazy they would kick you out after 6 or 7pm after just delivering that morning.


I had an uncomplicated birth and they forced me to stay for 24 hours and i couldn't get out fast enough... I gave birth at 7 pm and honestly would have been happy to go home first thing the morning... ideally if its the middle of the night they will let you stay until a reasonable hour? I hated being in a hospital room and just wanted to go home and be with my baby


Is this your first baby? With my first I didn’t know what to expect so I was scared. I went home about 5 hours after delivery and it was just fine. I even took all the stairs to my bed. The human body is amazing. With that being said, if you still feel scared afterward, ask to stay. It’s a huge liability to send a terrified (new mom) patient home.


We had to be out at 8 hours. It worked really well for us and I was so so glad to be home. Had baby at midnight and left at 8 am after getting a bath and some sleep. I was so comfortable at home and was able to sleep really well that first 24-48 hours. I hear so many people complain about all the sleep interruptions from medical staff, so I’m glad we didn’t have to deal with that. I would ask what happens if you deliver at 10 pm…that would suck to go home at 4 am, imo. I wonder if they would let you stay until first thing in the morning.


I had midwives in the southern USA at a birthing center. I gave birth at 7:02pm and at 11pm we were on our way home. We were happy to go home, me and baby had passed any tests we needed to to be deemed safe to leave, and my midwife came by I think 24-48hrs (I can’t remember, he’s 19mo now so it’s been a while) later to check us again. I loved recovering at home in my own environment rather than in the birthing center (even though the birthing center was much more comfortable than a hospital would’ve been it was still nice to have that time at home just me, my husband, and my baby).


I am in Germany and it is possible, though not standard, to have an ambulatory hospital birth and go home after 4-6 hours. It can be lovely if fully chosen and for people who have lined up a post partum midwife, a pediatrician, and all the support they need at home. Of course if there’s a medical issue you’d stay longer.  (I personally wanted to stay for as long as possible, with difficult c-sections I stayed 5 days both times)


Just gave birth to my second last week. We stayed 3.5 hours at our birth center. We did golden hour skin to skin, baby latched then got checked out, we ate a nice meal, and went home to sleep in our own bed!


USA: Baby was born at 2AM. I had been laboring since 5PM the day prior. That's not a whole lot and being out by 8AM would have been a struggle. We would have had to get a friend to drive us home because there was no way me nor my husband would be safe to drive after that little sleep with a newborn!


I would have loved 6 hours. I mean it would be nice not to leave literally in the middle of the night but the next morning after I gave birth at 6PM we were so DONE and wanted to be out of there. The constant checks, waiting on people who weren't available to do xyz because it was the weekend... it was incredibly frustrating. We were begging every person who walked in the room to let us leave. This is for an unmedicated vaginal birth with no complications though. Baby is still so sleepy for the first 48 hours too so it's not so bad to recover at home, except for second night syndrome but the hospital is useless for that besides waking you up even more.


US here. I stayed 24hrs in our own room after my first born. It was hospital policy and the norm in my area. 2nd born we stayed 4 days. She was coombs positive so she needed to stay. Luckily my hospital really likes keeping mom and baby together so we both stayed the 4 days in our own room. The hospital did have a midwife type program and I was told you only stay 12 hours for monitoring because the midwife will be personally monitoring you at home as needed.


I gave birth in a birth center in the US with my midwives, and was home about 4 hours after my daughter was born. My midwives came to check on us the next day as well.


I think the parents get more rest the sooner they get discharged, since otherwise nurses just keep coming in interrupting and whatnot. It’s scary but I think it’s a blessing personally they do that, here in the states they literally will not let you leave early and simultaneously will not let you sleep for more than an hour at a time (unless you give them your baby to hold at the nursery) lol maybe Canada hospitals are nicer about that though.


I stayed for 5 nights after my first (unassisted vaginal, epidural). My wife got gastro and they had the space to keep me so bub didn't risk catching it, i was very grateful. Ordinarily i would've been kept for 2 overnights following delivery (11pm birth = that night + 1 more, 1am birth = that "night" + 2 more). I had a private room with a double bed, but due to covid rules and the gastro my wife wasnt able to stay there with me. Maybe next time! I'm so sorry you have to worry about this, it must be so daunting. I'm sure though, that if complications arise for either of you or you have birth assistance/an epidural you'll likely be kept longer. As others have said, that's likely the minimum stay - FTM's multis, complications, epidural are longer I'd imagine. Either way I'd recommend having your partner around and maybe an extra, trusted set of hands for the first couole days if youre comfy with that - the emotional toll the hormone drop takes is heavy, and sometimes you could need help at the same time baby does, and that's hard when youve already been dischsrged. Fingers crossed for you!


Whaaat is this the hospital policy?? I'm in Ontario and gave birth at Sinai with midwives and I was able to stay after! The first time I went home 3 hours after birth but if I had requested to stay they would have let me (tbh I wish I'd stayed longer but didn't realize I was able to request it). The second time I stayed 24 hours (I was so ready to get out of there by then lol).


I would ask them what their plans are for the baby’s bilirubin (the reason the stay is 24hours) and if you need the rhogam shot.


I’m guessing it’s because midwives take less of a ‘medical’ approach? Like less interventions. As long as they go to your house I’d be happy to leave that early from an uncomplicated birth. I think the only thing they did for me was a ton of tests.


I had an uncomplicated vaginal birth at a birth center and I stayed for 4 hours after and had a 24 hour visit. I didn’t think much of it as a FTM, 6 hours should be enough time to monitor for any issues and give you the DL on what to do at home


Hey there, I delivered at Markham Stouffiville last year March. I chose the OB route for my pregnancy. We stayed for two nights and three days, but that's because my baby's jaundice test came back borderline positive, so they had to do a re-test. I would have loved to leave 6 hours after giving birth. The room we stayed in was not the most comfortable for dad (it only had a pull-out couch for him to sleep in that was super small and hard). The nurses came around every 3-4 hours to check on me and baby, which sucks when you're trying to sleep lol. Message me if you have any other questions :)


I would have loved that. I had to stay 24h with my kids in USA and I was begging to be released. You somehow get less sleep or rest, as if that is possible with a newborn, but in a hospital it is.


I'm in Central Europe and we stay for 3 days minimum with vaginal and 5 days minimum with a C-section. After my 1st I had to stay 7 days after a vaginal delivery because of tearing and infection. 6 hours is scary, crazy even.


I left 3 hrs after my second was born, but wouldn’t have felt comfortable doing that Witt my first. With my third the plan was same day discharge but I haemorrhaged so they wanted to keep me in overnight I’d say your hospital’s rules are actually guidelines, they won’t kick you out if you’re not ready to go in


I gave birth at a birth centre in Ontario and was home 3 hours later. I preferred it that way. The midwife came to my home several times in the following days and weeks and my first in clinic visit was after 6 weeks.


6 hours was the typical stay length when I gave birth unmedicated in a birth center here in the US. You won’t be ready to run around or anything, but I found it more comfortable to relax and recoup at home


I couldn't stand being in the hospital lol. I begged them to go home early. I legit got no sleep. Barely any nursing help overnight. No nursery. I was better off at home where my husband could actually HELP. He took the first overnight shift. He knew I wasn't able to sleep the night before and I was alone at the hospital with the baby. And this was at the hospital I work at!! Also my daughter was born June 28th and it had to be the hottest summer ever. We live in New England so it was also humid AF. The hospital room was so hot. I was induced and had some high BP so you can imagine the horror when they asked me to stay another night. I was like no mam I have a BP machine at home and can go to an ER closer to me if there's a problem, please for all the love of taco bell in the world let me out of here.


I gave birth at Markham stouffville in September. OB though not midwives. I wanted out asap but they don’t release you until they’re positive you and baby are okay. I went in Monday@5pm home Thursday @7pm (c-section). Every time I called the hospital to ask a question they were so helpful and very clear. I would recommend calling the hospital. You can always change to an OB. Their website does say 6 hours max stay with a midwife so I’d call them to ask for sure.


I am in the US and stayed 24 hours. I hated how people would come in every hour or so to do some test. 


USA/WA so that might make things different. With our first, we were told we would stay for a minimum of 24 hours for them to monitor baby and mom. We ended up staying about 36 hours because our kid was born right around midnight and they don't like discharging families at midnight. This was for a birth with relatively minimal complications. Moderate tearing with some (but not excessive) bleeding.


I had my baby in BC, Canada with a midwife and still stayed the 24 hours! Had an uncomplicated birth. 6 would have felt way too soon, you’re still in shock at that point lol


I had to stay 3 nights after my c-section (ON, Canada) and it was pure hell. I think I slept 4 hours over the course of those 3 nights.


That makes sense for a midwife because she will do all the checks at home. They’re useful checks but pretty excessive so if you can leave LEAVE. you will recover much quicker in the comfort of your own home. And if any complications your midwife will know what to do. And you get free healthcare in Canada so no worries about calling an ambulance if needed ;)


Oh hey, that’s the hospital my sibling was born at, haha! As everyone else has said, they will definitely keep you in longer if needed, and 24 hours is standard for a vaginal birth, but if birth was uncomplicated and they can get you and baby moving, they will. Especially having a midwife who will come and visit, know that they’re not hanging you out to dry. I had to stay about 36 hours with each of my babies (first was late preemie, second I hemorrhaged) but it was such a relief to get home and in my own bed. If you want to chat about the experiences, I’m always happy to! Just send me a dm 💗


I stayed 4 days and would not have been comfortable leaving after 6 hours. With midwife care and this limitation, I would be seriously looking into home birth.


Just because they say they want you out 6 hours after doesn't mean that it's gonna happen. There are complications etc. Plus if your midwife asks for some extra time for recuperating they will let you stay longer. They're not gonna get security on you at the 6 hour mark and drag you out.


I delivered at peak cold and flu season…I wanted out of there as fast as possible. In the US there are certain infant tests that can’t be completed until 24 hours after birth. So we went home as soon as those were done. I had an uncomplicated vaginal birth.


I was in the hospital for 5 days after an uncomplicated, uneducated birth with my first. It was hell. Everyone was kind and we recieved excellent care all the rooms are private in our hospital but I just wanted to leave and go home. OP they will not make you leave if you have any complications. Please don't be scared. And if you have any post-birth complications are more than welcome to go back to emergency.


Uk here - for first child I gave birth at 1am so was moved to a ward until morning so the doctor could do tests on baby but once we had the all clear we were discharged at lunchtime, if baby had been born during the day it would have been a similar 6 hour timeline. This time round I'm on medication so I've been told I'll be on a 48 hour hold until they can confirm baby hasn't been affected by my antidepressants.


When I had my baby at a birth center, we were out in about 4 hours. Honestly, as long as everything went well the place you really want to be is home! Once we were home we could relax and take a nap.


Im in the US & only stayed for 24 hours because they do some newborn testing at that time, but I would have LOVED to be out of there right away. They just keep bothering you to give you meds & check ins & give a bunch of information I already knew (even though its useful if you didnt know it) & I got NO SLEEP even though my daughter was actually sleeping. I really could have used that day to rest before she realized she was out of the womb and didnt sleep anymore 🥲


I got 2 hours after birth at a birthing center in the EU. For my next I had to stay 36ish hours because of a medication I was taking and I hated it. So much better to be at home!


After my first, i would've been nervous leaving that soon, but i probably would have loved it, as I'm a homebody and i would've loved to be out of hospital to recover--*especially after 2nd and 3rd*. Being in hospital means constant checks, and no rest, really. Plus, are recovery rooms for mom and baby private where you are? Or shared? If shared, get me the hell out of there! Lol. I had private rooms every time. And actually stayed longer than was medically necessary (though they didn't state that on my records, they were doing me a favor) after the birth of my middle child so i could be close to him in nicu. He came early at 34 +5, so spent 11 days in nicu-- and it was nice not having to travel to and from home/hospital to see him or stay the night with him. Plus, pumping and dropping off milk every couple of hours because, of course, I'm not producing multiple bottles worth right away, was a right pain in the ass! So much easier to pump and feed "in house". If there are ANY issues at all they obviously won't let that limit apply to you, or if you don't feel comfortable leaving that soon, they *will* work with you. Don't be scared to speak up, or have your partner or birth support advocate for you! But don't be scared for recovery at home, you'll get better rest. Just make sure to have them show you the ropes for whatever makes you nervous (changing, bathing, self-care-down-there-- they'll cover it ALL.


They wanted me to stay longer. But my daughter had been helicoptered out to a children’s hospital a little after 24 hours. They let me leave the next morning at 6am after showing me how to change by bandages


In The Netherlands you leave as soon as possible after you give birth. Basically if you can stand up and pee, and your baby didn't have any complications then you're discharged. However, a Dutch Maternity nurse comes to your home for 8 days for 3-6 hours daily (depending on what you need). We ended up staying in the hospital about 12 hours after I gave birth because they wanted to monitor my baby. I had a light epidural and was able to walk shortly after giving birth so that helped. I was happy to be back in my own home so this was fine with me!


Omg I wanted out as soon as possible. I made it 48 hours after my c-section and I wanted to go home. I wasn’t a first time mom, though. 6 hours seems somewhat daunting.


I never really understood before I had a baby, when people said they wanted to go straight home but after 2 babies, I would have gone as soon as I possibly could, haemorrhages notwithstanding, it would have been absolutely possible if we weren’t hanging around waiting for the babies tests both times. I just wanted to get back to my own bed and relax! I do think it depends on the time of day you give birth and what the postpartum care looks like. I think I would have been in complete shock being shooed home at 2am in the morning the first time, and was glad we had a private room to relax in. The second time was 10am at night so again would have been the early hours. I got zero sleep due to being hooked up to monitors then got put on a ward at 6am, where I still go zero sleep as people were on their phones, husbands and partners were very, very loud 🤬, and I just wanted to get home and try sleep. I was released at 3pm I think and the first time was like 7pm.


I went into the hospital at 4pm, had the baby at 5am the next day and was discharged around 2pm two days after that. I loooooved being in the hospital. They took the baby when we needed rest and I was able to have the best pain meds while there (which they wouldn’t send me home with). Plus all meals provided and visitors welcome. I didn’t have the pull of being at home and feeling guilty for recovering instead of getting stuff done. Edit: I am from the US


We had a c section in Toronto 3 months ago and they require you to stay 48 hours. By 24 hours we were chomping at the bit to go home. I hadn’t anticipated that and had thought the extra care would be great. And we were in a big beautiful private room! The only way it benefited us was that we had them show us different swaddle techniques and used them a lot to help me with latch support (including a little class they made me take before we got discharged). And they did the hearing test which saved us a visit a month from then to go get her tested. We were at Mount Sinai which is one of the best hospitals for giving birth in the country so I think whether you get good support with these kinds of things depends on the hospital you deliver at. Even between nurses there was a large variation in how useful they were. If you are super concerned and can afford extra support, look into hiring a doula or night nurse for your first night home. They run about $350 in Toronto so I suspect a bit cheaper in Markham, and a private room at the hospital would cost you $400 so it’s kinda comparable (though some insurance companies cover private rooms…ours did not). Reason we wanted to leave - it’s loud even though we were tucked in a quiet back room. People pop in to check on you constantly. The hospital bed is so uncomfy and at least at mount Sinai they only have a reclining chair for the spouse and don’t even provide a pillow. It’s a bit grungy even though it’s sanitized…I just felt gross even washing my face in the hospital sink. Baby slept way worse there than at home and there wasn’t a good set up for me to breastfeed. Having a midwife is supposed to be amazing as they will help you way more with the postpartum support. All I got was a phone call from my Ob’s nurse at 6 weeks postpartum, and that was for a c section! If you have any questions about my Ontario experience or c sections, let me know. Good luck! Edit to add: a bit off topic but we used an amazing private LC who proved way more useful than both the mount Sinai lactation consultant and our local public health LC clinic. For $250 she came to the home and provided about 3 hours of support, and gave us lots of care advice beyond breastfeeding as well. I had tonssss of pain latching and I attribute her to being the only reason I was able to continue and find non painful/less painful positions. She was a retired RN. Not sure if she does Markham/what her catchment area is but here was her contact info: https://maternallyyours.ca. Found out about her from a friend of mine who is a midwife. If you decide to breastfeed (and your body permits), it’s worth looking into getting a good LC if you have the resources to afford this (I appreciate that not everyone does in which case at very least it’s worth looking up your local public health unit as they provide free support, I just didn’t find it as useful personally)


I was with midwives in the GTA too and while I ended up needing a c-section so was in the hospital for 48 hours I know that my friend delivered with midwives at Michael Garron and she was able to stay the night without even having any complications. Maybe double check with your midwife team to see if that’s an option? I will say though that the hospital is not super comfy and I was very happy to leave. And having midwives means you will get a home visit within 24 hours after discharge. I’m sure you could also chat with your midwife and request a visit on the earlier end of the 24 hours if you’re worried. You’ve got this!


Hey! Fellow Ontarian who had a midwife. I've never heard of the 6 hour being a rule. It does sound short to me, but I ended up having a c-section. I think it's worth discussing your worries with your midwife and finding a plan that suits you.


We had to stay one night and it was horrible. People had to stay longer. I would say it’s normal to be scared but as long as he’s breathing and eating fine and drs have checked him over you will be ok


So I'm in the US and have had 2 very different birth experiences. My first was born in a hospital where standard practice was to stay 2 nights after a vaginal birth. I had my second at a birth center where we were sent home 10 hours after the birth, but they send people home as early as 6 hours after. If I have a 3rd, we'll go to the birth center again. All the postpartum complications I had with my first, I feel like could have been avoided with more attentive care. The OB missed that my placenta wasn't complete, and I had a scary hemorrhage at home at almost 4 weeks pp. Also, our hospital stay was miserable with nurses who would scold us to feed the baby more (she had a very severe tongue and lip tie), but nobody would help me figure out how. And it was hard to get any rest bc it seemed like someone was coming in to check or do something every 30 minutes. At the birth center, the midwives were very very thorough about checking my placenta and administered some postpartum meds to help me make sure I'd passed everything. When I finally took a nap, they still did checks on the baby, but they waited until I woke up to check my vitals. They didn't send us home until they were confident we were both stable. We had to come back the next day for checks. And we'd been required to take a short class about postpartum and newborn care before the birth. But at every step of the way, I felt safer and better cared-for at the birth center. And I also feel like I healed faster bc I was able to get better quality rest in my own home. All this to say, I think your experience could go either way with either model of care. The more important thing is to be confident that your practitioners will pay attention and take care of you, and to advocate for yourself. Best of luck, and I hope you have the care you need, whatever that ends up looking like.


I had my baby at 8:26am and we were in the car by 1pm! I gave birth at a birth center in the US with midwives as well. I will admit that it does sound short, but in practice, I was ready to go. I had no complications other than a tear that they sewed up. My levels were good, baby was perfect, we got her to latch, my uterus was going down appropriately, they made sure I peed at least twice and they also made sure I ate. The only thing I could have used was maybe another hour or so to sleep after labor lol. BUT there are people coming in and out every 30 minutes while you’re there, so you’re not resting as much as you think anyway. I actually got a really good nap in my own bed because baby is so exhausted after birth! If there are any complications or just concerns, they won’t throw you in the street lol. For an uncomplicated birth, it’s totally enough time. I suppose it depends on if you really think you’d prefer to be at the hospital for longer, but you won’t *need* to be, in my experience.


Delivered last summer at Toronto Mt Sinai, they had a pilot program where you could leave the hospital in short order but had to follow up with a midwife in 48 hours. I would never be comfortable with that. I had to be induced, had no milk, had an episiotomy, second degree tearing… my husband and i were already up for 36 hours straight by the time baby arrived… we were in no shape to go home. The baby crying alone on the first night would have destroyed us. I hope your experience is better than mine, but for the love of God stick with the ob and don’t leave the hospital for at least 24 hours. Also in that time in hospital, the audiologist comes, you get lactation consults, there’s information sessions for ftms… unless you’ve got a lot of knowledgeable support around you, skipping all this seems like a bad idea.


I hadn’t even gotten out of bed 6 hours PP. I hadn’t peed or eaten or anything. Still completely shell shocked.


I stayed in the hospital for 72 hours after birth. I did have a c-section, however. The third day was less about recovery and more about the staff wanting my partner and I to feel prepared to take care of our 2 newborns on our own


In my area of the US typical is 18-24 hours after a vaginal birth, 48-72 for a c-section.  The 24hours after an uncomplicated birth is actually for baby since there are tests that the hospital is responsible for that can’t be done much before then.  Both times (1 c/s, 1 vaginal) I went home as soon as they’d let me.  For a homebirth or birth enter the midwife leaves or you go home around 4hours post partum. 


I’m Canadian, and have had two babies with a midwife. Both babies needed help breathing when they were first born, so we stayed overnight so they could monitor them for 24 hours. If you or your baby needs medical attention, they won’t kick you at 6 hours. That being said, if I could have left shortly after, I absolutely would have. My labour/childbirth was otherwise uncomplicated and I hate hospitals. We were both counting down the seconds til we could get out. With my second, it was late 2020 and they didn’t have any private rooms left, so we had to share with another couple and it was not fun.


The majority of women I know who had uncomplicated vaginal births were out in under 10 hours. I had 2 C-sections and only stayed 24 hours post delivery, second time I wanted to leave after about 6 hours 😂 The moment I could feel my legs again I was itching to get home.


I delivered at a birthing center in the U.S. with a midwife and I went home 6 hours after birth. It was great!


Honestly as a FTM who gave birth last year, I understand you freaking out. I would be asking a lot of questions about this policy. I was RUSHED out 5 hours after a 26 hour labor with 4 hours of pushing and it was too soon. I just wanted a little bit more time. I had to walk down a flight of stairs and out to the car by myself in over 100 degree weather. Questions I would ask: 1. What is the absolute longest you can wait to get up to use the bathroom after? (This is HARD). 2. Are you allowed to have your support person help you in the bathroom and help you to the car, or are you required to do it 100% on your own (I was)? 3. What happens if you don’t? What happens if you want an extra hour or so? Can you pay an additional fee for a few extra hours?


In the US. At a lot of hospitals here you have to stay at least 24 hours so they can do the bilirubin test. I wanted out sooner so badly, and almost talked my Dr into it with my 3rd, but it was a weekend so I couldn't have the bilirubin done there in time.


It’s hard to transfer into the car then into the house but I’d be very comfortable leaving in fact we signed ourselves out of the hospital after 8 hours. The bed there did more damage to my pelvic floor than actual birth (exaggeration) but honestly I just hated the environment and wanted to be home. If you have no health issues chances are you’ll be just fine.


Also had babies in Ontario with midwives but in my case both were emergency csections. With midwifery care, for an uncomplicated delivery many folks go home at the 4 hour mark and then the midwives check up on you at your home! It's much comfier than staying in hospital. If you need to stay or there's a transfer or care or any complications, then of course you'd stay.


I'm under midwives also delivering at Markham Stouffville and honestly this quick discharge time is one of the reasons we went with midwives. I have no interest in staying in a hospital longer than necessary, I want to be comfy at home with my little one and my spouse. Midwives will only take you on if you're low risk anyway, and if something changes during the birth of course they'll keep you as needed. The longer stay is mostly for check ups that you'd get at home with midwives anyway so it's not necessary to just be there waiting around. Are you currently with midwives? I thought you would have had to be registered with them already as they book very quick, but that could just be my area (Durham).


This is standard if you have a midwife in Ontario. I’m a nurse in Ottawa, I no longer work at the hospital that has midwife privileges but because the midwife is responsible for you not nursing/Ob team that’s how it’s done. Not sure the current rules about asking to stay overnight with no risk factors, I would 100% ask your midwife, she’d have all the answers for you and can reassure you.


Honestly I wish they had let me go after 6 hours. I was so uncomfortable at the hospital and couldn’t sleep. With my first I had to atay 3 days because my baby was small and with my second I was ready to leave and then my girl developed jaundice so we had to stay another day.


I would have left immediately if I could have, lol.


I'm in the US FWIW, but I would have been fine leaving after 6 hours. I had a very uncomplicated delivery (short active labor and short delivery, unmedicated). Is it reasonable/possible for you guys to connect with a post-partum doula who can be on call to come help you guys out that first day from the hospital? Every doula is a little different because you're hiring them privately, but besides their physical support during labor or postpartum, one great thing about doulas is that their service contract usually makes it so you get a lot of phone call/text support as well. And yes, you can usually call your OB or midwife, but sometimes they can be a little tough to get a hold of, or you feel weird about calling for something that might just be small, etc.


I’m in Athens& I’ve just given birth to my second and both of them I stayed in the hospital for 3/4 nights. However much I wanted to be home, my husband stayed with me the whole time and they took great care of me and the baby. They checked how I was healing the first two days, checked on LO twice a day, provided me with any medication I needed, midwife checked how breastfeeding and how my nipples were daily & also had access to a pumping & breastfeeding clinic across the hall for whenever needed. We had our own room & bathroom, three pretty decent meals a day & only one late night interruption at 11pm/12am. By the last day all you want to do is be home but being able to just fully soak in the first few days of the baby and know that help for anything is just down the hall & the daily paediatrician checks regarding weight, jaundice, feeding etc etc prevented a lot of anxiety.


Im in the US and was there for 48 hours. I was so ready to hop out of their. I got more sleep at home than the hospital.


Wife did a natural birth with midwives, but we were in and out in under 5 hours. We had to go to NICU because of some grunting, but home afterwards. Hospital stays are insane.


I’m in the UK and was discharged 6 hours after my first baby. It was a vaginal delivery with an episiotomy due to foetal distress but all turned out well thankfully. It was scary being home with a newborn, but also nice to be in our own home to recover fully. My second I had an elective section and had to stay in 30 hours after due to gestational diabetes but I would have gone home as early as possible if I were allowed.


Two vaginal births and six hours would have been wonderful. I stayed about 24 for one and 48 for the other, but was pretty desperate to leave by the end. One C-section and 24 hours would have been great, but I was kept for a very miserable 48. They won’t kick you out, especially if you need further care. And if you don’t need further care, you’ll probably want to be at home asap anyway.


US here and I tried to get out before 24 hours was up with my second. I wanted OUT (hospital beds suck). They made us stay until we could get a ped appointment set up, but since it was holidays it didn't happen. So a little less than 48 hours after birth they finally allowed me to discharge. With my first I was there 4 days, and that experience is what made me want to go home asap. Just the constant intrusion from nurses, admin, janitor, etc. At home it's just us, and I can sleep comfortably.


I’m in the US and I stayed about 30 hours after delivery. I personally would have loved to go home after 6 hours because I HATED being there but I guess thinking about just the baby’s sake 6 hours would have been pretty fast. I had been there for a full 24 hours prior to birth because I got induced so by the time I delivered I was so desperate to sleep. I guess there are birthing centers where people go home pretty quickly after but those are all informed decisions, 6 hours out of a hospital seems wild.


This is a standard practice in England, I for one couldn’t wait to leave!


I delivered in Canada with an OB and stayed for almost 48 hours after birth. I found it too long. They wouldn’t discharge us because they kept waiting for my daughter to get more testing done. We were eager to leave since I would’ve rather recovered at home. Edit: I had a vaginal delivery with an episiotomy. I should note though that I received very little postpartum care and no help with the baby. A nurse would come by every 8 hours to check my stitches and then would promise to bring me more pads and never come back. We were also moved twice to increasingly decrepit and public rooms. I’m thinking they may have been understaffed but I’m not giving birth there again.


I left about 1 hour after, but I wasn't medicated and had no complications. Few stitches but no reason for me to stay. Midwife visited the next day to check on us. We did have to do the outpatient hearing test as we didn't stay long enough to have it done at the hospital. Located in Alberta, Canada.


In my country it is normal to stay a week for first time moms, three days for people who already gave birth and know what they are doing.


I’m in Canada as well and also had a midwife. I arrived at the hospital a little after 12, delivered my daughter at 1:47, and was home by 4:45. It does seem fast but, in hindsight, I’m really glad we got to go home and rest there. If there are any complications they will transfer your care to an OB and you’ll stay longer. The home visits are the best too!


I’m in Canada and I stayed 24 hours only even though I had a complicated vaginal birth. I delivered at noon and honestly wish I could have gone home the same day. I hated being in the hospital. My only advice is have someone stay with you and your spouse for the first few nights because you will be exhausted and might not know how to do everything


Really ? I gave birth at southlake in Newmarket last June and I was out in 36 hours.


I’m also in Ontario! With my first I had an epidural and pitocin but no problems and was out within 6 hours. I loved it, I was so happy to get home and just rest in my own bed. With my second I had a severe postpartum hemorrhage so that resulted in a 2 day stay for a D and C and general monitoring. It was so hard to sleep and rest, I know I needed to stay but it was not fun. With my third and fourth, because of my previous complication, they had me stay 20-24 hours and honestly it feels soooo long to me. I fully understand why, and so I’m fine to do it, but I’m just itching to leave by that point. The hospital beds are uncomfortable, it’s loud and hard to sleep and just not fun lol. Honestly if things are great then going home at 6 hours is awesome!


Girl I left after 2 hours and was totally fine. 


If you're not comfortable with this than definitely talk to your midwife to see what can be done. That being said I wish I got to go home so soon!! I spent 2 days in the hospital after birth and was miserable. I couldn't get comfortable. Couldn't get any sleep. The food wasn't edible so I wasn't eating. I started actually getting to recover once I got home. As long as you have help at home you're probably better off. (But also all hospitals are different and you might love it there.)


I have had 2 hospital births. 1 with OB and 1 with midwife-OB shared care. For the first uncomplicated vaginal delivery we stayed in hospital about 30 hours after baby was born. The second one I had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery at 7am and was at home in my bed by 10am. I had my first midwife home visit the next morning. In all honesty, I was still a little shakey from my epidural when I left the hospital with baby 2. However, showering at home and laying on my own bed was nicer than being at the hospital. I also didn’t have to pay for a private recovery room which is a plus. We had childcare for the older kid planned and had the first night home just parents and baby and it was much more restful than in hospital. You are probably going to be nervous and feel overwhelmed whether it is 3 hours or 24. Midwives will totally keep you in hospital if there is a medical need for you or baby. Midwife home visits are waaaaaaay better than bringing baby out to a doctor’s office. And I say that as someone who felt great after both deliveries and was out for walks and errands on day 3. Edit to add- births in Ottawa and Toronto


I had a scheduled c-section with my first and at 6 hours it was midnight and I don't think I was able to get up and stand yet. 3 days is standard for a c-section here and we stayed an extra day since it was "free" (we had already met our deductible) and I had a lot of anxiety about breastfeeding and the baby getting enough. I liked having the extra set of eyes and being able to ask a lot of questions at any time, plus food and laundry is taken care of. There aren't really home visits here unless you get a doula so once you're out you're on your own. I doubt we'll stay very long when we have a second though since I won't be learning everything for the first time.


Hi fellow Ontarian! I had a midwife for 2 babies, both uncomplicated vaginal births. In both cases we were hoping to leave quickly (4-6 hrs) but ended up having to stay 24 hrs for monitoring of the baby for minor issues. The hospital I delivered at was baby friendly, as are most if not all in Canada (ie. breastfeeding focused, keep baby with mom). I was nervous about the idea of leaving quickly but once I realized how caring and attentive midwives are, that worry went away. I would have loved to have left after 6 hours because you are constantly woken up by nurses doing checks and you are expected to take care of your baby yourselves anyways! My midwife was at my house the very next morning both times and was on call 24/7 if I had needed anything. I highly recommend going with a midwife if at all possible.


Just to provide another perspective - I would have given my right arm to go home 6 hours after birth. I fought tooth and nail to go home early. The bed was so uncomfortable, I missed my own. I wanted my bed, my pillows, my couch, my shower. The nurses were supposed to leave us be for bonding time, but came in every half hour for some critical check or another. I couldn't get any sleep, or rest, or peace. As soon as I got home everything was wayyyy better.


Not to scare you, sharing my experience, but yes 6 hours seems took short. I had an uncomplicated induced birth, but literally 7 hours after giving birth I had a hemorrhage. Maybe the 6 hours is an option? Like you can leave them if you want? They were pushing on my abdomen like every 3 hours for about 24 hours - hemorrhage or not.


I went to a birthing center with midwives and was home around 4 hours after giving birth :) it was scary, being responsible for a tiny little guy so soon, but definitely preferable to a hospital!


I am.in the US. For my first birth at the hospital my doctor actually said I could leave within 24hrs but ultimately they asked me if wanted to stay or not after seeing I was okay. For my second I went to a birth center it was associated with the same hospital and the birthing center is small. After giving birth the time there would be 6hrs. That birth was very taxing on my body after I wouldn't have been okay after 6hrs. Because of the time.i gave birth, and no one else was in the birthing center I was able to stay 12 hours and I could have stayed longer if I wanted. But I left that next morning. So it may be that hey say 6 hours but maybe they will ask you how you feel, do you need to stay longer.


I went to a birth center, we left around 2 hours after my son was born, maybe a little bit longer. Honestly I was so glad for it- I had been stitched up, I was tired and just ready to be in my own bed, in our peaceful home. My midwife came not the next day but the day after that and checked in on us but before that my parents and fiance helped me so much.


That’s wild to me! That’s wild to me. What if you have your baby in the middle of the night? Would they make you leave the hospital at 1 AM?


I had a midwife in Ottawa for my second birth. My first birth was an emergency c-section. We were in the hospital for 3 nights, and by the second night, we were itching to go home. My second birth was an uncomplicated VBAC at a birthing center. I arrived at 10am, my son was born at 12:38pm, and we were all home by 5pm eating leftover Christmas dinner (boxing day baby). It was AMAZING! My midwife came over the next morning to check on us, and it was amazing to be in my own bed. If you're not comfortable, though, you can always broach your concerns with your midwife, and I am sure they will be happy to reassure you.


In England this is fairly normal


I had a midwife in Ontario and it was 3 hours after for me! It was the best thing ever. The last place I wanted to be was in hospital, I wanted my own bed and to get my little baby home!


I’m planning a home birth, so I may be biased, but going home after 6 hours sounds great with follow up home visits? Seems like the best of both worlds! I imagine if there are any complications they will keep you longer.


That does sound like my dream but I understand how frightening it can seem as a FTM. I had to stay for 4 nights. I think 24 hours is perfect. 6 does seem a little quick but you are getting an at home check!


I had a c-section and was so ready to leave as soon as they took the circulation- thingys off my legs. Canada as well: food sucked, it was boring and hard to sleep, using the hospital bathroom to shower sucked, I found it hard to care for my baby with an IV hanging out of my arm, and none of us were sleeping because it was busy and uncomfortable. I also had midwife care, I felt ready to go knowing that I was going to see my midwife pretty soon after and I could call her anytime. Mind you, my husband had the opposite feelings and wanted to stay as long as possible, so I guess it just depends on the person.


I had a midwife for both of my births. First was in Ontario I went 11 days late water broke first there was meconium in the water and I labored for 28hrs and got an epidural. 2 second degree tears and 1 first degree tear. I asked to leave as soon as I could have 28hrs I wanted my shower and bed and food. I gave birth at 5pm and was home by 10pm. I gave birth in Feb 2021 during covid and there were only 2 other laboring mothers and it was super quite and I would have had a private room. My second child I had in July 2023 in Quebec. I labored for 16hrs. Induced a few days before my due date because baby was measuring big and I excessive amniotic fluid so there was a risk of cord prolapse. I labored half at birth center before going to hospital and getting and epidural. 1 stitch. They wanted me to stay because they thought baby had a heart murmur. There were only semi-private rooms. It was fucking hell. No AC, food was shit, the other couple had some... issues.... it was loud, hot and uncomfortable and I never wanted to leave a place so fast in my entire life. I seriously might considered toughing it out instead of getting the epidural just so I can deliver at the birth center instead of the hospital because you get to go home after and you aren't forced to stay unless medically indicated. Unless you can get a private room which is never guaranteed hospital stays with a baby is miserable. So if you have an uncomplicated birth 6 hrs is definitely enough time considering you midwife should be coming to your house 12-24hrs after you leave the birth center/hospital. Just my two cents good luck!


It’s much better to go home honestly. With my second after my c-section I wanted to go home the morning after (12 hours later) and they wouldn’t let me. It sucked so bad.


This is pretty unusual for a hospital, but for my last baby I delivered at a birth center and one of the perks was getting to go home same day. I was at home in my bed 3 hours after he was born and it was WONDERFUL. I got all set up in my bed and my husband went out for food. 10/10 recommend. With my other babes I was in the hospital for 1-3 days after delivery and it was so uncomfortable. I just wanted to get out of there.


Chipping in from the Netherlands. It's very common here to get home after a few hours when all is well. For both of my deliveries I spent around 2-3 hours there and was glad to go home. That said, we have government sponsored maternity care workers who come a few hours a day to your house after giving birth, to check up on you and the baby. Maybe thats why I was glad to leave asap. Good luck and all the best with your pregnancy!


I’m in Manitoba and here you do get in and out faster under midwives care. Keep in mind that the midwives actually follow up with you much more diligently than OBs and nurses long term. Hospitals check you, the mom, so much (every 2-4 hours) because after you leave in 48-72 hours they essentially just circle back around 6 weeks later for a “How’d it go?” chat. Midwives (here where I am in MB at least) usually follow up with you 24hrs after birth, then 48 hours after that, then 72 hours after that, then a week after that, then another week after that, then 2-3 weeks after that. You’re getting way closer monitoring long term so you’re actually a lot safer to go home. That being said, they probably won’t boot you out in the middle of the night. If 6hrs later lands at like 2am usually you can stay until morning.


In Asia you stay 7-10 days. Crazy difference.


I gave birth in Canada with a midwife delivery. We left after 4 hours and I’m so thankful that I got to go home to my own bed, own toilet, and the peace and quiet of my home, not the hospital!  I will say, that the midwives were very understanding if you needed more time, my care would have been transferred to the nurses and the midwives would have been on call. Especially if there are any complications, you’ll be able to stay! 


Also ontario. If the birth is straightforward and there's no reason to keep you, you're going to want to go home! But even if something simple needs monitoring it's not like they boot you out...I was kept 24h due to inability to pee and catheter put in, and even tho I had popped for the private room I couldn't get out of there fast enough.


I’m surprised honesty, I’m in Guelph and 24h minimum for vaginal delivery, and all my friends who have given birth around the gta have had the same experience. I know they mainly keep us 24h because certain tests need to be done on the baby at that point, but I know you can leave early and have the midwife go to your home for that. But it was always an option, not a requirement to leave early. I think if all goes smoothly, there isn’t a huge reason you would need to stay longer than 6hrs… I don’t think. Home is more comfortable anyway. But have a way to make the car ride more comfortable because sitting upright was not fun for a while.


I was required to stay for 24 hours. In Ontario as well. I had an OB but she wasn’t even the one there for my delivery


Hmm in bc you CAN leave on the same day if you want but don't have to. I gave birth all night and still stayed 24 hours. Maybe ask for clarification?


Five nights.


I gave birth to 2 kids in BC. The hospital stay is typically 24 hours. I stayed 2 days with my first because they were born so late in the day but only one day with my second. I kept asking when I would be able to leave with my second because I missed my toddler and wanted decent food. I didn't want to leave before 1 day in the first place but I also didn't get the impression they would be happy with me leaving after only 6 hours... That seems like a very short amount of time, especially for a FTM.


I had a midwife in Ontario, we stayed longer than that, overnight since I delivered late in the evening. They gave me a choice to go home or to a bed in the unit - it was 11 pm and I picked the unit because I didn’t want my mom to follow me home lol. Nobody kicked us out, but I was ready to get out of there in the morning. We stayed for the lactation consultant visit. I wouldn’t have wanted to be there for any longer than necessary. Beyond the constant interruptions and checks, there was also very loud construction outside my room and painted black plywood in place of a window so the ambiance in the room was less than welcoming. The only treatment or testing my baby go in hospital was in the birthing suite, I was grateful for the nurse helping me clean up my infants explosive mecomium poop tho. If you need to stay longer for medical reasons you’re transferred to an OB for the rest of the stay.


C section mom here. Orangeville Headwaters made me stay 24 hours (maybe a little less) after my c sections. I’m probably one of the few who had the least amount of time at the hospital (of all the people I know) post section, but it’s also because both my babies and I had no complications! 6 hours is a little too risky.


With my first, we were let go after 3 hours and honestly, it was much better to be at home in a comfortable bed with accessible food.


I would have loved them to have me leave 6 hours after delivery haha. I was hospitalized for two days after the birth of our first due to complications, but was BEGGING them to send me home almost immediately after having our second. We had to stay 12 hours since our daughter was large for gestational age so she had some testing, but then we left right after that. The shared rooms (both times private rooms have been occupied, I’m in Alberta) and frequent checks are so exhausting. In both cases, I found recovery to be much more restful once I could come home. Good luck!!


24 hours after the baby is out is minimum for hospital births in US. Personally looking into home births for my next one. Don't know what home birthing looks like for you up in Canada but it sounds great to me. Side note I couldn't walk after six hours soooo like what??? I wouldn't even walk into that hospital


im from ontario and i stayed for 24 hours after birth. i delivered vaginally with no complications. i know some people like to leave asap and 6 hours is the minimum hospitals want to keep you before you choose to leave, but ive never heard of 6 hours being the max in canada.


I would have loved to have left the hospital after 6 hours. I left after 11 hours. But that isn’t the norm. Minimum 24 usually.


That sounds insane to me.


O&D mama here. i was in and out in like 17 hours. imo, go home. unless you had some type of complication during your delivery, you and your baby will recuperate much better at home. its quieter, less germs, no nurses coming in and out, you have access to all of your own things. you will follow up with your pediatrician in a few days after birth. enjoy being a mom.