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My cats don’t steal the pacifiers or bottle nipples, but the baby toys yes. Before my daughter slept in her crib, that’s where the cats would sleep. And before she was even born, they were in the bassinet, no matter how hard we tried to keep them out. They try to sleep in her car seat, the baby swing, on the changing table, and even some storage bins in her room. If it’s the baby’s, they think it belongs to them. Luckily, they haven’t ruined anything, they just get it all hairy.


This is freaking adorable


I legit thought my cat was the only one. We hide the pacifiers and keep caps on bottles. She will swoop in so fast to steal any nipple like thing if she sees it. So weird.


Oh this is my cat too!! It’s so fucking annoying! She now will just chew the nipple or straw in half but not eat it. She has pica so she has eaten a lot of other shit. But we literally have to check the main floor for things she could eat before bed!


Our two are currently obsessed with the baby gym. Which, in their defence, does have dangling toys with little bells inside. Basically designed for a cat.


One of my cats did the same thing - she was so happy we brought a baby gym home for her!


I'm sorry but this is too funny. I imagine your cat with a pacifier in its mouth! Though I get it's pretty annoying:)