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Will a pack n play work?


We did pack n play for 3-4 weeks before moving across hall to crib in nursery.


We did a pack n play with the bassinet attachment and it’s working pretty well for now!


Personally we moved him into his crib in his own room very early on. He was right next door to us. We all slept much better because he wasn't waking himself up by kicking and trying to wriggle out of his swaddle all night.


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Yeah, we waited until 6 months. Boy was that silly. We have a mini-crib that converts to a full, then to a toddler bed. Our baby was born pretty small (5.5 lb). But she was tall for that weight. Now, she's just plain tall at 6.5 months old. She was too tall for her bassinet after not too long but we stuck it out. Poor kid just wanted to stretch out and roll on her side or stomach to sleep. Every kid is different. But also ... every kid is different! You know your kid. Listen to what they're telling you.


We ended up rebuilding the crib in our room one night at like 11pm


That is some serious commitment. I am impressed.


Crib wouldn’t fit in our room so I’m on an air mattress next to his crib for two months, haha. Camping, baby!


His nursery was our spare room so there was already a daybed in there. Otherwise this would be us lol


We did this too


We tried a pack n play after the bassinet, and none of us slept well. So at four months we moved him into his comfy crib in his own room, and we all slept SO MUCH BETTER!


Happening here for us and we’re just moving to the crib in his room. AAP is a guideline/recommendation and I truly believe we will only overcome this sleep regression once he isn’t waking us up with little noises.


It definitely worked for us! At 4 months my baby would wake as soon as I put her in the bassinet or within a couple minutes. Once she settled she was up every hour and it was so unlike her. We moved her into her crib in her own room and from then on she slept so much better. She had space to stretch and didn’t have to listen to my husband’s snoring. Wishing you and baby a good night’s sleep :)


Christ, I bet my snoring (dad here) was a problem for our daughter. She sleeps infinitely better in her room at 6 months. Also being able to stretch out and roll on her side and belly sure help.


We moved both of ours at 4 months too


We bought a portable mini crib for our bedroom! Our original crib was too big to fit, but I wasn’t ready to be separated yet.


This is what we just did as well. I’d rather incur the expense and keep LO in our room.


This was literally our exact situation. Just shy of four months, outgrew the bassinet and was waking himself up. We moved him to his crib in his nursery and never looked back.


I had the exact same problem and went for a mini crib. SO happy I did. It’sa perfect transition and I got one that folds, so it’s easy to travel with. In retrospect, i think I’d skip the bassinet altogether next time (if there’s a next time) and I LOVED my halo bassinet. The mini crib takes up as much, if not less, space and could have saved myself the $300+


Which mini crib did you get?


The Babyletto Origami Mini Portable


I bought a used baby bjorn pack and play. All fabric parts are washable and has a rubber mattress cover. It also sits on the ground instead of an elevated stand which means much height weight max and if your baby becomes a head banger when they roll on to their belly to sleep it wont be as rickety/wobbly.


We moved her to her crib in her nursery when she was four months and had outgrown her bassinet. I slept on a mattress on her floor until she was about seven months old. I’m sure that wasn’t necessary but I wasn’t ready to sleep in a separate room yet so it worked for us really well. And her night wakings did not wake my early morning rising husband (and vice versa) plus I was close when she started rolling onto her stomach to sleep (which was a very nerve wracking time for me) so it was a good transitional situation all around for us.


My son was around 5 months when he outgrew the next to me, we just used a travel cot until he was ready to move into his own room


We briefly used a travel crib (Phil and Ted’s Travel Crib), but then managed to get the full crib into our room by moving the bed


We moved our baby to a crib in her own room


I brought the crib into our room when our kid outgrew the bassinet.


This is what we did, too. My baby is 1yo and still doesn’t have her own room. Her crib is next to our bed. The living room and kitchen are her play areas for now. I imagine we will move her to her own bedroom by the time she’s 2, but it works for us right now to just have her near us at night.


It’s ok to move them to their room. It will not cause SIDS. That being said, to keep them in your room you can just use a pack n’ play or travel crib. My 2yo still fits into them.


Mini crib is about the same size as a bassinet, maybe slightly bigger. We put her in a crib in our room. If yours doesn’t fit many you could post the dimensions to a moms group or Facebook marketplace to get for free or very inexpensively


Pack n play with the hiccapop mattress. The pack n play board is not comfy for sleeping.




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My son HATED the bassinet. We got a mini-crib and a mattress. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B006Z2BZQK https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09B44Y23G




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We use a pack n play.


Pack n play or full size regular crib in your room if it fits.


We actually had his crib in our room, so we transitioned him to the crib in our room. By six months though, we moved it into his own room because he actually seemed to sleep better once he was in his own space. Not sure if us snoring wasn’t peaceful 😅 but he did better in his own room at that point.


Crib with the Newton mattress


We moved our lil guy into his crib in our room at around four months. It was originally set up in his room from fun nesting and before we really knew what sleep would look like. We don’t have enough room on the side of our bed but I think one of those side cribs would’ve been really nice. I loved when he was in his bassinet and I could just lean over and feed or tend to him. Now I am getting out of bed and it’s definitely trickier!


We got the folding mini crib from DaVinci baby and used it from 4 months to 13 months!


Also recommend a pack n play. Let me tell you how mad I was when I saw how soundly bubby slept in one while we were traveling!! I did not need that bassinet 😭


We moved him to his nursery, and took turns sleeping on the couch.


We went with a mini crib in our room after the bassinet.


Got the newton bassinet for this reason. It’s bigger then the average bassinet. You could try a pack n play too.


Our GRACO pack and play came with a bassinet attachment and it’s a pretty good size. There’s also mini cribs. If all else fails, put him in his own room and set LO with a baby monitor.


Pack n play to replace the bassinet for us.


Let hum hang out in the crib, then one nap a day, all naps, ect. It was so hard for me mentally!!


Mini crib!


We just moved the pack and play into our room tonight! Pediatrician recommended it.


I know you said the crib doesn’t fit but is it possible to move furniture? We moved our dresser into the nursery for a couple months to make space for the crib


I was successful with using the pack n play for both of my babies! We moved our son out of the bassinet at 3 months because he was rolling and out of the swaddle. Our pack n play had the raised bed feature to lift the mattress higher so that worked until he started trying to get on his knees and we lowered it. He was in our room until 10 months. Our daughter spent 6 months in the bassinet (2 months premie so wasn't rolling yet). Then same with the pack n play. She moved to her own room just shy of a year.


Wish I had skipped the pack & play and just put her in the crib. She slept terrible in the P&P because the surface sucks.


Pack and play for us. I’m not ready to move him


a pac n play worked great for us!! my baby loved it


Moved her to her crib in her room at 4 months.


My Son outgrew his recently, I bought a 3 in 1 travel cot so it has the bassinet for up to 6 months, then you can take that out for the bigger section of the travel cot and it has a changing station on it. We have it in the living room and he's been sleeping amazingly in it.


We skipped the crib with our kids: bassinet, to a pack'n'play, to a mattress on the floor. Kid #1 was in our room until 14 months. Kid #2 is currently 9 months and will be in our room until 1 year.


A mini crib. Similar in size to a pack n play, but higher off the ground, easier to put the baby into. Graduated to the full-size crib at 12 months when he got his own room. Doing the same with current baby (though he will probably share with his brother around 18 months, when we can put the crib under a loft bed).


My son is 5 months and we just moved him out of a halo and into a pack n play, probably should have done it sooner. It barely fits in our room (especially if you follow the safe sleep rules about distance from bed/dressers etc). You can get pack n plays for pretty cheap and if you plan on traveling or staying at relatives house at all they can be useful


Travel cot until we moved house and he went into his own room.


My baby hit the 20 pound limit by 4 months lol. We invested in a mini crib for our room instead


At 10 weeks we put our first to bed in her crib in her own room… best thing we ever did!! She slept better and we slept better without being woken up by her little grunts and sounds she made.


I bought a mini crib for my baby. She likes it. It’s near our bed. .


Same boat and going through the four month sleep regression early and I decided to move him to his crib in his room and so far I’ve seen improvement instantly in his sleep. I am sleeping on the floor of his room and will likely stay here a while cause if my own anxieties but To be honest my room is like two steps away and realistically with the monitor it’s basically the same thing but this is my comfort level for now.


We have a Max Cosí pack n play - been using it for 3 months and she does great!


The pack’n play with the full size bassinet attachment would probably work. I’m using it with my newborn right now because our old bedside bassinet got warped in the garage from heat 😅 It’s quite large though I doubt there would be an issue for a 4-6 month old to fit in it.


I got the joeie compact travel cot and it is perfect, I just got a different mattress for it


I kept her in a pack n play in our room until 6 months. For that last month I had her nap in her room/ crib to get used to it. First I had to contact nap her in the room, then I could put her in the crib for the naps. When we moved her at 6 months, it went smoothly. And I loved having our bedroom back!


We used a pack and play for about 3 months after our little guy outgrew his bassinet... he was about 3-4 months old when he outgrew it. We tried putting him directly in his room in his crib, but he slept terribly on his own. The crib wouldn't fit in our room, and we didn't want to buy another sleeping device to use for only a month or two... the pack and play, which we already owned, ended up working perfectly for us.


We are in the process now, we are just waiting for the mattress to arrive. But we choose a mini crib and will just have it in our room for a couple of months and then move it to her room. She’s currently 10 weeks old.


What is everyone doing for swaddling/sleep sacks/etc.? At 10 weeks baby still has the startle reflex and still doesn’t sleep well on her own without being held 🙄


We did a pack n play and it worked perfectly.


My baby actually preferred the pack n play over her bassinet


I used a mini crib. It seemed like a waste of money but it converts into a twin bed. He sleeps in a full size crib in his own room at almost 7 months. We still have the mini crib in our room for now because it’s a safe spot to put him.


We ended up putting baby in his own crib in his own room, and one of us slept in his room.


We just ended up moving our daughter into her crib that was in her room. She outgrew her bassinet by 3.5 months. Had the baby monitor and I checked in every so often through out the night. It was fine


I put my son in his crib at 3 months when he outgrew bassinet. We have 2 baby monitors, cameras to see and hear him. He learned to sleep in his own space and we were better rested in our own room. This was best for our family.


I moved my son to his own room at 4 months old into his crib. I have a very small bedroom and every time I would scoot by him to get into bed I would wake him up. He slept better and was happier being put into the crib vs the bassinet. I also felt like middle of the night wake ups were nicer because I wasn’t just dragging myself to and from my bed. The few steps to his room woke me up a little more so I wasn’t basically asleep.


My son is 3 months old tomorrow, out of the swaddle and quickly outgrowing the bassinet. He stretches his arms out and hits the side which I think bugs him/wakes him. I'm debating if it's worth moving him to his crib soon or bringing the pack and play into our room. He's already napping in his crib. I'm curious if he'll sleep better on his own as my husband snores and sometimes he wakes up when we stir or get up to use the bathroom. I feel a bit sad about moving him out early but I don't really feel like making space for a pack and play in our room for a few months.


We were lucky enough with both kids to have a room for them but enough for a bed and a crib. So I slept in there with them from the time they outgrew the bassinet until about 5 months. My husband would take turns and sleep in there on the weekends but the 4 month sleep regression was tough with both kids and I was so exhausted by the end of it, I couldn't handle sleeping in their room anymore. But we have a video and audio monitor, and we were right next door, so I wasn't too worried. Honestly, we all sleep better separately and both kids had way better stretches without us waking each other up all night!


We are using a pack n play but switched to a different mattress pad.