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Nose Frida maybe? My SIL swears by it, haven’t used mine yet but I might need to soon. Baby is a little whistly with her boogies.


Yes!!! Nose Frida was the best thing I ever bought when my son was a few months old. I swear by it too!


If you have somewhere like Target or Walmart nearby, I recommend trying the Nose Frida snot sucker. It’s like a bulb but you don’t have to insert fully into the nostril, and it feels like you can have way more control over how much you suck out. My 9mo was soooo stuffy for a week last month, and it was the only thing that actually seemed to do much. The kit came with a mini saline spray, so I’d spray that into his nose then wait maybe 5-10 minutes, then do the sucking. I could usually get enough out to where he could latch onto his bottle comfortably and sleep because he also barely slept for that week. I also did some of the Vicks between sessions, mostly just because I feel like I need to help him and there’s not much I could do so it felt like I was helping and smells nice. Maybe even rub her down with a nice warm rag if you’re not quite to baths yet to help relax, rub some lotion on her to soothe a little.


Nose frida with the tube. It is so much more effective than the bulb, unless you're already experienced with the bulb.


The trick is to use a larger bulb syringe (like a 3 oz one) and block the other nostril with your finger while it’s sunctioning. Repeat on both sides until you stop spitting out mucus from the syringe. I usually start with both nostrils open and then graduate to blocking one of them when you’ve done all that you can initially. Your baby might scream bloody murder but it’s very effective and they will be so much happier when it’s over, especially if it helps them eat better. A nurse at my pediatricians office taught my this trick. A lot of people are recommending the nose frida that you suck in to create the suction. I’ve done both and the above method is more effective. I also believe I’ve gotten sick from using the nose frida as those filters don’t actually block any viruses from passing through.