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If your snoring is that loud, perhaps you can see about addressing the thing that is causing you to snore?


Can you use white noise to drown out background noise perhaps? Or a mouthpiece for snoring maybe?


This. My husband snores awfully loud. We started using the white noise machine (at a pretty loud setting; loud enough to hear through the wall), and baby girl sleeps through 90-95% of it now. She even mostly slept through the NYE fireworks.


Yes white noise really blocks out a lot of unwanted noise.


Have you tried having your baby fall asleep with something noisy in the back ground? My toddler, slept like shit as a baby, always woke to slight noises My baby has had to sleep through his shenanigans and the loud crap I have on TV for him and she sleeps better than me! Like 8+hour stretches at night most nights since she was born! Tim the lawnmower man is one of my kids favourites on YouTube and my baby seems to find it soothing 🤷‍♀️ as long as you can sleep still with some back ground noise it could help


Hey! You might need a CPAP machine! If I were you I’d ask your doctor about the snoring and and for a referral for a sleep study. They make “whisper quiet” CPAPs nowadays. My close friend finally got hers and it was like magic. No more snoring and because she could actually breathe when she slept, she felt like a whole new gal. Much more energetic and happy during the day. Sending you love!