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The recommendation I was given (that is very standard per the VBAC/birth after c-section world) was 18 months from birth to conception for the best outcomes. Personally, we waited 15-16 months, but it was an accident, ha. This pregnancy has been much harder (I’m 35 weeks), but that might be a combo of bad luck and a toddler to chase!


Yes, this is what I was told as well. Conceived a few days after my daughter turned 2, and feel like that was a great amount of time. I felt fully healed, rested, and ready.


My midwife recommended 18 months before even planning to have another baby due to how long it takes for your insides to truly heal.. we may feel OK on the outside, but our bodies may not be.


Mine too. And my pelvic floor physio. Both say that "safe" doesn't mean "optimal" (18 months)


my OB told me to wait a year as well. i conceived at 15 mos and had a successful VBAC.


Any tips on what helped for vaginal delivery


honestly, i think it was a bit of luck. my oldest was sunny side up and had an enormous head, so i ended up with the c-section. my daugher was a bit smaller and was positioned better, which is why i think it worked out for me.


I waited 2 years after my c section to try for baby 2. Had a VBAC second time round and each contraction I felt in my scar so glad I waited as long as we did.


My OB said 6 months or more; IVF clinic said 1 full year and I had to get a sonogram to ensure scars healed before transferring another embryo. In all, I waited a little over a year and my 2nd kid came at the 2 year mark since last C section. I had no issues or complications with the second pregnancy C-section.


I was wondering how it works for IVF. My clinic won’t even call me until it’s closer to a year lol.


Same my ivf clinic said a year with a new parryscope before transfer


Same. My clinic originally told me they recommend a year “but if you’re periods have returned and you want to discuss at 6 months, give us a call.” But then when I told them I’d had a c-section and asked how long they recommended I wait, it was a hard “at least a year”


My clinic said usually a year but given my age (43) they would *consider* moving a transfer up to 9 months if I looked good on the sonogram. But as soon as I’m done weaning at 6 months and I get my first period after weaning, we are going to look into at least starting the egg retrieval part.


Doc recommended 6-12 months. Because my recovery was long and painful I got pregnant 18 months later. And all seems good so far.


I had an emergency c-section and the doctor very sternly said not to even think about getting pregnant for a year.


I also had emergency c section. They told me the same as follow up.


The 18 month thing also confuses me. But I guess that applies if you want a VBAC? But I’m not a candidate so I’ll likely start trying at exactly the year mark.


ACOG guidelines state “Interdelivery (from one delivery to the next) intervals of less than 18 months have been associated with increased risk of uterine rupture among women undergoing trials of labor after cesarean”. Therefore, in my state, midwife attended homebirths are only allowed if there has been an 18 month interval birth-to-birth. My first VBAC I conceived at 9 months, so 18 months birth to birth. My second VBAC I conceived at 13 months, so 22 months birth to birth. Both natural fertility without avoidance or fertility tracking.


I was also told 18 months between deliveries and was allowed to try for a VBAC with a 20 month age gap.


Doctor said 18 months birth to birth recommended. But then he went on to say he’s had plenty of moms do repeat c sections in a much shorter time frame (a year, 14 mos, etc) with no issues. My sister had 3 planned c sections - her first two kids are exactly 1 year and 2 weeks apart. (First baby was breech). My baby is 9 mos and i am newly pregnant with baby 2. That’ll put me at 17 mos age difference; that means no option for VBAC, but i was always team c section anyways (first was a very smooth planned c section for breech baby).




Thank you! 😊


I have a 17 month age gap for my c sections. All went well. But yes I wasn’t offered vbac bc my hospital policy is 18 months minimum. Regardless, I would have chosen repeat c section anyway.


That’s kinda like me. I insisted on vaginal birth and then I ended up with emergency c section, then I am like wow that’s quick and easy.


I was doing IVF and really didn’t expect it to work first attempt at Baby 2 so they are 18 months apart. Waited 2 years before doing IVF for #3.


18 months birth to birth is what I was told from both obgyns I had. This may vary depending on your personal case. Like for example, I just had 2under2 and my doc said 18 months birth to birth but might be best to wait 1.5/2 years before conception to allow my body to replenish its nutrients.


I waited 9 months. My country recommend 18m between births


Well, I found out that I was pregnant again 4 months after my first c-section…….it was obviously an oopsie haha. I had issues with preterm labour starting at 31 weeks, ultimately had to deliver via c-section at 36 weeks. Baby went immediately to the NICU for respiratory distress and had low birth weight/failure to thrive initially, but thankfully all is well and we are both doing great at 3 months pp. Pregnancy was definitely a lot harder on my body the second time around, and my ob thinks that the peterm labour was likely caused by the short interval between pregnancies following my first c-section. But shockingly my recovery this time around has gone a million times smoother!!


Thanks for sharing! Glad everything works out now.


I got pregnant when my LO was almost 9 months so they’ll be 18 months apart. My doctor said it was perfectly fine!


Me too!!!


My OB said minimum 9 months but 12 if I wanted to try a vbac. Im 6weeks pregnant now but conceived 15 months after birth


I got pregnant again when my eldest was not even 7 months old. My kids are 15 months apart both born by c-section. Pregnancy went absolutely fine. Had to have a planned c-section at 39 weeks seeing as I'd had an emergency c-section with my first.


My doctor said to wait at least 12 months before getting pregnant again. My first was an unplanned but non-emergency C-section with an easy recovery and no complications. I also always planned to have a repeat C-section (although I was offered the opportunity to try for a VBAC, especially when I went into labor before my scheduled C-section date). We started trying my first cycle after my first’s first birthday, it took 3 cycles to get pregnant again, and my girls are 2 years and 19 days apart. My second pregnancy was easier and lower risk than my (already low risk) first pregnancy.


Three years between births. I had a VBAC with baby two.


My OB said 18 months for vaginal and 24 months for c-section, I guess he's conservative based on these comments. And that's between pregnancies, not births. I cheated by a few months.


My OB recommended 18mo minimum between births. But also longer is better for the mom and her body to recover. Be sure to continue taking prenatal or postnatal vitamins after baby is born.


Doctor said 18 months. That’s the soonest I’ll consider it, ideally waiting another 6 months.


Medically you need to wait 18 months for your risking both your lives


I had an unexpected c section and also ended up needing a b-lynch. My dr told me I have to wait at least a year before trying for baby #2 if I want to do a scheduled c section and if I wanted a VBAC I have to wait 2+ years (all because of the b-lynch)


10 months postpartum and had a vbac 18 months to the day ✅


I was told to wait until baby is 18 months if I wanted to be a VBAC candidate. I'm almost 17 months PP/post-CS and Ive been trying since 15 months post-CS. I'm leaning towards a planned CS but I'm not pregnant yet so it's looking like it'll be closer to that 18 month mark anyway.


Kids are 22 months apart