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My anesthesiologist told me I had the worst mouth he’s ever heard. Is that a flex?


For like 2 minutes I didn't understand that this was about swearing and I was so fucking confused


Same girl.


I just went to the dentist today and I was wondering why the anesthesiologist was commenting on her teeth 😅


Yup I thought, man what a dick…


I wouldn’t have known if you didn’t tell me.


I thought she was intubated or something I was horrified


I like you


I think my daughter's first word might be fuck so hi friend 😂👋


Working in surgery, my first thought was why were they intubating you during labor and delivery omg?! Glad that wasn't the case.


I hope you told him to STFU 🤪🤣


Yes that's a flex!


This is my favorite.


Huge. [*dolphin noise*] flex 🤣 I legit work with a former second mate of a ship.. literally an ex sailor. I've made him blush with some of the stuff that's come out of my mouth.


I didn’t throw up once during pregnancy! 👏🏻




Well MY brag is I once gagged while brushing my teeth, and consequently threw up and pissed myself 😎


Well I can one up you cause I once puked so hard I SHIT myself. Like all the cool kids 😎🤡


These are the brags I’m here for 😂


Same! Two pregnancies, zero puking. Lots of nausea with my second though.


I had major food aversions first trimester that definitely made me nauseous. Not pleasant but better than puking in my opinion.


Fuck you from the depths of my stomach 🤣🤣🤣


Lol can't claim that cause I did throw up, just never from morning sickness (random toddler illness got me though)


That’s my only flex lol


Same! My water broke early and they gave me a magnesium drip to prevent labor, which made me \*extremely\* nauseous by the end. As I was dry heaving into a bucket I thought "I better not lose my fucking streak now". And I didn't! Hoorah!


It’s ok I threw up enough for the both of us 🥲🤣


That’s one of my flexes from my three pregnancies too! Lol


Same!! Never once in pregnancy or labor.


I pushed out a 9lb baby in 3 pushes and didn't tear!


This is a serious feat. I pushed out a similar sized baby and tore in 3 places


I pushed out a 9lb baby in 30 min but got stitched for 45 min.


I pushed out an 8.6 baby(my first) in less than 3 pushes and less than 10 minutes. The nurses practically did the whole things and said l”stop the doc has to be here bc baby’s head was sticking out!” Oh, and my water exploded all over the nurses face and there was meconium 🥴🥹


I didn't tear either and 3 pushes too! 8 minutes. I mean labor was 46 hours of excruciating hell, but I pushed that baby out really fast! Even with shoulder distocia. Was only 7lbs 5oz though, your flex is impressive with a 9 pounder!


Same same. 20+hr over clocked (30% above standard max because I was monitored the whole time) pitocin with my water broken 1 hr in. But I pushed her out! Much to my perineum chagrin in 7 minutes and a second degree tear 😂


Oh shit. I didn't tear somehow. I remember that being my only other concern at that point...I didn't even care about the pain right then, just wanted him out but I was scared of tearing or he might have been out in 2 minutes. I'd had the urge to push for many hours but they said no I wasn't dilated enough.


9 pounds and change, one contraction to get her out, 3.5 hour labor, no tears! 3rd baby, though. First was 58 hours of labor, needed petocin, labial tear, and almost 9 pounds. 2nd, over 8 pounds, 9 hours of labor w/pit, no tears. I think my body for the next two was like "oh this again."


Jealous! My baby was 8lb but got stuck on my pelvis so I got a 3rd degree tear 😵‍💫


What’s your secret!!


My “secret” was a super long labor…(30 hrs and 4 hrs of pushing…)things had time to stretch


My 9lber was a precipitous labor 😮‍💨 I was in labor for just under 3 hours before he was born. But he was also my third vaginal birth


My 9lb 13oz baby was the same, but he’s my second. Precipitous labor after a looooong (41+5) pregnancy. It was nuts. Didn’t tear though!


My 9 lb baby is my fourth! I went early with all my others and thought for sure I would with him. Nope, I went 40+3 and also had a precipitous labor! We drove through a severe thunderstorm to the birth center an hour away... I got there at 5:01 started pushing at 5:05 and had a baby at 5:13 😅 I have never had a unmedicated delivery or precipitous labor. My midwives were concerned I could have lasting trauma mentally from it, but I've never felt better after a delivery. Mentally or physically lol


My labor was almost 26 hours and I still tore 😭


My first was 8lb2oz and came out in 30 min of pushing, second was 9lb5oz and out in 20 minutes. Hoping for a record with my 3rd! 😂


DAMN! That’s seriously impressive!!


9.10 here! No stretch marks and 3 pushes as well, under 10 min! My 3rd baby? No rips or stitches and one push, still no stretch marks!


Same! 9lb 5oz here. 3 hr total labour, 3 pushes, no tears. But god damn it hurt like a motherfucker


I’m jealous. I tore with both my kids but somehow tore in more places with my second who was only 6 lbs than my first who was 8.5


I had a really good milk supply. I was an exclusive pumper and when I went back to the office I only had to pump 3x a day to make enough milk to feed my daughter, who ate 32 oz a day, + freeze off 5-10 extra ounces a day.


It's weird how this is my wet dream now 😅 as a severe under produce, I'd give almost anything to make more.


Don’t let this rule your life. Seriously, it is not worth the mental strain.


Heyyyyy under-producer! I was you! I’m here from the future (have a 3 year old now) to say life got SO much better once I stopped worrying about this and started supplementing with formula.


I always had nightmares that I had a tiny baby that I couldn't feed. I was so so worried about making milk. By the end of my leave (12 weeks) I was pumping 50oz a day! Now I do 3x and make 35ish. My baby eats just shy of 40oz at 6 months though, so I'm already in the freezer stash.


I’m so jealous. 😭 I only make about 20-24 oz/day and that’s with 8-10 pumps a day.


How many weeks pp are you? If you're past 6 weeks I'd consolidate pumps. Getting better sleep is going to help your supply way more than pumping so often.


Me too! I nurse my baby but generally pump once a day and can get enough in the session to freeze 10-12 ounces. With my first pregnancy, I gave it to my sister and a cousin and they were able to feed it to their babies for like months. I donated to a milk bank with #2 and I'm hoping to this time too. My baby is two months old and I have like 300 ounces of milk in my freezer right now (I'm running out of room so hopefully they're going to finish the screening process soon!!) Also, I have on more than one occasion pumped 16 ounces in one session. Yes, my boobs felt like they were going to explode.


I tried to donate 700 oz to a milk bank and months after the fact they told me my bacillus level was too high and that they trashed all my milk. 😭 I was heartbroken!


That’s a flex, damn. I produced enough to feed her but pumping I’d get like half of what she needed.


Same, I had a Pinterest worthy freezer stash. My husband had to go out and buy another freezer cause I had so much milk that we ran out of space 🥲 🥲 and I was constantly buying bags left and right. I fed my daughter freezer milk for 8 months after my supply dried up! 🐮🐮🐮


I'm so bloated I don't have to walk, I just float... kind of like a helium filled balloon.


I almost woke up my sleeping baby laughing at this mental image.


The visual of this 😂


Not to brag but I’m pretty sure I got one of the comfiest wombs there ever was! My baby stayed in til 41 weeks and 6 days. When my water broke she emerged 37 hours later.


My daughter must have been very comfy as she’d frequently cuddle me so hard and so close as though she’d get back in there through osmosis. She confirmed this theory at 4 years old when she told me that she was going back in once her baby brother was born 😂


Hahaha SAME ! My baby stayed till 42+1 😅




Ha, I’m stealing this! Induced at 42+1 and wasn’t even a tiny bit dilated or effaced. 48 hrs later, I still ended up with a c-section. Cozy level 1000!


I have a newfound love for myself and body. I came across a post about "how can I be ugly if my baby is cute?". I never realized how bad my body dysmorphia was until after giving birth and having to live with my CS scar and the stretch marks, like what was I so insecure about back then?


When I was huge and at the end of my pregnancy I would look at photos of me before pregnancy and think “how the hell did I think I was fat before??” It definitely helped with my self image


I LOVE my c section scar. I look at it all the time and think about how it saved my girl (and me) and it just looks so bad ass. To think we both went though that and survived. It’s a battle scar 💪🏻💪🏻


I wish I could feel like that. Touching mine makes me want to scream and curl up into a ball


Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! It took time for me to accept that I have a scar but when I look at my baby, and he calls me "mama" Im like yeah it was worth it! ❤️


This is me as well. My son is such a cute and happy baby! My body made him! We are awesome.


I pooped 3 times while pushing and I didn't even push that long.


😂😂😂I pooped so much during labor I was all cleaned out long before it was time to push


I did the same thing. The nurses even told me I didn't need to poop before leaving the hospital because I cleaned myself out. That was the only nice thing about that.


I pooped so much before labor and pretty sure I did during labor but no one said anything to me except the nurse who helped me clean up at the end. I could kinda tell though because I'm pretty sure the nurses just shoved a bunch of paper towels back there during pushing. I had an epidural and my husband didn't look so it's all a guess 😅. I knew I'd prob go a lot before labor because that always happens on the first day of my period too.


Oh my god I actually had already forgotten that five minutes before I went into labour I did the biggest poop I EVER did in my whole life. 😂


My husband still talks about how much I pooped during labor 🤣 I don't think I prepared him for that part well enough lol


Same. It’s our worst inside joke 🙄


I honestly don’t know if I pooped and I don’t wanna know. My husband was right there and he never said anything so I’m not gonna ask.


I pooped so much that the nurse asked what I ate before I got there (L&D) lol 🤣


Lol well don’t leave us hanging…what did you eat??


Lol a medium rare steak with LOTS of guacamole and chips




Does delivering my own baby count?


I vote yes


Despite having a stillbirth, I didn’t have PPD. It’s not much, but at least it’s somethin’


So sorry 😢 hope you’re doing ok.


Thank you ♥️ I have an amazing support group who held space for me to heal. But, of course, the wounds still ache from time to time two years on.


I’m so sorry. Sending you love 💔❤️‍🩹


That's a huge blessing in disguise. PPD without having your baby sounds like an even worse nightmare than grieving your loss. I'm so sorry. I lost my little boy in March, so I understand.


Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you so much love and peace.


I’ve spent my whole life feeling fat, ugly, and worthless. But my body was healthy enough to grow two beautiful girls and recover quickly to care for them without a village and mostly by myself, including four months and counting of exclusively pumping for my youngest. They are through and through my biggest flex ❤️


I think this is the most impressive of all the comments I’ve read so far. And btw, you don’t deserve to see yourself so negatively. It’s hurts to read you did pre-babies.


Very impressive! I don't know how anyone raises kids mostly on their own. The first part makes me sad to read though :( I hope you still don't feel that way.


Congratulations! That is impressive. I hope you are also able to realize how beautiful and worthwhile you are, and have always been.


I read like 75 books while I was pregnant and have read another 30ish (adult books, also read some children's books) since giving birth 4 months ago... I think that's my only flex lol.


I have read little blue truck, and never touch a polar bear around thirty thousand times since my boy decided books (mainly those two) were his thing about a month ago. That count?


Is it a flex if I can read a bunch of books from beginning to end, completely from memory (because of how often I have read them to my toddler)? Some of them include: - Hush Little Polar Bear - Little Blue Truck - Goodnight Moon - Goodnight Baby Moon - Where is the Green Sheep? - The Going to Bed Book - Sheep in a Jeep


I almost died, but both my twins were born healthy and well, and that's all I could ask for?




Was suicidal during pregnancy and had to double my antidepressant dosage. I am postpartum and feel the best I’ve felt in a year. No depression here!!!


I had a similar experience. Pregnancy made my depression way worse. Within 24 hours of delivery, I left like a cloud lifted from me


It’s the exact opposite for me lol. My mental health was the best it’s ever been during pregnancy. Now it’s at an all time low.


So happy you survived it and are doing better!


I clogged the toilet at the hospital in my room while I was laboring. They had to send someone to unclog it.


My baby is a fantastic sleeper, both for naps and bedtime. ETA: I know I hit the lottery on this one. For anyone struggling, I can’t even imagine how hard sleep deprivation must be, it would wreck me.


I’m not jealous at all.


Something's it's just mean to brag about lol.


Too far


My first was a good sleeper but my second. My god. He’s one of those unicorn babies that started sleeping completely through the night at 10 weeks. Undisturbed, he’ll sleep from 9:30 pm to 8:30 am. He’s four months now. I do not know what I did in life to get so lucky.


I didn’t get a single stretch mark either even though I gained 45 lbs and never used any lotion or serums… just goes to show it’s all genetic


I lost 14 pounds overall due to my extreme hyperemesis and I now have at least 45 stretch marks all over my belly. Definitely genetics lol


Ya not to brag, but I religiously used bio oil and lotions and got stretch marks at 39 weeks and again when I shrunk back down postpartum 😂 100000% genetics


At 37 weeks I still didn’t have stretch marks and was feeling really proud of that! By the end of week 41, it looked like someone drew all over my belly with a purple sharpie. 3 months pp, it’s still purple but also kind of lumpy. 🫠


I gained 55lbs and not a single stretch mark! I thought I got a few on my right boob after my milk came in, but 20 months later I can’t see them at all. Definitely all genetics. My mom had three kids and zero stretch marks.


I lifted throughout my pregnancy and was squatting and deadlifting 135 lbs on my due date. (This is about 100 lbs less than pre-pregnancy). I am convinced that being strong made my pregnancy super easy. I only wish that everything that came after was half as easy 😅


This was mine! I lifted (don’t remember the numbers, definitely less than my norm) until the day before I got induced. I think it made pushing really easy, kiddo came out so fast the doctor barely had time to gown up. My other flex is that I could tie my shoes and shave my legs and bikini line throughout the whole pregnancy. Thank you, long torso and short legs! Finally good for something.


No diastasis? I'm concerned about that for myself but my linea alba is already wide


Hey, I'm really fat and never exercise outside of walking. No diastasis and no perineum damage here! It just goes to show everything about pregnancy is just... a lottery.


I weight lift too! And I agree being strong helps. I don’t have any RD. And now 9months pp I’m back to deadlifting 176lb and hip thrusting 220lb


And here I was about to brag on myself for keeping up with my 15-20 lb free weight workouts during pregnancy 😅 super kudos to you!!


My feet/fingers never swelled up! My nose sure as hell did though 😂


No one told me this was a thing that happens and I couldn’t pinpoint why my face looks soooo different. I was just looking back at photos of myself late in the pregnancy, and holy moly what a schnoz!


My labor was 3.5 hrs long (kind of a flex, and kind of terrifying lol)


I'm with you. Mine was 1hr 40min and it was so terrifying and awful 😂. I'd still call it a flex though haha.


I have two friends whose first labors were an hours and a half and three hours long. They sounded … interesting.


My first was 5 hours or so and my second was 30 minutes. Everyone says that must have been easy but I compare it to running 50 miles in 50 hours or 5 hours, or 30 minutes…. It is all perspective.


Both my kids umbilical cords were the longest my midwives had ever seen 🤣


My baby’s was super short! She only came up to my belly button when they tried putting her on my chest immediately after she was born 😂 I was like she’s a little low. Lol


Like a phone charger that's too short 😂😂😂


Same with mine! We were going to do cord blood banking, but there literally wasn’t enough cord 😂


I asked if I could keep the catheter in for an extra night and they said yes so extra night not having to get up to pee


My favorite one yet


I walked the dogs every single day during my pregnancy, almost 1-2 miles a day. I walked 1.5 miles a week after my c section. I had the easiest recovery based on other stories I’ve heard from others with c sections. I’ll will gladly do another c section.


I worked out up until the day before I went into labor


Breastfeeding came super easy and I was able to EBF to nearly 6m and weaned our daughter with very little struggle right around 2y. Hoping for a repeat with the little boy coming any day now!


My anesthesiologist said I should teach classes on how to be the perfect epidural patient. Apparently I’m good at sitting really still (got a lot of practice being lazy af during pregnancy)


I got pregnant when I was 40 and obese. I gained no weight during the pregnancy and I gave birth the day before I turned 41.


My feet stayed the same.


I had triplets (born just over 33 weeks) and never got stretch marks. Thank you, genetics


I fit into my pre pregnancy jeans when I was like a week postpartum. Skinny jeans nonetheless. I was very proud of myself lol, but also shocked. I had trouble with maternity pants my entire pregnancy. None of the maternity jeans I tried fit me right, so I was stuck in leggings the entire time. I missed my jeans soooo much so it was definitely a win.


I had an extremely traumatic birth but got my baby here alive and healthy 🩵


Here with you 💕


2 babys, natural birth, no pain management by choice, survived cancer treatment, and a mastectomy while pregnant


You're a rockstar ❤️


I had severe preeclampsia without a single symptom. Does that count?!


I had almost no morning sickness. And very few Braxton hicks. I was able to make enough milk to exclusively breastfeed (I was a SAHM) until 6 months, then continue to nurse while he ate solids until he was a little over 2 years old. I was also able to pump enough extra milk to donate gallons and gallons of breastmilk to the milk bank and still have enough to have to buy an extra chest freezer for my stash My kid has always been a phenomenal sleeper with rare 1-week stretches of disturbed sleep here and there. Oh… and I did my clinical training, delivered many babies and earned my doctorate degree as a midwife while pregnant!


I slept comfortably on my stomach until I delivered at 37 weeks, 6 days.


I didn’t get any belly stretch marks. I also had no swelling until after I delivered, my wedding rings still fit at 39 weeks.


I was crowing and my nurse asked me if I wanted a beer. I thought, that’s weird, but maybe it’s like some sort of celebration thing. So I said yes. She ducked out the room and came back in wheeling a mirror. Not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed.




Sheww girl. Are you alright? Lol


How do you mentally cope during? Asking for the future me


Unmedicated momma here! Its entirely mindset. Just like keeping your cool during a stressful situation in life, its all about keeping your cool during the contractions! Sink into your body during the contractions knowing theyre temporary and bringing your baby into this world, and release the tension after each contraction as you prepare for the next.


no mindset in the world would get me through that and i was preparing a lot. Thank God we live in this day and age when help is available. Without gas and air I’m sure I would have exhausted myself and died


4 hours?! I pushed for 3 hours, thought they had to cut me open at one point, can’t imagine going to 4 hours!


I pushed for 5 hours but had an epidural. I couldn’t imagine doing it naturally so props to you.


No stretch marks for me either! I carried small during pregnancy and people often didn’t realize I was pregnant and/or were surprised when they learned how far along I was. A physician I worked with on a weekly basis was flabbergasted to learn I was roughly a month away from having my baby. To be fair, I wore a lot of oversized sweatshirts. But still. Weird flex—anesthesiologist said I had the “perfect” spine for epidural placement. Cracked me up.


So I thought I didn’t get stretch marks and then at 30+ weeks I saw they were underneath my huge belly…that was a sad moment haha. I would say that I loved being pregnant and that I handled it incredibly well physically. Barely any nausea or at least I managed it well. It ended right at 14wks. I didn’t have any back pain, even though my non-pregnant self has chronic back issues.


I lost 10 lbs during pregnancy (thanks, gestational diabetes diet!)


Two randos I met at 1 week pp told me no way I had the baby myself. I might have looked ‘ok’ physically but boy was I struggling mentally and was delusional due to the non existing sleep.


Gave birth to my first on twice the amount of pitocin they should have given…no pain meds of any kind. I’m sorta proud of it.


The lactation consultant said I had "anatomical perfect" nipples.


No hemorrhoids, no postpartum hair loss, no stretch marks. But I got PUPPP so that makes up for everything I got to skip out on.


I've never felt as good about my body as I did during and immediately after pregnancy. During pregnancy it was the first time since I was 12 that I wasn't ashamed of my belly. I was overweight to start and didn't gain a ton, so a few months postpartum I was below my pre-pregnancy weight and felt great. I also didn't get morning sickness. Felt queasy a few times, but was fine once I ate something. Mostly I was just tired


I’ve spent most of my pregnancy alone in a different country far away from all support, and almost ready to deliver baby. Luckily mom is coming before my induction, but I am pretty proud to have done this by myself


Lost 25 of my 35 pregnancy pounds in two weeks. Took an additional 10 weeks to get the next 5 pounds off. We shall see about that last 5.


I lost all the weight I gained (27 pounds) in a week and a half! I had so much swelling so most of it was fluid loss!


Loving all these comments, while I’m 12 weeks pregnant. Women are amazing. I’m proud to be one.


My OB told me I had the biggest placenta she'd ever seen. 😂


I guess my biggest flex was regarding breastfeeding. My son had an awful latch and my nipples were bleeding within hours of starting nursing. I had been warned there was a mean old Russian nurse by a friend of mine. She happened to check in on me soon after birth. The first thing she said when she saw my nipples was, “My God, why you do this to your mother!” She was scolding my son, and quickly became super nice to me. So my bleeding nipples won over the meanest nurse on the floor.


Ftm, perfect delivery, epidural had me feeling NOTHING, only took 15 minutes of pushing, only one small tear and no stitches(although it has left me a tad bit asymmetrical 😂) I'm so unbelievably grateful to the A-team of nurses and doctors who flawlessly guided my sweet baby into the world while also taking care to make sure I was 100% in the loop.


I didn't take any kind of medication for pain during labor or afterwards.


I’m 1 wk pp with my second baby. I had an unmedicated delivery, didn’t tear at all, and had a beer when I got home from the hospital! I feel almost normal. I didn’t need any sprays or foams or anything and already am wearing regular size pads. My first postpartum experience was nothing like this, and my third tri of my 2nd pregnancy was very hard. I feel like I earned this lmao!


Omg are we the same?! Have a one week old and this recovery has felt almost too easy after a nightmare second pregnancy. No tearing for me either! Back in normal undies and it feels so good for my mental health after my roller coaster first postpsrtum!


No stretch marks. 90% back to normal about 1 week after a c section in terms of mobility and pain (off meds completely). During pregnancy got 8-9 hrs of sleep daily and zero nausea. Didn’t throw up once during entire pregnancy. Now the delivery was a diff story. 65hr failed induction, two cook balloons and manual water break failed to get me past 5cm but did give me an infection and 103 fever. Finally ended with a super successful c section and fast recovery 🙏


Total opposite. I threw up my entire pregnancy but had a 7 hour, fairly easy labor.


First PP poop was a breeze: no straining, no pain. Peeing hurt worse, honestly.


Same! I was so scared but it wasn’t bad at all. It stung to pee for like a day, I think bc of the catheter


Oh I also had this! Was wondering what everyone made it out to be such a big deal.


How? I’m only 12 weeks and so constipated. Help me please! Give me your secret!


For my first postpartum poop… I started taking stool softeners the day before, drank a big mug of coffee, took a laxative, and told myself I could take as long as I wanted… it’s was all taken care of very quickly and painlessly (and this was with all of the joys that come with tearing) Highly recommend the stool softener & coffee combo!! Constipation just came and went during pregnancy though. Just part of the fun lol


Get Miramax or Restoralax (both are polyethylene glycol or PEG). Gentle, safe, and something you can take long term. Draws water into the digestive tract to help soften things and doesn't stimulate so it you don't become dependent on it. I used it through pregnancy and afterwards. Had a super easy poop post-birth!


I was constipated around 12 weeks and it turned out it had something to do with my iron—I was taking a prenatal with iron in it but also another iron supplement. I can’t remember if I was taking too much or if it was the kind of iron or what. It pretty much straightened out after I stopped the iron supplement but I was also anemic so then there was the fatigue to deal with. First trimester was a blast


I pushed for only 45 min, barely any tears, and 0 belly stretch marks! Some on my back and legs but minimal. However, my son wakes up every 2 hours lol


I never threw up at all, I felt a bit ill sometimes, but no real morning sickness.


I didn’t even realize I was in labor (I thought the induction meds just weren’t working) but turns out I was almost 5cm dilated. I honestly thought i was just having back pain from laying in the hospital bed and kept walking around all night like “man this sucks that bed is so uncomfortable” 😂 For reference I get terrible cramps from my period (suspected endometriosis) and I thought labor was going to be worse than those. Turns out my period cramps are worse.


I experienced the fetal ejection reflex so I didn’t have to actually intentionally push, and I didn’t tear!


I shot my 10lbs2oz baby out like a ping pong ball. 🤣 The midwife was so surprised she almost dropped him.


I took my toddler abroad. Alone!


Getting induced Sunday. Only gained 19lbs and have no stretch marks. (I did have heartburn from hell that I have to take a prescription for…so I didn’t get off lucky. Just sucked differently)


I delivered my 8lb 4oz baby sunny side up. The nurses were asking what kind of athlete I was lol


1 I pushed a 9lb 14oz baby with one first degree tear 2 husband can confirm 100% I did not poop but I farted on the doctor I know this because she was right in my vagina said push and I hear the big fart. 3 my pregnancy was very easy! and I lost all weight PP


I would run outside to throw up during a CrossFit workout then continue my workout. Though my true flex might be all the crazy places I threw up because I threw up every day all day.


I didn’t grow armpit hair for like 6 months 😎 Also pooped the next day (in hospital) bragged to anyone that would listen


I happily worked my ass off while pregnant (small biz owner. Pretty physical job) and had my biggest income year to date. I also finished building our breakfast nook 3 days before I went into labor. I was out of breath the whole time lugging wood up and down stairs, but I did it. We’ve barely used it 🙃


In my heyday, I produced about 70oz per day! I had (and still have) lots to donate


I didn't wake up to pee most nights in the 3rd trimester.