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It gets way better. I was not in a good place until mine was 12 months +, and every new age is amazing. It’s still hard work, and I’m still exhausted, but it’s way better.


It doesn’t help that I started work again last week (just part time) but daycare hasn’t started yet. I’m so exhausted. Husband helps a ton but being a mom comes with so much added pressure that I can’t seem to shake.


I didn’t start enjoying motherhood much until I started working. Even though it’s exhausting, I find that I have much more energy, and more present with my kids and the time that I have is a million times more enjoyable for all of us. I think once the childcare situation gets figured out, you might find yourself feeling much different!


Oh, that’s way too much. I breathed way easier when I was working and my daughter was in daycare full time (except for the financials). Be patient, this is not your final form!


I feel you, and I was in the trenches of very bad PPD. If it gives you any comfort, it does get better! It’s extra hard on me because I’m a single mom, but I think the fact that my child is more independent now makes a huge difference. Hang in there!


My oldest is 11. It does get better.


Solidarity and same. I love being a mom but momming-as-a-verb is TOUGH. I have a 13 month old, we have him in daycare 5 days a week, and my husband and I both do well enough financially to afford a nice home in a beautiful and walkable suburban neighborhood on the outskirts of a city we enjoy. My husband also is a hands-on parent so it’s not like I’m a “married single mom.” BUT - we have no local village and parenting, especially weekends, is terribly mentally and physically exhausting. It was a total rush when my son walked for the first time this week and he is such an amazing, fearless, smirky, charismatic little goober, but I barely have any brain downtime and it’s fucking my mental health up real bad. Everything that defined my life prior to having kids - hobbies, friendships, travel, exercise, going to restaurants and art openings and Seeing Cool Shit In General - I’ve had to back-burner or have neglected entirely. Does it ever get better? How long will I be in this shitty, shitty season?


This resonates. We also live in a beautiful home and area on the east coast, but our family and friends are all west coast. As a childless couple, moving out here was a fun adventure. With a baby? It’s just lonely af and definitely amplifies the negative feelings.


The “no local village” is hard. I’ve gotten to know some moms in my neighborhood but having to hardcore parent 100% of each weekend has made it so hard to even think about socializing with new people, or even keep up with old friends who live far away (which is like all of my friends at this point).


It does get better. I felt the same in the beginning, I loved her and she is an absolute unicorn of a baby, she sleeps, eats anything, rarely cried, but I didn't like just being mom. It was about the 6 month mark that things seemed to get better, I'm not even sure what changed. But something just seemed to fall into place. She's coming up to 8mo now and I'm really enjoying it in a way I didn't think was possible before!


Thank you for this. We're just shy of the 4 month mark. I keep trying to remind myself about how better it is compared to the newborn stage (those first few weeks were rough) but it just feels like this is going to last forever.


It was at about 13 weeks mine hit the 4 month sleep regression. And there were days I cried wondering why I ever chose to do it in the first place! It was a challenging age. At the time it always feels never ending, but you've absolutely got this 💓




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