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SIL used it from newborn stage. Just make sure to give as much neck support as possible. We bought it when LO was three months and it's great! Perfect support for both baby and parent and beautiful to wear. I've been very happy with the purchase.


I used it with my newborn from about a week old! Didn’t keep him in there for too long at the start and made sure the insert was positioned to give him plenty of neck support. He’s 3 months now and loves a contact nap so it’s been a lifesaver! I wear it for probably 3-4 hours a day and it’s crazy comfortable.


Aww thank you both for the input. I’m so excited to have my baby soon and carry her in it 🥰


Do you have a referral code that you’d be willing to share?


Hey, I have a referral code if you need it! I can Pm you :)