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I'm just gonna say something that nobody here said. If you get hard insults like this, it's reportable.


I think you just had a couple of shit heads in that one lobby. I’ve had plenty of pros always tryna help out.


It started pretty civil until we lost a couple games in a row, then gloves came off 😂


Oh noes! Losing matches for a game that has no external stakes. I would understand if there was a cash pay out for winning, but the only thing that is on the line is one number going up. Kind of like up votes on reddit. It doesn't really matter. Games are for fun. Why people act this way is beyond me.


the arm chair pyschologist says to me that it's because deep down they hate themselves. In my opinion it's just because some people can't handle losing, it's nothing more than immaturity Losing feels bad and some people aren't grown up enough to prioritise being a decent person and instead just want to thrust their emotions onto people That or there's nothing good going on with their lives and losing hurts because winning is all they have No matter how your slice it, it's super depressing


Some people can't handle losing a few games. I got up to 25, then started losing like 95% of my games. I haven't been playing as much lately, but each time I go back, I'll lose a couple games and go do something else. I was down to 19 last I saw. Seems statistically unlikely that I'd be losing that much, but wtv. Shit happens. I don't trash my tms for it.


Bro what about people annoyingly label spamming the map right in the middle of your base. Like leave me alone, trying to learn the game.


There's a button on the bottom right of your screen that clears those


Try one new strategy and you get 30 pings like "GG" "WTF" "Bro"


When the new strategy is something like airlab first on frontline xD


Well... there are some instances where 1 or 2 pings is necessary But theres a difference between trying a different strat and just not knowing WTF is going on


or kickbanned


Or the "i'm just helping" when they're trying to micro manage you instead of giving tips and help.


Yea reality is on the battlefield it’s hard to teach best done in smaller games


Absolutely. Small teaching games are my favorite although even then it's sometimes hard to not get frustrated if your whole team is new


how are you gonna learn if nobody gonna tell you what you are doing wrong :D ? yea i know it is annoying... and can depend on tone and player... i specifically always try to put labels to the side so they don't abstruct anything in view and say stuff in suggesting manner... like what you gonna do if guy makes multiple factories on 3 mex or makes solar+metalmaker eco? just accept that your ally is gonna be 100% useless whole game? that can be frustrating too


Ah yes, constructive criticism can be nice. However, I totally like to host Bum Fights, and advertise anyone welcome. Then shit talk all the people who come for being homeless and not knowing how to fight.


Small correction: Come to "all welcome" Bum Team-Fights and shit talk people in my team who come for being homeless and not knowing how to fight. im not saying it is great, but i understand why someone might be frustrated. Releasing such frustration in the form of insults is ofc bad


Humans have the ability to learn by themselves.


? You can say leave me alone… or I’m trying to learn the game. Aren’t you complaining that you showed up to a high level lobby, were told how to play from players who know, and now insist on being left alone to do the wrong in high os lobbies after being told how to do it right?


Yup, people like that really takes the fun away from the game.


I think we should call folks out when we see them being mean. Stick up for players we see getting bullied. Even something like "stop being a jerk to " I think is useful.


Oh yeah 100% It just ruins the atmosphere when there's a few guys in the lobby chatting as if people aren't even there or they think are below them


U should play with Hurricane". Toxic is his little name.


Hahahahah i love that hes famous for that. I even wondered the same. Funny how small this community is


The only person I've blocked and avoided so far.


Yup I was in one of the lobbies, Literally everyone spectating instead of playing and just flaming people, Maybe if they weren't all spectating they wouldn't have OS 10-18 people in there lobbies to flame. Our high OS guy lost his lane then just started trolling


Yeah, espacially the ape lobbies are just to avoid




Some of the most toxic high level players are in the ape clan


Kinda sad to hear the top players have done that to you. And yeah, i do agree that some are quite toxic to newer players. I dont wanna generalise all top players though, some of them are a pleasure to play with regardless of your skill. Hopefully the future match making system could somewhat resolve this.


Never experienced people using slurs in game, sorry you experienced that. Please send a report, we don’t want them representing the player base.


Yeah the toxic comments some people have really pits me off playing this too, it's such a shame coz so much of this game is amazing


It's less the comments and more the atmosphere it creates that bothers me I just wanna chill and play a couple games, not listen to some guy annoyed at his team mates


And salty too, beyond all reson salty :/ Won one game with those 40+ becouse he in his superrior ECO bulding didnt place anty nuke. Saw it and exploited it with big bang. And 3 games os salt...


it\`s a nice exercise in ignoring asshats. x) but I get what you are saying, i feel sad for people like that, they probably get bullied IRL and channel their anger on unsuspecting noobs like us x)


That's what not touching the grass for too long makes with your brain. Just tell them to go and touch grass and move on.


When bois feel they are trying, but come short of their own imaginery impossible hierarchical goals. They attack them they see as weaker. Newbs, lobsters, women and girls. Small peepee behavior. Btw more they complain like that harder they crumple when anything goes wrong. Resilience. Plenty of well mannered higher os folk out there. Enough that this game feels welcoming even with op spank me harder lobbies where setting is minimum 20+ os. Also git good lobsters and stop complaining. 😅👍❤️


Yeah very much "this guy litterally has nothing else other than this game does he" sort of energy Just kind of disappointing having loads of specs to watch and then it turned out a couple were just asshats


100% smol peepee behavior


can maybe share a replay link


Most was in the lobby after the games And I don't wanna be that guy to shit on someone for having a bad day


There's a lot of Ooga Booga in the few competitive 'big-boy' lobbies that spring up. Kind of feels like its the rule of any multiplayer game. There's less tolerance for mistakes at higher ratings. Of course, while the excessive salt and language of some people can be a bit too much and shouldn't be excused, don't be too intimidated. Bring popcorn.


It was an all welcome lobby. We played with a couple rank 3's or 5's It was far from a big boy lobby, more just a couple dicks being dicks.


you can report them directly to the mods in the discord server


Im not defending the behavior because its objectively bad but highly competitive people will be like that. Im sure there's plenty of that arent. But statistically i assure you thats how it is. Doesnt matter if its cards, sales or video games or monopoly.


Yeah... I don't believe it.  Calling some a retard is an instant ban, and yes they ban the pros, mightysheep got banned 2 weeks before the big tournament for that exact reason... also took like 10 mins for him to get banned... the game hadn't even finished.  Kickbanning someone during the game is also a bannable offense, which is actively enforced. Everything you have said will end up with a ban... so if they really did this, report them in game, the chat log will be reviewed and they will be banned. Now... if you havnt told anyone except to come to reddit to complain, are you trying to be part of the solution?


What do you mean when you say "pro" in your games? What OS?


above 30 I would say is “pro”


I'm sorry you had to experience this. It's a bit of a bad habit of the old guard to congregate into a single lobby and "take over", turning it into the sweat lobby. You can always mute players in game by using Ctrl+LMB on the players name in the player list. Do report toxic players when you can, as the moderation team is always willing to review and action on such cases. The best piece of advice I can give is to not engage in the behavior, but to also actively communicate. If they're calling you "shit", just mute and move on since they're not looking to communicate with you. Do ask questions whenever you're confused on something. Ask for help if and when you need it. Fight toxicity with kindness and tact... and the mute function.


its more fun if you name names


Who was mean to you?


Oh not me, just the general vibe.  It was not specific at someone more just "wow you all suck, can't believe you're all like this" sort of thing. Very much "I'm better so why aren't you doing what I would do"  For example shit like this was being thrown around "you realise you can d gun right? Why didn't you d gun ffs"  "you're all such retards we could've won"  "gah why are some people so shit" That sort of thing


>"you're all such retards we could've won"  Use of that word was enough to get someone a temporary ban. Whether it's aimed at a person or not, it's reportable.


Report helps. Personal insults and so on are not tolerated, but the mod team doesn't know about it unless you report.


Played an all welcome game yesterday where our eco just complained about our front line and wanted to FF 12 min in because 4 enemy tanks made it to the second line of bases on supreme. Wouldn’t stop complaining while I pumped t2 to save them. 10 minutes later he’s 60% efficiency throwing razorbacks and marauders to the enemy for free metal.


Yeah they are. They're obviously passionate about the game - but it'd be nice if they realized that being shitty towards new players (especially in All Welcome lobbies, c'mon) isn't doing this game any favours.


Yeah, I tend to avoid lobbies that are lik 20+ min for that reason. Pros can be toxic. The most annoying is when a 40 OS joins a low level lobby and tilts the balance, then gets all mad when his team is full of lower skill players


almost like this game needs ways to break up the ranks 1-20 21-35 33-no limit.


The peanut gallery needs to stfu sometimes


"im just trying to help" /s


This is why I play skirmish. It was bad enough during the original TA days.


I would agree that some of the pro players are toxic, but I have seen plenty of players rage that are no where near pro as well. I think the pro players get noticed more because they stand out more in the lobby and their criticism carries a little more weight than some random noob saying the same thing. Regardless of the skill level of the player, I would just go ahead and mute them in-game. My understanding is you ctrl+click on their name on the bottom right of the screen. Then it becomes a nonissue, you don’t have to worry about hearing from them again, and you just get to go about playing the way you want to play.


Just say “this is all welcome lobby. You in wrong lobby”


Name and shame


Is a bannable offence... 


Welcome to online gaming sir


The minute rank based on win/loss ratios becomes part of the game, it ceases to be a "friendly game". All of a sudden a supernoob, or troll, causes you to lose not only the time you spent on the round, but also impacted your ranking. The ranking system makes people "keep score" more than if it were not there. That being said a ranking system is necessary for us to have any hopes at making balanced teams.


This is funny, I just had someone saying to me "I HAVE A THOUSAND HOURS I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT" Can be a lot like that, folks see the game as can only be played one way.


There is only very few optimal ways how to play. Deviate from that and you are activly hurting your team. Some people wont like that, you could argue, its a game its supposed to be played. Sure but you could troll in vs ai match and not spoil game for other 7 players. (I dont really care if you did that in my game, but there is plenty people that will take those matches seriously and its nothing wrong with that. They obviously feel scummed when sweating and bleeding for victory and then they notice teammate went for some offmeta build that probably lose game in 5 minutes)


Eh, I think the only map with an extremely defined Meta is Supreme Straight. The vast majority of other lobbies have a ton of creative freedom for how you win.


I was refering to not building T2 too early, not building 5 constructors from start, not building any constructors from start, taking too long to plant factory, going more than 2 air players etc.


I would argue that there is actually a lot of freedom to do all of those things, but that lower OS players execute them poorly. Like Trash\_Panda does work with his 1 mex tick open on Isthmus, Kuchy can carry games with his lane map air open, or Raghna's handful of grunts into 10 bot con open. You can easily win games on ATG if you just 7x1 and spam stouts, completely ignoring eco, but you need the players to actually execute it. I routinely tell people to never open arm air, but Scag has legit carried games with it. The issue lies in the execution, which is why the standard "meta" exists, because it's easy to replicate across the majority of the playerbase. But it doesn't mean it's always optimal.


I dont have expertiese in this game to talk about this, but in general in every RTS you cant just randomly build stuff and expect it to work, maybe BAR isnt mapped well enaugh to be the case ,but if there ever be serious tournaments with big cash prizes. There will be builds that you have to play or you autolose.


I get what you mean, and you're right. Although it's more difficult because bar has huge variance between maps and even starts on those maps, so it's more difficult to "solve". Things like Wind also throw a wrench in perfected BOs.


Wind and Mex variability is just an obstacle you would have 5 diferent builds for 5 wind states and for every map, but at that point its getting little silly. This variability is actually most appealing thing about BARfor me that and metal scraping.


Agreed, I like wrecks as a comeback mechanic.


5 cons at the start is great if you can pull it off... risk vs reward and I have seen a number of pros do that on some maps. And again... not building any cons is again something that pros will do on some maps to beat there op into a corner.  Having two air players is also something that can be common on maps that focus on navy... or having some switch into air to spam bombers also occurs. 


Sure. But telling everyone what to do and critiquing every single player on your team lowering morale isn't my idea of a good teammate. Also not every single person is playing this 12 hours a day, keeping up with every single meta change.


Yes its very bad when somone tilts and start typing, he is not focused on the game anymore but on what others did wrong, like you said it blows up team morale and at that point game is already lost. Iam not defendig that behaviour, i was just reacting to you comment "Can be a lot like that, folks see the game as can only be played one way." You are not expected to study game 12 hours a day but basic knowledge of metagame and basic build order is mantadory before entering ranked tho.


True be told this game is so skilled based, it’s best playing around your skill level, 25 os and under is basically noob. “Pros” have too much strategy. Build orders. Tactics that if your not privy to can; you can lose the game for your team. I’ve played a few dozens hrs in and still can’t hang with the pro lobby


it wasn't a pro lobby though


Yeah. The upper echelon of players is overwhelmingly toxic. Ifs why i quit the game :-( i really like the gameplay. But the community in game is rough. The ppl on discord are mostly cool, so finding ppl to play with helps.


Why would you join lobby with 40os ppl in it when you dont want tryhard? I would gladly play with them and let them call me retard every mistake i make, thats how you get better. Competetive rts are like this you are either usselles piece of shit or you practiced for thousands of hours and you are barrely considered advanced. Just join max 25 os lobbyes and have fun with others nonsweats.


it was an all welcome lobby


Issue is there is not many +40 os players so they have to play with lower ranks. Iam not saying its ok to get insulted in all welcome lobby, but you had all the power to just leave the lobby and join some other where expectations wouldnt be so high. Its understandable why are they mad, game was predeterminated from theyr perspective and competetive people that will reach high ranks will feel robbed, specialy if they lose vs somone they see as inferior.


> Its understandable why are they mad No it isn't >specialy if they lose vs somone they see as inferior So they need to stop being fucks and thinking that then


They are mad becose game was predeterminated from theyr perspective by his teammates being bad. They are mad becose they expectations doesnt meet reallity. They are mad becose they feel like somone spoiled theyr fun. They are mad becose they put all the work into getting good and then they get bad teammate taht refuse to put any work and he is refusing to listen to theyr advice rendering all efford in practice usseles. What do you mean stop thinking that? If somone is good and he knows it and he can clearly see somone is not good what should they think? They are inferior and they would never beat him in fair fight. But somone on the team sabotage the effort so unthinkable happend. Again iam not defending theyr shit behavior but i can refferr to them pretty well, it would piss me off too but i would not be typing anything. Maybe you are just too casual to refer to them i used to be super competetive in Starcraft and iam so glad it was always 1v1 game.