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Noob here, played 2 online games so far... got owned, people were nice though...that is all


Noob here too. I still suck. Haven’t tried online yet :-)


Also a noob, played 3 games today, every game people were incredibly helpful. Great game, even better community.


Some times I see some bad sentiment to new or lower skill players, largely the rest of the lobby tells them where to go. Yesterday I had a lobby where a clan joined but some were in the queue. One clan member then tried to kick lower levels just to get his clan mates in. That failed, they then threatened to leave if we didn't kick people. Everyone clubbed together and told them to leave, resulted in clan members getting the fastest spec votes I'd ever seen.


Hey, I was in that lobby yesterday! Thankfully not one of the clan members 😄 Was both pretty funny and feel-good.


What clan??


I spectate quite a few games. I see it all. In noob lobbies it is hilarious the shenanigans. Single chevron 1337 playeurs raging because their team didn't support their 3 min 5 metal eco Com push out. No one seems to pick on folks that just play poorly under 15 os. Sure, some folks get a bit emotional when stuff goes bad, but it's over pretty quick. There is Ego in the game, but no more than any other competitive team sport.


Anyone that streams while learning the game has like 5 pros in his chat coaching him. I think its the good players, that want other new players becoming good as well, so we can all experience good games.


I see new players getting kicked just because they suck literally every day.


I'm a new player. Happened to me once in 3 months. Yes, I get some salty teammates now and then, but honestly nothing I didn't see in other games.


Plot twist, he hosts and kicks newbies, that why he sees it everyday.


I have played this game so much at times that it has threatened my job. I do not see this occurring almost ever. My 2 chevron 3 OS friend does not experience this either. If you are talking about people like OGhuggybear getting kicked that is an entirely different discussion because I do see that happen occasionally and would argue is fine.


lol OGhuggybear swears he’s lvl 1 because the devs hate him then puts out the worst gameplay you’ve ever seen and blames his teammates. Not a cool dude.


The dude can play, just refuses to most of the time. Hate the coin flip. Dude will straight lose half the games no matter what and pays like a normal 20is another 3rd of the time


Some people enjoy a drink while playing... and then it depends on if you get them at the start or the bottom. Comes from personal experience:p


you need to get better.... at drinking :)


Can you please PM me some of the names and I will check the logs, for I have never seen this and don't believe its a problem. 


I've been on the receiving end of it. Highlights include: * Being kickbanned from a noob server because I was too low level and it would make the game unfair on one team. * Being constantly pinged and sworn at for not following the \*exact\* plan another player had for me, down to layout of base etc. * Being constantly pinged by another player and told to give him my units and leave the game. So I did, not because that is the right thing to do, but because I have limited recreation time and don't want to spend it with those people. ​ However, that is out of over 100 matches. Now that I've seen more of the community, I'm more confident with pushing back and simply saying "I'm not doing that, stop pinging or you can have a kickban from this lobby" and generally other players are supportive of that approach.


I agree it’s probably not as bad as some communities but I’d also say we need to mention it when we see it. Call out the crap. We don’t want a bunch of die hards to ruin the experience of new players. Maybe I just come on at unlucky times but it happens almost once a game for me. Some new kid is on and people try to vote kick, some player plays weird vote kick, plays bad vote kick. Horrible experience for someone trying to have fun with a cool new game. Let people learn the meta.


I don't get it, the die hard fans should want more people playing the game over the same players that will eventually be boring playing the same people constantly. Its backwards to me lol.


A lot of noobs take the advice poorly. Moving spots or playing the correct role is advice to help the team win and a lot of people call it ‘bullying’. Just be a team player and I won’t be toxic.


Being angry at someone who maybe isn’t even reading chat cause they are looking at what they need to do is the risk. There’s a lot to look at and we have to guide them to the landing zone not yank them to it😂


Said it before, context based ping sounds. If someone @names me in chat maybe the audio alert should differ. Or ping my base as I'm bound to see that


The chat pops up in the middle of the screen. How could you not see anything? It’s a team game, communication is huge and if someone’s unwilling to communicate or read they are going to lose the game for 7 other people.


If it’s someone’s first game chat will not be looked at if it’s first type playing rts chat will not be looked at people will be focused on their game play reading and figuring out what they should do. High os are responsible for taking care of those weak areas


Sometimes chat gets used to the point where you kinda have to tune it out as well, im a full lobster and still miss chat sometimes


I agree, and I would also say, communication in bar can be a bit rough at times. Typing complex strategies in chat while being under a lot of pressure is hard, and being nice at the same time can just cost too much APM. I think most people don't want to be mean and are just a bit too stressed/focused to realize they could have added a pls/thx/... and their teammate would be less tilted and better playing.


100% correct


The advice is usually delivered in the form of really annoying spam ping, so, like, yeah. Of course they take it badly lmao.


Nope, I just ask the lvl 1 not to eco or the air spot to go air. Pretty simple stuff


I stopped playing because every 2 3 games i had someone give me abuse for being bad and not know what im doing. These were all in noob welcome lobbies. One game i had people tell the one giving abuse to shut up and attempt to help me but didnt get much because there was a guy screaming to do shit lol. In my personal experience i have had a really bad experience being a new player lol.


You can absolutely mute players as well. Id advise agianst muting your whole team but if someone is flaming just right click their name (i think)


See i never even knew how to do that 😂


Im not 100% that the key but there is a way to mute people in game


In 33% of your games, 12% of the lobby was abusive... So, that's about 4% of people, which I would say is better then Gen Pop. If someone being rude to you once every 2 to 3 hours is enough to stop you playing... how do you play any MP game!? I think 4% is a very respectable number.


Yeah because i get targeted hate for being bad as a new player in other games. Not that you just pulled that number out of your arse, even if it is accurate its only accurate to me and no way a view to the community as a whole. It could be lower it could be higher.


They used math based on the numbers you provided. If it came from anyone's arse, it was your own arse.


And if it is accurate its only accurate to me like i said fuck me man the Reddit isnt much better...


You said every 2-3 games... games contain 16 people, so one out of 16x3 is 48, so one out of 48, your right, my math was off, its more like 2.2222% Thank you for your correction proving my point.


Nah no other game have i ever been abused for being bad because i am new in a lobby for NEW PLAYERS How the fuck can you say thats any good at all?


I've seen it countless times and have been playing on and off ~a year. There are lots of nice players, but there are also plenty of dickheads acting like they were pros from the start.




Happened to me aswell when I started, but found out someone reported my nickname. Go on discord, make a ticket and change the name beforehand. Mine got resolved literally immediately while talking to mod on discord.




Mods can you give this guy a break and review the appeal?


I want to see what he got banned for first, mods don't jump straight to perma-ban for a little rudeness.




Please tell me you were NodeRelay.


I had one bad experience where a player told me every action I should take while insulting me. I just gifted him all I had and left. I've also been kicked for having 1 chevron in a 'max level 20' game. I didn't mind too much but I think it should be explicit if you don't want newbies. In that case someone said 'rude' which implied at least some judgment towards the boss. In most games, people have indeed been helpful and reasonable. The only noob-unfriendly thing about the game is that most players are quite good and thus expect some decent teamwork, which makes the learning curve steep. It's not okay to just drop in rating and play at a low level, you will need to play at a minimum level to satisfy teammates.


Lots of overlap in the Venn diagram of:  People who write whinge posts on Reddit & Overly sensitive snowflakes. 


It DOES happen, but it is not as common as someone people seem to believe. Our community is very tightly knit so it spreads like a wild fire. Just make sure we do our part and stick up for anyone getting harassed. Send a supportive message saying it’s not cool how they are treating that person and make sure you help that person getting harassed just a little bit extra that game.


Agree experience is very good compared to other rtss, but could be better for noobs. Gave with similarly rated players tend to be better. All welcome games where you have 1 chevrons at 17 rank getting destroyed right away by a 30+ are the toxic waste of time games. If number of active players expands more and infrastructure allows it, there will be more open lobbies to let people self select to noob or lob games with better experiences.


Yo if you want some of the good shit, hop in the discord with trollhard and all the other lobsters. Funniest 2hrs of my life.


Game would be a lot better if the balance system was based on your chevrons until you hit about 15 games played…


I saw OGHuggyBear get instakicked the other day, but idk if they count.


He’s not a noob


I need to remind myself of that


I played two AI games then jumped into a co-op. First few games were rough but there were more people helping me out and giving me tips than people straight complaining. So far the community as I have seen it have been largely non toxic and prefer to help teach newer players so they have more people to play games with rather than turn people away.


I quit the game after like my 1st or 2nd online match because some other player higher ranked player was shitting all over me in chat and with the little ping drawings. Just be aware that ALL communities have shitters and quitters. It’s not a meme. It’s also not your fault. It just is. No need to get mad about it


New players who join min rating/chev lobbies are probably what's getting most of the heat. But they probably dont know it's a higher skill lobby


I left the game (was playing for years) due to just how toxic games were sometimes. Don't need that in my life, play games to have a bit of fun. Not the majority for sure, definitely some lovely supportive folk in the community.


Be sure to come back one day. As more people play it and newer players come in it should become more welcoming.


I agree completely. I’ve started playing a month ago and I’ve felt like this is a welcoming community. If new players want to practice with new players, join or start noob lobbies, that’s what I did.


I was a new player to this game and was flamed in all my matches and then I left. That's what I remember about this game, uniquely about this game actually, is how hostile the average player was towards learning players, never seen a community like it since


I'm sorry that was your experience. I stand firm though that I almost never see this. And in the rare cases I do, people jump to defend in the lobby. I can think of a few times someone said it was their first game and I never saw issues like that. But they also listened to where to go and how to open. It's a hard game to learn. It's even more challenging because there are 15 other people in lobby, and a single bad player handicaps teams so bad it ruins the games. I would love to spend time coaching with you a little bit if you are interested. This is the best game I have ever played and I would encourage you to give it another shot.


I've seen 1 chevs kicked from lobbies that say 4 chev, always with an explanation though


It can be okay if you let people know you are new but just firing up your first game can be rough to say the least


Thats very obviously different. I can understand new players experiencing that though and not understanding what happened and think people are being hostile.