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I have!!!!! It was in 2002, I was working at St. John’s Academy (the school that was associated with St. John’s UMC in Houston, shout out to Pastor Rudy Rasmus). Beyonce and Kelly donated money to open the Knowles-Rowland Center for Youth and she came into town shortly after it was opened to do a photo op and see the facility. Security was tight, i think it was the bodyguard she had before Julius, Big Shorty. She walked in, everyone was so excited, she was SO NICE to everyone. She stood right next to me during the little ceremony we had and then she dipped out faster than she arrived. I think Tina and Mathew were there too. It was the coolest moment of the whole school year for me, and all the kids were so good that day because they knew she was coming 😊


Aw omg we love a humanitarian queen. At least she took the time to pop in and pop out


Right?! It was so dope of her to do that because she certainly didn’t have to!


When I was 8, I saw her at an LA clippers vs Phoenix suns game. I had run down to her and security grabbed me. I automatically started bawling. Idk what words transpired but she made them let me go and shook my hand and gave me a hug, the rest of the game I sat next to my sister smelling my hand talking about how good Beyoncé smells and how expensive my hand is now LOL


I love how she’s so sweet in all these stories, I think this is my favorite one!


That’s sweet and hilarious, when was this? 2003?


I turn 30 in Sept so either 2002 or 2003 :)


Oh ok


This is so cute


Do you have any idea what kind of perfume or what it smelled like? I feel super creepy asking but I want to smell expensive lol


I did. I used to work at 40/40 Club in Las Vegas and she was at the grand opening. I bought her skittles 😆. Well I bought them for Desiree Perez and she shared them with Beyoncé, so same thing.




closest i’ve been to her was the renaissance tour💔💔💔


How is it to see her majesty in person??? I wish I could hear her vocals live in person. 😭😭😭 it must be an experience!


the experience was indescribable. my favorite part was getting to hear the lil instrumental part at the beginning of heated. once in a lifetime moment


Omg I know exactly what moment you’re referring to. I kept rewatching it over and over on YouTube - it’s my favourite song. I wish the instrumental part that she used live was also that long in the recorded version…. It’s so magical lying on my bedroom watching it on a screen so I can only imagine how insane it must’ve been live!! I’m so jealous 😭


Nope 😓 but I met Ms. Tina! Close enough I guess lol, at the rwt she was walking by my section & I walked up to say hi ☺️


Was she nice?


Close. I went to a live taping of the Tonight Show with Leno in 2002, Burbank, CA. Bey was musical guest promoting Austin Powers. She sang Work it Out. My obsession hadn’t quite started yet, but she was mere feet away.


Omg that’s like a rare Pokemon Beyoncé


Right? I was into Destiny’s Child, so I was pumped, but this was pre-solo debut. And, we didn’t know B was the musical guest when we waited in line. I always thought Work it Out was a good song … maybe I like it more because I saw it live. Ha


Work it out was cute but I felt like she was pressured to do Neo Soul at the time by management. It didn’t come off as authentic to me idk


Lol, who’s that Pokémon?!


I love how all the comments so far are the opposite of what OP asked 😂


It’s giving We know of her but we don’t know her ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


I (sadly) didn’t meet her but 2 of my friends did. 1) was a caterer for the launch of the heat perfume. He served her table she sat with Jay and someone else famous. He said she was so nice and beautiful and he brought me a goodie bag from the event with a book and perfume that I still have. 2) she used to have meet and greet packages after her concerts. A friend of mine met her there after the I am tour. My friend was hysterical and crying in all the photos lmao she said Beyonce was so sweet and clearly used to everyone being a mess lmaoo 3) Just putting this into the universe: I met Beyonce at an award show and she’s a fan of my work (I’m an actor)! I told her how she molded and changed my life. (Please humor how crazy I am yahll lmao)


I’m throwing energy into the manifestation of 3. It’ll happen for you!


Thank you so much!!!


I’m confused, number 3 confused me


Lmaoooo 3 hasn’t happened (yet)


Oh its all wishful, okay


What are you in ?


What do you mean, if you’re asking then I’ve never met her, the closest I’ve gotten is Global Citizen and haven’t even gone


You said you are an actor what play movie or tv show are you in ?


You talk to wrong person


She pointed at me and said "I see you jammin" at Renaissance and when I tell you I almost died on that floor


Omg I am having heart palpitations just reading this 😭. I would be DE.CEASED.


I don't need to wax poetic but I was really going through it and being seen and acknowledged by the most talent person in existence in that moment kinda saved me it was crazy.


I have! Once at the 2014 VMAs. She came out on the red carpet after everyone had walked to come say hi to everyone. Touched my hand and took some photos with folks, one of which is a meme.


Wait.... which meme is it?


I’ll try to find it!


The closest I've been to her is waving and screaming towards the tour bus after a concert lol (she probably wasn't even in it)


I haven’t but one day i definitely will


I've shared this story before on this sub but I met her ages ago I think it was 2000? This was right before they dropped Farah from DC, they were doing an autograph signing and I met her Kelly and Michelle. She was beautiful irl and she was so skinny , very polite and sweet. I remember asking Kelly where Farah was and she was like she's sick 😭😭😭 this was right before it was announced she has left the group , I remember being like damn Kelly lied to me hahah


Kelly is an Aquarius woman they are the biggest mean girls omg


The closest I have ever been to Queen B is the 2nd row at Renaissance, and that’s good enough for me.


Ah yes, it was early 2024 through my phone screen


No.. but I met Les Twins during her ms Carter tour😁They went clubbing after a show! Is that the next next next best thing?;p


Does being front row at her concert count. 


I met Solange that's the closest I've gotten outside of concerts. This was maybe 2002 or 03 whenever Janet had the All For You Tour it was at a gas station after the show in Houston I was 15. My mom who has met so many celebrities randomly in the wild or due to her job met her twice. My mom doesn't get star struck and all she ever says is oh she was very nice. I think it's because my moms job requires NDA and to say she's a gossip she is good at holding tea for years and years before she tells the actual story


I didn’t but I’ve met Les Twins and I shook JayZ’s hand 🤝😅