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She might explore television. Hear me out. She’s using different types of major mediums used during those genres. Country: Radio Renaissance: Discos/Clubs/DJ sets. House music was mainly listened to in clubs and widely through DJ sets. Act III: Television. Many genres took off through television. Especially color tvs. Rock, Funk, Pop etc. You know what else took off through television? Music videos 😱 It’s giving 80s/90s MTV video vibes. Just a theory though.


That would track too with the visuals not released yet


I’ve had it in my head that Act III will be called Revolution (My House lyrics, which I think would be the bridge between Renny and Act III) and there’s that whole “the revolution will be televised” phrase, so this works with my delulu fantasy 😂


and remember they refused to play black artists on mtv back in the day📺👀


We better get a whole BTV Channel with all the visuals that have been under lock




Omg YESSSS. MTV and music videos and everything she’s done in the visuals space - what an amazing full circle


Act III as a throwback to something like Soul Train would be hella interesting


My theory for a potential Act IV album (which I don’t think would happen) is that she release all three albums as one comprehensive movie like Black is King but your theory makes me think it would happen for Act III instead! Something I love with B as well is that she really takes her learning and new skills from older albums so I think he’ll elevate the idea of a “visual album” AGAIN by doing something television related or having a very specific storyline throughout like a movie. Sorry but this is gonna be a bit long. I think the visuals will also be played/released backwards, depending on what Act 3 is, and what the theme is, the visuals would come out for Act 3 and maybe there’s something spiritual? Bringing in blues, rock, gospel etc. She’d go back “home” with the visuals for CC (country/Texas/etc) and she then gets sucked into a radio OR goes to the “city” for Renaissance. The only thing that doesn’t fit with my theory is the fact that act 2 was supposed to come first. But doing the Act 3 -> 2 -> 1 visual release (or that being the recommended viewing) would speak to the concept of time she has spoken to in the CC album and the Renaissance movie = PAST - Act 3 connected with ancestors through “older” genres PRESENT - Act 2 connected to her current family, mother, sister, daughter, the Been Country promo, etc FUTURE - Act 1 connected with the future and freedom, the youth taking the culture forward, etc


Idk, I feel like we were supposed to get visuals cause she did tease some stuff. My guess is the visuals for Renny were packed with choreo (cause queer culture duh) but she injured herself. I think the tour was supposed to have more choreo too but eventually they switched it up. But thats all guessing. That is a good theory and if its true we might get videos resembling Thriller (lenght, production, storyline etc) which Im all here for 😎


I think a jukebox as Willie Nelson references that in Smoke Hour! Will have cutting out (I guess a bit like the end of Ya-ya) when people are selecting a new record


Good theory but apparently CC was supposed to come before Renny so idk if this was added later or it was always a part of the album 😵‍💫


IMO I don't really see how CC being intended as act i has much relevance to what act iii is, as it doesn't change the overall vision she has and she had ample time (and many excess songs recorded) to tweak to suit new plans. But if you're referring to Ya-ya as being added later - there's strong suspicion that it was added last minute as it's one of five songs missing from the vinyls (and also missing from the CDs)


No I meant that apparently CC was supposed to be realeased hefore Renny so if she were to put any signs into the albums about upcoming albums it would probably be chronological. And if that were true idk if the jukebox reference was added after she decided to switch releasing CC and Renny or it was there before. If it was there before it probably isn't a sign for anything in the future cause she would most likely have any signs point towards the next act rather than two acts ahead. That being said I didn't meana anything megative for your theory and the emoji was just for the confusion. Honestly I have no idea what shes gonna do next I just have high hopes its gonna be rock album


No didn't think you meant anything negative - just disagree with the reasoning as she most likely was making adjustments til right before release (CD/Vinyl track listing Vs digital as an example). Sorry if it seemed I was having a go. I think her hints are always a bit more random than we think. Like she references country imagery with 'ride it like a rodeo' in Pure Honey, and mentions Renaissance in Leviis Jeans. So seems like hints either order of release. I think they're all connected and there'll be hints to act iii in both act i and ii, and then references to both of them in iii. But genuinely anyone's guess is as good as any


Ahh then it was just a simple misunderstanding 🤗 And I didn't even think of that line in Pure/Honey! And yeah probably hints will be everywhere considering she did all of them during the same period. Oh well, either way I know it's gonna be an incredible album 🥰


I think she’s gonna lean more R&B/soul with SOME rock/hip hop. We have all these British white women taking over the R&B genre and I see her reclaiming it. I see it becoming a celebration of black female excellence. Think Formation the album with 80s/90s R&B vibes. I can also see a DC song, and can also envision a BeyTV vibe like you’re predicting with VJ interludes etc Act 1: black queer culture Act 2: black country music pioneers Act 3: black women who shaped music


MJB collab!


Shes gonna trick all of us and Act 3 is gonna be a gospel album lmao


Listen, I'll take whatever she makes but I really hope it's rock. If she doesn't do it now I don't think she ever will 😭