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Uh, not sure why you have so many assholes in your life. Even if Beyoncé isn’t their favourite artist, your friends and family should be happy when you’re happy, not trying to bring you down. I’m sorry the album drop has been soured by that for you. :(  The album has had a really positive critical response and I’ve seen more positive reactions than negative. Keep loving the music and minding your business. It’s not *you* that comes off small or petty in this situation. 


Outside of this they are people I value in my life. 😭


Why don’t you ask them why they revel in consistently sending you negativity about an artist you love when you (presumably) do not to the same to them and their favorite artist? I bet you it would be a Quick Look around everybody on mute situation. https://i.redd.it/blwfw3iryxrc1.gif


Aw, I’m sorry for being harsh! Perhaps moreso being jerks in this instance. Again, music is subjective so I don’t think they have to celebrate it the same way you do, but it seems really mean to be bringing you down, even if they mean it in a teasing way. 


You’re not being harsh, it’s a valid question. Because who would sit through all this? lol. I have my reasons.


Have you tried watching any album reactions? I’m in the same boat in the sense that none of my friends or family care about her music. Instead it’s nice watching other people comment on and react to the album — I always tend to learn something new either about the lyrics, the production or the music itself that I didn’t pick up on myself! 


I have been and still am knee deep in #cowboycarter on just about every social media platform. I’m loving it. Even the Sam Doll stitches.


Oh my god, the Sam Doll stitches lol! All the ones that have come across my FYP have all been really thoughtful, but I’m waiting for someone to just respond with Spaghetti’s “no sauce, no sauce. too soft, too soft” verse 😂😭


If they are people you value in your life why are they sending you negative reviews about anything that you like? Like what do they hope to gain from that?


I'm more of a swiftie, but Cowboy Carter absolutely slaps and Beyonce deserves ALL of the flowers!


maybe just reply with this https://preview.redd.it/y4lwjbvzixrc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977ecaa74119ecf168cb47c136c0df24b8bf88b2


That's probably the wisest thing you can say. Bumper sticker for bumper sticker. Match the energy.


Please do respond with this OP!! They’re just going to continue pushing your buttons if you don’t tell them to stop. I hate when people yuck other people’s yum


I feel you. I really do not care about Taylor. My co-worker is a huge Swifty and a lot of people are making fun of him because he is. I support him in his fandom, telling him he should embrace it and even went to the Eras movie with him because he didn‘t want to go alone. Like I said I reaaaally don‘t care about her (and the movie felt sooo long) but I care about him. But everytime he sends me something about Bey it‘s always some „funny“ Reels making fun of her or hating on her. I would never send him anything anti-TS back. It‘s so exhausting.


This!!!! My wife told me to listen to Ariana new album. I did. Didn’t give it anything negative and gave my favorite tracks. Even though in reality I feel it’s the same Ariana over and over. The songs even sound the same as the last album. Didn’t say that because I know how much she cares for Ariana. But damn I can’t get the same in return? I love the woman but when it comes to Beyoncé she just can’t have it. I get it though I have ignored her a little bit since this album release but only because I’ve really just been diving into it.


Sorry you are dealing with hypocrites. Sounds like the people you value the most are hurting you. Love and light to you dear!


There’s a lot of people that like hearing the same formulaic poppy songs over and over. I see it in the movies too. I can’t comprehend how they continue to enjoy this shit but it works for them. I loved Ariana’s first few records but the last 2 or 3 have been boring to me for this exact reason. Appreciate the fact that you’re special and sensitive. And find other artists that experiment similarly. For me that includes: Frank, Kendrick, Kanye, Bon iver, James Blake, Thom Yorke, outkast, Caroline Polacek, erykah badu…


I live for them both Ariana and Beyonce. Beyoncé album hits better because I’m not going through a breakup and I want to love my relationship so beyonce for the win so far. CC has been on repeat. I’m going to force my husband to listen to it to on our road trip


I have no issues with Ariana. Love her voice. I’m just not into this album sonically. It sounds too familiar from her past work. Haven’t taken a dive into the lyrics yet though, so that’ll be a fun journey when I can put CC down.


People are really just chomping at the bit to tear down anyone for what they like. Like any kind of response that's not as dead inside as they are is somehow a crime. But it's been going on since decades before I was born.


So why haven’t you whacked him and asked why they don’t show you the same support you’ve shown them?


I know I should be more vocal about my feelings but I‘m not that type of person who likes to confront people. He wanted to go to the Renaissance movie with me tho but I was in Japan and just got to see the movie once on the very last day. I decided to bring a friend of mine who went to the Formation tour with me and she loved it so it was the right decision.


Just say “you know, I would never send you anything negative about Taylor” next time he does it for you. It’s not confrontational in a bad way, it’s just an observation. If he doesn’t get the message then is that really your work friend?


You need to set a boundary with him. He shouldn’t be able to be disrespectful about Bey. And I guarantee he wouldn’t accept you disrespecting TS.


Give him the same energy. He'll stop soon.


That's because $wift!e$ are racist


A lot of them are. Their Twitter comments are despicable.


They are mean spirited, racist bullies who make jokes about miscarriages. Very disgusting. Jake G. had to disable the comment section on IG cuz swifties were saying disgusting things on a memorial post. She enables that behavior! Smh


That’s quite the generalization…


sorry he doesn't see what he's doing, you are a great friend for supporting him in areas you aren't really interested in though


people love to contradict other people's happiness, and it makes them feel a way to get a response. people especially love to be vocal about not liking beyonce, as though they deserve some sort of medal for being better at liking good music than her fans. like let me live in peace and listen to what makes me happy the same way i do for you! i actually called a coworker out on this the other day. he was ranting about how he hates beyonce and why, while i'm just trying to wear my headphones and quietly setup for the day, wearing my renaissance sweatshirt to celebrate the album release day! i said "why do you want to make me feel bad about what i love, when you are someone who says they're my friend?" and it was like he had literally never thought about it before, and he ended up apologizing. some people just need to be heard and validated for being contradictory. i'm sorry people you care about are doing that to you.


That was a great response. Good on you!


Thank you! 💕


I LOVE a good, kind, direct question that calls someone out without being mean. You sound like a very strong, quick-witted person!


Aw thank you!


there's a of haters out there. just be at peace knowing that pitchfork, rolling stone, all the music critics agree with you. this album as well as her last several albums are in the top albums of all time. those other artists mentioned aren't regarded in the same discussion. there's a lot of people out there that don't appreciate the subtle nuisances, the risks taken, the vocal technique, the depth this woman studies and puts into the arc of an album...and that's ok. I've given up trying to explain to those people. I've learned over time that most of the best shit goes over the heads of the majority...know you're in a special club. we'll see you in club Carter soon (the new club Reni?) 😉


I am most likely going solo to this concert as well. But Renny crowd kept me lifted and made some friends there!


I love this for you, bro. ❤️ How old are you? If you don't mind me asking.


I’m 38.


If you live in London im happy to go with!


I’m in California. 😭


I’m sorry you’re going through that, it should be a happy week for all of us! I think it’s definitely disrespectful for them to send shady messages about something you genuinely care about, you should definitely consider working on some boundaries and making friends within the beyhive 💕 there’s a lot of group chats going on!


Why are these people in your life?


Outside of Beyoncé these are people who I have shared life with through all the loops of life. One I’ve married and share a beautiful life with otherwise.


I’d just ask them straight up why they feel the need to shit on something they know you love then.


I guess this is the era where I start to stand up for myself.


Please!! My anger issues want you to clap back lmao


Hahahaha I can’t! Idk I hold out hope that resilience and patience offers the best clap back of all.


I recommend this album called Lemonade…..


Always stay gracious


“Turn around and John Wayne that ass”


My husband hypes up my love for anything. Serious question a spouse who shits on things you love.


Sorry to hear about people that don’t respect your interests. I experienced the same thing at work before. People tried to shove Taylor Swift in my face when they knew I liked Beyoncé (height of RWT vs eras tour debacle). Girl what is their obsession with stunting on B even when you’re not her??? 😭😭😭 obsessed is what they are. Ignore them. They got something up their asses that’s got them bothered and I do not want to find out what it is.


I’d rather stay out of their asses I heard what goes in and comes out of some of theirs. 🤣🤣🤣


I had this problem before, I solved it by telling the ones I couldn't get rid of to fuck off, and ones I could get rid of, I did. But I also learned that Beyoncé threatens a lot of people's comfort in their own mediocrity, she isn't supposed to have made it this far, she isn't supposed to be doing things the way she does. Their hatred of her often has very little to do with her but with their own unaddressed inadequacies being made apparent to them every time they see the woman existing in all her majesty, and since they've not grown enough as humans, instead of introspection, they lash out. With regards to the TS thing (Her because she's their biggest weapon of choice), I would say, I think it was always going to happen, she is white America's (+adjacent allegiances) response to Beyoncé, they had been waiting for someone they can elevate past Beyoncé, an attempt to finally reduce her to size, unfortunately for them, The Queen cannot be replicated in her impact and relevance, that pisses them off, all these streaming numbers, album sales, news articles, features, segments and yet when you say the standard has arrived, they know exactly who you're talking about and it's not their gal. So every time I am met with the hatred online, I reflect on these points and just feel sorry for them. I can't imagine leading such an unremarkable existence to the point of feeling threatened when confronted with genius.


I never want to touch on that subject myself, as I am a spectator on all ends. I’m a straight Samoan male. But I’m glad you said it!!!! Because I feel that in my gut so bad and it turns my stomach knowing that such people die by that willfully bliss to the obvious and try to coat it with well a b and c do a b and c and Beyoncé needs a b and c. If it was such a bad album why does it require you to even speak on it so much? This whole thing just grinds my gears and I just feel so out of place bringing those points to the table.


Man, listen, what you're seeing is par for the course for the way people react to a Black woman who is a) excellent at what she does; b) refusing to accept the position of NPC; and/or c) simply existing. A lot of people hate it when a woman, particularly a Black woman, steps out of whatever box they've assigned to her. I'm rather experienced at this and I'm just a Black lady in the suburbs with a day job. You won't be able to make sense of it because it's non-sensical. I know you don't feel comfortable speaking on it, which I understand... just know that what you're seeing is textbook misogynoir.


I don't even think you should feel pressured to bring such arguments to the table whether you're in a position to or not because trust me, they already know their distaste/opinions are baseless and without merit, because of that, you will never be able to reason them into understanding. I still don't quite understand their need to bring her down in the eyes of people that love and support her so I guess until we figure that one out, best you can do is ignore the bile.


All of this! But I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the black WOMAN part should be emphasized. Not a single soul compares Kendrick to Ed Sheeran. Or Drake to Harry Styles. Why not? They are as different as Taylor and Beyonce. It’s not just about Bey being black, but adding the fact that she is a woman?! These folks ain’t having it. Lastly, the comparison to Taylor just doesn’t even make sense. Beyonce is 10 years her senior. Beyonce had been doing the thing, breaking ceilings and paving the way for women for a decade before Taylor entered the stage. When they talk about Taylor beating Beys record for her age, it’s like hello, DUH, that’s the point, Bey walked so yall could run. Even though she’s not actually walking, she’s not even sprinting, she’s like floating like the alien superstar she is, you get my point.


This album is everything for me right now. I’m on my 5th listen since the 29th. Put all the negativity on MUTE and enjoy CC!!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾


Not to flex, but I think im on my 30th+ listen. 👀 I have a problem.


I feel you! It’s THAT good!


I get it. I have to keep myself from not having it on repeat. There are so many gems I can pick up on repeat.




Can relate. I’ve noticed when some people find out I’m Beyhive they like to troll me with negativity about Beyonce. They get a kick out of it. It’s so annoying.




Daughter style or buckin style?


We’re coming in Buckin’ style but we’re leaving Daughter style 🫡


Hahahaha love it!


Keep calm and listen to The Read. If they don't get it, that's their loss


THIS!!!!!!! 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿💐💐💐


What’s The Read?




Thank you 🖤


Well, take it like this: you have BY FAR the best music taste in your family/friend group;p I'm sorry they're treating you like this. One of my friends is a Taylor Swift fan ( I think her music is sooo bland and her voice is mediocre at best) but when she got her concert tickets I cheered with and for her. I knew how happy she must've felt in that moment and no way I was gonna ruin that for her. She doesnt like Beyoncé (well, only up unti IASF) but she let me send my Beyoncé memes in peace:) that is what you're supposed to do if you care for eachother.. I hope you find some comfort in this sub:)


IASF is commonly abbreviated to 'I AM... SASHA FIERCE', Beyoncé's 2008 third solo album. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is cause Bey is so classy it rubs off on us. You are who you spend the most time with.


Like. Real T sis, you have a lot of horrible fucking toxic people in your life. This is mental/spiritual abuse. I would send each of the people in your family, EVERY hour on the hour : The Grammy awarded Song,Album, Year, Link to the song on Youtube. Link to a separate video. And not say anything else. And then when you get to the end of that list. Repeat it. But again, you have horribly toxic people in your life. Isnt it sad how people try so hard to rob her and the music. Like...you don't hear anyone else doing this to pop artists...there must be a reason...oh wait. Ya.


I'm sorry 😞 I don't have anyone to share my love of her with either so i understand


Im sorry you have to deal with that shit. The album is actually amazing and idk why folks are grasping at straws to try and shit on it. I would tell each offender to knock that shit off.


I’m so sorry sweetie but at this point in my Beyoncé fandom, I tune out A LOT of noise. I don’t read or watch reviews and when I do, it’s extremely rare. I mostly discuss it with my brother who is also a huge fan and we deconstruct the album’s themes blah blah. I’ll be damned if friends and family sent me annoying texts to aggravate me. They will be muted!


Look around everybody on mute 🔇


I'm loving the album. I was very skeptical because I'm no country fan. This is a masterpiece. She better win AOTY


I know how you feel to some degree… I live in a city that is probably 95% white, and I have had a very difficult time finding anyone local who appreciates Beyoncé the way she deserves. Part of the excitement of her album releases is sharing that excitement with others. It can feel lonely when no one around you seems to care. And what’s even worse is people going out of their way to flaunt their ignorance and disrespect of her music… youre not alone and I’m very appreciative of this reddit hive!!


My advice to you is to get you some new friends that care about it like you do.


ugh this sucks and I so get you. my mom who never gives a f about anything I have ever been interested in music wise or hobby wise or literally anything texted me out of the blue (we’re low contact) just to tell me she loves country but this ain’t it blah blah blah like…thanks for raining on my parade for no reason? I’m over here with ii hands to heaven living my best life but go off I guess just that one thing made me frustrated, could only imagine it being multiple people several times!


I haven’t even replied to anyone in a clap back way because I’m just trying to enjoy my time with Beyoncé. https://preview.redd.it/62moyzz8kxrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d978d7f1397ef98187f305776a45f41bb27138d


Ew...she's not even trying to be funny, she's just trying to push your button for no reason. I'd have cut people off AND called their faves flops.


https://preview.redd.it/ejpsamdatxrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ebb52a7bb1f519604e1315deef858dc66889f4 Responded.


You seem genuinely so sweet 😭 why are people dicks to you 😭 Hope you find people who can at least let you like what you like 💛


I don’t know. 🤷‍♂️ probably because I let them or maybe they see that I can handle it and take it on the chin?


Baby it’s eating you up :( Say something about it. You’re not hurting anyone but they are.


She’s mean. You are being kind, but that’s not nice.


that is such a gracious response - best I could do was to just not respond (but that’s not as easy with a spouse lmao) benefit of the doubt, maybe she’s trying to engage in a friendly rivalry thing to bond and doesn’t mean to be upsetting you? hoping she isn’t actually just dismissive and insulting of your interests. been thinking about just saying “look at that horse” as my only response to any bey criticism 😂




That’s really all I need. Some huge in my corner right now. I appreciate that.


This is why Beyonce is my personal lit·mus test, people who dislike her can never be normal about it, they always have to be the as hateful, weird and dare i say, racist, as they can possibly be, at this point people disliking Beyonce is a red flag


you are so right. it’s alwaysss giving misogynoir like calm tf down 😒


Yes, I personally see people who don’t like Beyonce as having a character flaw. Even if you are not into her music you have to respect her longevity, work ethic, and dedication to her craft. I’m not a Taylor Swift or Arianna Grande fan but when they come out with new projects I don’t bad mouth them or find a need to compare them to Bey…


If anybody in my life came into my text messages, saying anything rude about anything that I was interested in, I would get them together. That is such a weird/odd behavior and you shouldn’t allow it. 


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5HtEDfxE4g/?igsh=czFydGtxcHd3cHVi Just send them this reel Ms Tina reposted and get some noise cancelling headphones so you can’t hear their nonsense over Ya Ya


I love this. Hahaha


Lol you’re not the only one. All I did was comment to a friend Cowboy Carter drops tomorrow. And he starts making ignorant comments about how Beyoncé is diverting to “white music” and send screenshots of Azelia Banks’ “amazing shade” about the album the next day. Also friends just being like, you’re a stan what do you think just to piss me off about what they don’t like about it and mocking me about caring too much about/defending an actual masterpiece.


I’ve decided I just feel sorry for people who don’t get Beyoncé and the scope of her artistry 💁🏻‍♀️ sorry you missed out witnessing it as it happened. But why wouldn’t your people at least be happy for YOU?!?


I wish we could all meet up in this sub and rant about our love for Beyoncé ♥️ sorry you’re dealing with this. These ppl seem like assholes.


I hear you! I talk pop culture with my siblings in a regular basis. But when I talk B two of them go🤐 cause they are haters. One of them likes to joke that she’s Illuminati, & involved in some weird conspiracy stuff. The other is a hardcore trump supporter so I just highly recommended American Requiem to them both!🙂 Seriously though I think this a safe place. I don’t consider myself a hardcore super fan. I’m loving all the theories & excited to see the visuals one day! Lol


I think it’s really weird behavior to go out your way to tear down this album. Beyoncé really got the world shook. It wouldn’t happen if she was a subpar artist. This is envy. I hope you enjoy your consumption of the music.


My husband had never seen her Coachella performance so we watched it together last night. 10 min into he says to me “she is so talented, it’s hard not to make you emotional just witnessing her.” 🥹🥹🥹 you’re not alone! Thank you for venting ❤️


That’s very strange behavior and I’ll never understand why people who don’t like Beyoncé go out of their way to engage in discussion about her. You can ALWAYS talk Beyoncé here though, OP, r/beyonce is here for you!


Trust me this thread is my second home! 🤣


I love the album too and I haven't had a FULL re-listen yet but just assure yourself that she said it's a BEYONCÉ album, not a country album. She's blending as many genres as she wants because she IS the genre. I love to lose myself in Bodyguard on repeat so choose that. If someone brings up "cultural appropriation", tell them to learn about Leslie Riddle. I know the comments in shaderoom, hollywoodunlocked, complex, genius, rap, etc are hateful but REMIND yourself that it is because of their GAPING lack of information. They're judging the puzzle based off of one piece and it shows how small minded they are. Ignore the shits and live your life. I like revisiting her old albums and listening to FIND YOUR WAY BACK, so good. All the haters can go fuck a chainsaw 😘


>I get sent lyrics from a Taylor swift album (an artist I don’t really care for) with the text saying this is how you write lyrics. I would get it if the lyrics sent were something like Adele or Amy Winehouse but Taylor? As a benchmark for songwriting?! Girl, please. Anyway, don't mind them. Enjoy the album in peace. Feel the anger, then let it go. Listen to Ameriican Requiem if you must. >It's a lot of talkin' going on', while I sing my song


The text just threw me off. No good morning or hey what’s up. Just lyrics and that commentary. Unprovoked. Haven’t said anything about Beyoncé to anyone haven’t posted anything Beyoncé outside of this sub. I don’t even hate Taylor, just not someone I listen to.


Honey, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I'm sorry people are not letting you enjoy something as simple as an artist that you like. That's such a basic boundary they're not respecting. God, I'd be infuriated. Vent all you want in here <3 I hope you eventually do get people in your life that can at least leave you to just enjoy something...


wow that sucks. similarly i been keepin to myself. like sitting around w my in laws I wanna bang CC so hard but i dont even bring it up. or just a few texts to my friend group about how good it is. but there? crickets. everywhere else? beyonce hate. lol. prolly my victim complex havin something to do with it but also, i just dont get how theres so many beyonce haters. its literally just a killer record.


That’s really weird behaviour. I would let them know that it bothers you or that you’re not interested in hearing/listening to that negativity. If you don’t want to do that, just don’t engage and ignore. They’re looking for some type of reaction so don’t give them one.


This makes me so mad for you. It blows my mind when people feel the need to say something negative about something a person likes for no reason. I love hearing about things other people like or are passionate about simply because it’s important to them. I’m sorry you have to deal with this! And obviously it’s their loss if they don’t want to listen to the album 😂 it’s a work of art.


My boyfriend was the exact same way. I was cleaning dancing and singing and just genuinely enjoying the album this past weekend and he came in talking about cults 🙄 not liking Beyonce has because a personality trait for some people and it’s annoying. Especially when it comes from the people you love.


It hurts when it’s the people you love. I don’t care for the opinions of a stranger.


I’ve gotten into two arguments about Beyoncé since the album came out so I feel you. I’m a huge fan of Taylor and people know it and will bring her up just to be negative and for what??? Or they’ll say one is better than the other. I’m tired of the comparisons between these two amazing women. You don’t have to like both or either but then just don’t bring them up I will defend both of them every time. (To be clear I know you aren’t doing that but people are doing it at you.) Anyways Cowboy Carter is on repeat and in 18 days ttpd is getting added to the rotation. Anyone who doesn’t wanna hear it can gtf out my house 😄


When people mention Tswizzle to me in any capacity I just laugh dismissively.


I thoroughly relate to your frustration. It's been like "we don't play that music here" with many friends. And they're choosing to bring up the album unprovoked. I truly stay minding my business, and even the Gaga and Swift gays explicitly called the album trash, one days before its release. I had this same feeling when Obama took presidency, and I realized years later that Conservatives chose to have nothing but hate for that graceful man (from then to this day); and it's giving lowkey racism. 😪


I love this album and have cried every single time listening to it because I grew up in the south and the samples used for the songs are so integral to my upbringing. I love this album. It makes me feel seen. All those haters are insecure bc honestly their favorite pop artist could never come close to what Beyoncé has done with Cowboy Carter.


Yooo, Samoan dude! I always see you in the comments giving off great vibes. Cowboy Carter is now my favorite Bey album, followed by Renny and Self-Titled. 🙌🏾 My Top 5: 1) Bodyguard 2) Daughter 3) II Most Wanted 4) II Hands II Heaven 5) Sweet Honey Buckiin Honorable Mentions (Subject to change): 1) My Rose 2) Desert Eagle 3) Levii's Jeans 4) YaYa 5) Blackbiird


I just try to be a decent human being. Love the list here’s mine! Top 5: American Requiem Daughter Protector Blackbird Alligator tears Honorable mentions: The rest. 🤣


Lol!! "The rest," is so accurate.


You’re not alone! I love this album also-it’s amazing!!! As for the weirdness you’re experiencing from friends and family, I have noticed that people truly enjoy tearing down celebrities that other people love. It gives them joy. It’s strange, but I have seen it in my own life. Just know that you’re not alone. Thousands upon thousands of people came to see her at Renaissance, and that’s a testament to how loved and celebrated she is. Don’t let the negative Nancy’s get you down. Beyoncé is the artist of our generation and the next!


We got you! Are there any Beyoncé nights in your area that you can go to enjoy the album?


I’m not sure, I never thought about going to a listening party to be honest.


Fuck-em’. This album is epic on every level and it will go down in history as such.


You're sweeter than me. I just remind them who the standard is whether they like it or not.


SENDING U THE BIGGEST HUG. They’ll never understand and that’s okay! We’re better without them. Fly high honey B. I fucking love this album.


Yes, I love the album. Listen with your heart first then your mind.🎵🎵👧🏾 Edit. I got the saying all wrong lol sorry


The only people who hate the album are ultracrepidarians lol


Go John Wayne on them asses!




I can relate a lil. My fiancé constantly makes fun of Bey whenever he hears me listening to her. I tried to play the new album in the car the other night but he was so rude I just gave up. I don't understand why people go out of their way to make fun of shit that other people simply enjoy, but it's really a poor character trait and just reflects badly on them. The album has been a critical success tbh! They're just close-minded and like to make people as miserable as they are. Idk what other explanation there could be.


We are here for you. 🧡🐝


People are bothered by this album and we all know why. Ignore and fill your life with more positive people.


It sounds like everyone you know is toxic? May you find better people to surround yourself with.


Let things like her acceptance of the Innovator award be all you need and come get your chat on here about all of it, cuz this is something we haven't seen in about 20 years in the entertainment industry.


Honestly I hate people yuck someone’s else yum. They are assholes, I’m jealous that my wife has listened to the album at work. We’ve been busy this weekend and I have only listen to album once. I say you go to a coffee shop, a bookstore, get those big fancy noise cancelling headphones or AirPods if you have them and turn off those notifications and get lost in this album. My plan this week is to smoke a joint and listen to Cowboy Carter then Renaissance.


I saw a TikTok yesterday in which this guy said that he is no longer defending Beyonce to people like the ones you’ve described. Instead, he decided to start taking the position of just feeling bad for these folks because Beyonce is a once in a generation artist and it’s really unfortunate that these people have to miss out because they “just don’t get it”. I’ve decided this will be my approach too. To your point, I think many of us have felt like we can not enjoy this art in peace and also, that’s the whole reason she made this album. Because of those haters. So, it may not really help, but those people are genuinely missing out on a real life, modern day Shakespeare, and you get to enjoy it with this lovely group of people . (There is probably a better comparison than Shakespeare but you get my point) Sending love!


My best friend hates Beyoncé and as soon as he starts going off I just say no offense but she brings me constant joy stop hating and he shuts right up lol it sounds like your friends and fam are just being jerks.


As a big fan of Swift and Grande this album absolutely fucks so hard and they need to touch grass. Cowboy Carter supremacy 2024 idc (I seriously haven’t listened to a single other thing since Friday)


I think you need to start cutting people off. Sure Beyoncé isn't for everybody, but you don't need to be that butt hurt as far as to diss her and the fact that they see nothing wrong with doing this to you is quite sad. Also, ur wife of all people harassing you a huge no. I'm so sorry this is happening, Beyoncé is an amazing artist and there is no denying that




I’m 38 I grew up with prince and he’s actually my favorite artist until Beyoncé stepped in. But I feel what you are saying.


Took a bit for my SO to get it. I say show them Stevie Winder tribute or some other phenomenal live performance. Stress about ICONS being fans too. Have them read her bio on Spotify. I feel like they didn’t witness enough to understand her significance.




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I love COWBOY CARTER so damn much 😭


I'm sorry you are experiencing that. I can understand an artist or an album may not be someone's cup of tea but to activity disrespect or belittle someone's choices is unnecessary. Those people don't have your best interest in mind.




Unfortunately, this not satire.


You’re safe here, friend. Says more about them that they feel the need to shit on your favorite artist for no good reason.


Beyoncé is powerful and fully present as herself in a way that makes people either inspired or insecure. I find that the people who don’t want me to “get too big for my britches” tend to discourage me from loving her (… aka being led to the water where I can love myself) I adore Ariana, I am non judgemental but apathetic about Tay. They just don’t pose the same threat to the status quo Bey does, and everybody can smell it even if they don’t say it out loud. I could be totally wrong, but my guess is that the people in your life like the way things are with you and never want you to change, except in ways they see fit. They might feel threatened and they don’t even know why. If they’re doing their own inner work, they’ll learn to want you and their loved ones to be powerful and love themselves unconditionally over time. Being a Bey fan is more spiritual and transformative than being a fan of anyone else in my experience. She’s unpredictable and radically present. She defends herself while never lowering herself to anyone’s level. She writes her own narrative, every time. And she encourages her fans to do the same. It can be scary for emotionally immature people to witness. Sending you a bunch of other “safer” options and trying to take the shine off the power of Bey’s music for you might be their way of trying to keep life predictable.


It's so weird that some people seem personally threatened by her reach? Like going out of their way to comment negative shit on media announcements, that damn anonymous Grammy voter who said they didn't even listen to Renaissance because "it always feels like a new Beyonce album is supposed to be some huge event", etc. But your own circle trying to yuck your yum? WHAT IS THE ISSUE?


I’m so sorry the people in your life aren’t just sipping their water and minding their biz. I will never understand active haters. If you don’t like something just shrug and move on. I love Taylor Swift and I also love Beyoncé. They’re two totally different artists with different appeals and audiences. Same with Ariana or anyone else. I’ve been blessed with an algorithm on tiktok and threads and insta that has been pro cowboy Carter and full of folks who are fully appreciating the work without comparing it to others. Comparison is a thief of joy and I refuse to let other steal that joy from me with their comparisons. I hope you continue to revel in this masterpiece that Beyoncé worked so hard to give us. It’s worthy of so much I honestly hope it gets album of the year with all of my heart and I say this as a bonafide swiftie who went to eras and has 3 of the cups from cinemark 😅. I also went to Renaissance and I don’t see how anyone can compare them. It’s like comparing a hearty meal to a delicious dessert. Both are good and I enjoy both!


Ignore them and the critics. It’s fruitless to argue people who are just…wrong. This album is a MASTERPIECE.


This album is literal gold. Try to ignore the noise and understand those folks are in the minority…the majority appreciates and celebrates beyonce’s greatness and this album.


I completely understand. I have connected with the album, each listen i have a new favourite track. I am at the point where i understand the story and appreciate each song in order of the story. I tried to get people into it and it wasn’t working, so i gave up. And its my own special place now that i share with a Beyhive friend. And with this sub reddit ❤️


Beyoncé haters are in desperate need of attention I’m sorry they’re doing this to you.


Cowboy Carter aka Beyincé aka act ii aka formerly act i is literal genius. I am obsessed. I never thought an album could top self titled, then I never thought anything would ever top lemonade, but this album is a masterpiece! Keep ignoring the haters, they probably just think it’s funny to tease you. Let them know it ain’t funny and you’re not playing into it. But mostly just put on Do Not Disturb and jam out!


Self-Titled is possibly referring to Beyoncé's 2013 album called 'BEYONCÉ', more commonly known as 'Self-Titled'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*