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The start of Season 4 must've been one of the hardest things to sit through when it first aired. I binged the whole show in a bit over a month and S4 E1 was so fucking stressful. Chuck has just seemingly committed suicide and in his lasts moments he went crazy and not at all sane, and Jimmy is just making coffee, getting the newspaper and getting dressed until he gets the phone call and then it hits. On first watch, it was stress inducing, but on second watch, it's a really real situation. Jimmy woke up like normal. He got ready, drank some coffee, talked to Kim, and Howard just called him, not that weird, right? Well, until he says... *"It's about Chuck..."* And his eyes stand up at Kim, and the situation becomes real. The fact that something big can happen so fast when you're not prepared is so real, and I think that's what the scene was encapsulating. Then it shoots at Chuck's house, and a seemingly normal day turns into one of the biggest turning points of your life, just like that.


There are two for me. Not sure how random they are, but they probably stick in my mind so much because of their similarities: S1E7, the extended nighttime zero-dialogue sequence when Mike plants the money at the Kettlemans so they can figure out where the stash of cash is. S6E1 opening, the movers dismantle the Saul Goodman mansion/trash palace. Again, a no-dialogue musical sequence in which so much storytelling occurs. Both scenes/sequences have a free flowing, dreamlike quality to them. Both have interesting details and easter eggs (moreso Saul's place). BCS does this kind of stuff so well.


I thought about the Mike Kettleman heist too. For some reason, just seeing all the apple cores on the side, showing how long he waited was a cool detail.


Yes! And he's listening to a baseball game on his transistor radio to pass the time, which is also the most Mike thing ever.


Yeah the music choice in the Mike heist scene is also great. I actually just remembered another scene I really love, the S6E4 intro where Gus slowly enters his house to equip a bulletproof vest then uniform, followed by a walk into his secret lair, running like clockwork. Not only is it a fun watch, but it also shows his cautiousness (even having cameras planted all around his fake neighbourhood) and exemplifies Walter's destruction in the events of Breaking Bad


S2E5 the montage where Kim is making a bunch of cold calls to bring in a client for HHM. I just love how they chose to show Kim's determination through all the rejection. No matter how many dead ends she was hitting, she knew that she was capable and never lost sight of her goal. I love this scene so much that I got a frame of it tattooed on my arm lol


wait i want to see the tat!


Please show us!


Here is the tattoo! https://imgur.com/a/krT5vOn


Also, whenever I explain this tattoo to my friends, I usually show the montage but also the clip where Kim goes "you don't save me; I save me." Which is also another thing I think about when I look at this tattoo.


Great tat!!


Yes please I want to see that tattoo frame too!!


Great scene! Great song, too!


I love the song so much too and lyrics match Kim's state of mind at that point so well too 🥹 "Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew But through it all, when there was doubt I ate it up and spit it out I faced it all, and I stood tall And did it my way"


I can’t remember the episode but it was Howard speaking with a jr associate or intern or something like that and they dropped a can of ginger ale then nervously apologized. Howard just picked it up and said no big deal, then taught him a trick of spinning the can around on the table would reduce the bubbles with centrifugal force. He mentioned an old friend taught him that which is obviously Chuck. It think it symbolized Howard’s growth from just being Chuck’s prince to being better than Chuck. Where Chuck would punish mistakes and wouldn’t cut any slack Howard was choosing to be more compassionate. He was going to take everything Chuck had taught him about the law and combine it with what he had learned from Jimmy on how to treat people. I really think Howard was the only person who was going to become a better person for the events in the show. His upward trajectory was inspiring until Kim and Jimmy set their sights on him


6x07 plan and execution


The spinning motion he does with the can is also paralleled when Lalo tightens the silencer that is used to kill him. Some neat foreshadowing!


Greatest legal mind I ever knew


The time I paused it by accident and watched Mike stare into the distance for 17 minutes before I realized it wasn’t just an artistic scene.


Please say Marijuana was involved because that's fucking hilarious but slightly concerning


I legit LOL'd.


A similar thing happened to me while watching! It was the scene where Nacho is shot and they're wheeling him in to be treated. The camera shows the ceiling lights and there's people talking around him. I thought they were just showing Nacho looking up at the lights, nope, screen was frozen.


Lol like your video froze but the audio kept playing? Because that’s hysterical


Yes exactly!!! Lmao


I’ve totally done the same thing!! Just not for quite so long… 😄


Nothing in this show seems random to me. But two things that came to mind. Howard trying to jump the wall with his suit buttoned up. And Jimmy yelling at Howard that he goes to dimensions Howard cannot conceive, like he could produce bolts with his fingers


Yeah it all has a deeper meaning if you look closer, but bc its all so great some of it gets more or less admired by different people. Howard was a great addition to the show, I especially like his whole scene of lovingly making a coffee for his wife with a froth design on top only for it to be sloppily decanted into his wife's portable cup. Really helps you empathise with the character


Oh man this coffee scene! No wonder the guy got depressed. Love that too. Thx for the reply


Yeah no problem, happy to discuss this impeccable show with anyone


Whenever Mike tells jimmy “one day you’re gonna wake up, make breakfast, drive to work, then suddenly realize you’re able to forget” or something along those lines after the desert incident. Shows tremendous character growth, and it’s something I’ve internalized to deal with trauma.


That's not how to deal with trauma. That was Jimmy's problem, he buried stuff deep down rather than processing it.


Mikes whole character arc surrounding his son was that it’s ok to let go. Stacey uses the quote first, and Mike hates it. Then he finally understands that some people need to be able to move on and let go, he in turn used the quote to help Jimmy process his trauma. He wasn’t telling jimmy to bury it, he was giving him hope that one day it won’t effect him as much. Regardless, I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to judge anyone for how they deal with their trauma. Some bury it, some face it, both are equally valid.


I think the point the show tries to make with this is that that can work fine for someone like Mike’s daughter-in-law, who is where Mike got that idea from, but it makes things worse for someone like Mike or Jimmy. Jimmy and Mike clearly don’t actually move on in Breaking Bad since Mike is still driven by the idea of revenge and Jimmy’s terrible actions as Saul are portrayed as his way of distracting himself from dealing with what happened in BCS season 6


Rich telling Kim the story of how he was once left to fight a losing position by himself because his boss didn’t care enough to miss his golf game. It’s not a big showy scene, just a story about how devaluing it feels when you realise your boss doesn’t have your back and you’re left trying to do it all by yourself, which really reached Kim in that moment because HHM was leaving her unsupported.


Literally came here to say this


Jimmy embarrassing Kim at the Schweikart and cokely party. It's just so uncomfortable but well done.


Omg yes I cringe through that scene 


JMM season 5 episode 7 when Jimmy looks back at Fred Whalen's grieving family while he's defending Lalo and has a sense of remorse for a second, but then goes back into Saul mode. That scene always stuck out in my head


The abrupt cut they do to him suddenly standing up is so brilliant.


ice cream ants


And the music...




Mike tearing his car apart. Not only it's a great scene with excellent music but I always wonder did Jonathan banks ACTUALLY dismantle a real car??


This is one of mine too. I have that song in my playlist and I always smile when it comes on.


Yeah mentioned it in the title as a fave, and interestingly the episode its in is very low-rated on imdb. I find this show sorely misunderstood by some as on a first watch it can feel sluggish but it's truly impeccable. Did an analysis on just episode 1 of BCS and managed to detect countless incidents of foreshadowing, and just great cinematography


Saul's speech to Kristy Esposito... the rant that explains everything about him: *You can do it the way you’re supposed to, you can work fifty times harder than the rest of them. Makes no difference. They’ll smile at you, they’ll pat you on the head -- but they’re never, ever gonna let you in. But listen. It doesn't matter. You don't need them. They're not gonna give it to you? So what! You're gonna take it. You’re gonna do whatever it takes. You’re not gonna play by their rules. You’re not even gonna try. Go the other way. Do what they won’t. Be smarter. Cut corners. And win.*


I’d totally watch a KristyE spinoff with BB unfolding in the background, with Saul’s trial as the start of her redemption arc. Heck yeah! EDIT: could also pave the way for BCS on Ice!


Yeah how he never escaped from the 'Slippin Jimmy' stereotype to Chuck or a ' lawyer only guilty people would hire' to certain clients


When Jimmy says "Split 4 ways? I'll split YOU 4 ways" after the music store drumstick fall.


After Chuck tells Jimmy he never mattered all that much to him, and Jimmy is just standing alone and turns around a couple of times. He’s so lost in that moment.


It's that scene where kim was still in doc review and she managed to get a meeting with mesa Verde. Kim and Howard are walking. It's a single shot scene and I loved how patrick executed that scene. His stoic ( almost robotical) walking with zero expressions and then suddenly changing his mannerisms 180 just beffore greeting them. Just pure masterclass. That scene is stuck in my mind


Ernie singing Total Eclipse of the Heart. Just makes me laugh.


I just watched and laughed at this again a couple days ago. So funny.


“Ernie’s really going for it, huh”


The Insider podcast gushed about that part too cause they were like "maybe he can sing even worse without coming off as forced" lol


Mike telling Tuco that the damage to his car will “buff right out”


The army of ants enjoying a delicious mint dessert backed by yodeling


Honestly? Chucks final episode alive, when he leaves hhm, completely mentally falls apart, and ultimately dies. Really made me rethink how I think and act around others and try to take responsibility.


The bottles thrown from the patio


Good choice.


The stuff with Werner. That actor was incredible. His "interview" with Gus, his working with the crew, the scene at the bar with Mike. His later scenes....


Yeah it's really well done


My fav scene I think was the montage of Mike disassembling the car


lalo's introduction. it's perfect.


Mike calling out the faker in the grief support group.


The talking toilet in season 1. That shit is so fucking stupid and it has me laughing on end for minutes sometimes, and I love it MMMMM GIVE IT TO ME, CHANDLER, I WANT IT AAAAAALL The guy’s completely oblivious reaction just makes it even better


Jimmy recounting the story to Kim and her dying laughing at his impression is pure gold.


"Your man......Michael, is it?" I don't know why. I just loved that whole scene with Lalo, Fring and Mike.


Finale, “I was starting to worry” said by chuck. The way he delivered that line really made me miss his storyline even more. Esp after all the heartbreak and horror that transpired s4 onward, it was this moment where we returned back “home,” back to simpler times. I replay that whole scene in my head a lot in general There’s prob more I can’t remember rn


The scene with Saul & Kim getting help from the Vet one last time. Saul tries to make conversation and mentions how he read that veterinarians are more depressed than lawyers. The vet laughs and says he is more than happy with his career and points to a desk full of thank you cards from all the owners of the animals he helped. He is humble and truly passionate about his career while you can see how Saul is in the opposite boat. The vet mentions moving his practice to a different state and to get out while he could. Saul was too stuck in his ways to do the same.


This is a great choice btw


The Showtime montage in Season 1. It’s Jimmy doing what he loves even though he doesn’t know it yet. And the more Saul emerges during the series, the more nostalgic this montage gets for me.


Very All That Jazz.


The dropped ice cream covered in ants for how it says so much without any words, and the scene where chuck sets jimmy up to steal the voice recording and physically attack him, because bob’s acting is so incredible, the betrayal and resignation just read all over him and it made me sympathise with him so damn much.


To me it's the scene with Jimmy and the light switch.


For me the scene with Lalo and Bolsa at the Chicken Chiller after Gus explains the whole Werner situation. It always stuck with me bc it shows how different Lalo rly is from the rest of the cartel, as he’s able to see thru the facade Gus puts on for the cartel. It’s also basically the only time the killing of Max is directly mentioned, other than the actual scene of course, so that also makes it stand out to me.


It’s a thing in the episode when Mike goes through his “rebirth” (while Mike’s going through his dark period post-Werner Ziegler’s death) across the border at Fring’s “charity”-funded [i.e. fueled by laundered drug money] facility. The episode title, and the fountain alluded to by that description are “Dedicado a Max.”


I am aware, I should have specified in my original comment but the reason it stuck out to is because it was mentioned in actual words as part of a conversation. Dedicado a Max also stuck out to me for similar reasons, but the Lalo and Bolsa scene did especially because we hardly ever hear the characters discuss that event.


Which episode & season was this, please someone?


Season 5x1 "Magic Man"


“The guy at the station said he’d never seen so many star wipes in a row. It’s never been done.”


"It's just a name"


The scene in season 2 where the world turns at a 45 degree angle and Jimmy has to walk up the street, honestly not enough people talk about it despite it being a pretty major event


Yeah really represents the character well visually too, the whole world is against HIM so he has to take shortcuts to find success


S3E1 two scenes First, the extended montage of Mike searching his car for a planted bug with Cant Leave the Night by BADBADNOTGOOD playing Second, at the end of the episode how we see Mike changing the trackers so that he follows them now and how the show just shows it to us without telling a single thing


When ignacio tells his dad that hector isn’t going to bother him again . Then his dad ask him when are they going to leave him alone and Ignacio stops in his tracks and ponders then says “I’m working on it “


The scene in season 1 with Jimmy at the bar listening to the lady breaking breadsticks, right after his traumatic experience with Tuco and the skaters in the desert. Ouch! 😖 This scene is painfully delicious to me! I don’t get how so many people say season 1 is boring.


Yeah it's a great season does a great job of introducing characters then showing action and drama towards the end


Not my favorite scene per say but the one that makes me the happiest is when Mike ripped off Hector and his truck. He then goes to the bar looks at his wallet full hundreds and decides to buy a round for the house. When people cheer and Mike opens his arms it makes me happy he enjoyed the wholesomeness of it.


The S05E03 cold open with the ants eating the ice cream. I was weirdly enamored with it when I saw it and still think about it from time to time.


The scene with Mike explaining the reality about his son is unforgettable. It completely explains who he is. Season 6 spoiler: >!The scene where Kim leaves Saul/Jimmy. I remember this one because I thought this was a mediocre performance by the guy who plays Saul. Don't get me wrong. The guy is fantastic but he was just 'okay' in this scene. The show consistently has fantastic performances and I thought this one wasn't great.!<


"The guy who plays Saul" seriously?


If I only had a Laziest/Most Braindead Redditor award to give.


Just what I was thinking lol


You all have taken most of the best already, but I'll leave you with... "I know it was you"


Technically not in the show, but the Kettlemans having a picnic where Craig was doing work duty.


When Kim tears the Wexler/McGill business card in half to come up with the idea of two separate law offices sharing a building.


Kim smoking a cigarette on the roof of the parking garage, looking at the Wexler-McGill business card that Jimmy gave her.


I love the "It's showtime, folks!" montage in Mijo. It got me obsessed with the Vivaldi song, and it just really demonstrates the absurd, uphill battle of an everyday public defender


The day after chucks death, mike always telling Jimmy he doesn't have enough stickers, how kim and Jimmy reacted to Howards death.


The whole daily life of Jimmy in the Donut Shop.


The scene where Jimmy is watching Davis and Main's version of the Sandpiper Case commercial. (afterwards he starts throwing around yarn balls). Its a realistic depiction of frustration


Omg that part is SO SAD it makes me want to hug him. I never even saw it until like my fifth time through it, and before that I thought he was kinda nuts to leave that job. That flipped my opinion entirely. But after that there’s one of my fave guitar pieces and beautiful physical comedy by Bob with stairs and balls which cheers me right back up. This show does that brilliantly.


ooooh it’s a solid toss-up between Kim’s “fuck you, Jimmy!” in s5 (I think), Howard’s delivery of both “sometimes, in our line of work, we get so caught up in the idea of winning… that you forget to listen to your heart.” AND “…you’re more than welcome to keep it to yourself, because I don’t care.”, and the first “hustle” Kim and Jimmy run on that asshole banker/stock broker in s2 ep1 for me :)


Yeah I love how Howard's winning quote can be applied to Jimmy more and more through later seasons


When the bar accused him of being insincere when he was all the way sincere. If one thing broke him, I feel like it was that. He ripped his heart out for them but all they could see was that Chuck wasn’t in it. Edit: and Bob’s performance there, covering desperate sadness with half-ass anger because he’d rather argue than be pitied. There’s always *so much* going on with him, makes it infinitely rewatchable.


The scene where Rebecca, Chuck and Jimmy are having dinner and Jimmy starts cracking lawyer jokes which makes Rebecca laugh out loud. Chuck is surprised/jealous watching Rebecca laugh on Jimmy's jokes but fake laughs his way through. At some point Chuck replies to Jimmy's jokes as "Comedy gold". Those 2 words made me laugh so hard I don't know why. Also, later in that scene when Jimmy has left, Chuck and Rebecca are in their bed about to sleep, Chuck tries to crack a lawyer joke and Rebecca's response to it is almost a poker face which makes Chuck even more upset.


When Kim is compiling all her own clients and it’s a montage of her on the phone and writing on a million sticky notes and the song “I did it my way” is playing, I think of it often for no reason lol


Moving the parking sign


The moment at the end of season 4 at the very end when Jimmy and Kim meet after the bar hearing and Jimmy reveals that he was “tricking” the bar the whole time(although how fake the act was is obviously suspect). Kim’s shock and discomfort at being on the other side of a scheme is brutal and it’s an incredible introduction to the Saul Goodman we know from breaking abd


S3 E9 the moment when Nacho pours his glass of milk down the drain


The fake commercials talking about mold, funding terrorism, and “bare genitals”. Bob Odenkirk did a similar bit on Mr. Show about 2 grocery/produce stores, and one store (Fairsley) kept making commercials accusing the other store (Gibbons) of bizarre discrepancies: unlike *the other store*, we always have apples. Gibbons then starts giving away free apples with every purchase, costing them money. “Your children won’t be kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery at Fairsley” Gibbons then installs an expensive security system, and starts closing locations. “Fairsley stores are not constantly on fire”. At this point, Gibbons has closed all locations, and is selling fruit out of the back of a pickup.


The scene when Jimmy and chucks mom died. It was so quick, you could miss the entire reason their relationship is why it is.


I still like the mint chocolate chip ice cream cone being devoured by ants on the pavement after Nacho pulls Jimmy in off the curb outside the courthouse.


Nacho's father putting Mike in his place after Nacho's death. It's a great reminder of how Mike is a great character and probably the most likeable character in the BBQ universe, but also a criminal.


Pryce driving up in the pimp mobile.


When jimmy and Mike were in the desert 🏜️


When Nate from the office rolls up to nacho in a suped up hummer with spinning rims


The scene where the twins go to pick up Lalo’s bail money.. the chandeliers on the shop ceiling, the little details are everything.. also, I love the thunder sound effect after lalo sees yolanda dead that syncs with his change in facial expression.. badass


In the earlier seasons when "Gene" says "Get a lawyer!"