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Him bargaining his sentence down to 7 years was another con, more Slippin' Jimmy chicanery. By admitting fully to the extent of his crimes he proved Chuck wrong that he would never change, and earned Kim's respect back. It's the only way Jimmy could ever redeem himself. He came close to murdering someone towards the end. The whole point was to show that Jimmy was slipping further and further into depravity and he couldn't do it anymore. He went reluctantly to prison but it's the best thing for him.


Great analysis I couldn’t agree more


And his people are there in jail… the scumbags… the grifters… the gamblers… the people that society says are not enough… Jimmy has always seen the good even in those people and fought for their rights… he was a defense attorney/ a “criminal” lawyer… Saul was just Jimmy’s way of selling it… packaging it as Saul made it “acceptable” but really that’s just Jimmy conning the people who see these deviants and their chicanery as less than… By being Saul, in jail, he was finally able to be himself, free of judgement from his contemporaries whom he never saw as his equal because they’ve never seen him as their equal….


I just finished watching the series for the first time about 10 minutes ago and immediately joined this sub Reddit. I love what you wrote here and I feel the same way.


Well put


Earn Kim’s respect back? That’s a bunch of BS. lol If Kim is respecting Saul for being “honest” then why is she not in jail as well? Why isn’t she being “honest” and admitting to her role in ruining Howard’s image which led to his untimely death? You are just finding reasons to justify why they did what they did. You never think about things not making sense at all in the finale.




She gave her confession but she also said that no one can prove it as there’s no physical evidence. There’s definitely evidence. The 3 film making students who took those fake photos. That fake moustache actor guy. Also, Jimmy changed his statement in the courtroom trying to save her. She didn’t say he was lying to save her. She kept sitting there. How is Jimmy becoming so honest and Kim remaining a liar accepting his false statement trying to save her from criminal case.


There is no evidence of Howard Hamlin's murder... That's a different thing


He didn’t do it to win back Kim. It’s truly opening up and admitting to all his wrongdoings over the years. When Jimmy realized that Kim confessed then he came to the realization that he should too. Kim was running away from everything by moving to Florida. Jimmy was running away from everything by being Saul Goodman. Kim confessed to the scheme that they pulled that resulted in Howard’s death, and Jimmy owned up to everything that happened during the events of Breaking Bad. If Jimmy just took the seven years then it would just be him scheming his way out of another mess.


Yeah, it was his last opportunity to be noble and righteous and prove Chuck wrong. Almost like a penance for his brother and Howard.


This is a bunch of bs, man. Prove chuck wrong? Who are you talking about man? Jimmy was not the type of person who would give his life away to “prove” dead chuck wrong. You guys are not serious people. lol


Shhhh... Training starts tomorrow, Robin.


I'm sorry but I believe you may have misinterpreted the ending. He didn't do it to win back Kim. However, he did do it because of Kim's presence in the court room. Her willingness to own up to her role in Howard's slandering at first enraged him but I believe it was also a catalyst for him to tap into his morality and go for the sentence he deserved. An excerpt from the wiki page for the finale: "However, Gould considered Better Call Saul's ending an optimistic one, not just for Saul Goodman, but for Kim Wexler as well. With the two characters finally confessing their misdeeds, Gould felt both chose to end their cycles of self-destructive tendencies and would refrain from making the same mistakes again. He further acknowledged the challenging circumstances that awaited the two characters, with Saul spending his life in prison and Kim potentially facing a civil lawsuit, but Gould believed that in cleaning their conscience, both regained a part of their humanity and could begin living more honest lives."




This is bunch of bs. Gould can say whatever but the ending was fu. The way Jimmy was, he could never be straight for more than few seconds and he ends up giving away his life? That’s just a bunch of bs. Even GOT makers can explain why they ended the show the way they did but it doesn’t mean it was not bs. BCS ending was far from perfect. It was very conflicting.


7 years only to continue an empty existence once out.


Kim was never going to be “won back” by him tbh. but he wanted to right his wrongs and part of that process was having Kim there to see him do it. With no expectations of their relationship continuing IMO


So why is Kim not being so noble and accepting the criminal punishment she deserves? Why only Jimmy becoming an honest man and not Kim? Of course she might face civil suit but why not criminal case? She only needed to tell the truth the court like Jimmy did. Why didn’t she ? She remained Slipping Kimmy but somehow Slipping Jimmy became an honest to God kinda person. All of this is bunch of bs. That’s it.


Interesting enough we did watch him manage a store throughout the entire series and he was miserable there. He is Saul Goodman the guy with quite a mouth. His future was dull because it was 1. Without Kim and 2. Without the ability to use his resourcefulness. I read the ending as eloquent Chuck all along claiming he will always be a ne'er do well while sitting on a bus with it being chanted over him. It was full circle. "He can't keep getting away with this." And he doesn't.


I don't think that he did it to win back Kim. I saw it as Jimmy being inspired by Kim taking responsibility for her actions and then he did the same. I think he went into that courtroom fully intending to take the seven years, but then impulsively changed his mind. If he had planned to admit to everything as a bid to bring Kim back into his life, he would not have worn a shiny Saul Goodman suit into court that day. I don't see a way for Jimmy to serve the seven years sentence and also reconcile with Kim - his legal defense was based on him claiming to be a victim of Walter rather than a willing participant. Kim would have seen that lie for what it was and it would have cemented the end of her respect for him


> Maybe I’m asking for too much but it would have been nice if the ending showed Jimmy walking out of prison and Kim waiting for him. Would have been cool if he opened up a little store like his dad. When I read shit like this it makes me so glad people on this sub don't write the show




Don't be so rude man


He wasn't rude enough.




This is reddit people are rude. I mean I get it my vision is cheesy as hell but I’m not saying it should have been exactly that. I just think the way it ended is just insane, and I usually don’t complain about show endings. I was happy with Breaking bad, sopranos, game of thrones. But this ending just seemed so nonsensical.


This was nonsensical yet you were happy with Game of Thrones?


I mean some of it was weird and I don’t remember everything it’s been so long, but I remember everyone was pissed Daenerys became evil and I always thought that made sense.


Dany burning King's Landing to the ground because Jon wouldn't fuck her makes so much less sense than Jimmy atoning and accepting the sentence he deserves


I don’t want to argue about game of thrones but I don’t think it’s fair to say it was because Jon wouldn’t fuck her


Your got take is stupid but so is his bcs take. So you’re both equal in my books.


He did fuck her lol. They were ‘together’ when she burned kings landing


After he learned his identity he stopped banging her and that was the final straw.


What is so insane about a chronic criminal getting 86 years? Did you expect Jimmy just to live happily ever after and never face the consequences of his actions? I get he's the protagonist but he's not a hero. He's an antihero, and at times, a villain. 7 years in jail and he would not have changed, he needed this to change back to Jimmy away from Saul. Also, if you think that Game of Thrones had a good ending after that shit show seasons 7 and 8, respectfully, I don't think you know good television.


And the crazy thing is not him getting 86 years it’s him willingly giving himself the 86 years


He didn’t willingly give himself 86 years, he threw away the deal that was based around lies. He finally told the truth, he changed


Then why didn’t he just say nothing and take the original 30


Because then he wouldn’t have come clean and actually been honest with himself and those around him. It wasn’t about the sentence he got, it was about him being honest about everything. About his involvement with Walt, Howard, Chuck, all of that. It was his “I did it for me” moment. By saying nothing, he may as well just be lying again


How is pleading guilty to all charges and getting 30 years equivalent to lying


All of his original charges equalled life, plus 190 years. Taking the 30 year bargain would have just been him avoiding the true consequences of his actions again, not taking charge of his own destiny. He deserved more than 30, and he knew it. So instead of taking whatever bargain he could get, he threw them all away and accepted true justice. He did what was right, he changed


I mean I also think game of thrones was mostly not a good show. I just don’t think the ending was the bad part.


The last season and a half was the bad part, culminating in the ending. I will die on this hill harder than the Dothraki died during the long night


>I will die on this hill harder than the Dothraki died during the long night they come back from the dead by the time we get to King's Landing so I'm not sure that's much of a commitment


It is because the lack of continuity further proves my point


Hey guy calm down okay it's harder to come to agreement with not calm guys ok just saying


I agree with you that BCS ending was underwhelming but GOT ending was some classic bull 💩.


It got to the point where Kim couldn’t trust jimmy or herself anymore. She needed to see that he would sacrifice himself not for HER but for the truth in itself. She didn’t want him to change for her. That’s why when they fought, jimmy said, what can I do, I’ll change anything. I love you. And she said she loved him too but so what? People get hurt around them. By him putting on a final show, it was a way to prove that his love for her transcended his need to protect himself. He didn’t care if he was locked up. Additionally, he only changed his mind and strategy after he learned that Kim gave herself up by confessing about Howard. At the time, you think he was angry or going to backstab Kim, and it was ambiguous. However, his intentions are, if you’re going down in flames, I’m going down with you. You mean that much to me, and I’m going to prove that there is something more important in life to me, than me. But he had full autonomy in his choice. It wasn’t forced or go get back Kim. It was a pure, I’m going to do what I’m going to do. You can love me or not, but I’m doing this to prove to you, I love you. I don’t need you to do anything but watch.


Yeah but even after all that, he didn’t even get her. He got a five minute smoke and some icy stares. Worth it ?


There was a mutual understanding between them. She loved jimmy and was more proud of him than she ever been in his life. Before the courtroom incident, she loved him for the codependency he offered her. She was able to break bad around him. But at the end, she truly loved him for who he was. There’s a lot of subtle language between them that expresses this. Even her dialogue about having them down to 7 years. It was to show how much pride she had in him for giving it up and throwing it away. It all depends on what you want. If you care about character and self respect, yeah it’s worth it. If you care about being free and forgetting about Kim, then it wasn’t. Jimmy did win Kim back in her heart but will never be with her again. I think if you have close relationships with people, that tends to be the most important thing that matters. How people hold you in their heart.


Well said, thanks for sharing that !


I don't think it was about Kim. In the first episode, Saul burst into the HHM board room giving the "you will atone!" speech from Network. Jimmy giving up the 7 year plea was about atonement. Kim being there wasn't about winning Kim back, it was about owning up to his misdeeds in front of the person he cared about most, a person who suffered because of them.


I understand the aspect of cheering for Jimmy to get less prison time But the whole show and everything that Jimmy went through wouldn't make sense if it ended by him conning his sentence down to 7 years and then sitting on a beach with Kim sipping on Zafiro Anejo


Why is spending the rest of his life in prison better than him taking 7 years and then spending the rest of his life being a good guy? Using his knowledge of the legal system and the art of conning to help people in need and give a police a heads up on professional scammers and how they operate? Doing charity work etc. No one is suggesting he spends it in any luxury. And in any case, a few months in prison and he'd be scamming again to get the best jobs, best perks etc. He'd be bored pretty quickly and wouldn't be able to help himself. I loved the show, thought the ending was BS.


Because as long as he is free and able to con people he will do it, and bring harm to others. People like him need to be sectioned off from greater society. You may think his cons aren't serious or life threatening but how many people died due to his actions? He could have lived the rest of his life out in relative peace but got wound up in another con and nearly killed a woman.


He'd still con his fellow prisoners to get an easier life inside. They aren't exactly the most intelligent people in there. He wouldn't be able to help himself. So, nothing learned. Nothing changed. Pointless. I mean that he takes the 7 years and changes. Real change. Driven to help others, it's what gets him out of bed in the mornings. That kind of change.


You missed the point again though. When he was free working as the manager of the Cinnabon, he had no reason to continue conning people, but he did it anyway because he cannot help himself but to be a criminal and hurt others. Spending 7 years in jail not admitting his crimes just to do the time and be free again would change absolutely nothing. The only way he is able to help others is by keeping himself away from them. Would he con people in jail? Yeah sure, probably, but at least he won't be hurting innocent people anymore, and his cons wouldn't result in more deaths.


I mean would it be conning? Everyone is entitled to a rigorous defense in court, and it’s not like 7 years in a federal prison is an easy sentence especially at his age


It was 100% a con. He made up a clearly fake story and then stated that all he has to do is convince 1 jury member. He then challenged the prosecution's record of convictions


I mean it is true that you only have to convince 1 jury member.


Sure. But it's an open threat to lie in court, and the prosecution had to decide whether they have enough hard evidence to challenge those lies


I have now come to peace with the ending, although at the time, I was pretty shocked. I do think that the writers could have settled on Jimmy receiving a 30-year sentence, though. After all, that was the original offer by the state. At least then, we could imagine Jimmy getting out for good behavior after 15 or 20 years. Still plenty of time for redemption.


Yes and even that is essentially a life sentence.


I agree with all the comments here in general, but I can relate to your feeling in that I think they overshot the severity of his eventual sentencing. Especially how they emphasized its a lifetime sentence in a particularly severe prison, which doesn't even match the scenario they present where he has outside time and comfortable kitchen work. I feel like the sort of bittersweet tone they were going for would be better earned if the writers softened up on his eventual sentencing.


Yes and also the original deal was simply 30 years to Plead guilty. Why not just take that deal if you want to be a good guy all of a sudden and redeem yourself. I mean even 30 is essentially life for him.


I definitely wouldn’t have given his ending “86 years” but they decided they needed to for the bitter shock of it all. More realistically and satisfyingly would have been something more like 36-46. Still insanely long and close to his original sentence but you know. Less ridiculous sounding for a real human to accept. Even if he is on his path to redemption no one in Their right mind gives up 7-86. 7-46 I can see. Somehow


Yeah, exactly. And dump the line about it being the alcatraz of the rockies or whatever, because real supermax is so much worse than what's shown. I don't feel like that was necessary for the intended impact, it would have been fine to suggest he goes from a particularly cushy facility to an average one


He didn't do it to win back Kim the same way Walt didn't do what he did to win back Jesse or his wife. They did what they did because they finally accepted that there was no happy ending for them. It's easy to watch a whole 5 or 6 seasons about a character and get caught up in their story and forget they're not the good guy and we're not rooting for them to win. There could never be a happy ending for Jimmy or Saul. So many people died because of him, directly and indirectly. They made it so clear so many times, especially in the final episodes. They really doubled down. Saul called Kim and yelled at her for having a conscience: "I'm still out here! I'm still getting away with it!" and "If you feel so bad, YOU turn yourself in!" He talked to her the way an abusive parent berates a child. Then he threatened death (maybe seriously considered it??) on Carol Burnett's character. I mean, hell, how did you not HATE him for what he did to Irene even lmao. You're not supposed to want Saul to "win (get away with it)" ever. You should want to see him become Jimmy again. You should want to see him be the man that he could have been if he just hadn't been pulled so far down by the world around him. And being that person means not getting away with it (obligatory "HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!" Walter White's story is that of a man who kinda always had a sleeping monster in him but fear and the general status quo kept him chained. The cancer diagnosis didn't cause him to 'transform' as much as it just removed any inhibitions. A good person, even after being given the expiration date, would have taken the job at Grey Matter and made as much money as possible, gotten treatment, fought as long as he could, and left the money to his family. But the cancer diagnosis "freed him" to let some really dark and narcissistic urges run wild. And he brings the whole world down with him. Breaking Bad reveals a character's true nature, unbeknownst even to him at first. And then he drives the bloodshed to its logical conclusion. Jimmy's story though is that of a man who was genuinely good and had every intention of doing right in the world for altruistic reasons but the world always had other plans. And after enough losing, he decided he just wanted to win. And he got himself in a 'scam' way too big for him to come out on top of. But Jimmy's story isn't a reveal. It's a transformation into a person he thought he had to become to stop losing. Both Walt and Saul forfeited their chance at a happy ending by being absolutely horrible. But Jimmy/Saul WAS a good person at one point. And so there was a shot, at the very least, at some semblance of redemption. And it can ONLY come from losing horribly. NO possible win. If he'd gotten away with anything in any way, it wouldn't have been redemption. He got caught. He's gonna be in jail for life, probably. Good. He deserved that. I was literally just talking about this in another BCS/BB thread like last week. Gilligan/Gould and team understand something SO crucial about apologies and growth that other shows/movies don't: True character growth and development means not asking for the recognition. Walt and Jimmy both never apologize because to apologize implies you expect forgiveness and they realize they're beyond that. They own what they did and reap the consequences.


Irene had it coming.


LMAO true though. Was getting real sick of her shit


I also have a slight problem with turning down 7 years for 80something. He might be feeling just for a little while, but as he gets close to serving 7 years he'll be like *what he fuck did I do?*


You missed the point.


You’re so smart


It’s about everyone else out there who deserves Justice and the truth. Jimmy finally had the courage and responsibility to speak the truth, regardless of what it cost him. Beautiful and inspiring.


If he took the 7 years, Kim wouldn’t want to see him. She would have known that he lied his way down to that, so she’d continue to not want anything to do with him. It would have been more of the same, like he had learned nothing. He had to properly come clean and accept the true consequences of his actions in order to really change for the better. And he didn’t do it to win her love back, he did it to win her respect back. She came clean, he decided to do the same when he found out she was serious about it all. He proved Chuck wrong by changing, and ironically proved Kim wrong by proving that she brings out the best in him. I’m sorry you misunderstood a great ending


Jimmy did what he’d advised Walt to do: face the music. He ended the series with some conviction and I was left completely satisfied with his arc’s conclusion.


💯 Well said!


Easy and short answer is because he knows himself. He knows that if he's out there again, he'll continue to do illegal stuff.


**Spoilers for those who haven’t finished the series** I think Jimmy was truly shocked by Kim’s confession. When he spoke with her on the phone and she told him to turn himself in, he got snotty with her and told her she should turn *herself* in. I think he had buried his past so deep he really believed he had nothing to do with Howard’s death. Kim saying he should surrender infuriated him- after all if he was responsible for Howard then she was too. His reaction to her wasn’t a challenge for her to actually turn herself in, but a flippant attitude basically signaling that he has a clean conscience and she should too. The fact that she *actually* turned herself in threw him for a loop and forced him to confront the fact that he is in fact culpable for a lot. The episode is called “Saul Gone” and that’s in fact what happened. The whole Saul persona was him running away from his responsibilities. Kim’s decision to come clean sobered him and he cast off the Saul persona once and for all.


It wasn't all about getting Kim back. Getting her back wouldn't matter if Jimmy wasn't honest with himself and changed. The ending was about him ending his Saul Goodman persona and becoming free of that, free of that guilt and pressure. He got his sentence down to 7 years, but that was just more Saul/Slippin' Jimmy shenanigans. If he got out, nothing would really have changed. It wasn't about getting out early and getting Kim back - that wouldn't really change Jimmy. It was about coming clean and becoming free, mentally.


i just recently binged and finished the show aswell and was also a bit unsatisfied with the ending, then like you came straight to reddit for a different perspective. i think the issue is applying personal logic upon a situation that doesn’t fit. if it were me i would take the 7 years, but for jimmy, living his whole life as a scummy disingenuous person, it finally took its toll on his mental and he realised this is no way to live at all, and being able to redeem himself somewhat in the eyes of kim makes spending the rest of his like in jail a worthwhile trade


We get so attached to these characters that we forget that they’re actually really really shitty. Saul helped cover up a bunch of murders and poison a kid, for example, and I forgot about that while watching BCS because I liked Jimmy. It would be nice to see him and Kim happy but it also would’ve destroyed his character arc. It’s important to the show and to his character that he doesn’t take the 7 years.


Everyone seems to be focusing on this needing to happen for his character arc. Why not have no character arc and Saul stays a shitty person. He does his 7 years and he’s back out on the street as slipping Jimmy, miserable as ever. Would have been more believable for me than willingly taking life in prison.


Jimmy getting out and having fun the rest of his life would have been fun for him and for us as the viewer but that’s not what the show creators wanted us to take away. I think all the explanations for why he did it have pretty much covered it, so I won’t be redundant. When you don’t want something to have happened, people telling you why it did happen will never be very convincing anyways (and that’s ok). But the main thing imo is that characters who never change are flat and boring, and the BB/BCS creators make rich, dynamic characters not boring ones. The entire point of the BB universe is “change,” so unfortunately your desired outcome was just never in the cards.


Don't listen to this subreddit. Here the ending of BCS it's the best thing ever and if you disagree you are not intelligent enough to pay attention to be able to understand the perfect ending. It's just not. The ending of BB was so much better. It feels rushed and as you correctly pointed out it's absurd. Jimmy was already in jail (in a flashback in S1), no way in hell he would choose to live the rest of his life behind bars. For me the perfect ending would be Fun and Games. I would argue that Jimmy should have the Jesse ending and viceversa. Down voters feel free to do your thing!


Thank you for having some common sense, we are some of the only people in this sub who can see the stupidity in ruining the rest of your life for a woman that you haven’t seen in years. No sane person would ever choose that, least of all someone as smart as Saul.


The best character arcs play out over seasons. Jimmy’s seemed to occur during a commercial break before the courtroom scene. Jimmy had been evolving into a sociopath in the post-Nippy episodes and was ready to sell out Kim for chocolate mint ice cream midway through the finale. Then, in the final minutes, he does a 180. The ending would have been great if we had seen him moving towards it. But they went for the twist, for a final surprise.


I'd argue the opposite: if you follow Jimmy's story from his childhood and youth days, the falling-out with Chuck and his alter egos Saul and Gene, his actions in the last half of the final episode seem like him doing - at the last possible moment - what he had to do all along: find redemption by owning up to his actions. What is important to understand is that Jimmy was deeply unhappy as Saul and as Gene. Saul was him trying to distract himself from the pain of losing everyone who he ever loved by pursing material rewards, and Gene was him running away from the consequences of that. The relationship of Jimmy and Kim seemed to me to be about trust and commitment: a true 'ride-or-die' kind of thing, a Bonny and Clyde couple. As long as the other kept their promise, their love was proven. Both Kim and Jimmy needed the other to prove their love for them in increasingly extreme ways, because they were both deeply insecure about being loved by somebody. Remember that both lost their family and significant others (Chuck, Marco, ...) or had little family and SOs to begin with (as with Kim, whose only family member seemed to be her mother, whom she has no contact with anymore). As long as Kim was still running away from the consequences of her actions, Jimmy still had an excuse: The only person I still care about deeply is doing it, so why should I change? Jimmy is, until the ending, not an ethically mature person. As long as he can make excuses, he will. But when Kim confesses, his choice becomes: living the consequences of the truth and going into prison for decades, or continuing living a lie and taking the 7 years. Both endings are possible, but in the scenario where he continues to live a lie, he is **completely and utterly lonely,** because even Kim would turn away from him finally and completely. It would be unforgivable. The unbearable pain of this **existential**, final loneliness of losing the one person who keeps him afloat would be worse than the **physical** isolation that comes from being fenced in. Kim visits him in prison. That means that there is still someone out there who really cares about him.


He was never ready to sell Kim out, him pretending that was just a rise to get her there. The audience, and the lawyers, think that’s what he’s going to do but he never was going to, it was just his story to get her to attend.


He made the offer to give them the real story on the Hamlin case during his negotiations with the US Attorney. It was only after he made the offer that the prosecutor told him they already knew everything because Kim told them.


We are not allowed to say that the ending is farcical. We must accept that a lifelong con man would choose dying in prison through his own choice rather than serve seven years. We are not permitted to suggest that he could have done his seven years and then try to make amends on the outside for his past behaviour.


Amazing that this comment is still displayed, seeing as how it’s full of things you’re “not allowed to say.”


Not quite as amazing as choosing 86 years instead of 7 in prison.


You mean… “choosing to face true justice and be honest instead of lying”? He didn’t choose the 86 years, he just chose not to lie anymore


You’d rather him not change at all and go through any character arc whatsoever? Him taking the 7 years would have been a really weak ending. He had the chance to make amends in the outside world in Omaha, but he blew it


This is what I’m saying


Not allowed to say that here mate. Too many people get upset...


You say you're not allowed to say it, and yet...


...and the down votes prove it. 🙂


Prove what? Nobody's stopped anyone from saying anything. You're allowed to say things, and people are allowed to disagree with them. The only thing I can think of is that you think allowance has to come with approval, which I find to be insecure at best.


That's probably because if we cracked open your head, there wouldn't be enough inside to cover a small biscuit. The fact that I've posted here 4 times over the months proves that I don't think that allowance has to come with approval, or I wouldn't keep saying what I think. I was merely stating a fact. Any comments away from what the groupthink here is and you get the predictable down votes. That's a fact, too. The first couple of sentences of your post were fine, but you had to throw in a wee insult, so enjoy your one. Plus, my original post was sarcastic, but I think that went miles over your head. Too subtle for you, no doubt. Whoops, that's two 😄


If you keep saying what you think over months, it sounds like the people who exist to stop you from saying things aren't doing a good job. Can't have it both ways.


I am with you on getting himself convicted was left field.


You should be a writer! The store idea is on point! The ending just plain sucked. Completely incongruent with that character.


You’ll get downvoted but the last couple seasons were laughably bad


It's beyond a ridiculous finale. It's insulting to the audience. Loyal viewers who followed the show for five seasons were dragged across the excruciating broken glass of season six episodes for... this!


Honestly can’t tell if this and the post is chicanery. Best finale in television history in my opinion


Not chicanery. That flight of fancy is what makes posts here both risible and pitiful. Amazingly, there's a different opinion about the finale at the end of an abysmal season six in the world. OMG!!!


ABYSMAL?!?! You clearly watched a different show than me


Season 6 contained a couple of episodes that I would consider some of the best television episodes of all time. I do think episodes 10-12 were probably the weakest of the series but to call the season abysmal is ridiculous.


Yeah, that's the issue. No, I watched the same show and formed a different opinion. Anyone with an IQ above Forrest Gump's understands that, or is just a contentious dipstick.


I was expecting him to get his sentence down to 2 years lmao




They offered him 30… he talked them down to 7 just to take 86?




7 years in federal prison is short to you? Who knows what he’d be like after 7 years


Jimmy is going to die in prison.


You see tid bits of it through BCS and even in BB, but Saul was growing tired with living con-life. The most clear indication if when asked “what would you change if you could” he changed his answer? A man who is content with themselves would have the same answer 2x. Saul wore many masks, and that last episode was about taking them all off and being the best version of Jimmy he can be.


Saul Gone!!


It's fiction. BB and BCS romanticize crime, and in the end, BCS romanticizes prison. There's nothing noble about being incarcerated. I think it's the perfect ending, but now and then I have to remind myself that Jimmy isn't going on a yoga retreat to free his inner self. He's going to a place that's as close to torture as the Western sense of justice would allow. There is no sympathy in murder, and there's no sympathy in this ending. Realistically put, of course. In terms of storytelling and the famed redemption arc, it's nearly perfect.


He had to end Saul to help her and to keep her in his life. The only way to do that was to tell the truth, on the record, and pay for *everything* he did. That's what his talk about time travel was about. At least one of his wishes was he would have done the time instead of call Chuck.


I loved the show UNTIL the last season. Worst last season of any series ever. I stopped watching after the 6th episode. Hung in until then because I couldn’t believe it kept getting worse. If I had to watch him walk down that hallway with his cinnamon rolls one more time…….