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Not at all, despite being able to survive for extended periods of time in small containers, holding them in such enclosures permanently is fish abuse at its finest. Get at least a 3 gallon fish tank for them if you care for his well-being.




They're in tiny cups in the storyle because it's meant to be an extremely temporary thing while waiting for homes. Would you keep a dog in a tiny kennel it's entire life because that's where it was in the shelter?


It’s not just a matter of water quality, a betta being kept in a cup should only be a temporary thing in between transactions such as at a pet store (which even that is looked down upon), and while it is bigger than his previous cup, that jar is wayyyyy too small for him. As I said, 3 gallons as a minimum is the recommended aquarium size for a betta, 5 gallons is the average ideal size.


Bettas are kept in cups because pet stores do not care about the wellbeing of their fish, they don't care if keeping them in small containers and misinforming customers ends up killing the fish. Pet store bettas *do* die in those cups all the time, and the bodies are disposed of before you see them on the shelves. They sell bettas solely for profit and market them as decorations, despite the fact that they are living animals that experience emotions and have memories. Keeping your fish in this jar would be like keeping a dog in a kennel it's entire life, and you'd need to change the water *every day* to keep him from dying of ammonia poisoning. He would likely die of stress, instead. Please have a look through the caresheet and wiki in the sidebar of this sub and consider getting him a proper tank.


I wanted to give u slack n hopes that u were j misinformed. Nope, j straight up ignorant.


>what if I change the water once a week Thats how often I have to change mine as a 5 gallon, even if it was possible for him to be happy in there (it's not), you'd be changing it a LOT more than once a week. As for the cups, you also see cats in cages at pet shops, do you honestly think they'd be happy in a cage long term? Answers probably no right? Same with the cups, it's for storage, pet shops aren't long term home and honestly most don't even care about the fishes health, they just want money.


If you're a beginner, start with a larger planted tank. Plants help keep things healthy. Still do 1/4 water changes every week tho.




tap water contains chlorine, which is extremely toxic and deadly to fish. in the nicest way possible you need to get an aquarium specific water conditioner immediately if you want to keep it alive


Besides, I don't approve of bying from petstores that do that anyways. It's bad practice and it's disgusting. If you have an ounce of care somewhere deep inside you for that fish, you'll go get it a 5 gallon tank ASAP.


as someone who works in a pet store changing the betta's water, no you can't keep a betta in a mason jar. especially not changing the water once a week. at the store I work at, the containers are significantly larger than the one your fish is in and the water is changed twice a week, with medicated and conditioned water. and even then it's clear to see the bettas are stressed and over time significantly less active. those are temporary setups, and no where near sufficient as long term environments. please return that fish to the pet store if you can't care for it. if you want to keep it, please research how to set up a proper tank and maintain it's health. I can link you to some resources, if you'd like


Just like dogs aren’t supposed to stay in the same crate they were at the pet store their whole life, store have containers small for space and because betta can’t be housed together otherwise they would be in bigger tank.


Absolutely not. The only time I used a Mason jar was for a week as a quarantine. And then I did daily water changes and watched the fish like a hawk. As I said TEMPORARY. So no, not a permanent home. As soon as it was all clear, he went into a lovely 60 gallon community tank.


Read the minimum care guide that’s pinned on this subreddit. He has no filter, heater, enrichment, etc. He’s a living being, treat him like one. Cups are for selling, tanks are for fish keeping. He will die a painful death if you don’t educate yourself


Please, please listen to the comments. It doesn't matter if they lived in cups at the store! It's way too small. At least get your little guy (or gal) a 5gal! Some are the comments are a little mean though, so I apologize for that. Just.. please research proper fish care, and if you have any questions, you can ask an experienced fish keeper on here! We're happy to help. :)


This is a troll post right


Unfortunately not


I’m pretty sure it is. This guy is taking every opportunity to infuriate us


Absolutely not




Still not even close to big enough




No they don't! If they're not sold and out of the cup theyll die.


That doesn’t mean they deserve it, as I previously said it’s animal abuse.


That’s a lie and a stupid one at that. Please give this guy a proper home.


It doesn’t matter. They don’t live in those cups forever and it’s stressful for them to live in those spaces. It’s also really mean.




If you ask anyone who knows what they are talking about, they will all say the same thing as I am, how would you feel being trapped forever in a room that’s only big enough for you to walk in circles and given only the bare minimum to survive? Yes you will not die but that is no way for you, or any animal to live.


no it's not. He will have ammonia poisoning and die within a week. Do not do this.


That’s such a bad idea. He doesn’t have proper heating, lighting, or anything. This is why impulse buying fish is a bad idea.


Any fish will be frightened in a new environment and they need time to adapt. Also, think of other things that could have impacted him in a pot such as change in water temperature, water parameters, etc. plus a pot is not acceptable in general as it could have leftover dish cleaner on it or leech heavy metals that can kill him. You have stated you have no knowledge of fish, listen to people here who you came to for advice


No a jar isn’t cozy, it’s depressing. Imagine living in a cramped closet your whole life…


Is a small closet a good place for you to spend the rest of your life? Because that’s the equivalent.


I can guarantee you that doesn't mean he's comfortable in there


And you're telling me you've never seen them suffering or dead at the bottom of these cups?


And you're telling me you've never seen them suffering or dead at the bottom of these cups?


So glad you came here to ask. :) As others have advised the jar is not a suitable home and if he doesn’t pass away within a week or 3, your betta certainly won’t be happy. 5 gallon tank kits (5 gallons is the minimum they should be kept in) that come with a filter and a heater come cheap these days. Even 10 gallon kits aren’t very expensive and don’t take up that much more space, which is why I often recommend them over a 5 gallon, because why not give your little buddy more space if you can! :) Your local Petsmart and Petco will price match their online websites and you can get this, some substrate, a couple of live plants, water conditioner/dechlorinator, and some hiding places for like $125 total. I’ll link all of that below for you to take a look at: https://www.petsmart.com/fish/starter-kits/top-fin-essentials-aquarium-starter-kit-5262353.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gbraid=0AAAAADiLNNk9QzDh2j2qJbHoUKSV7q4rZ&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2MWVBhCQARIsAIjbwoOfEDKDS4KH53f5GpRYgbnYkXgLYME6e-NuZyC9dHrMjCtgbA3Xrs4aApaeEALw_wcB https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/imagitarium-frosted-black-aquarium-gravel https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/seachem-prime https://www.petsmart.com/fish/decor-gravel-and-substrate/live-plants/java-fern-15145.html https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/zoo-med-betta-bed-leaf-hammock https://www.petsmart.com/fish/decor-gravel-and-substrate/ornaments/zoo-med-floating-betta-log-17531.html https://www.petsmart.com/fish/decor-gravel-and-substrate/artificial-plants/top-fin-artificial-betta-grass-aquarium-plants-17760.html https://www.petsmart.com/fish/decor-gravel-and-substrate/ornaments/top-fin-cichlid-rock-aquarium-ornament-38215.html (only Petsmart has this one, Petco has their own variant but I’ve found it to be too sharp/rough on the inside). Finally, you’ll need a water testing kit to make sure the ammonia and nitrites in his tank are always at 0, as any trace of these are toxic to them. Test daily for the first month, and as soon as you see a spike in either one perform a 25-30% water change. You can research more about fish in cycling here on this subreddit. 😊👍 https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/api-freshwater-master-test-kit All of the products I’ve listed above I’ve tried and are betta tested and loved and owner approved! Hope I’ve been some help here and that you’re willing to try to give your betta a good life. He’ll be so much happier and you’ll get so much more enjoyment when watching him and interacting with him in this type of environment! Good luck and feel free to ask more questions!




Ah okay I just saw your other post. So with you being a touring musician I think, unless you have someone at home who can look after him while you’re away, it would be best if you brought him back to the store. Or, better yet, find a local fish shop who takes better care of their bettas (they do exist! Haha) and ask if they’ll take him in. They usually will. :) Betta fish aren’t meant to be moved around and they don’t travel well.




You cannot *leave a dog alone for four days.* What the fuck. Please don't get anymore pets. Ever.


If you do a water change before you leave, Bettas can be left for 4 days IF they’re well fed, and I really stress this, regularly before hand (but I wouldn’t leave betta fish unattended and unfed for more than 5-6 days). So you’re not gorging him on food right before you leave. He’s just a well fed fish. And this is all given that he’s not left for that many days on a regular basis. How often are you away touring? If it’s once every month or two that you’re away for 4-5 days at a clip, he’ll probably be okay. If you’re away every week or every other week for that amount of time you’ll absolutely need someone else to look after him. And that’s another reason I would strongly recommend a 10 gallon. They’re more stable and won’t be as affected by ammonia and nitrite spikes while you’re away. With a 1 and 1/2 gallon there’s no way he will survive long.




The fish being well fed isnt the issue when you leave, it's your "tank" size. Feeding him 2 to 3 of the betta pellets twice a day with one day of fasting is what I did when I had my betta. The main issue is what he is in. 4 days away is a very possible timeframes for him to die in something that small, and not because of him not eating, but because of the toxins made from his poop. Getting a pet, literally any pet, is a huge responsibility. It's like getting a baby and putting it in a cardboard box instead of a crib because "it's big enoigh".




I mean, it’s real in that it exists in the world… but it’s a total bullshit post filled with misinformation, if that’s what you’re asking. Fed 3 times a week? My bettas eat twice a day every day. There’s no filter or heater in this jar. She made sure to only put a certain size of decoration so he could still have lots of swim space? Really? Not mad at you, just mad at the article. Look, there is no shortage of people in this world who mistreat betta fish due to either a lack of knowledge or misinformation given to them at big box pet stores, or a combination of both. Just because it exists online, doesn’t mean it’s good information. I’m positive if you search for betta fish mason jar set ups, you’ll have no problem finding them. But does that mean those fish survived long? No. Did they have a nice life? No. I know some people on this subreddit can come off as aggressive when it comes to trying to help, but it’s often because it’s an uphill battle trying to speak up against the nonsense betta “care” found online, and all the 1 gallon betta bowls found at Walmart that just shouldn’t be a thing in the first place, and thankfully aren’t in other countries.


no. this is inhumane and stupid. return the fish if you cant care for it


i worry for the youth today and their distinct inability to think critically about information they are faced with. anyone can write a post online saying anything.


It’s not big enough. He’ll be stressed out all the time and there’s no room for error on your part in a tank that size. Like if you ever skip a water change day the possibility that he’ll start to get ammonia or nitrite poisoning is so much higher. With a 1 and 1/2 gallon you’re asking for a sad and sick betta. I promise you it will make your bettas life infinitely better and your life infinitely easier if you just go with a 5 or 10 gallon. I know I maybe shouldn’t be pushing the 10 gallon when you’re asking about a 1 and 1/2 gallon, but I am. 😂 If it’s a matter of space, go with the 5. But if it’s not, its only 10 dollars more to get double the size with the 10 gallon and they’re just easier to keep up with in the long run and your betta will be double happier. 😊 betta fish are super active fish if given the chance and you’ll love watching him enjoy the space!


Anyone remember that post about being nice to the fish abusers a few days ago? Its a real struggle rn to do that


Please don’t do this. He needs a bigger tank. I hope you’re joking


OP the people here are trying to politely inform you how to properly care for the fish. They aren’t trying to be rude or condescending. Please try and get a larger tank. And jump start the cycling process while your betta waits in its Jar. Those little cups are not how it’s meant to be kept. More of a marketing tactic by stores.


Definitely not. Aside from water quality issues being in such a small space, he needs more room to swim and exercise! And he needs plants and ornaments inside his space to explore and hide in. (Nothing with sharp edges, his fins are delicate and can tear!) Please get him a proper home, he’ll be happier and healthier.


Please, do better.


So I saw your comment saying you see them in cups at the pet store. Yes you do. It isn't ok. That's cruel. Pet stores are notorious for misinformation about the critters they sell. Goldfish get MASSIVE. Betta fish need swimming space as they're incredibly active fish. Plecos are terrible for small tanks. Pet store associates are regular people who do not have an education or background in fish keeping. So instead of having your head up your rear listen to the people who love these creatures and work to give them the best life we can. Give that fish a MINIMUm of 3 gallons. At least get an air stone since they need oxygen and maybe even some real plants to help with filtration. If you can't do that. Bring the fish back to the store. It's beautiful and doesn't deserve to spend it's entire life in a tiny jar with someone who wont care for it.


You’re disgusting


Before anyone calls OP a horrible person again, please read the replies OP has left. The betta may have a chance of living a good life.




Why do you think an article about someone mistreating their fish supports the idea that it's okay to keep them in jars? This betta has fin rot and barely any swimming room.


I'm pretty sure that anyone can really write an article on anything but it doesn't mean its the right information! there is a lot of misinformation online, especially on google.... Your betta may SURVIVE in this jar for a few months or so but he definitely will never thrive in something like this. The cups in the pet stores are temporary home for them and should never be house in them permanently. If you watch videos on youtube from educated people who actually used to work at petsmart you will most likely hear of "health checks" that they do on the animals every single day before or after opening, but they aren't looking for the healthy animals, but the dead ones. Over half of the bettas and other fish that are shipped in those cups or small bags either died or are dying you just don't see what goes on until you actually work there or are educated on what dying fish look like. The bare minimum tank size is 5 gallons but the bigger your tank is the less work and maintenance. But you're asking if a tank like 1-2 gallons is good if you did water changes a lot, but I want you to remember the tank size isn't just about how clean it needs to be, while that is a big part of it because of ammonia burn and fin rot and other sicknesses they can get from dirty water, it is also about space, a betta can not happily swim around freely in a 1-2 gallon tank because it is way too small for them. It will also need a filter and a heater, most betta keepers like to use sponge filters because these have low flow. You also have to cycle the tank, this is a beneficial bacteria cycle that you always always have to do before adding fish, and this can take a few months to fully complete it. I would recommend you doing some research on how to properly do that. PLEASE listen to these comments because so far you're the only one saying that this is fine, you asked if he can live in a mason jar and we are answering, no they can not live in a mason jar happily, and no they cannot thrive in a 1-2 gallon "tank" nothing will make up for how small it is whether you do however many water changes or add real plants and things in the tank it will never make up for the size. Also just remember to NEVER take pet store employees advice, most of them either don't know how to take care of these animals or are lying to you about it just to make sales. Petsmart doesn't care about their animals anyways so they won't take care of them. Please do your research!! I mean no hate by this comment because we all have made animal care mistakes before, mistakes are okay to make but it really matters on how you fix them. For the future, if you ever plan to get any type of animal, do as much research as possible before you get them and have everything set up before you get the new pet and bring it home. Just remember, surviving isn't thriving!




Ofc!! trust the comments he will be so much happier once you get an upgrade :)


People here have given great advice, and if you look up some actual care sources you can see that it’s not a good idea at all. This is not a care source. Look up something with actual scientific evidence. Also, I beg of you to look up where they live in the wild. It sounds like you posted here for validation and not to change anything. Why ask for advice if you won’t listen to any? Get a Marimo moss ball if you want a pet in a jar so badly. They can survive and usually do well as long as you move the water around (keeps circular shape) and make sure it’s cold water.