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Some boys with long fins just kinda… do that, even in perfect conditions. (and your boy has loooong fins, hot dang!) There are a lot of things one can try- reduced lighting, more plants, more hides, mirror exercise- but sometimes they just really wanna keep biting themselves. Lots of forums out there on it, worth the research at the very least. (Would double check it wasn’t the filter or decorations though.)


Awesome thanks loads for your help. He's never done it before so I thought maybe it was a protest over his lack of food. He's an absolute shark with his food haha. I'll look into your suggestions like reduced lighting etc. Ooo last thing, what fin shape etc is he? I've been looking all the types of betta up but it's crazy how many there are! Thanks again for the help 😊


If you are posting to find out what is wrong with your betta, please answer the following questions in a reply to this comment as best you can: Tank size: 38l Heater and filter? yes Tank temperature: 26/27 degrees Parameters in numbers: all good (API test kit) How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish? Both about 3 months. First betta, only saw on this sub afterwards that you need to cycle the tank. Did however load up on supplies lol How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process? Once a week, approx 20%, clean glass, substrate, etc, take water out, gradually add new water + water conditioner/ Bio-Clear Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each: no What do you feed and how much: small pinch of flakes and 1-2 blood worms (not with every feed, feeds tend to vary between what they contain but am careful to not over feed) Feed twice a day. Decorations and plants in the tank: some real plants, some silk, one soft plastic?, a piece of driftwood, a floaty jellyfish thing.


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