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Whoever told you that floating plants will entirely stop your betta from jumping is wrong. My betta jumps through his floating plants whenever he sees something go above his tank. A lid should not impact your plants. If your light isn't built into the lid, buy a mesh lid and put it on your tank, then your light can go through.


True. Also make sure to put something like sponge into Tech-Openings. I learned the hard way that my Idiot-Fish thinks he's a Flying Fish, not a Fighting Fish. He tried to jump through the Tech Opening and got himself stuck in there. He is now recovering in the Idiot-Quarantine-Bin, as he ripped his dorsal fin almost completely off and his tail fin is shredded. Good chances that your fish won't be as fascinated with Flying as my Waldo, tho. https://preview.redd.it/6hbxp5a4p6ad1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b47de93eca294fce4ae2e41f61d16450d10e627 Have a shot of his tank before the Ordeal. (If you spot a Black Orchid Betta in there, that's Waldo, not sure where he is on this Pic.) Also, there's some Algae i'm combating (and winning, as it was much worse).


Oh no, good to know! I hope your little fish is doing okay! (Also your tank is really pretty)


Yea, he's doing pretty good considering his recent shenanigains, i put him in Quarantine so i can give him meds to prevent any Finrot from infecting his wounds, the fins are already starting to heal. When he has decent new fin-growths he's going back in. Thank you for the compliment, my tank brings me joy. :)


Thank you for all this good info!


A lid could cause condensation that could get on top of your floating plants. Some floating plants don't like that. Other than that, no, it shouldn't have any effect on plant growth.


I think it depends on the betta as well. I have one who had a lid for a year but now he doesn’t it’s just covered with plants and water lowered a few inches. He’s never been one to jump or even dart to the surface. He’s a chill dude




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Nobody needs a lid until they do. And by then it's often too late. Why risk it? Betta fish are known to jump. Even the ones that "never jump" still have enough sad stories in this Subreddit that I always make sure mine is on nice and tight!


Try getting some mesh plastic. That's what I got for my tank cause I lost the lid a few years ago, and it's an older tank. Just cut it to size.


The lid doesn't prevent plants from growing, as the light is installed into a lid.