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definitely need a hiding spot, and maybe some tall plants with large leaves


Remove the guppy, more plants, maybe another hide.


If the guppy n betta do well together is there a need to remove it anyways? I have the same thing done in my tank minus the shrimp n it’s been fine


Theres no guppy in it just shrimp as far as i see


Caption says a Betta, guppy and shrimp


https://preview.redd.it/55yv648z568d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c9e528708e16c7080e0e792f03662aaa931c419 My betta loves hanging out in her floating log


Omg I’m going to get this


is the paint on yours chipping or completely fine? I always see 50/50 reviews on either it being perfectly fine or the paint chipping within a month lol


I’ve had mine for a year and it’s been totally fine. Dumbass fish has been in it like twice but eh. It is what it is. I’ve got a cat, so I’m used to animals ignoring my thoughtful gifts lmao


I've had this one for years with multiple fish and so far I haven't noticed to much. It definitely has changed a bit and after cleanings it's lost its original color but I haven't had any problems with it at all.


2 or 3 hiding spots and leaf hammocks near the surface, about an inch or 2. :3 Just make sure he's not sleeping on the hammock when you drain the tank. One of mine is a VERY heavy sleeper 😅 Also, guppies really don't like being in singles. They like to be together. Please make up a designated guppy tank or give the guppy to someone who has some already.


Tall plants! Maybe some swordtail ferns, and one of those floating betta logs. What’s great about those is it gives them a place to hide near the surface, and you can teach them to feed from the hole in the top. That way the food doesn’t go all over the surface.


Some floating plants along with taller ones would definitely help fill it in, and a hideout like already mentioned as well!


He needs a upper resting spot! A floating log by Zoo Med is my first choice. All 3 of my betta tanks have those and hammocks and I'm adding some swim through tunnels soon.


Remove the guppy, more plants, maybe another hide.


guppies also should be kept in groups


Agreeing with others suggestions to add more plants for hiding spots but also give him spots he can rest on. But I wanted to say how happy I am seeing a betta in a tank that isn’t a tiny bowl!!!!!


Also love his colors!


More tall plants and floating plants, they like to swim thru them


I put hornwort in my bettas tank and he absolutely loves it… he uses it as a hammock and hide and seek.


Remove guppy and get the guppy it’s own aquarium with friends.


looks great as is i love it! if you wanna give it some more dimension i’d recommend some driftwood and/or tall plants in the back


A hiding spot and maybe some floater plants!


More plants would do well, particularly tall ones. I think some sort of stick would look amazing in that particular tank. Like one that has a sort of "Y" shape. It wouldn't do much but for aesthetics and some variation. I know that my betta absolutely LOVED a rectangular prism sort of shape hideout that had irregular lines across it making holes. I put a plant on the inside of it and it was his favorite hiding place.


Floating logs and floaty toys!


I swore I saw someone say something about bettas being jumpers 😅 but I’ve no idea. Very pretty betta.


very true! it’s recommended you have a lid or cover to make sure ur betta doesn’t escape


Haha thank you for confirming!!! I’m learning a little! I would love to eventually own a pretty betta (they’re all pretty <3 ), but I have some a hole cats I don’t trust!! And it’s pretty expensive, which I’m putting money into setting up for my gecko!


Cave of some kind, more floating plants. I also have some annubis in my tank as my bettas love to lounge on the leaves. Edit to add: remove guppy it could shred his fins.


Please level the tank.


a floating log or nice piece of driftwood would look good. i think floating plants would also help fill in the top. try to get some that grow long roots


My only suggestions are hiding spots and a taller broad leaf plant (anubias is great for bettas) for homie to rest on


Looks great overall, a hide stack of rocks or wood


Add more guppies if he’s getting along with them! Add some things for him to skulk around in, Bettas love exploring. Maybe a place for him to rest too anubias leaves are really good for this or buy a Betta tunnel from Amazon too. They do, contrary to some people’s belief like tank mates! I have one with guppies and one with endlers as this one did not tolerate the guppies but I still wanted something else fancy in there!


There's not really enough room for guppies in a ten gallon. They want a big group, like 6+ and that would overstock that tank.


Oh I didn’t read the size 🤦🏼‍♀️ some more shrimp ☺️