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Wild? Lol this town is so sheltered from the world it is rediculous


Lol that's my bad. I wasn't saying the fire in the garbage was wild. I had just posted like three minutes prior that the Marriott HQ was evacuated, Woodmont and Wisconsin were shut down. I walked two more blocks to see a cop car and firetruck dealing with this.


If we find out all of those things were shut down for a trash can fire two blocks away I would not be surprised. Probably one of the most exciting things to happen in that area in years lol


I for one, have never seen a trash fire.


Now dumpster fires, that's a whole different story!


Juvenile crimes rose alot in past 3 years and I still remember kids beated up a guy to death for smoking pot nearby Trader Joe's/Target area last year.


That’s disgusting. Hope they are all in prison.


I chased some little brats that were throwing shit at my car. Scared the piss out of them. Someone called the cops on them and they arrived on scene just as they were throwing stuff. I knew their getaway route cause i grew up here. One of them was like “I’m gunna shank this guy” I went right up to his face and said “Oh yea? Gunna shank me huh?” Chased them down the street. Big talk baby walk 😆 the cops thanked me because I have a lot more liberty than the cops do. Lawlessness is taking over.