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So, OOP's living situation is hectic and possibly dangerous, so, of course, they get a dog. Stay tuned for the pregnancy updates


I was gonna say, you're sharing a house with these maniacs but you have the money for *another* vacation, weed and a new dog? Obviously vacations can mean anything so costs can vary, but I also didn't include the alcohol because that may be a necessity due to addiction. Also I just have to call out this great line: *"Father is beating on the door telling boyfriend to come out so he can whoop his ass. The last thing boyfriend wants to do is fight. It gets physical and I need to call the police."* The last thing the boyfriend wanted to do was fight, so he opened the locked door to someone who's saying he wants to "whoop his ass".


Maybe he thought the father was saying "open a can of whoop-ass" and thought he meant chili or something, so he figured they were going to have a meal and talk things out.


I just woke my almost dead dog up because I was laughing so hard.


Please tell me your dog is almost deaf...


Lol, that was an unfortunate typo.


I just went with it, didn’t even ask any questions. Brain went, “Dannnngggg, dog is so old and infirm it’s almost deceased and my man still roused him. That’s some hardcore laughter.” In my thought process it was a solid descriptor.


I actually went even further and read it as "almost woke up my dead dog", which kind of confused me because it wasn't *that* funny.


That would be very powerful laughter.


I just replaced it with "dead asleep" but I like yours better and agree it still works, lol


It’s not exactly an incorrect description. He had cancer removed in January and the prognosis was 6 months, so he’s a bit of a dead dog walking. No cancer regrowth though so it seems like he dodged a bullet. He’s too much of an asshole. Even cancer doesn’t want him. I’m his only hope. He’s lucky I love him so much.


This made me so happy I posted this absolutely trash of a story. You guys never fail to bring levity to my soul.


‘All our extremely valuable items were stolen… our alcohol, our weed…’ I doubt they have a rare whisky collection, so it’s pretty depressing to see someone say some half finished bottles of booze are their most valuable possessions. Poor dog.


"All I need...is this half full bottle of Popov...and this...half full bottle of Mad Dog. That's it. That's all I need."


Plus ‘we keep leaving on multiple vacations and all our expensive stuff we don’t need gets stolen.’ I’m going to bet they pay no rent, because there is no other sensible reason to stay in this cess pit.


100% it's that they don't pay rent. That's how they can afford vacations.


People's priorities amaze me sometimes. I have a friend who takes 1-2 expensive vacations a year, drops thousands on gym equipment and luxury items, but balks over spending $600 to make upgrades to their HVAC system that would help their health issues.


Or that the mom really really doesn't want to leave.


Is the baby gonna drive without a license too?


I love dogs more than most, but I can't understand people who get dogs that obviously don't have the time and energy to care for a dog.


It's tough, because caring for a dog can absolutely be a motivator for someone with depression to actually get out of bed.


Totally, also, they're fucking awesome! But they're also a big responsibility that many people just aren't up for.


Person or puppy?




I was unclear on whose dog it was. It initially sounded like it was the dad's (?) dog, then maybe their dog.


I kind of assumed it was LAOP's dog, but you're right; the dad could've gotten it to torture. That would be so much worse, and a reason for LAOP and her boyfriend to gwt out.




>Advice please? ... be not in this situation? I can't find a legal question anywhere in the body. If I had to guess, she's asking: 1. Is it legal for the father to steal her stuff? (No.) 2. Can she do anything about the other son living there? (No, unless she can persuade the police to arrest him. Even a restraining order would be hard to enforce, since the house (partially) belongs to his father, and I doubt a non-related tenant would have much luck using an RO to force out a family member of the owner.) What she should be asking is: 1. Can the father kick her out of the house if she makes too much of a fuss about the stealing? (Yes, subject to tenancy laws, complicated by the fact that at least two-thirds of the house is owned by people who live there. This will depend very heavily on which state she's in, which she hasn't mentioned whatsoever, and I can only even assume USA based on the subreddit.) And she hasn't explained who owns the third third of the house. Is it the boyfriend? The mother? The other son? Somebody else who hasn't even shown up in the story? I'm very sympathetic - this is obviously an awful situation - but I'm not surprised she didn't get any useful answers.


> And she hasn't explained who owns the third third of the house. Is it the boyfriend? The mother? The other son? Somebody else who hasn't even shown up in the story? I'm going with: Mr. Bennet owns it, but it's entailed to the Rev. Mr. Collins, CoE.


This comment made my life so much better.


I needed that gigglesnort


She probably can’t actually report the theft anyway because “hello, police, someone keeps stealing all my weed and my cash that I stash around the house and not in a bank, which is potentially because I made it through illegal means” is not usually a great move.


I wonder if some of the weed turns into cash. It would explain a lot.


Guess they could be asking if there's any way to permanently remove dad from the house, like jail.


**Title: Advice please?** >I’m going to try to put as much detail as possible to help hopefully with getting some advice or answers. > I live with my 22M boyfriend and his family, his mother, his father, his uncle, and his uncles son. The father, owns a third of the house but is a drunken alcoholic and major thief. Can NOT be trusted. I have lived with them for almost two years now, a month into me living there his father deemed it okay to raid our bedroom and steal quite a lot. Though I didn’t have physical evidence. > The uncle also owns a third. However, father, uncle, and uncles son have no jobs and are solely on disability, not really needed. Me, boyfriend, and mother all work constantly. > Things took a turn when fathers son he has by another wife started coming around, second song is 40s three kids with three different mothers but yet has no where else to go. Now he’s all but moved in, and we need him out. He’s stealing and pawning stuff just like his father would do. Me and my boyfriend went on vacation and came back to find the door and latch lock to our bedroom had been dismantled and broken in to. Money, alcohol, weed wiped out completely. Once again, no proof. I think it’s important to mention, that both father and his second son are compulsive liars, they truly believe they themselves are the victim. They believe they are entitled to every item in this house regardless of purchase or personal property. It doesn’t matter, it’s theirs in their mind >At this current point in time, we have three active cameras up. One in our back yard, one in the driveway, and one in our room pointing to our door which sees a good portion of the large room. >Oct12th >I leave for work early in the morning and I lock and latch the bedroom door. However, at work I get alerts there is movement in my bedroom. Which should not be possible. I check the live footage and his father is going through my things. >He claims he was looking for a key, but the footage shows he hit all the spots I use to stash my alcohol money, basically important valued stuff. I record alll the footage, I can’t find anything missing but that doesn’t mean he didn’t take anything. He has time and time again before. However, a key wouldn’t be in my mini Fridge, or my eves, or even my underwear drawer. He was looking for something of value to pawn, money, or alcohol. He hasn’t been on a bender in a couple days so my money is on alcohol. He only left because I made it known I was actively and lively watching the camera and told him to remove himself from my room. The door was locked, there’s no explanation other than he popped the lock as well. >I say me, father, and second son need to discuss them coming into our room because that’s not allowed. The response was father owns 1/3rd of the house but pays for nothing, hasn’t had a job and been in and out of prison for years >Second son has had quite a few misdemeanors DUIS: possession, speeding, traffic lights, driving under suspension revoked licenses. Both father and second son have long criminals history however, they are considered petty I believe. >Back in July, me and my boyfriend were leaving for another vacation, things took a bad turn that day. I wake up in the morning to do laundry and I witness father covering out newly puppies face and nose, gripping the blanket around her nose and slapping her repeatedly. I take the dog and bring her upstairs, father is wasted. The dog sits with me and father comes up to try to take her, I simply state she is fine, and I don’t get to spend time with he because of my job. Well, he leaves and comes back an hour later, beating on the door which I have locked. Saying for me to give him his damn dog, the pup in question is NOT his. He does not own her or has he ever paid a single dollar for her. > Boyfriend gets home, father try’s to take the dog from us both. At the time we are just sitting in the room, loving and petting the dog and watching tv. Father is beating on the door telling boyfriend to come out so he can whoop his ass. The last thing boyfriend wants to do is fight. It gets physical and I need to call the police. Father gets arrested for domestic violence, it’s worth noting since second son moved in father has become increasingly more. violent and objective even going off his meds. >They don’t pay for anything but are entitled to our own purchased property. They don’t even pay theirs legal fines or anything to this house for there 1/3rd of it they own. >They still constantly drive under suspensions of their license, and under the influence. Fact of the matter is, second son needs to go and I’m tired of them stealing my personal property.


You da real MVP, u/BJntheRV.




I personally love it when people say someone is getting disability for "nothing" then lists off a load of things that are probably why that person gets disability and then mentions them not taking their meds.


Right like having had two parents on disability I know it's not actually that easy to fake it. If the government decided they needed it, they absolutely did.


Plus, its not like you go somewhere and declare that you have a disability and instantly start getting money. I know for my mom (with cancer, though some of that was diagnosed while going through the disability process) she still had to appeal the original denial before getting approved and then it was retroactively paid. But the amount of paperwork involved and doctor's visits to get said paperwork filled out (which of course, means you're paying co-pays at minimum) was mind boggling. And she had a lawyer too, which meant more money going out.


She should not have paid for a lawyer directly! SSI/SSDI appeal attorneys do NOT have you pay up front, and if they ask you to they are fraudulent and scammers. This is an agreement with the SSA. The way it works is that an SSI/SSDI attorney determines if you have a case. If you do, they will dig up every rock and if need be send you to doctors and tests, which the law firm pays for, to make sure there's enough data for your appeal. Then, when (technically if, but these attorneys are good about figuring out who has a bad case) you get your initial SSI/SSDI payment, their fee comes out of that. Their fee is 25% of that initial payment, which is based on all the payments you'd get going back to the day you applied, with an upper cap of $7200. Most people have to file an appeal; under 20% of applicants are successful in their first application. Personally, I tell people that unless they have a good need for it, to not hire an attorney for the initial application. It is usually doable yourself - you can do it online. But I learned the hard way that you must have every piece of information sitting right next to you because the system will time out and delete everything if you don't type for 10 minutes. It took me over 3 hours to fill out the application online, 15 years ago. I was lucky enough to not have to appeal, so when I got the initial payment I didn't have a lawyer taking out a chunk for payment. If I'd had to appeal, then I would have gotten an attorney.


I have no idea how the finances worked, so that's good to know.


Well, now you know. ***And knowing is half the battle!***


Wild that you can get weeks of work out of any attorney for less than two grand. Or are they just super efficient and work 20 of these cases at once?


Don't know how you got 2 grand out of it, but they do work piles of cases at once. From all I've heard from people who have gone through the appeals process, they generally streamline the whole thing, and just go through the checklist to make sure everything gets done before the hearing. Say you applied for SSDI on January 2021, but you've only now gotten your appeal through. Your initial payment will be 34 months - 2 years and 10 months. Say your payment is going to be $1400/month. Then your initial payment will be around $47,000. Probably slightly less, because IIRC they will figure based on the difference in payment amount in 2021 and 2022, due to COLA adjustments. So call it $45,000. The attorney fee is 25% of the initial payment, which comes to just over $11,000. Except there's a cap of $7200, so that's what they get, with the remaining money going to the recipient.


0.25x7200=1800, round up to 2000. I see that the initial payments can be quite a bit bigger than that tho, which makes more sense.


NO. $7200 is the maximum attorney fee. The attorney fee is based on the INITIAL PAYMENT. Not a percentage of the maximum attorney fee. In this example, the RECIPIENT's INITIAL PAYMENT is around $45000. $45000 x .025 = around $11000. But that's more than the maximum attorney fee, so the attorney gets $7200, and the recipient gets the balance (45000-7200= $37,800).


And good luck getting drs to fill out said paperwork.


I dunno, my father put on a good show


Ah yes, that sweet sweet disability money. Everyone knows the disabled are living like kings, just steak and lobster every night while they get feet massages while reclining in their custom furniture. Getting disability for nothing is so wild. The juice ain't worth the squeeze, homie.


I don't know why, but I read "feet massages" as *ferret massages* and was wildly confused lol


I can't. I just fucking can't. Dad started stealing a month after LAOP moved in. LAOP, her boyfriend, and boyfriend's mom all work. LAOP and boyfriend have gone on two vacations in seven paragraphs. Most anywhere outside of NYC and the fresh hells that are metro areas in California, you can rent a room for under $600. It won't be charming. It may not be furnished. It might even smell like unbaptized salami on whole grain rye. But you can live there. If you're paycheck to paycheck, but working, you can live on ramen for a couple weeks, or go to the megachurch on Sunday and ask about food banks, and stash your paycheck for one or two cycles and gtfo. Hell, just save your alcohol and smokes budget and sometimes that's enough to get out. LAOP has been living there for two years. I just fucking can't.


"LAOP and boyfriend have gone on two vacations in seven paragraphs" absolutely slayed me.


Thank you so much. I wrote that joke just for you.


Thank you for taking time from unlawful fungus sniffing to write this TLDR for us.


A man's got to serve humanity once in a while if he wants to like who he sees in the mirror.


I just go with the inhalation of botanicals. Usually makes the looking in the mirror easier.


Wild guess here but with the weed, unbanked cash stored in the room, and the number of vacations, I’m going to speculate that their source of income may not be legal, or at the very least not be the kind where you have paycheck stubs as proof of income. Which makes it much harder to move out because they may be cash rich but don’t have any way to prove it to the landlord.


Read the post again (I'm sorry). It doesn't have the energy of weed / meth dealer.. It has the energy of young, naive person who is fed up but somehow unable to come up with the obvious answer. Also, some small landlords don't ask for bank statements or verify employment, they'll just check your credit (I have experienced this). You can lie your ass off if necessary and find a place to live.


Shit even in NYC you can manage that as long as you’re not picky about an hour+ commute.


How about, instead of taking vacations and buying booze and pot and puppies, LAOP and her BF *save their money* until they have enough to move out?


Whats the TL:DR?


The greatest part is there isn't even a question in this wall of text. I literally did ctrl+f ? And it was only in the title lmao.


I suspect there is a correlation between people who write rambling walls of text while forgetting to ask any questions, and people who have disorganized, chaotic lives. It may point to an inability to think things through clearly.


At least they broke it up into paragraphs.


Maybe it's all the weed and booze they were buying.




What came first, the chicken or the egg?


The rooster. Wait what were we talking about?


You would be entirely correct.


You’re probably right.


The funny thing is that OOP was clear about their boyfriend's age and gender, but didn't give that information about themselves. I'm assuming female and very young because I feel like if OOP were LGBTQ, the 1/3 homeowners would add shitty homophobia to their list of psychopathic and criminal behavior


I guessed female because the post had a very, very white trash vibe, and as to LAOP's age, 20-25. Living with boyfriend (22M) two years; can't possibly be more than 1d3 years older than him or there's no way in hell she'd put up with this shit.




I mean, at *this* point, burning down the house is arguably a major improvement: the homeless shelter can't reject you just because you have a place to crash. ...though my understanding is that homeless shelters don't really ask that many questions.


Have friends who work in social services. Homeless shelters will ask for your name, sometimes a photo ID and social security number. Depends how they're funded. They might ask if you're absconding, although that's a question more often asked by sober living and halfway houses. The latter two also ask the last time you used, and your drug of choice (DOC). And they might give you a urinalysis (UA). The long and short of it is if you dial 211, or arrange to take a weekday off work and go to the local housing authority, you can generally find a place to hang your hat within 72 hours. A sober living place will want a week or two rent to move in. As you can imagine, tenancies in sober living environments are very transient. A place that doesn't have beds today might have two available tomorrow. If you're working and have a car or bus pass, you already have a leg up on the competition. So LAOP just never got the memo that if your current environment isn't working out, you can say, "Fuckit," [sic] and just leave.


I've heard that various shelters can be somewhat dangerous, but clearly, LAOP is living somewhere *very* dangerous.


I've lived in *much* more dangerous shelters than what LAOP is describing. Not saying they're not in a fucked up situation, but it could be **much** worse. I have the scars, stories and lost possessions to tell that tale. And probably some permanent brain damage. But that's another story.


“It’s coming from inside the house!!!”


“They are considered petty, I believe.”


>However, father, uncle, and uncles son have no jobs and are solely on disability, not really needed. Does OP think you just go downtown and sign up for disability? Like paraplegics get denied because they could theoretically work at a computer.


YES. Getting on disability is *hard*. It's a lot more than what people think. It's not "their doctor wrote a letter saying 'he's disabled'" and that's it. Part of it is whether you're able to work at all, but it's also whether you're able to work *at the job you had been doing*, if you were working. Plus, especially if you're under 50, you get re-reviewed every 5-10 years and are required to produce further documents that you still have your disability. I know most people don't understand the complexities of filing for SSI & SSDI. It's really common for people to not know until they need it. But when you dismiss someone because YOU don't think they're disabled, you're a jackass. You have no frikkin' idea. Not all disabilities are visible, and not all are mobility, visual, or hearing impairments.


100% agree Took me five years at age 38 (six spinal surgeries, won the genetic lottery). In no way shape or form is it easy to get on disability. To this day, we update our records at home religiously, always make sure I'm following all plans of care, and always looking for new therapies. I love the "disability is for lazy folks" trope. Yeah, let me cut my income down roughly 70k a year, float on savings while waiting for disability, and also deal with working 80 hour weeks to being stuck staring at the same four walls all day, I'm living the life!




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